Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Maurice Mines
yes it will for all of that I have been using a mac for about two and half 
years in my grad program and I liked it so much that this past summer I bot a 
imac as well as my 13 intech macbook. maurice ham call sine kd0iko.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 9:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Maurice Mines
yes it duse I have a 64 gb modle and it anounces it all the time. maurice ham 
call sine kd0iko.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 10:35 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered if 
> the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Dan Eickmeier
You mention use of the outlook calender, Snow Leopard does have exchange 
support in Apple mail, if your work account is on an exchange server.   There 
is a calender application as well, called iCal.  iCal is a little tricky to use 
with VO, but it can be used.  Hope this helps.  
On Dec 5, 2009, at 3:59 AM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> yes it will for all of that I have been using a mac for about two and half 
> years in my grad program and I liked it so much that this past summer I bot a 
> imac as well as my 13 intech macbook. maurice ham call sine kd0iko.
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 9:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
>> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
>> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
>> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
>> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
>> use is a different story.
>> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
>> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
>> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
>> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
>> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
>> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
>> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
>> JAWS!
>> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
>> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
>> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
>> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
>> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
>> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
>> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
>> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
>> web site jumble?
>> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
>> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
>> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
>> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
>> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
>> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
>> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
>> Donna
>> --
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Re: problems with voiceover and vmware fusion 3.0

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Yeah, I use it quite successfully. Only thing I have to do is turn VoiceOver 
off and put it into full screen mode (Control-Command-Enter), and I'm good to 

Skype: Kvalme
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yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:37 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello and Greetings from a rather tired Anouk,
> I have tried all afternoon and evening to get win7 up and running on my big 
> pc and virutally on my mac. The latter was successful when a sighted friend 
> assisted me via teamview.
> We now have windows7+windoweyes both 64bit up and running virutally via 
> vmware fusion 3.0 on the mac.
> There is one big problem however. As soon as we get into vmware and start the 
> image voicover stops working at all if I go back to the mac side or even if I 
> close vmware altogether. Maybe skype, teamviewer, voicover and vmware fuis 
> just too much for my mac but it is still worrying because if this happens I 
> cant get vo to restart at all.
> I did assign 2gb to the mac as well as windows 7 and I gave win7 two 
> processor cores.
> Has anybody else tried win7 on a mac running snow leopard and used vmware 
> fusion to accomplish this?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> --
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Re: vmware again

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Alt-tab will not bring you back. Keep in mind that, when you're in a Windows 
environment, Alt-tab becomes option-tab on your Apple keyboard, and not 

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:41 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello everyone, I am awake again. I just started vmware with win7 myself the 
> first time. It goes fairly quickly. I npotice though that if I do alt-tab 
> when I am inside win7 it brings me back to the finder and voicover (which is 
> now still running correctly at least). But control-command does not seem to 
> have the seem result. 
> Also my braille display gets connected correctly within the virtual machine 
> but now that I am out of it it does not get given back to the apple side. 
> even if I reconnect it.l
> Greetings, Anouk,
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Donna,

Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact, you'll 
even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when powering it on. If 
you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest models will have the trackpad 
which will work like the iPhone's or iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I 
find it easier to use the iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it 
pretty hard to navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a 
table, though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played with 
the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been trying out 
iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not have one. But they 
work great.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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Re: vmware again

2009-12-05 Thread anouk radix
Hello, Ok so what does command do under windows in vm?
Thanks, i did not know this and will try if this indeed works.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:02 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Alt-tab will not bring you back. Keep in mind that, when you're in a Windows 
> environment, Alt-tab becomes option-tab on your Apple keyboard, and not 
> command-tab.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:41 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I am awake again. I just started vmware with win7 myself the 
>> first time. It goes fairly quickly. I npotice though that if I do alt-tab 
>> when I am inside win7 it brings me back to the finder and voicover (which is 
>> now still running correctly at least). But control-command does not seem to 
>> have the seem result. 
>> Also my braille display gets connected correctly within the virtual machine 
>> but now that I am out of it it does not get given back to the apple side. 
>> even if I reconnect it.l
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> --
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Re: problems with voiceover and vmware fusion 3.0

2009-12-05 Thread anouk radix
Hello, Why do you have to turn voiceover off?
Greetings, Anouk,
On Dec 5, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Yeah, I use it quite successfully. Only thing I have to do is turn VoiceOver 
> off and put it into full screen mode (Control-Command-Enter), and I'm good to 
> go.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:37 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello and Greetings from a rather tired Anouk,
>> I have tried all afternoon and evening to get win7 up and running on my big 
>> pc and virutally on my mac. The latter was successful when a sighted friend 
>> assisted me via teamview.
>> We now have windows7+windoweyes both 64bit up and running virutally via 
>> vmware fusion 3.0 on the mac.
>> There is one big problem however. As soon as we get into vmware and start 
>> the image voicover stops working at all if I go back to the mac side or even 
>> if I close vmware altogether. Maybe skype, teamviewer, voicover and vmware 
>> fuis just too much for my mac but it is still worrying because if this 
>> happens I cant get vo to restart at all.
>> I did assign 2gb to the mac as well as windows 7 and I gave win7 two 
>> processor cores.
>> Has anybody else tried win7 on a mac running snow leopard and used vmware 
>> fusion to accomplish this?
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> --
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Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there.
I was trying to edit a podcast that is about to go out soon when i encountered 
a problem in Amadeus Pro. First, before i ask my questions, i have to say that 
this rant is due to the fact that i think i don't understand the concepts of 
Amadeus and how it works as well as i would like to.
My problem was that i couldn't cut a selection i had done. I placed a mark at 
the play head and then extended the selection from the play head position to 
the previous marker and then i tried to cut the selection, this didn't work for 
some odd reason and i don't know why. The question i ask myself and any gurus 
of Amadeus pro is why is the insertion point and the play head two separate 
entities? What do you actually gain by this approach? For me it only gets more 
confusing and more time consuming to edit a sound this way. Since i don't 
understand the logic behind this, the editing gets random. Sometimes placing 
markers work, sometimes not, sometimes selecting things work and applying 
operations to a selection works as expected and other times the whole thing 
gets screwed up and i can't seem to see a rational explanation as to why and 
there's nothing that i can find in the manual about this so any help would be 
very much appreciated.
My second question is this: Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available in 
either text or html with the table correctly rendered? As it is in the manual 
now, and if it is shown in Preview, i see the shortcut keys in one list and the 
asociated functions, i.e what the keys do in a separate list, making it useless 
in practise since you see every single shortcut in a neat little row and then 
in a totally separate list you see the actions, I would have wanted keys and 
actions next to eachother. If there's no text or html file with keyboard 
shortcuts and actions rendered correctly, is there a way for Preview or Skim to 
show me the shortcut list like that?
Thanks for any help.


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Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread David McLean
Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid whenever 
I try to install new software.
Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
In any case how can I fix this situation?


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Re: file maker pro

2009-12-05 Thread Chris Hofstader
Given some of the tricks I mentioned yesteray, you may be able to make it sort 
of accessible but in an entirely clunky manner.

Databases are one of the application sectors, along with accounting and a few 
other somewhat sophisticated applications that people need to get higher paying 
jobs and promotions at companies where they currently work.  It is a failure of 
high priced AT vendors, free software (orca, NVDA) and Apple with VoiceOver.  
Once upon a time, JAWS did work with Access but they stopped keeping the effort 
alive as few customers requested - the sad thing was that these users all 
needed it for their jobs which were put into peril due to this strategic 
decision at FS.

The "90%" rule bites us in the butt again.


On Dec 4, 2009, at 5:08 PM, John W. Carty wrote:

> This is the simple response I received from apple concerning file maker pro 
> and voiceover.
> I believe a fully accessible database application for the screen reader user 
> community to be a signifigant problem far over due.
> Ms access is a terrible application and screen reader support is far from 
> where it should be.
> From: Accessibility [] 
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 4:07 PM
> To: John W. Carty
> Subject: Re: file maker pro
> Hi John:
> Unfortunately, FileMaker pro is not compatible with VoiceOver.
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 1:14 PM, John W. Carty wrote:
> Does file maker pro support the cocoa api making it accessible using 
> voiceover?
> Thanx,
> John Carty
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread David Denne
Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve
sure you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces
its self to you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very
interactive. Also a macintosh computer can be used in a business or
work environment. When they designed the macintosh operating system
they wanted to keep compatibility in mind also so that macs and pcs
can work together.
For microsoft office things you could use a program called open
office. i have never used it but, I do hear grate reports of how
accessible it is. If you wanna pay a little for iWork09 which is
apples version of microsoft office then you can. I think as of writing
this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac computer it comes with

On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact, you'll
> even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when powering it on.
> If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest models will have the
> trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or iPod Touch touch screen.
> Personally, I find it easier to use the iPhone or iPod touch screen to
> navigate. I find it pretty hard to navigate without having to interact with
> a gesture to see a table, though you can probably touch an item in the
> table. I never played with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on
> occasion. I've been trying out iPhones for a little while, though I
> unfortunately do not have one. But they work great.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
>> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
>> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
>> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
>> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
>> use is a different story.
>> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
>> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
>> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
>> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
>> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
>> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
>> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
>> JAWS!
>> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
>> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
>> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
>> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
>> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
>> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
>> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
>> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
>> web site jumble?
>> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
>> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
>> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
>> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
>> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
>> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
>> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
>> Donna
>> --
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>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread David Denne
Oh and as far as a calendar you can use iCal which is apples calendar
aplication and I believe it supports synchronization of your calendar.

On 12/5/09, David Denne  wrote:
> Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve
> sure you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces
> its self to you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very
> interactive. Also a macintosh computer can be used in a business or
> work environment. When they designed the macintosh operating system
> they wanted to keep compatibility in mind also so that macs and pcs
> can work together.
> For microsoft office things you could use a program called open
> office. i have never used it but, I do hear grate reports of how
> accessible it is. If you wanna pay a little for iWork09 which is
> apples version of microsoft office then you can. I think as of writing
> this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac computer it comes with
> it.
> On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact,
>> you'll
>> even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when powering it
>> on.
>> If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest models will have the
>> trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or iPod Touch touch screen.
>> Personally, I find it easier to use the iPhone or iPod touch screen to
>> navigate. I find it pretty hard to navigate without having to interact
>> with
>> a gesture to see a table, though you can probably touch an item in the
>> table. I never played with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on
>> occasion. I've been trying out iPhones for a little while, though I
>> unfortunately do not have one. But they work great.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
>>> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
>>> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
>>> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
>>> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
>>> use is a different story.
>>> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
>>> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
>>> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
>>> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
>>> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
>>> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
>>> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
>>> JAWS!
>>> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
>>> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
>>> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
>>> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
>>> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
>>> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
>>> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
>>> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
>>> web site jumble?
>>> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
>>> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
>>> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
>>> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
>>> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
>>> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
>>> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
>>> Donna
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Donna,

Are you the Donna Smith that was on the Bookshare Volunteer list a few  
years back?  If so, hi from the other Donna! :)

I have had an iphone and a Mac since last July, and I really like  
them.  I warn you though, I went through a period with both, where I  
just wanted to throw them through a window.  With the iphone this only  
lasted a couple of weeks, with the Mac, it probably lasted about two  
months.  I say this not to discourage you, but so you'll be prepared  
in the event that you have a similar reaction.  However, now that I'm  
past the adjustment period, I really do love them both.  As others  
have pointed out, the Mac is accessible out of the box, and when you  
boot up, you'll be prompted for whether you want to use Voiceover.   
You'll then be taken through a tutorial that will show you some of  
VO's basic functions.  Like you, I still use my PC for work, but any  
more I do all my personal computing on the Mac.

This is a really nice list with lots of helpful people, so don't be  
afraid to ask questions.
Take care,

On Dec 4, 2009, at 11:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread James & Nash
Hi David, 

You wrote:
> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
> whenever I try to install new software.
> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
> In any case how can I fix this situation?

