Re: Creating mailboxes with message rules

2009-07-13 Thread Simon Cavendish

Dear Oren,

Your e-mail has come into my private address rather than the  

As for the question, I had similar problems. I am no expert but I will  
say what I have experienced.

First of all, create the mailbox. If you tab or vo+arrow through the  
dialogue box which appears, you will get a choice at which level you  
wish to create your mailbox. It is under location. I think it's a  
popup button and you have a choice of either doing it "on my mac" or  
under your main identitty mailbox/inbox.

Then in the preferences once you choose rules, you specify the rule as  
follows: in the "to" field "contains", you put the address of the  
macvisionaries group "". Then in the  
"action" section, you choose "move to" and under the popup button  
select your newly create mailbox.

When you try to close the rules section, you will be asked whether you  
want to apply the rules. Accept it, and it should work fine. It does  
for me.

With best wishes

On 13 Jul 2009, at 03:09, Orin wrote:

> Hey all,
> Just wondering how to go about doing this? It wants me to create a
> mailbox in the "On my Mac" section, but I want it where my sent and
> trash and all that stuff are for these lists so I can get private mail
> in my inbox.
> But when I create it I don't really want it to go into the
> "RSS"section either so to speak.
> I just want it to go where the mailboxes go, like the default inbox,
> etc.
> Than I want to take messages with a certain subject, for example
> [macvoiceover], to be put into a Mac VOiceOver mailbox.
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth

I use iphoto quite easily. and I only have Ilife 8. you just have to  
ensure your photos are labelled in folders that you want to add and in  
the import folder where new imports are, copy and paste into a new  
slide show, hey presto, it's easy. I've made severeal already. with  
music and fancy things. :)

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
> version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple program
> for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of iphoto
> accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a cheap
> or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max
> >

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2009-07-13 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks, 

How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?



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Re: Sensspace

2009-07-13 Thread william lomas

very it even tells you its upoad progress
but I thik you ned a max account I do not know if it lets one upload a  
file with a free account

On 13 Jul 2009, at 12:00, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?
> Thanks
> James
> >

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Re: Sensspace

2009-07-13 Thread James & Nash

Yes  I have one. Don't know if I should go to a stroe though or buy my new 
Mac online
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Sensspace

> very it even tells you its upoad progress
> but I thik you ned a max account I do not know if it lets one upload a
> file with a free account
> On 13 Jul 2009, at 12:00, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?
>> Thanks
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Re: Sensspace

2009-07-13 Thread william lomas

go to a store if one is near then you have it when you leave

On 13 Jul 2009, at 12:31, James & Nash wrote:

> Yes  I have one. Don't know if I should go to a stroe though or buy  
> my new
> Mac online
> - Original Message -
> From: "william lomas" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Sensspace
>> very it even tells you its upoad progress
>> but I thik you ned a max account I do not know if it lets one  
>> upload a
>> file with a free account
>> On 13 Jul 2009, at 12:00, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?
>>> Thanks
>>> James

> >

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Re: Sensspace

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth

yes it does. and you found it easy to use? really, I find the wizard a  

On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:17 PM, william lomas wrote:

> very it even tells you its upoad progress
> but I thik you ned a max account I do not know if it lets one upload a
> file with a free account
> On 13 Jul 2009, at 12:00, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?
>> Thanks
>> James
> >

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Re: Mae, iMac, Macbooks and other Apple computers.

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter
Ok, now what's an i7?

May and Wynter with a y
  - Original Message - 
  From: Blake Sinnett 
  Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:24 PM
  Subject: RE: Mae, iMac, Macbooks and other Apple computers.

  M, Mac Pro.If I had a new I7 Mac Pro, that'd be fantastic. I know it 
would be sacrilegious, but I'd run my Windows music production software on it. 
Also, the towers are cool looking.
  > From:
  > To:
  > Subject: Re: Mae, iMac, Macbooks and other Apple computers.
  > Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 17:03:38 -0400
  > And don't forget the mother of all Macs, the Mac Pro. Of course unless 
  > you have a real reason for a Mac Pro, you won't need one since that is 
  > more horsepower than the average user would need. You can get those 
  > babies with quad Duo Core processors, and enough ram to choke a horse. 
  > Yeah, its like a server, which Apple of course has those as well, but 
  > I forget what they are called.
  > On Jul 12, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
  > >
  > > Hi Mae,
  > >
  > > The iMac is the apple version of a full featured desktop computer.
  > > They have another "desktop" that lots of people use as a home
  > > entertainment hub called the Mac Mini. It's all the features of a CPU
  > > but you provide things like speakers, keyboard/mouse monitor. Then
  > > there are the notebook computers the macbook, macbook pro which has
  > > more power and some different options than the macbook and the macbook
  > > air which is a smaller lighter sort of notebook, I think they call
  > > them sub-notebooks? But not as small as these netbook things that seem
  > > to be all the rage.
  > > HTH
  > > Jenny
  > > Olathe, Kansas Usa
  > >
  > > >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread James Dietz