I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After booting from 
the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you can find a Password 
Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities menu. 


On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:

> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
> whenever I try to install new software.
> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
> In any case how can I fix this situation?
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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2009-12-05 Thread Donal Fitzpatrick
Hi Esther,

An excellent summary (as always).  One thing I'd add though is that the way
LaTeX handles things like figures and tables can be an issue for those who
are both new to this marvellous typesetting system, and also those of us who
have been using it for eons.

LaTeX uses a sophisticated algorithm to place tables and figures in your
document.  The generic term that is used is "float".  The algorithm
estimates space remaining on the page, and determines where the thing will
fit.  My advice is that if your book, paper, article (etc) requires the use
of such things, always get someone sighted to look at the end product as one
can never be entirely certain where the tables or figures  will end up in
the finished document.

For anyone who might find them useful, I include some links here that I have
found over the years.  I have many more, but these will do to get people

1.  (a nice tutorial)
2.  (a wiki-book on the
topic of LaTeX)
(A free e-book on LaTeX)

Hope this helps,


. -Original Message-
From: Esther [] 
Sent: 04 December 2009 18:34
Subject: Re: LaTEX

Hi Ryan,

Ryan Mann wrote:

> I don't understand.  Why can't you just type something like 4x=20 into 
> a word document?  That is, unless this isn't what you mean by an 
> equation.

The answer is that most professional mathematicians, physicists, or (in some
disciplines) engineers have to use equations that have special symbols for
integral signs, limits, series expansions, Greek letters, etc. and that
these can be embedded several levels deep in  
both numerator and denominator.   These expressions are a nightmare to  
enter properly into a word document with correct placement.

The original TeX programming language was developed by the computer
scientist, Donald Knuth, as a way of getting around the extremely high price
of publishing mathematical textbooks due to its special type- setting needs
and also to get around the often poor final production results.  In
developing TeX Knuth studied typeface design and devised algorithms for
optimal placement, spacing, and justification of text for any given font

In most word-processing packages (including Word documents), not only is it
nearly impossible to correctly generate some complex equations, but once you
have managed to do so the results are even harder to correctly insert within
the document.  Usually, sighted users have to try, look at the incorrect
results, and then figure out some way to fudge up the correct placement and
spacing.  TeX will correctly  
compute, place, and even break up multi-line equations automatically.   
It will also, incidentally, handle optimal spacing, alignment, etc.  
for all regular (i.e., not technical) documents, so you can publish entire
books originally produced in TeX. In the physical sciences, many
professional journals use TeX as the default submission format, since it is
freely available and works cross-platform.

At what was originally the Los Alamos preprint site (and what has now become
ArXiv, with several sites across the world) for the electronic distribution
of scientific work by physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and
others, well over 99 per cent of the  
submissions are in TeX format -- even for papers without equations.   
The fact  that TeX does an excellent job in outputting all international
languages including those that do not use alphabetic characters also adds to
its popularity.

The main drawback is that it has a steep initial learning curve, and is
probably overkill for what most people need to do in word processing.
However, it is extremely convenient to be able to change the entire layout
of your paper simply by changing a one-word argument for the style file you
are using. (And by change, I mean formatting far beyond what Word supports
--- not just line spacing and fonts, but how sections and sub-sections are
numbered and formatted, their indentations conventions, etc.  Or in
bibliography mode, whether the entries are listed in the order they are
cited or alphabetically, and with which citation style.)

HTH.  Dónal or Nicolai might want to add comments.



> On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> No bother Nick.  Have to say that I wholeheartedly approve of that 
>> requirement...  If you've never tried to insert equations into a word 
>> doc, be very grateful.  That kind of experience should be reserved 
>> for the truly masochistic. *smile*
>> Cheers
>> Donal
>> On 4 Dec 2009, at 12:11, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Donal,
>>> I definitely will. Thanks a lot for the tips, and great someone 
>>> knows about this. It's a requirement in my country for mathematical 
>>> studies. I'll definitely throw some quest

RE: Read: question on how to be able to play ogg streams and files in Itunes.

2009-12-05 Thread Donal Fitzpatrick

I'm also using this plug-in.  However, one thing anyone who wishes to try it
should note is that ogg files are not "bookmarkable".  this means that once
you stop the audio, a record of the position in the file is not maintained
causing audio playback to resume from the start.  This could, of course just
be my setup but I've noticed it quite a lot.  I've even tried to convert the
tracks to be "bookmarkable", but to no avail.



-Original Message-
From: Esther [] 
Sent: 04 December 2009 18:47
Subject: Re: Read: question on how to be able to play ogg streams and files
in Itunes.

Hi Mike,

Michael Huckabay wrote:

> I am righting to see if enny one knows how to get Itunes to play Ogg 
> files and ogg streams.  I think there may be a plug in or something 
> but am not sure so enny help would be grate thanks.

You don't mention whether you're trying to play Ogg files in Snow Leopard or
Leopard. There's a Xiph QuickTime plug-in for Leopard, but according to
various comments there is not yet a version for Snow Leopard.  See, for
example, this MacUpdate download page for Xiph QuickTime Components 0.1.9:

The main Xiph QuickTime Components page is here:

but it doesn't have comment information on whether things work for Snow
Leopard.  Note that the last software release as given on both sites is June
14, 2009 -- several months ago and well before the release of Snow Leopard.




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-- Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread David McLean
Thanks. I'll check it out.
On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:46 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi David, 
> You wrote:
>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
>> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
>> whenever I try to install new software.
>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
> I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After booting from 
> the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you can find a Password 
> Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities menu. 
> James 
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:
>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
>> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
>> whenever I try to install new software.
>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread Stan
Hi James,
You wrote,
> "I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD"
I presume for security, it must be the "actual disk" you used with  
the setting up of the machine, and not just any "installation disk".

On 05 Dec 2009, at 3:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi David,
> You wrote:
>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got  
>> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password  
>> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the  
>> machine.
>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
> I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After  
> booting from the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you  
> can find a Password Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities menu.
> James
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:
>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got  
>> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password  
>> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the  
>> machine.
>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionaries 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread kaare dehard
Correct. On all points. Although there is a learning curve, it's less of a 
technical one and more or less all about some of the differences in which 
access is approached.

On 2009-12-04, at 11:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts

You are correct a Mac is fully accessible right out of the box.  Anything you 
can do on he PC you can do on the Mac, accept for scanning and reading 
documents.  There is no Mac equivalent to OpenBook.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 4, 2009, at 11:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna


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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
In addition to Numbers, you can also use for spreadsheet 
applications.  The program is free.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:24 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> I don't own a Mac, myself, but you've got it basically right.  The only big
> problem I see from your perspective is that there doesn't seem to be a
> really useable spreadsheet program in the Mac world.  Numbers is not quite
> VO compatible yet.  That will probably change, but who knows when and how
> well.
> Otherwise, you're probably fine.
> required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal use is a different
> story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac laptop
> will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions? I need the
> internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a farily big user of
> Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac program might be.  I
> understand that there is a learning curve to make such a switch, but is it
> possible to do this without purchasing another type of third-part screen
> reading software?  I am so sick of JAWS!
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at the
> prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the descriptions I've
> read that allow you to move through information via the touch screen, thus
> getting a real sens of page layout, has really sparked my interest.  Do I
> understande correctly that laptops also have some kind of touch pad mouse
> that allows this same kind of interaction with information on the screen so
> that it's not always necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through
> massive amounts of web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years now, I
> am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has reluctantly
> had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about computer set-up and the
> inter-workings of various software out of necessity.  So don't get too
> technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere with the
> flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to
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> to
> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
You can put in your OSX installation DVD, and there is a password recovery item 
urn the utilities menu.  This information is also available in Mac help.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:06 AM, David McLean wrote:

> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
> whenever I try to install new software.
> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
> In any case how can I fix this situation?


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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but you can get 
the information from the status bar.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered if 
> the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
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-- Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread David McLean
Actually it turned out to be easier than I expected.
I went to system preferences/accounts an tried changing my password by entering 
nothing in the old password field and sure enough that was the problem.
Apparently the password I thought I had entered had not taken  for some reason.
Thanks for the help.
On Dec 5, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> You can put in your OSX installation DVD, and there is a password recovery 
> item urn the utilities menu.  This information is also available in Mac help.
> Matt Roberts
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:06 AM, David McLean wrote:
>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got myself in a 
>> situation where my authentication name or password seems to be invalid 
>> whenever I try to install new software.
>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the machine.
>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
> --
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RE: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I hear that "Numbers" is not terribly accessible.  Do you do any
work with that?  Have you any opinions?

-Original Message-
From: David Denne [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve sure
you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces its self to
you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very interactive. Also a
macintosh computer can be used in a business or work environment. When they
designed the macintosh operating system they wanted to keep compatibility in
mind also so that macs and pcs can work together. For microsoft office
things you could use a program called open office. i have never used it but,
I do hear grate reports of how accessible it is. If you wanna pay a little
for iWork09 which is apples version of microsoft office then you can. I
think as of writing this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac computer
it comes with it.

On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact, 
> you'll even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when 
> powering it on. If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest 
> models will have the trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or 
> iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I find it easier to use the 
> iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it pretty hard to 
> navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a table, 
> though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played 
> with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been 
> trying out iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not 
> have one. But they work great.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and 
>> I have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of 
>> switching to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are 
>> too tied to being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, 
>> Excel and Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but 
>> personal use is a different story.
>> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac 
>> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions? 
>> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a 
>> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac 
>> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to 
>> make such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing 
>> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of 
>> JAWS!
>> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at 
>> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the 
>> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via 
>> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really 
>> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also 
>> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of 
>> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always 
>> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of 
>> web site jumble?
>> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years 
>> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who 
>> has reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about 
>> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of 
>> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it 
>> simple!
>> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere 
>> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby 
>> questions.
>> Donna
>> --
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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread James & Nash
Hi Stan, 

I think, if it is a retail copy of SL, then it can be any retail copy.
On 5 Dec 2009, at 15:00, Stan wrote:

> Hi James,
> You wrote,
>> "I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD"
> I presume for security, it must be the "actual disk" you used with  
> the setting up of the machine, and not just any "installation disk".
> Cheers,
> U2me&me2u,
> Stan.
> On 05 Dec 2009, at 3:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> You wrote:
>>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got  
>>> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password  
>>> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
>>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the  
>>> machine.
>>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
>> I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After  
>> booting from the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you  
>> can find a Password Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities menu.
>> HTH
>> James
>> On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:
>>> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got  
>>> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password  
>>> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
>>> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the  
>>> machine.
>>> In any case how can I fix this situation?
>>> --
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Donna Smith
Thanks everyone for all this great information!  It looks like I may
be about to spend some money on a Mac!  I may wait till after the
holidays, but I'm definitely going to make the switch.  I'll still
have my current Windows-based netbook to use while I'm learning the

And yes, Donna, I'm the other Donna from the BookShare volunteer list.
 I haven't been on the list for a while, though I still contribute
scans.  It sounds like I'll be keeping my old Dell laptop set up for
OCR work, but that's no problem.  I always used my older laptop for
that anyway.  It was just easier than tying up my current laptop with

Thanks again to everyone.  This is really exciting!


On 12/5/09, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
> David,
>   I hear that "Numbers" is not terribly accessible.  Do you do any
> work with that?  Have you any opinions?
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From: David Denne []
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions
> Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve sure
> you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces its self to
> you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very interactive. Also a
> macintosh computer can be used in a business or work environment. When they
> designed the macintosh operating system they wanted to keep compatibility in
> mind also so that macs and pcs can work together. For microsoft office
> things you could use a program called open office. i have never used it but,
> I do hear grate reports of how accessible it is. If you wanna pay a little
> for iWork09 which is apples version of microsoft office then you can. I
> think as of writing this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac computer
> it comes with it.
> On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact,
>> you'll even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when
>> powering it on. If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest
>> models will have the trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or
>> iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I find it easier to use the
>> iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it pretty hard to
>> navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a table,
>> though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played
>> with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been
>> trying out iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not
>> have one. But they work great.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and
>>> I have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of
>>> switching to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are
>>> too tied to being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint,
>>> Excel and Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but
>>> personal use is a different story.
>>> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
>>> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
>>> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
>>> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
>>> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to
>>> make such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
>>> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
>>> JAWS!
>>> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
>>> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
>>> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
>>> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
>>> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
>>> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
>>> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
>>> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
>>> web site jumble?
>>> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
>>> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who
>>> has reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
>>> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
>>> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it
>>> simple!
>>> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
>>> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby
>>> questions.
>>> Donna
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Jake
I'm a bit confused. You can always get the time by touching the status
bar in the center or when you are on the unlock screen. Do you mean
you want something that announces the time automatically every so

Pete Nalda wrote:
> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered if 
> the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda


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Time Machine confusion

2009-12-05 Thread Howard Dupuis
Hi folks,
I want to restore one file -- just one file -- using Time Machine. (I
use a Time Capsule.) I launch Time Machine, get back to the date and
time I want -- and then don't know what to do to get to and select the
file I want. There's a restore button, but I'm not sure at all what
that would be restoring, so I'm afraid to just click on it. Any help
would be most appreciated. Thanks much.


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Re: Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Jake
Hi Krister
Well, as for the why, think of it like the VO cursor versus the
keyboard focus. You can have one positioned somewhere while marking
out positions with the other.
As for why your cut didn't work, from your steps you did not route the
insertion point to the play head. There's two ways to do this, either
route the insertion point to the play head with cmd-y, or use option
+left and option+right to move the insertion point to the correct
marker and then extend the selection in the desired direction. From
there, do whatever you wish to do with the selected audio.
One recommendation, in Amadeus preferences, set the "when selection is
empty" setting to "play from insertion point." This will let you here
where the insertion point is by playing when you move (note though
that this will also move the play head). This is a useful option,
however I don't believe it is the default.

Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi there.
> I was trying to edit a podcast that is about to go out soon when i 
> encountered a problem in Amadeus Pro. First, before i ask my questions, i 
> have to say that this rant is due to the fact that i think i don't understand 
> the concepts of Amadeus and how it works as well as i would like to.
> My problem was that i couldn't cut a selection i had done. I placed a mark at 
> the play head and then extended the selection from the play head position to 
> the previous marker and then i tried to cut the selection, this didn't work 
> for some odd reason and i don't know why. The question i ask myself and any 
> gurus of Amadeus pro is why is the insertion point and the play head two 
> separate entities? What do you actually gain by this approach? For me it only 
> gets more confusing and more time consuming to edit a sound this way. Since i 
> don't understand the logic behind this, the editing gets random. Sometimes 
> placing markers work, sometimes not, sometimes selecting things work and 
> applying operations to a selection works as expected and other times the 
> whole thing gets screwed up and i can't seem to see a rational explanation as 
> to why and there's nothing that i can find in the manual about this so any 
> help would be very much appreciated.
> My second question is this: Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available 
> in either text or html with the table correctly rendered? As it is in the 
> manual now, and if it is shown in Preview, i see the shortcut keys in one 
> list and the asociated functions, i.e what the keys do in a separate list, 
> making it useless in practise since you see every single shortcut in a neat 
> little row and then in a totally separate list you see the actions, I would 
> have wanted keys and actions next to eachother. If there's no text or html 
> file with keyboard shortcuts and actions rendered correctly, is there a way 
> for Preview or Skim to show me the shortcut list like that?
> Thanks for any help.
> /Krister


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dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Donal Fitzpatrick

I am trying to use the iPhone to gain access to one of those automated
telephone systems.  I'm sure you all know the sort of thing "press one to go
insane, press 2 to have more automated options, press * to hear these
options again".
However, after dialling the initial number, I can't seem to:
1.  find the keyboard;
2. as a consequence enter the numbers required to proceed.

Has anyone any tips for dealing with this?  Do I need to tweak a setting or


OK the subject of this mail isn't the greatest description I've ever come up
with but the problem is this.  I'm trying to ring one of our telecom
providers, and they require me


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Re: mac mini

2009-12-05 Thread Rich Ring
You have to have a monitor, it's that simple.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Harmon" 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: mac mini

I'm a new mac mini owner and just purchased the november version of the
mini.  I unhooked my mini DVI to VGA adapter and tried to play a DVD and got
a DVD initialization error and DVD Player busy notice.  SO I'd say this
advisor is wrong.


- Original Message - 
From: "louie" 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 4:27 PM
Subject: mac mini

Hi all,
I just got off the phone with a mac adviser. I was told that the new
Mac mini does not need any special adapter to work with out a monitor.



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Re: mac mini

2009-12-05 Thread Rich Ring
Is that the adapter that came with your Mac?
Mine sure as hell doesn't work.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Harmon" 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: mac mini

Yes it does work correctly with the mini DVI to VGA adapter plugged in to
the mac mini with no monitor hooked to the adapter. I'm currently playing a
DVD with no problems.

Not sure if this enough to prove it needs no monitor or not though but it
looks to be a good sign if you have the november version of the mini as I


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: mac mini


So does the new mac mini run correctly with the adaptor plugged in and no
monitor attached.  I bought mine in April and it has to have the monitor

On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:16 PM, David Denne wrote:

> Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
> you read my profile or not but but I beta test VO so that is my hole
> reason for coming on here. I want to get any feedback possible
> whethere it be negative or postitive feedback.
> On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon  wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Yes I realize this, I was just commenting on the post  where the person
>> said
>> the newest mac minis didn't require a display to be plugged in to the
>> mini
>> for VO to work right.  I have a brand new mac mini here and it does not
>> work
>> as the poster stated when no adapter is used.
>> Rick
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "David Denne" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: mac mini
>> Hello rick. Keep one of the monitor adapters pluged in to your Mac
>> mini. It will cause your mac mini to think there is a monitor and it
>> should work as you want it to. If not I'll see what I can do to figure
>> this out.
>> On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon  wrote:
>>> I'm a new mac mini owner and just purchased the november version of the
>>> mini.  I unhooked my mini DVI to VGA adapter and tried to play a DVD and
>>> got
>>> a DVD initialization error and DVD Player busy notice.  SO I'd say this
>>> advisor is wrong.
>>> Rick
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "louie" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 4:27 PM
>>> Subject: mac mini
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just got off the phone with a mac adviser. I was told that the new
>>> Mac mini does not need any special adapter to work with out a monitor.
>>> louie
>>> --
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Re: -- Re: mac mini

2009-12-05 Thread Rich Ring
And mine which was purchased during the last weekend in August won't work 
- Original Message - 
From: "David McLean" 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:44 PM
Subject: -- Re: mac mini

Apparently then there must have been a hardware update between September and 
November because mine which was purchased in September doesn't work.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

> Yes it does work correctly with the mini DVI to VGA adapter plugged in to
> the mac mini with no monitor hooked to the adapter. I'm currently playing 
> a
> DVD with no problems.
> Not sure if this enough to prove it needs no monitor or not though but it
> looks to be a good sign if you have the november version of the mini as I
> do.
> Rick
> - Original Message - 
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:20 PM
> Subject: Re: mac mini
> Hi,
> So does the new mac mini run correctly with the adaptor plugged in and no
> monitor attached.  I bought mine in April and it has to have the monitor
> attached.
> Steve
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:16 PM, David Denne wrote:
>> Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
>> you read my profile or not but but I beta test VO so that is my hole
>> reason for coming on here. I want to get any feedback possible
>> whethere it be negative or postitive feedback.
>> On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon  wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> Yes I realize this, I was just commenting on the post  where the person
>>> said
>>> the newest mac minis didn't require a display to be plugged in to the
>>> mini
>>> for VO to work right.  I have a brand new mac mini here and it does not
>>> work
>>> as the poster stated when no adapter is used.
>>> Rick
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "David Denne" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:57 PM
>>> Subject: Re: mac mini
>>> Hello rick. Keep one of the monitor adapters pluged in to your Mac
>>> mini. It will cause your mac mini to think there is a monitor and it
>>> should work as you want it to. If not I'll see what I can do to figure
>>> this out.
>>> On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon  wrote:
 I'm a new mac mini owner and just purchased the november version of the
 mini.  I unhooked my mini DVI to VGA adapter and tried to play a DVD 
 a DVD initialization error and DVD Player busy notice.  SO I'd say this
 advisor is wrong.


 - Original Message -
 From: "louie" 
 Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 4:27 PM
 Subject: mac mini

 Hi all,
 I just got off the phone with a mac adviser. I was told that the new
 Mac mini does not need any special adapter to work with out a monitor.



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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
When you encounter the phone systems, run your finger along the bottom of the 
screen, by the "home" button.  You need to put the phone on speaker phone mode 
for this to work.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:50 PM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use the iPhone to gain access to one of those automated
> telephone systems.  I'm sure you all know the sort of thing "press one to go
> insane, press 2 to have more automated options, press * to hear these
> options again".
> However, after dialling the initial number, I can't seem to:
> 1.  find the keyboard;
> 2. as a consequence enter the numbers required to proceed.
> Has anyone any tips for dealing with this?  Do I need to tweak a setting or
> something?
> Thanks
> Dónal
> OK the subject of this mail isn't the greatest description I've ever come up
> with but the problem is this.  I'm trying to ring one of our telecom
> providers, and they require me
> --
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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread Stan
Hi James,
On 05 Dec 2009, at 6:26 PM, James & Nash wrote:,
"I think, if it is a retail copy of SL, then it can be any retail copy"
If I am reading this, as it seams, I do not know why we even bother  
with "passwords" and encoding", for all we need to break in is  a  
"copy or retail disk", or am I missing something?

On 05 Dec 2009, at 6:26 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Stan,
> I think, if it is a retail copy of SL, then it can be any retail copy.
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 15:00, Stan wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> You wrote,
>>> "I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD"
>> I presume for security, it must be the "actual disk" you used with
>> the setting up of the machine, and not just any "installation disk".
>> Cheers,
>> U2me&me2u,
>> Stan.
>> On 05 Dec 2009, at 3:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You wrote:
 Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got
 myself in a situation where my authentication name or password
 seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
 Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the
 In any case how can I fix this situation?
>>> I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After
>>> booting from the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you
>>> can find a Password Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities  
>>> menu.
>>> HTH
>>> James
>>> On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:
 Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got
 myself in a situation where my authentication name or password
 seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
 Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the
 In any case how can I fix this situation?


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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Pete Nalda
No, this person did something to make her iphone say the time.

On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Jake wrote:

> Hi
> I'm a bit confused. You can always get the time by touching the status
> bar in the center or when you are on the unlock screen. Do you mean
> you want something that announces the time automatically every so
> often?
> Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered if 
>> the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
> --
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda


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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Pete Nalda
Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the Apple store 
or if I buy one.  Thanks

On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but you can get 
> the information from the status bar.
> Matt Roberts
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered if 
>> the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> --
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda


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Re: Problem with Authentication

2009-12-05 Thread James & Nash
Hi Stan, 
You wrote:
> If I am reading this, as it seams, I do not know why we even bother  
> with "passwords" and encoding", for all we need to break in is  a  
> "copy or retail disk", or am I missing something?

That's an interesting question and something I had not considered. What you 
suggest seems theoretically very possible, but perhaps there are some 
safeguards to prevent this? H.

On 5 Dec 2009, at 18:09, Stan wrote:

> Hi James,
> On 05 Dec 2009, at 6:26 PM, James & Nash wrote:,
> "I think, if it is a retail copy of SL, then it can be any retail copy"
> If I am reading this, as it seams, I do not know why we even bother  
> with "passwords" and encoding", for all we need to break in is  a  
> "copy or retail disk", or am I missing something?
> Cheers,
> U2me&me2u,
> Stan.
> On 05 Dec 2009, at 6:26 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Stan,
>> I think, if it is a retail copy of SL, then it can be any retail copy.
>> On 5 Dec 2009, at 15:00, Stan wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> You wrote,
 "I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD"
>>> I presume for security, it must be the "actual disk" you used with
>>> the setting up of the machine, and not just any "installation disk".
>>> Cheers,
>>> U2me&me2u,
>>> Stan.
>>> On 05 Dec 2009, at 3:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
 Hi David,
 You wrote:
> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got
> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password
> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the
> machine.
> In any case how can I fix this situation?
 I think you can fix this if you use your installation DVD. After
 booting from the DVD and passing the Language selection screen, you
 can find a Password Reset or Recovery function in the Utilities  
 On 5 Dec 2009, at 12:06, David McLean wrote:
> Hello, I just installed an Imac yesterday and some how I've got
> myself in a situation where my authentication name or password
> seems to be invalid whenever I try to install new software.
> Apparently I didn't type what I thought when first registering the
> machine.
> In any case how can I fix this situation?
> --
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
On the Touch, run your finger across the top of the screen.

Matt Roberts

Sent from my iPhone using VoiceOver

On Dec 5, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:

> Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the  
> Apple store or if I buy one.  Thanks
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>> I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but  
>> you can get the information from the status bar.
>> Matt Roberts
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and  
>>> wondered if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>>> --
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>>> .
>> --
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>> .
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
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A question about speech recognition in system preferences

2009-12-05 Thread .dan.

Someone asked:

"I've looked with some curiosity at the speech recognition capabilities of 
  Mac. I wonder if I can create my own custom phrases that the mac will 
  For instance, if I'm in the finder and I want to move something to the 
trash, can I create a rule to say "trash this" or "kill this" instead of 
"move this to the trash"? If so, how?"

When I looked at this question using a google I found that an applescript 
can be attached to a voice command of one's choice.  Sorry, don't recall 
the source.  I did post about it here so it should be in the archives.



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Mac Mail

2009-12-05 Thread Marc Grossman
I am using Mac mail to access a school e-mail account.  It is an IMAP account.  
I set up the account and for the first couple of weeks, it was working fine.  
Now, I can only send mail but cannot receive mail.  I checked with the school 
help desk but they cannot locate the problem.  We checked the port.  We checked 
the port using terminal.  We checked the username and password.  We checked the 
Internet connection.  I am still receiving mail in Mac mail with my Gmail 
account.  I have AT&T as my DSL connection.  

Can anybody recommend other areas for me to check?



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2009-12-05 Thread Rick Harmon
Hi Everyone,

Some of you here probably know me from the Windows side of town.  For those of 
you that don't know me, my name is Rick Harmon and I run the Blind Geek Zone 
website where i provide lots of free tutorials for Windows and primarily  Jaws. 
 I Just purchased a mac mini a couple of weeks ago and decided to do a series 
of podcasts from the perspective of switching over to the mac from a windows 
point of view.  I know litterally nothing about the mac side of town and have 
been curious for a while now about using one.  So far reviews have been quite 
positive and I plan to continue to do more podcasts as I learn how to do more 
and more with the mac.  Anyone interested in listening to them, the links will 

mac podcast 1:

mac podcast 2:

mac podcast 3:

Remember these podcasts are primarily geared to people curious about switching 
over to the mac from windows and are not really for experienced mac users, 
unless you want to have a laugh.


Thanks for providing a great list for learning the mac.

Rick Harmon

Visit my webpage and podcast feed at:
and my web Blog at:

Join the BGZ mailing list by sending a blank email message to:
and reply to the confirmation msg.

Contact info:
Email - &
Skype - rharmon928
Twitter - RicksterTheGeek and BlindGeekZone


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Re: Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom

5 dec 2009 kl. 18.36 skrev Jake:

> route the insertion point to the play head with cmd-y, or use option
> +left and option+right to move the insertion point to the correct
> marker and then extend the selection in the desired direction. 

This is exactly what i did, and sometimes it works and sometimes not, and i 
can't figure out when it works and when it doesn't. I guess i'll have to 
experiment even more with Amadeus in order for my head to get around the 


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Mac Mail

2009-12-05 Thread Marc Grossman
I am using Mac mail to access a school e-mail account.  It is an IMAP account.  
I set up the account and for the first couple of weeks, it was working fine.  
Now, I can only send mail but cannot receive mail.  I checked with the school 
help desk but they cannot locate the problem.  We checked the port.  We checked 
the port using terminal.  We checked the username and password.  We checked the 
Internet connection.  I am still receiving mail in Mac mail with my Gmail 
account.  I have AT&T as my DSL connection.  

Can anybody recommend other areas for me to check?



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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread erik burggraaf
Actually, I'm having good luck with for spreadsheeting.  I don't 
have to do complex formulas with it or anything.  I just use it for filling out 
my time sheets for work.  I get the impression there can be more too it than 
what I use it for though.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-12-05, at 12:24 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> I don't own a Mac, myself, but you've got it basically right.  The only big
> problem I see from your perspective is that there doesn't seem to be a
> really useable spreadsheet program in the Mac world.  Numbers is not quite
> VO compatible yet.  That will probably change, but who knows when and how
> well.
> Otherwise, you're probably fine.
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From: Donna Smith [] 
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 10:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Introduction and Newby Questions
> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I have
> recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching to a Mac,
> at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to being able to
> share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and Word, and we're
> required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal use is a different
> story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac laptop
> will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions? I need the
> internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a farily big user of
> Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac program might be.  I
> understand that there is a learning curve to make such a switch, but is it
> possible to do this without purchasing another type of third-part screen
> reading software?  I am so sick of JAWS!
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at the
> prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the descriptions I've
> read that allow you to move through information via the touch screen, thus
> getting a real sens of page layout, has really sparked my interest.  Do I
> understande correctly that laptops also have some kind of touch pad mouse
> that allows this same kind of interaction with information on the screen so
> that it's not always necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through
> massive amounts of web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years now, I
> am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has reluctantly
> had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about computer set-up and the
> inter-workings of various software out of necessity.  So don't get too
> technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere with the
> flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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Re: Mac Mail

2009-12-05 Thread peter apgar
Under the mailbox icon after hitting VO try get all new mail.  I had this 
happen once.  This resolved the issue.  Some how it got confused.  if this does 
not work you may need to rebuild the account.

On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Marc Grossman wrote:

> I am using Mac mail to access a school e-mail account.  It is an IMAP 
> account.  I set up the account and for the first couple of weeks, it was 
> working fine.  Now, I can only send mail but cannot receive mail.  I checked 
> with the school help desk but they cannot locate the problem.  We checked the 
> port.  We checked the port using terminal.  We checked the username and 
> password.  We checked the Internet connection.  I am still receiving mail in 
> Mac mail with my Gmail account.  I have AT&T as my DSL connection.  
> Can anybody recommend other areas for me to check?
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Yes, when it is unlocked you can hit the status icons. Otherwise, when locked, 
you hit the sleep button which, incidentally, also allows you to double-tap the 
unlock button. That's how it works for me in the shops anyway. I'd provide more 
details if I had one, but that's how I've done it and I'd assume there'd be no 
reason to remove this in the latest release.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:15 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> No, this person did something to make her iphone say the time.
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Jake wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm a bit confused. You can always get the time by touching the status
>> bar in the center or when you are on the unlock screen. Do you mean
>> you want something that announces the time automatically every so
>> often?
>> Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and wondered 
>>> if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>> --
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
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Re: Introduction

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Rick,

Definitely glad you're trying the Mac. From listening to the podcasts, it 
sounds like you had some interesting things happen during the install, for 
sure. I definitely hope that isn't actually putting you off attempting to 
fiddle around more with the system. I hope you're enjoying the experience, and 
good luck playing with your Mac. Feel free to mail me off-list in case there's 
something you'd like me to explain, to show you, or whatever. I'm all for 
trying to help someone make the transition easier, as I switched in August 

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Some of you here probably know me from the Windows side of town.  For those 
> of you that don't know me, my name is Rick Harmon and I run the Blind Geek 
> Zone website where i provide lots of free tutorials for Windows and primarily 
>  Jaws.  I Just purchased a mac mini a couple of weeks ago and decided to do a 
> series of podcasts from the perspective of switching over to the mac from a 
> windows point of view.  I know litterally nothing about the mac side of town 
> and have been curious for a while now about using one.  So far reviews have 
> been quite positive and I plan to continue to do more podcasts as I learn how 
> to do more and more with the mac.  Anyone interested in listening to them, 
> the links will follow.
> mac podcast 1:
> mac podcast 2:
> mac podcast 3:
> Remember these podcasts are primarily geared to people curious about 
> switching over to the mac from windows and are not really for experienced mac 
> users, unless you want to have a laugh.
> Enjoy,
> Thanks for providing a great list for learning the mac.
> Rick Harmon
> ---
> Visit my webpage and podcast feed at:
> and my web Blog at:
> Join the BGZ mailing list by sending a blank email message to:
> and reply to the confirmation msg.
> Contact info:
> Email - &
> Skype - rharmon928
> Twitter - RicksterTheGeek and BlindGeekZone
> MSN -
> --
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Esther
Hi Pete, Matt, Jacob, and Others,

Time on the iPhone and iPod Touch is automatically announced when the  
screen is in locked mode and you press the "Home" button. This means  
that if your screen is locked (e.g., if you pressed the power button  
at the top of your iPhone or iPod Touch to lock your screen, or if you  
have your iPhone or iPod Touch set to automatically lock after a  
specified time of inactivity), then pressing the "Home" button at the  
bottom tells you the time.  You could also press the power button  
twice to get this information.  If you then flick right anywhere on  
the screen you'll get the date announcement, e.g. "Saturday, 5th  

Incidentally, when the screen is in locked mode, the touch screen area  
for the time is a large region at the top center of the screen just  
below where time normally appears on the status bar line. (The  
touchable region for time on the status bar is much smaller).  On the  
lock screen, touching the center of the status bar at the top of the  
screen announces "Screen Locked".  Touch or move your finger just  
below the time area to get the date.

I think this topic was either my first or second post to the viphone  
list, in response to somebody's questing about where to find battery  
status information (and about the status bar). I found out that this  
feature was added on in one of the then recent software updates (to OS  
3.1, I think).  The software updates have added great features, like  
the ability to set triple-click home to toggle VoiceOver on and off in  
your Settings menu, which gives you access to some apps that otherwise  
would be problematic, or the ability to do copy and paste, or access  
to the index lists to songs and address book entries.  (These are all  
standard now, but weren't features in the original iPhone OS 3.0  
release for VoiceOver users.)  And for new users, the "Practice  
VoiceOver Gestures" screen that was added to the Settings > General >  
Accessibility > VoiceOver menu that was added in one of these software  
updates is a great way to start working with gestures.




Pete Nalda wrote:

> Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the  
> Apple store or if I buy one.  Thanks
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>> I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but  
>> you can get the information from the status bar.
>> Matt Roberts
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and  
>>> wondered if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> .
>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> .
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Thanks Ester! I was so close. Heh. :).

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Pete, Matt, Jacob, and Others,
> Time on the iPhone and iPod Touch is automatically announced when the  
> screen is in locked mode and you press the "Home" button. This means  
> that if your screen is locked (e.g., if you pressed the power button  
> at the top of your iPhone or iPod Touch to lock your screen, or if you  
> have your iPhone or iPod Touch set to automatically lock after a  
> specified time of inactivity), then pressing the "Home" button at the  
> bottom tells you the time.  You could also press the power button  
> twice to get this information.  If you then flick right anywhere on  
> the screen you'll get the date announcement, e.g. "Saturday, 5th  
> December".
> Incidentally, when the screen is in locked mode, the touch screen area  
> for the time is a large region at the top center of the screen just  
> below where time normally appears on the status bar line. (The  
> touchable region for time on the status bar is much smaller).  On the  
> lock screen, touching the center of the status bar at the top of the  
> screen announces "Screen Locked".  Touch or move your finger just  
> below the time area to get the date.
> I think this topic was either my first or second post to the viphone  
> list, in response to somebody's questing about where to find battery  
> status information (and about the status bar). I found out that this  
> feature was added on in one of the then recent software updates (to OS  
> 3.1, I think).  The software updates have added great features, like  
> the ability to set triple-click home to toggle VoiceOver on and off in  
> your Settings menu, which gives you access to some apps that otherwise  
> would be problematic, or the ability to do copy and paste, or access  
> to the index lists to songs and address book entries.  (These are all  
> standard now, but weren't features in the original iPhone OS 3.0  
> release for VoiceOver users.)  And for new users, the "Practice  
> VoiceOver Gestures" screen that was added to the Settings > General >  
> Accessibility > VoiceOver menu that was added in one of these software  
> updates is a great way to start working with gestures.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the  
>> Apple store or if I buy one.  Thanks
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>>> I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but  
>>> you can get the information from the status bar.
>>> Matt Roberts
>>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
 Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and  
 wondered if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
 Pete Nalda
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>>> .
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> .
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>> .
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Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Esther
Hi Nic,

You were actually right, but all you need to do to get the time  
announcement when the screen is locked is to press the "sleep" button  
at the top -- which is also the power button, and which puts the  
screen into locked mode when you tap it.  Some people prefer to carry  
their iPhones in a pocket, in which case accessing the button at the  
top to announce time is easier than pressing the home button at the  
bottom when the screen is locked.  Either key press (the "sleep/power"  
button at the top or the "home" button at the bottom) causes the time  
to be announced when the iPhone or iPod Touch is in screen locked  
mode.  And to put the screen in locked mode if it isn't already you  
can press the "sleep/power" button at the top of the device once.



Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks Ester! I was so close. Heh. :).
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Pete, Matt, Jacob, and Others,
>> Time on the iPhone and iPod Touch is automatically announced when the
>> screen is in locked mode and you press the "Home" button. This means
>> that if your screen is locked (e.g., if you pressed the power button
>> at the top of your iPhone or iPod Touch to lock your screen, or if  
>> you
>> have your iPhone or iPod Touch set to automatically lock after a
>> specified time of inactivity), then pressing the "Home" button at the
>> bottom tells you the time.  You could also press the power button
>> twice to get this information.  If you then flick right anywhere on
>> the screen you'll get the date announcement, e.g. "Saturday, 5th
>> December".
>> Incidentally, when the screen is in locked mode, the touch screen  
>> area
>> for the time is a large region at the top center of the screen just
>> below where time normally appears on the status bar line. (The
>> touchable region for time on the status bar is much smaller).  On the
>> lock screen, touching the center of the status bar at the top of the
>> screen announces "Screen Locked".  Touch or move your finger just
>> below the time area to get the date.
>> I think this topic was either my first or second post to the viphone
>> list, in response to somebody's questing about where to find battery
>> status information (and about the status bar). I found out that this
>> feature was added on in one of the then recent software updates (to  
>> OS
>> 3.1, I think).  The software updates have added great features, like
>> the ability to set triple-click home to toggle VoiceOver on and off  
>> in
>> your Settings menu, which gives you access to some apps that  
>> otherwise
>> would be problematic, or the ability to do copy and paste, or access
>> to the index lists to songs and address book entries.  (These are all
>> standard now, but weren't features in the original iPhone OS 3.0
>> release for VoiceOver users.)  And for new users, the "Practice
>> VoiceOver Gestures" screen that was added to the Settings > General >
>> Accessibility > VoiceOver menu that was added in one of these  
>> software
>> updates is a great way to start working with gestures.
>> HTH
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the
>>> Apple store or if I buy one.  Thanks
>>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
 I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but
 you can get the information from the status bar.

 Matt Roberts

 On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and
> wondered if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> .
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> .


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>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>>> --
>>> You rece

Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer knowledge, 
starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by choice, but out of 
necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with it the cost of the 
screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed operating systems, you had 
to buy a new version of the screen reader.  Once I had a problem with a screen 
reader, and had to install a later version.  I didn't have the stupid 
authorization disk, so guess what I had to do? You guessed it, spend more money.
I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to assistive 
technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution for access 
exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no other solution 
exists to complete a particular task.

Matt Roberts


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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Rajiv Shah

No, you don't need to tweak a setting. You simply need to tilt the phone 
slightly until you hear the speaker turn on. That is when the keypad will 
become available.
Unfortunately, the keypad is disabled when you are connected to a call on the 
phone's ear piece. But if you use a blue-tooth or wired headset, the same 
keypad will beome available. This is something the Apple folks overlooked in 
the Iphone's evolution. This is also something which eliminates some anonymity 
when keying in some confidential details.

I hope this helps.


 Original message 
>Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 17:50:11 -
>From: "Donal Fitzpatrick"   
>Subject: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo  
>I am trying to use the iPhone to gain access to one of those automated
>telephone systems.  I'm sure you all know the sort of thing "press one to go
>insane, press 2 to have more automated options, press * to hear these
>options again".
>However, after dialling the initial number, I can't seem to:
>1.  find the keyboard;
>2. as a consequence enter the numbers required to proceed.
>Has anyone any tips for dealing with this?  Do I need to tweak a setting or
>OK the subject of this mail isn't the greatest description I've ever come up
>with but the problem is this.  I'm trying to ring one of our telecom
>providers, and they require me
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>"MacVisionaries" group.
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>To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>For more options, visit this group at 


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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread Jessi and Goldina
enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already see 
blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people don't 
take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone knows about 
apple computers and computers in general, and I think the more sighted people 
see us using regular technology the better. I just love when I'm sitting 
somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me how I use it!
On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer knowledge, 
> starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by choice, but out of 
> necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with it the cost of the 
> screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed operating systems, you 
> had to buy a new version of the screen reader.  Once I had a problem with a 
> screen reader, and had to install a later version.  I didn't have the stupid 
> authorization disk, so guess what I had to do? You guessed it, spend more 
> money.
> I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to assistive 
> technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution for access 
> exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no other solution 
> exists to complete a particular task.
> Matt Roberts
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread James & Nash
Welcome to the list. I agree with your point about using mainstream products 
where appropriate. Mac and Linux AT are two very good examples  of this. 
However, Windows is now also coming to the same place with NVDA which is 

On 5 Dec 2009, at 21:55, Jessi and Goldina wrote:

> enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
> mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
> screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already see 
> blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people don't 
> take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone knows about 
> apple computers and computers in general, and I think the more sighted people 
> see us using regular technology the better. I just love when I'm sitting 
> somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me how I use it!
> On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>> I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer 
>> knowledge, starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by choice, 
>> but out of necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with it the 
>> cost of the screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed operating 
>> systems, you had to buy a new version of the screen reader.  Once I had a 
>> problem with a screen reader, and had to install a later version.  I didn't 
>> have the stupid authorization disk, so guess what I had to do? You guessed 
>> it, spend more money.
>> I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to assistive 
>> technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution for access 
>> exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no other 
>> solution exists to complete a particular task.
>> Matt Roberts
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Introduction

2009-12-05 Thread Rick Harmon
Hi Nic,

Thanks for the offer for help and no the difficulties didn't deter me.  I don't 
have lots of time to spend on the mac right now but I'm watching the list and 
reading things so that hopefully my next podcast will go smoother than the 
first 3 have so far.  The mac is really nice and I'm sure if I hadn't spend 
years on windows the transition would go smootther for me.  

But overall I'm liking the mac and looking forward to seeing how it can do the 
things I'll be wanting to do with it in the future.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicolai Svendsen 
  Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 3:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Introduction

  Hi Rick,

  Definitely glad you're trying the Mac. From listening to the podcasts, it 
sounds like you had some interesting things happen during the install, for 
sure. I definitely hope that isn't actually putting you off attempting to 
fiddle around more with the system. I hope you're enjoying the experience, and 
good luck playing with your Mac. Feel free to mail me off-list in case there's 
something you'd like me to explain, to show you, or whatever. I'm all for 
trying to help someone make the transition easier, as I switched in August 


  Skype: Kvalme
  MSN Messenger:
  AIM: cincinster
  yahoo Messenger: cin368
  Facebook Profile
  My Twitter

  On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Some of you here probably know me from the Windows side of town.  For those 
of you that don't know me, my name is Rick Harmon and I run the Blind Geek Zone 
website where i provide lots of free tutorials for Windows and primarily  Jaws. 
 I Just purchased a mac mini a couple of weeks ago and decided to do a series 
of podcasts from the perspective of switching over to the mac from a windows 
point of view.  I know litterally nothing about the mac side of town and have 
been curious for a while now about using one.  So far reviews have been quite 
positive and I plan to continue to do more podcasts as I learn how to do more 
and more with the mac.  Anyone interested in listening to them, the links will 

mac podcast 1:

mac podcast 2:

mac podcast 3:

Remember these podcasts are primarily geared to people curious about 
switching over to the mac from windows and are not really for experienced mac 
users, unless you want to have a laugh.


Thanks for providing a great list for learning the mac.

Rick Harmon

Visit my webpage and podcast feed at:
and my web Blog at:

Join the BGZ mailing list by sending a blank email message to:
and reply to the confirmation msg.

Contact info:
Email - &
Skype - rharmon928
Twitter - RicksterTheGeek and BlindGeekZone


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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Jake
This is not correct. The keypad is not disabled when you are using the
earpiece. Once you tilt the phone away from you and hear the speaker
come on, simply press the keypad button. It's approximately in the
center of the screen, and it's quite large and, of course, is
identified by Voiceover. Once you hit that, the keypad becomes
available. A headset is not necessary. Obviously, the keypad won't be
available when you have the phone held to your ear, think of the
issues it would cause if the screen remained active in that state.
Remember we're dealing with a capacitive touch screen here, and any
contact with your skin can activate it. Disabling it while it is next
to your ear is really the only way the system could work.

On Dec 5, 2:36 pm, Rajiv Shah  wrote:
> Hi,
> No, you don't need to tweak a setting. You simply need to tilt the phone 
> slightly until you hear the speaker turn on. That is when the keypad will 
> become available.
> Unfortunately, the keypad is disabled when you are connected to a call on the 
> phone's ear piece. But if you use a blue-tooth or wired headset, the same 
> keypad will beome available. This is something the Apple folks overlooked in 
> the Iphone's evolution. This is also something which eliminates some 
> anonymity when keying in some confidential details.
> I hope this helps.
> Rajiv
>  Original message 
> >Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 17:50:11 -
> >From: "Donal Fitzpatrick"   
> >Subject: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo  
> >To: 
> >Hi,
> >I am trying to use the iPhone to gain access to one of those automated
> >telephone systems.  I'm sure you all know the sort of thing "press one to go
> >insane, press 2 to have more automated options, press * to hear these
> >options again".
> >However, after dialling the initial number, I can't seem to:
> >1.  find the keyboard;
> >2. as a consequence enter the numbers required to proceed.
> >Has anyone any tips for dealing with this?  Do I need to tweak a setting or
> >something?
> >Thanks
> >Dónal
> >OK the subject of this mail isn't the greatest description I've ever come up
> >with but the problem is this.  I'm trying to ring one of our telecom
> >providers, and they require me
> >--
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> >To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> >For more options, visit this group 
> >at


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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Couldn't you just use it with an earpiece and tilt it away from your head? 
That's my understand when I had this discussion with an iPhone user. Plus, I 
don't know anyone who actually holds their phone to their ear when they are 
wearing an earpiece.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 10:36 PM, Rajiv Shah wrote:

> Hi,
> No, you don't need to tweak a setting. You simply need to tilt the phone 
> slightly until you hear the speaker turn on. That is when the keypad will 
> become available.
> Unfortunately, the keypad is disabled when you are connected to a call on the 
> phone's ear piece. But if you use a blue-tooth or wired headset, the same 
> keypad will beome available. This is something the Apple folks overlooked in 
> the Iphone's evolution. This is also something which eliminates some 
> anonymity when keying in some confidential details.
> I hope this helps.
> Rajiv
>  Original message 
>> Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 17:50:11 -
>> From: "Donal Fitzpatrick"   
>> Subject: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo  
>> To: 
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to use the iPhone to gain access to one of those automated
>> telephone systems.  I'm sure you all know the sort of thing "press one to go
>> insane, press 2 to have more automated options, press * to hear these
>> options again".
>> However, after dialling the initial number, I can't seem to:
>> 1.  find the keyboard;
>> 2. as a consequence enter the numbers required to proceed.
>> Has anyone any tips for dealing with this?  Do I need to tweak a setting or
>> something?
>> Thanks
>> Dónal
>> OK the subject of this mail isn't the greatest description I've ever come up
>> with but the problem is this.  I'm trying to ring one of our telecom
>> providers, and they require me
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> --
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OT: Tivo Decode Manager & Time Capsule

2009-12-05 Thread Gary
Hi All,
Sorry, this is a little off topic for the voice over group, but does anyone use 
the Tivo Decode manager with the time Capsule base station?  I'm trying to 
figure out which IP address to use for my Tivo.I went into the Time Capsule 
with the airport utility and saw two different IP addresses ... and  I don't know if that helps anyone, but can someone contact me 
off line about this.  I would really appreciate any help I can get.



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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

NVDA is great, though it does not come installed by default. The thing I love 
about the Mac is that, if a sighted user requires you take a look at something 
on their Mac, you can just turn VoiceOver on without having to download it, or 
run the portable version. I guess the portable version of NVDA eliminates most 
of that, but you're still required to carry it with you.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:09 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Welcome to the list. I agree with your point about using mainstream products 
> where appropriate. Mac and Linux AT are two very good examples  of this. 
> However, Windows is now also coming to the same place with NVDA which is 
> brilliant. 
> TC
> James 
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 21:55, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
>> enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
>> mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
>> screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already see 
>> blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people don't 
>> take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone knows about 
>> apple computers and computers in general, and I think the more sighted 
>> people see us using regular technology the better. I just love when I'm 
>> sitting somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me how I use it!
>> On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>>> I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer 
>>> knowledge, starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by choice, 
>>> but out of necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with it the 
>>> cost of the screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed operating 
>>> systems, you had to buy a new version of the screen reader.  Once I had a 
>>> problem with a screen reader, and had to install a later version.  I didn't 
>>> have the stupid authorization disk, so guess what I had to do? You guessed 
>>> it, spend more money.
>>> I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to assistive 
>>> technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution for access 
>>> exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no other 
>>> solution exists to complete a particular task.
>>> Matt Roberts
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
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Re: Introduction

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I definitely love my Mac. I had a surprisingly and incredibly easy transition, 
actually, but that might have been because I read through the entire VoiceOver 
manual and took notes. I didn't get very far with listening to any podcasts, so 
I really only had the manual to go on. In fact, I wanted the Mac so bad that 
they gave me a demo model, made it look brand new, gave me the DVDs and that 
was it. Of course, I faced a couple of interesting things with the 
authentication they had set. Short version is that the password they told me 
was incorrect, so I had to reinstall it all again as a newbie. Which was fine, 
really, because I didn't want all that junk. It went really smooth, though, and 
it only took an hour or so. It surprised me how much I'd actually memorized.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:37 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Thanks for the offer for help and no the difficulties didn't deter me.  I 
> don't have lots of time to spend on the mac right now but I'm watching the 
> list and reading things so that hopefully my next podcast will go smoother 
> than the first 3 have so far.  The mac is really nice and I'm sure if I 
> hadn't spend years on windows the transition would go smootther for me. 
> But overall I'm liking the mac and looking forward to seeing how it can do 
> the things I'll be wanting to do with it in the future.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: Nicolai Svendsen
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Introduction
> Hi Rick,
> Definitely glad you're trying the Mac. From listening to the podcasts, it 
> sounds like you had some interesting things happen during the install, for 
> sure. I definitely hope that isn't actually putting you off attempting to 
> fiddle around more with the system. I hope you're enjoying the experience, 
> and good luck playing with your Mac. Feel free to mail me off-list in case 
> there's something you'd like me to explain, to show you, or whatever. I'm all 
> for trying to help someone make the transition easier, as I switched in 
> August myself.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Some of you here probably know me from the Windows side of town.  For those 
>> of you that don't know me, my name is Rick Harmon and I run the Blind Geek 
>> Zone website where i provide lots of free tutorials for Windows and 
>> primarily  Jaws.  I Just purchased a mac mini a couple of weeks ago and 
>> decided to do a series of podcasts from the perspective of switching over to 
>> the mac from a windows point of view.  I know litterally nothing about the 
>> mac side of town and have been curious for a while now about using one.  So 
>> far reviews have been quite positive and I plan to continue to do more 
>> podcasts as I learn how to do more and more with the mac.  Anyone interested 
>> in listening to them, the links will follow.
>> mac podcast 1:
>> mac podcast 2:
>> mac podcast 3:
>> Remember these podcasts are primarily geared to people curious about 
>> switching over to the mac from windows and are not really for experienced 
>> mac users, unless you want to have a laugh.
>> Enjoy,
>> Thanks for providing a great list for learning the mac.
>> Rick Harmon
>> ---
>> Visit my webpage and podcast feed at:
>> and my web Blog at:
>> Join the BGZ mailing list by sending a blank email message to:
>> and reply to the confirmation msg.
>> Contact info:
>> Email - &
>> Skype - rharmon928
>> Twitter - RicksterTheGeek and BlindGeekZone
>> MSN -
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Re: [macvoiceover] OT: Tivo Decode Manager & Time Capsule

2009-12-05 Thread Gary
Sorry all,
I had been guessing at IP addresses prior to sending my first email.  After 
sending the email, I checked my last attempt on the Tivo decode manager, and 
found that my last guess was correct, in essence, answering my own question.  
To share, the correct IP address was, which was the next sequence for 
one of the IP's I had to work with.
Hope this helps someone out there.

On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Gary wrote:

> Hi All,
> Sorry, this is a little off topic for the voice over group, but does anyone 
> use the Tivo Decode manager with the time Capsule base station?  I'm trying 
> to figure out which IP address to use for my Tivo.I went into the Time 
> Capsule with the airport utility and saw two different IP addresses ... 
> and  I don't know if that helps anyone, but can 
> someone contact me off line about this.  I would really appreciate any help I 
> can get.
> Thanks,
> Gary>
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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread James & Nash
You're right Nic. Mac is good in that regard as well as many others. I guess 
the same is true of Linux and Orca although a user could remove Orca and then 
you'd be stuck. Can the Universal Access or whatever Apple calls it be deleted 
just out of interest. 


On 5 Dec 2009, at 23:35, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> NVDA is great, though it does not come installed by default. The thing I love 
> about the Mac is that, if a sighted user requires you take a look at 
> something on their Mac, you can just turn VoiceOver on without having to 
> download it, or run the portable version. I guess the portable version of 
> NVDA eliminates most of that, but you're still required to carry it with you.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:09 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Welcome to the list. I agree with your point about using mainstream products 
>> where appropriate. Mac and Linux AT are two very good examples  of this. 
>> However, Windows is now also coming to the same place with NVDA which is 
>> brilliant. 
>> TC
>> James 
>> On 5 Dec 2009, at 21:55, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
>>> enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
>>> mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
>>> screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already see 
>>> blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people don't 
>>> take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone knows 
>>> about apple computers and computers in general, and I think the more 
>>> sighted people see us using regular technology the better. I just love when 
>>> I'm sitting somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me how I use it!
>>> On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
 I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer 
 knowledge, starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by 
 choice, but out of necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with 
 it the cost of the screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed 
 operating systems, you had to buy a new version of the screen reader.  
 Once I had a problem with a screen reader, and had to install a later 
 version.  I didn't have the stupid authorization disk, so guess what I had 
 to do? You guessed it, spend more money.
 I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to 
 assistive technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution 
 for access exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no 
 other solution exists to complete a particular task.
 Matt Roberts
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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adding to a .m3u play list using ITunes?

2009-12-05 Thread Ray Foret jr

Short and sweet.  Is it possible to open a .m3u play list and add files to it 
using ITunes?  IF not, is it possible to convert the m3u list in to an ITunes 
play list?  If so, how?  Thanks.

The Constantly BAREFOOTED Ray!!!

Now a Mac User!!!

+1 (985) 360-3614

rforetjr at comcast dot net

Skype Name:


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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Matt Roberts
The keypad is not disabled, as someone pointed out.  For me, it's not a big 
problem to put the phone on speaker to key in information. IF I need to do 
something confidential, I just wait till I get home.

Matt Roberts

On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Rajiv Shah wrote:

> No, you don't need to tweak a setting. You simply need to tilt the phone 
> slightly until you hear the speaker turn on. That is when the keypad will 
> become available.
> Unfortunately, the keypad is disabled when you are connected to a call on the 
> phone's ear piece. But if you use a blue-tooth or wired headset, the same 
> keypad will beome available. This is something the Apple folks overlooked in 
> the Iphone's evolution. This is also something which eliminates some 
> anonymity when keying in some confidential details.


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Re: Mac Mail

2009-12-05 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi Mark, make sure that the account is online in mail.  Under the mailbox menu, 
there is an online status  submenu, i'd check that to see if things are set 
right there.  
On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:04 PM, Marc Grossman wrote:

> I am using Mac mail to access a school e-mail account.  It is an IMAP 
> account.  I set up the account and for the first couple of weeks, it was 
> working fine.  Now, I can only send mail but cannot receive mail.  I checked 
> with the school help desk but they cannot locate the problem.  We checked the 
> port.  We checked the port using terminal.  We checked the username and 
> password.  We checked the Internet connection.  I am still receiving mail in 
> Mac mail with my Gmail account.  I have AT&T as my DSL connection.  
> Can anybody recommend other areas for me to check?
> Thanks
> --
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Re: dealing with automated phone systems using iPhone and vo

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You've always got the earphones with the remote. That way, people can't 
actually hear what you're doing.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Dec 6, 2009, at 1:10 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> The keypad is not disabled, as someone pointed out.  For me, it's not a big 
> problem to put the phone on speaker to key in information. IF I need to do 
> something confidential, I just wait till I get home.
> Matt Roberts
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Rajiv Shah wrote:
>> No, you don't need to tweak a setting. You simply need to tilt the phone 
>> slightly until you hear the speaker turn on. That is when the keypad will 
>> become available.
>> Unfortunately, the keypad is disabled when you are connected to a call on 
>> the phone's ear piece. But if you use a blue-tooth or wired headset, the 
>> same keypad will beome available. This is something the Apple folks 
>> overlooked in the Iphone's evolution. This is also something which 
>> eliminates some anonymity when keying in some confidential details.
> --
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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I'd imagine you probably can. I'm not gonna try it, though.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Dec 6, 2009, at 12:49 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> You're right Nic. Mac is good in that regard as well as many others. I guess 
> the same is true of Linux and Orca although a user could remove Orca and then 
> you'd be stuck. Can the Universal Access or whatever Apple calls it be 
> deleted just out of interest. 
> Thanks 
> TC
> James 
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 23:35, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> NVDA is great, though it does not come installed by default. The thing I 
>> love about the Mac is that, if a sighted user requires you take a look at 
>> something on their Mac, you can just turn VoiceOver on without having to 
>> download it, or run the portable version. I guess the portable version of 
>> NVDA eliminates most of that, but you're still required to carry it with you.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:09 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Welcome to the list. I agree with your point about using mainstream 
>>> products where appropriate. Mac and Linux AT are two very good examples  of 
>>> this. However, Windows is now also coming to the same place with NVDA which 
>>> is brilliant. 
>>> TC
>>> James 
>>> On 5 Dec 2009, at 21:55, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
 enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
 mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
 screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already 
 see blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people 
 don't take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone 
 knows about apple computers and computers in general, and I think the more 
 sighted people see us using regular technology the better. I just love 
 when I'm sitting somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me how I 
 use it!
 On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
> I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer 
> knowledge, starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by 
> choice, but out of necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and with 
> it the cost of the screen readers came as well.  Every time you changed 
> operating systems, you had to buy a new version of the screen reader.  
> Once I had a problem with a screen reader, and had to install a later 
> version.  I didn't have the stupid authorization disk, so guess what I 
> had to do? You guessed it, spend more money.
> I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to 
> assistive technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution 
> for access exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if no 
> other solution exists to complete a particular task.
> Matt Roberts
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread carlene knight
One thing that hasn't been said yet is the fact that the Mac is so much more 
stable  than the PC.  programs don't bog down.  My husband has had his MacMini 
running for nearly four weeks before.  He only rebooted to install an update.  
Try doing that on a Pc without problems.  :) The Mac is faster also.
On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Thanks everyone for all this great information!  It looks like I may
> be about to spend some money on a Mac!  I may wait till after the
> holidays, but I'm definitely going to make the switch.  I'll still
> have my current Windows-based netbook to use while I'm learning the
> Mac.
> And yes, Donna, I'm the other Donna from the BookShare volunteer list.
> I haven't been on the list for a while, though I still contribute
> scans.  It sounds like I'll be keeping my old Dell laptop set up for
> OCR work, but that's no problem.  I always used my older laptop for
> that anyway.  It was just easier than tying up my current laptop with
> scans.
> Thanks again to everyone.  This is really exciting!
> Donna
> On 12/5/09, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> David,
>>  I hear that "Numbers" is not terribly accessible.  Do you do any
>> work with that?  Have you any opinions?
>> Kevin
>> -Original Message-
>> From: David Denne []
>> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:27 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions
>> Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve sure
>> you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces its self to
>> you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very interactive. Also a
>> macintosh computer can be used in a business or work environment. When they
>> designed the macintosh operating system they wanted to keep compatibility in
>> mind also so that macs and pcs can work together. For microsoft office
>> things you could use a program called open office. i have never used it but,
>> I do hear grate reports of how accessible it is. If you wanna pay a little
>> for iWork09 which is apples version of microsoft office then you can. I
>> think as of writing this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac computer
>> it comes with it.
>> On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact,
>>> you'll even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when
>>> powering it on. If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest
>>> models will have the trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or
>>> iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I find it easier to use the
>>> iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it pretty hard to
>>> navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a table,
>>> though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played
>>> with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been
>>> trying out iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not
>>> have one. But they work great.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
 Hi all.
 I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and
 I have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of
 switching to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are
 too tied to being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint,
 Excel and Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but
 personal use is a different story.
 So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
 laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
 I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
 farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
 program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to
 make such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
 another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
 This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
 the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
 descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
 the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
 sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
 have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
 interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
 necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
 web site jumble?
 I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
 now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a f

Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread Rick Harmon
I'd like to state that my Windows PC is very stable and have ran it for that 
long of a time without re booting.  My 2.66 Ghz intel core2duo here with 
windows 7 is very fast maybe even faster than my brand new mac mini at 2.53 

So the assertion that PC's are inherently unstable is honestly a myth.

I'm not trying to say a mac isn't better than a windows pc or the other way 
around.  Just saying that somethings said about windows pc's are just not 


- Original Message - 
From: "carlene knight" 
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

One thing that hasn't been said yet is the fact that the Mac is so much more 
stable  than the PC.  programs don't bog down.  My husband has had his 
MacMini running for nearly four weeks before.  He only rebooted to install 
an update.  Try doing that on a Pc without problems.  :) The Mac is faster 
On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Thanks everyone for all this great information!  It looks like I may
> be about to spend some money on a Mac!  I may wait till after the
> holidays, but I'm definitely going to make the switch.  I'll still
> have my current Windows-based netbook to use while I'm learning the
> Mac.
> And yes, Donna, I'm the other Donna from the BookShare volunteer list.
> I haven't been on the list for a while, though I still contribute
> scans.  It sounds like I'll be keeping my old Dell laptop set up for
> OCR work, but that's no problem.  I always used my older laptop for
> that anyway.  It was just easier than tying up my current laptop with
> scans.
> Thanks again to everyone.  This is really exciting!
> Donna
> On 12/5/09, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> David,
>> I hear that "Numbers" is not terribly accessible.  Do you do any
>> work with that?  Have you any opinions?
>> Kevin
>> -Original Message-
>> From: David Denne []
>> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:27 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions
>> Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve 
>> sure
>> you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces its self 
>> to
>> you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very interactive. Also a
>> macintosh computer can be used in a business or work environment. When 
>> they
>> designed the macintosh operating system they wanted to keep compatibility 
>> in
>> mind also so that macs and pcs can work together. For microsoft office
>> things you could use a program called open office. i have never used it 
>> but,
>> I do hear grate reports of how accessible it is. If you wanna pay a 
>> little
>> for iWork09 which is apples version of microsoft office then you can. I
>> think as of writing this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac 
>> computer
>> it comes with it.
>> On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact,
>>> you'll even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when
>>> powering it on. If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest
>>> models will have the trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or
>>> iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I find it easier to use the
>>> iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it pretty hard to
>>> navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a table,
>>> though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played
>>> with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been
>>> trying out iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not
>>> have one. But they work great.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
 Hi all.

 I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and
 I have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of
 switching to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are
 too tied to being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint,
 Excel and Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but
 personal use is a different story.

 So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
 laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
 I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
 farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
 program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to
 make such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
 another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of

 This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
 the prospect of having

Re: Will the ipod Touch Announce the time somehow?

2009-12-05 Thread Pete Nalda
Thank you so much for the info.

On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Pete, Matt, Jacob, and Others,
> Time on the iPhone and iPod Touch is automatically announced when the  
> screen is in locked mode and you press the "Home" button. This means  
> that if your screen is locked (e.g., if you pressed the power button  
> at the top of your iPhone or iPod Touch to lock your screen, or if you  
> have your iPhone or iPod Touch set to automatically lock after a  
> specified time of inactivity), then pressing the "Home" button at the  
> bottom tells you the time.  You could also press the power button  
> twice to get this information.  If you then flick right anywhere on  
> the screen you'll get the date announcement, e.g. "Saturday, 5th  
> December".
> Incidentally, when the screen is in locked mode, the touch screen area  
> for the time is a large region at the top center of the screen just  
> below where time normally appears on the status bar line. (The  
> touchable region for time on the status bar is much smaller).  On the  
> lock screen, touching the center of the status bar at the top of the  
> screen announces "Screen Locked".  Touch or move your finger just  
> below the time area to get the date.
> I think this topic was either my first or second post to the viphone  
> list, in response to somebody's questing about where to find battery  
> status information (and about the status bar). I found out that this  
> feature was added on in one of the then recent software updates (to OS  
> 3.1, I think).  The software updates have added great features, like  
> the ability to set triple-click home to toggle VoiceOver on and off in  
> your Settings menu, which gives you access to some apps that otherwise  
> would be problematic, or the ability to do copy and paste, or access  
> to the index lists to songs and address book entries.  (These are all  
> standard now, but weren't features in the original iPhone OS 3.0  
> release for VoiceOver users.)  And for new users, the "Practice  
> VoiceOver Gestures" screen that was added to the Settings > General >  
> Accessibility > VoiceOver menu that was added in one of these software  
> updates is a great way to start working with gestures.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Ok.  I'll just have to learn how to make it do that either in the  
>> Apple store or if I buy one.  Thanks
>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:39 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>>> I don't think the Touch will announce the time automatically, but  
>>> you can get the information from the status bar.
>>> Matt Roberts
>>> On Dec 5, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:
 Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today and  
 wondered if the ipod touch could do the same?  If so nice feature.
 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
 Pete Nalda
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> .
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> --
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>> .
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda


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Re: Introduction

2009-12-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Rick, as a very recent switcher myself, I know what you are dealing with in 
learning to use the Mac.  Aside from learning a whole new set of commands, 
there are also some concepts that need to click in your head to successfully 
use the Mac.  The more time you spend with it, the faster things will click of 
course.  I think for myself, I started with the E-mail program.  Before I 
bought my Mac, I did a lot of research and took notes so that I could get up 
and running as quickly as possible.  I hated the keyboard that came with my 
iMac, so I decided to use my old faithful Logitech keyboard from the Windows 
side and I am very glad I did that.  I love being able to use my number pad to 
do keyboard commands with the Mac.  It makes things so much easier.  I could 
never have done it without this list and Mike's series of podcasts on the Mac.  
The strangest concepts coming from the Windows side were interacting and the 
different way the cursor moves on the Mac.  It took me a long time to get 
straight in my head now when you move your left arrow, it jumps you to the left 
of the character and when you move the right arrow, it puts you to the right of 
the character.  Another concept that was sort of weird was ejecting a disk 
image when you install a program with command E.  These were things we didn't 
have to do on the Windows side, but once you wrap your mind around these 
concepts, you'll be off and running with the Mac.  Good luck, and keep us 
posted on your progress..
On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:37 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Thanks for the offer for help and no the difficulties didn't deter me.  I 
> don't have lots of time to spend on the mac right now but I'm watching the 
> list and reading things so that hopefully my next podcast will go smoother 
> than the first 3 have so far.  The mac is really nice and I'm sure if I 
> hadn't spend years on windows the transition would go smootther for me. 
> But overall I'm liking the mac and looking forward to seeing how it can do 
> the things I'll be wanting to do with it in the future.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: Nicolai Svendsen
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Introduction
> Hi Rick,
> Definitely glad you're trying the Mac. From listening to the podcasts, it 
> sounds like you had some interesting things happen during the install, for 
> sure. I definitely hope that isn't actually putting you off attempting to 
> fiddle around more with the system. I hope you're enjoying the experience, 
> and good luck playing with your Mac. Feel free to mail me off-list in case 
> there's something you'd like me to explain, to show you, or whatever. I'm all 
> for trying to help someone make the transition easier, as I switched in 
> August myself.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Some of you here probably know me from the Windows side of town.  For those 
>> of you that don't know me, my name is Rick Harmon and I run the Blind Geek 
>> Zone website where i provide lots of free tutorials for Windows and 
>> primarily  Jaws.  I Just purchased a mac mini a couple of weeks ago and 
>> decided to do a series of podcasts from the perspective of switching over to 
>> the mac from a windows point of view.  I know litterally nothing about the 
>> mac side of town and have been curious for a while now about using one.  So 
>> far reviews have been quite positive and I plan to continue to do more 
>> podcasts as I learn how to do more and more with the mac.  Anyone interested 
>> in listening to them, the links will follow.
>> mac podcast 1:
>> mac podcast 2:
>> mac podcast 3:
>> Remember these podcasts are primarily geared to people curious about 
>> switching over to the mac from windows and are not really for experienced 
>> mac users, unless you want to have a laugh.
>> Enjoy,
>> Thanks for providing a great list for learning the mac.
>> Rick Harmon
>> ---
>> Visit my webpage and podcast feed at:
>> and my web Blog at:
>> Join the BGZ mailing list by sending a blank email message to:
>> and reply to the confirmation msg.
>> Contact info:
>> Email - &
>> Skype - rharmon928
>> Twitter - RicksterTheGeek and BlindGeekZone
>> MSN -
>> --
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Re: Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Krister, I'm trying to learn Amadeus Pro myself.  I'm wondering if we could run 
that PDF manual through AbyyFine to get a better rendering?  It does a great 
job with PDF documents.  I'm also looking for any podcasts that might be out 
there on Amadeus, but can only find one concerning the batch converter.  Good 
luck and please keep us posted on your progress. 

On Dec 5, 2009, at 6:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi there.
> I was trying to edit a podcast that is about to go out soon when i 
> encountered a problem in Amadeus Pro. First, before i ask my questions, i 
> have to say that this rant is due to the fact that i think i don't understand 
> the concepts of Amadeus and how it works as well as i would like to.
> My problem was that i couldn't cut a selection i had done. I placed a mark at 
> the play head and then extended the selection from the play head position to 
> the previous marker and then i tried to cut the selection, this didn't work 
> for some odd reason and i don't know why. The question i ask myself and any 
> gurus of Amadeus pro is why is the insertion point and the play head two 
> separate entities? What do you actually gain by this approach? For me it only 
> gets more confusing and more time consuming to edit a sound this way. Since i 
> don't understand the logic behind this, the editing gets random. Sometimes 
> placing markers work, sometimes not, sometimes selecting things work and 
> applying operations to a selection works as expected and other times the 
> whole thing gets screwed up and i can't seem to see a rational explanation as 
> to why and there's nothing that i can find in the manual about this so any 
> help would be very much appreciated.
> My second question is this: Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available 
> in either text or html with the table correctly rendered? As it is in the 
> manual now, and if it is shown in Preview, i see the shortcut keys in one 
> list and the asociated functions, i.e what the keys do in a separate list, 
> making it useless in practise since you see every single shortcut in a neat 
> little row and then in a totally separate list you see the actions, I would 
> have wanted keys and actions next to eachother. If there's no text or html 
> file with keyboard shortcuts and actions rendered correctly, is there a way 
> for Preview or Skim to show me the shortcut list like that?
> Thanks for any help.
> /Krister
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Re: Bak on an Apple Again

2009-12-05 Thread Jake
In theory you could remove Voiceover manually, but there's no official
way to do it and the actual core accessibility infrastructure is part
of the OS X core system libraries. It is tied into the GUI at a very
low level.
As far as Linux and Orca goes, that is more complicated than it first
appears. Given that Orca only works with GNOME, and that only some
Linux distributions include it by default, you have no guarantee that
it will be available on someone else's system if you need it. Further,
what if they're using KDE or LXDE or another desktop environment where
Orca is not available and wouldn't work even if it were installed? Or
a Linux netbook that comes with a custom GUI of its own? Not all Linux
systems are GNOME-based or even offer it.
As far as having ready access to the accessibility tools, I'd rate Mac
first, Windows second since you can carry either NVDA or System Access
with you, and Linux third since there are just too many variables
involved and you can't simply carry Orca with you.

On Dec 5, 4:49 pm, "James & Nash" 
> You're right Nic. Mac is good in that regard as well as many others. I guess 
> the same is true of Linux and Orca although a user could remove Orca and then 
> you'd be stuck. Can the Universal Access or whatever Apple calls it be 
> deleted just out of interest.
> Thanks
> TC
> James
> On 5 Dec 2009, at 23:35, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > NVDA is great, though it does not come installed by default. The thing I 
> > love about the Mac is that, if a sighted user requires you take a look at 
> > something on their Mac, you can just turn VoiceOver on without having to 
> > download it, or run the portable version. I guess the portable version of 
> > NVDA eliminates most of that, but you're still required to carry it with 
> > you.
> > Regards,
> > Nic
> > Skype: Kvalme
> > MSN Messenger:
> > AIM: cincinster
> > yahoo Messenger: cin368
> > Facebook Profile
> > My Twitter
> > On Dec 5, 2009, at 11:09 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> >> Welcome to the list. I agree with your point about using mainstream 
> >> products where appropriate. Mac and Linux AT are two very good examples  
> >> of this. However, Windows is now also coming to the same place with NVDA 
> >> which is brilliant.
> >> TC
> >> James
> >> On 5 Dec 2009, at 21:55, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> >>> enjoy your mac!! you'll love it!! and I completely agree. if there's a 
> >>> mainstream solution, people should use that. these note takers and 
> >>> screenreaders are okay if there's no other solution, but people already 
> >>> see blind people as bad different as it is and it seems to me like people 
> >>> don't take the time to understand what they don't know about. everyone 
> >>> knows about apple computers and computers in general, and I think the 
> >>> more sighted people see us using regular technology the better. I just 
> >>> love when I'm sitting somewhere in public with my mac and people ask me 
> >>> how I use it!
> >>> On 2009-12-05, at 1:06 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>  I just got my Mac a couple of days ago.  I have extensive computer 
>  knowledge, starting on the old Apple II, and moved to MSDOS, not by 
>  choice, but out of necessity.  The switch to Windows took place, and 
>  with it the cost of the screen readers came as well.  Every time you 
>  changed operating systems, you had to buy a new version of the screen 
>  reader.  Once I had a problem with a screen reader, and had to install a 
>  later version.  I didn't have the stupid authorization disk, so guess 
>  what I had to do? You guessed it, spend more money.
>  I'm learning the Mac because I don't choose to give more money to 
>  assistive technology manufacturers.  I believe if a mainstream solution 
>  for access exists, we should use that.  Only go to the AT companies if 
>  no other solution exists to complete a particular task.
>  Matt Roberts
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Re: Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Søren Jensen
Hi there.

The same is happening for me. When it happens, you can try to move the mouse to 
the scrollarea by pressing Vo command f5, and then dubble click by pressing Vo 
shift spacebar. This fix the issue for me.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Dec 5, 2009 kl. 12:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:

> Hi there.
> I was trying to edit a podcast that is about to go out soon when i 
> encountered a problem in Amadeus Pro. First, before i ask my questions, i 
> have to say that this rant is due to the fact that i think i don't understand 
> the concepts of Amadeus and how it works as well as i would like to.
> My problem was that i couldn't cut a selection i had done. I placed a mark at 
> the play head and then extended the selection from the play head position to 
> the previous marker and then i tried to cut the selection, this didn't work 
> for some odd reason and i don't know why. The question i ask myself and any 
> gurus of Amadeus pro is why is the insertion point and the play head two 
> separate entities? What do you actually gain by this approach? For me it only 
> gets more confusing and more time consuming to edit a sound this way. Since i 
> don't understand the logic behind this, the editing gets random. Sometimes 
> placing markers work, sometimes not, sometimes selecting things work and 
> applying operations to a selection works as expected and other times the 
> whole thing gets screwed up and i can't seem to see a rational explanation as 
> to why and there's nothing that i can find in the manual about this so any 
> help would be very much appreciated.
> My second question is this: Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available 
> in either text or html with the table correctly rendered? As it is in the 
> manual now, and if it is shown in Preview, i see the shortcut keys in one 
> list and the asociated functions, i.e what the keys do in a separate list, 
> making it useless in practise since you see every single shortcut in a neat 
> little row and then in a totally separate list you see the actions, I would 
> have wanted keys and actions next to eachother. If there's no text or html 
> file with keyboard shortcuts and actions rendered correctly, is there a way 
> for Preview or Skim to show me the shortcut list like that?
> Thanks for any help.
> /Krister
> --
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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-05 Thread carlene knight
Perhaps I was hasty as I have never played with Windows 7.  It also depends on 
what you are doing with your machine, I suppose.  My husband is a heavy media 
user watching movies, extracting files from various sources, watching videos 
and listening to podcast, sometimes doing 2 or 3 of the afore mentioned tasks 
at the same time while viewing his email messages every so often.  He's got a 
MacMini and seldom sees glitches or slowdowns.  It's hard for me to believe 
that you could run a Windows PC that long without rebooting doing heavy tasks 
such as this,  at least with XP.  I know Windows 7  is a much better operating 
system than Xp though.. O

n Dec 5, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:

> I'd like to state that my Windows PC is very stable and have ran it for that 
> long of a time without re booting.  My 2.66 Ghz intel core2duo here with 
> windows 7 is very fast maybe even faster than my brand new mac mini at 2.53 
> Ghz.
> So the assertion that PC's are inherently unstable is honestly a myth.
> I'm not trying to say a mac isn't better than a windows pc or the other way 
> around.  Just saying that somethings said about windows pc's are just not 
> factual.
> Rick
> - Original Message - 
> From: "carlene knight" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:55 PM
> Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions
> Hi:
> One thing that hasn't been said yet is the fact that the Mac is so much more 
> stable  than the PC.  programs don't bog down.  My husband has had his 
> MacMini running for nearly four weeks before.  He only rebooted to install 
> an update.  Try doing that on a Pc without problems.  :) The Mac is faster 
> also.
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
>> Thanks everyone for all this great information!  It looks like I may
>> be about to spend some money on a Mac!  I may wait till after the
>> holidays, but I'm definitely going to make the switch.  I'll still
>> have my current Windows-based netbook to use while I'm learning the
>> Mac.
>> And yes, Donna, I'm the other Donna from the BookShare volunteer list.
>> I haven't been on the list for a while, though I still contribute
>> scans.  It sounds like I'll be keeping my old Dell laptop set up for
>> OCR work, but that's no problem.  I always used my older laptop for
>> that anyway.  It was just easier than tying up my current laptop with
>> scans.
>> Thanks again to everyone.  This is really exciting!
>> Donna
>> On 12/5/09, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>>> David,
>>> I hear that "Numbers" is not terribly accessible.  Do you do any
>>> work with that?  Have you any opinions?
>>> Kevin
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: David Denne []
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:27 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Introduction and Newby Questions
>>> Ok I just need to comment on a few things. As far as a learning curve 
>>> sure
>>> you do have to learn a new screen reader but this one introduces its self 
>>> to
>>> you  via a lovely quick start guide that is very interactive. Also a
>>> macintosh computer can be used in a business or work environment. When 
>>> they
>>> designed the macintosh operating system they wanted to keep compatibility 
>>> in
>>> mind also so that macs and pcs can work together. For microsoft office
>>> things you could use a program called open office. i have never used it 
>>> but,
>>> I do hear grate reports of how accessible it is. If you wanna pay a 
>>> little
>>> for iWork09 which is apples version of microsoft office then you can. I
>>> think as of writing this message its $79.99 but when you buy a mac 
>>> computer
>>> it comes with it.
>>> On 12/5/09, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
 Hi Donna,
 Yes, the Macintosh comes with accessibility out of the box. In fact,
 you'll even get a nice message telling you how to turn it on when
 powering it on. If you buy a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, the newest
 models will have the trackpad which will work like the iPhone's or
 iPod Touch touch screen. Personally, I find it easier to use the
 iPhone or iPod touch screen to navigate. I find it pretty hard to
 navigate without having to interact with a gesture to see a table,
 though you can probably touch an item in the table. I never played
 with the trackpad a lot, though I do use it on occasion. I've been
 trying out iPhones for a little while, though I unfortunately do not
 have one. But they work great.
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter
 On Dec 5, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Donna Smith wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and
> I have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of
> switching to a Mac, at least for per

How to share voiceOver labels?

2009-12-05 Thread Jonathan Chacón

we can label a control using VO+/ keystroke but Can we share these labels with 
other users? Using this method we can improve accessibility of some 

Jonathan Chacón


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about signatures in mail

2009-12-05 Thread Jonathan Chacón

I've got 4 mail accounts in Mail. Y wrote 3 signatures in mail but I can't use 
them in my mail accounts but I have to drag and drop the signatures to the mail 
accounts in the configuration window of Mail.

How can I do this using an accessible procedure?

thanks and regards
Jonathan Chacón


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