To be honest, I don't think it was so unfairly written. I do agree
with some of the points he made, mainly those pertaining to finding
the icon which announces battery status.  I quested over to the
Pentagon City Mall this weekend to have a look at the iPhone, and that
got to me a little; though I didn't try navigation by "flicking," I
did like the drag-and-tap model quite nicely. It was annoying to find
the "more" or "page 2" buttons when navigating the iPod and Home
screens respectively, and though I didn't try and find the
battery/date and time icons, from listening to Shane Jackson's podcast
it doesn't sound entirely pleasant.  The touchscreen model is nice,
but tapping around just to get info or move the screen down does seem
a little cumbersome.  Does navigation by "flick" eliminate the "more"
button annoyance? (As if I was arrowing through a table - it doesn't
matter what's showing on screen, just what's under the cursor?)

On 7/12/09, Larry Wanger  wrote:
> This comes up when you do a search for Mosen and iPhone on Google.
> Written before the iPhone with VO came to market I might add.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan Mosen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 11:15 PM
> Subject: iPhone, a Reality Check
>  > There's been some pretty lively discussion on Twitter since the
>  > announcement
>  > of the new iPhone, which some are calling accessible. As 140
> characters
>  > can
>  > be quite limiting, I thought I would make some extended comment
> through
>  > this
>  > list.
>  >
>  > There seems to be a great deal of excitement over the fact that
> Apple have
>  > put a screen reader into the iPhone. For no extra cost, someone can
> go to
>  > AT&T in the US, or your iPhone carrier in other countries, pick up an
>  > iPhone, and get speech without installing any additional software.
> It can
>  > be
>  > made to talk by enabling the feature from the PC, so no sighted
> assistance
>  > is required. At face value, the principle is an enticing one,
> although the
>  > concept is not entirely new. Phones such as some of the LG range have
>  > offered an out of box experience that has varied in its degree of
>  > accessibility for some time. There is also the question of how
> easily we
>  > as
>  > blind people can influence product enhancements. But hats off to
> Apple for
>  > getting this done for sure.
>  >
>  > Just because we're blind, doesn't mean we're immune to the latest
> trend
>  > and
>  > marketing hype. Sighted iPhone devotees love the look of the
> iPhone, and
>  > its
>  > touch screen. So there are blind people who want an iPhone because
> it's
>  > trendy. There's nothing inherently wrong with this either. If we
> want to
>  > be
>  > part of the latest big thing, it is wrong for consumers that happen
> to be
>  > blind to be locked out. It is worth baring in mind though that
> Nokia still
>  > well outsells all of its competitors put together in the global
> market.
>  >
>  > We all use our phones for different purposes, and perhaps it is
> true that
>  > because screen readers have only run on smartphones, some of us are
> using
>  > smartphones when we otherwise wouldn't be. A smartphone is all about
>  > productivity. Getting information in and out of the device with
> ease is
>  > critical.
>  >
>  > There are comments in the Apple documentation, found at
>  > that intrigue
> me
>  > with
>  > respect to reviewing what is on the screen. They say in part:
>  >
>  > What makes VoiceOver on iPhone truly remarkable is that you control
> it
>  > using
>  > simple gestures that let you physically interact with items on
> screen.
>  > It's
>  > easy to learn and fun to use. Instead of memorizing hundreds of
> keyboard
>  > commands, or endlessly pressing tiny arrow keys to find what you're
>  > looking
>  > for, with VoiceOver, you simply touch the screen to hear a
> description of
>  > the item under your finger, then gesture with a double-tap, drag,
> or flick
>  > to control the phone.
>  >
>  > VoiceOver delivers an experience unlike any screen reader you've
> ever used
>  > before. Traditional screen readers describe individual elements on
> the
>  > screen, but struggle to communicate where each element is located or
>  > provide
>  > information about adjoining objects. This contextual information is
> very
>  > important but typically filtered out by other screen readers. For
> example,
>  > "off-screen" models used by traditional screen readers to represent
>  > applications and web pages intentionally strip away contextual
> information
>  > and describe web pages as a list or menu of items. But with
> VoiceOver on
>  > iPhone 3G S, you'll experience something entirely new.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > So say the people at Apple. It seems they are indulging in some
> serious
>  > hyperbole here. As a Talks and Mobile Speak user who uses a lot of
> the
>  > screen readers' functionality, it is simply not the 

Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  Thank for getting me started.  I do think that either I didn't  
hear all the steps or you left some out.  Let me tell you what i did,  
and you can tell me if I made it harder than it should have been.  I  
chose import to library, selected my folder, and clicked to accept.   
Then I went to the list of photos and did a select all.  Then I did  
new albumn where it prompted me with types of albumns and i chose  
slide show.  Then it took me to a combination preview and settings  
page.  I chose a piece of music and changed the rate to five seconds.   
Cant wait til my sighted family gets up so i can ask them what they  
think.  Oh yeh, I exported it as a quicktime movie, and it plays.  I  
don't know why but it never seamed even this easy the first few times  
I tried messing with it.  Since you have more experience, can you  
suggest some settings to stay away from and why?  Also, once i get the  
go ahead from family, I need to create a slide show for business.  It  
will be of a ride through haunted house or dark ride as most people  
call them and I'll need some scary music or sound effects files.   
Would you know a good place to look for stuff like that?  I can't wait  
to post my first one to my website and show people some more of the  
things they get when posting their equipment with me.  Thanks a lot,  
Max  hugs hope i'm not hugging a guy this publicly?  oh well it would  
be worth it
On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> I use iphoto quite easily. and I only have Ilife 8. you just have to
> ensure your photos are labelled in folders that you want to add and in
> the import folder where new imports are, copy and paste into a new
> slide show, hey presto, it's easy. I've made severeal already. with
> music and fancy things. :)
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
>> version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple program
>> for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of iphoto
>> accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a  
>> cheap
>> or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max
> >

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Re: Sensspace

2009-07-13 Thread Peggy Fleischer

I use the sendspace wizzard very successfully on my Mac.
Peggy Fleischer

Jude 1:24  Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to  
present you
faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
1:25  To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty,  
and power, Both now and forever. Amen.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 7:00 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> How accessible is the SendSpace Wizard with VO?
> Thanks
> James
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth

nope, that is how I would do it. and you always know if you vo--shift-- 
right arrow and it tells you how many items there are if you've got  
all your photos. I do believe scary music can be very fun and if you  
find any downloads, just import it into itunes and it is completely  
searchable when choosing your music. Personally not sure where you  
could find this kind of thing, but hope you have fun with Iphoto. I  
personally love it. have made a slide show, well continue to do so of  
my nephew and my guide dog :)

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  Thank for getting me started.  I do think that either I didn't
> hear all the steps or you left some out.  Let me tell you what i did,
> and you can tell me if I made it harder than it should have been.  I
> chose import to library, selected my folder, and clicked to accept.
> Then I went to the list of photos and did a select all.  Then I did
> new albumn where it prompted me with types of albumns and i chose
> slide show.  Then it took me to a combination preview and settings
> page.  I chose a piece of music and changed the rate to five seconds.
> Cant wait til my sighted family gets up so i can ask them what they
> think.  Oh yeh, I exported it as a quicktime movie, and it plays.  I
> don't know why but it never seamed even this easy the first few times
> I tried messing with it.  Since you have more experience, can you
> suggest some settings to stay away from and why?  Also, once i get the
> go ahead from family, I need to create a slide show for business.  It
> will be of a ride through haunted house or dark ride as most people
> call them and I'll need some scary music or sound effects files.
> Would you know a good place to look for stuff like that?  I can't wait
> to post my first one to my website and show people some more of the
> things they get when posting their equipment with me.  Thanks a lot,
> Max  hugs hope i'm not hugging a guy this publicly?  oh well it would
> be worth it
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> I use iphoto quite easily. and I only have Ilife 8. you just have to
>> ensure your photos are labelled in folders that you want to add and  
>> in
>> the import folder where new imports are, copy and paste into a new
>> slide show, hey presto, it's easy. I've made severeal already. with
>> music and fancy things. :)
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
>>> version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple program
>>> for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of iphoto
>>> accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a
>>> cheap
>>> or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max

> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Great timing;  I just showed my first effort to the family, and they  
said it was great.  I think my musical choice could have been better,  
but I don't have much music in my itunes folder.  It isn't easy  
finding sound files.  Every time i search, I find them; but they want  
you to pay for them as if they are full quality production music.  But  
I'll keep looking.  I'm also trying to find some good calliope music  
for obvious reasons.  I may have to just break down and buy a couple c  
d's. lol  Thanks for the help.  The only thing i did wrong is I didn't  
realize that the default for photo order is date and time and not file  
name.  So, even though i renamed the files in the folder before i  
started, that wasn't the order.  I had to delete the album resort the  
photos by name and then start over.  But if figure two full tries is a  
lot better than i expected when i first read your email.  Ok, now,  
what size do you set your photos to i mean dimensions.  I checked the  
file size of the mov file i outputted and its rather large for a  
minute and 26 seconds.  Any suggestions how i could trim that down for  
uploading purposes?  Thanks again, you've been a big help.  Max
On Jul 13, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> nope, that is how I would do it. and you always know if you vo-- 
> shift--
> right arrow and it tells you how many items there are if you've got
> all your photos. I do believe scary music can be very fun and if you
> find any downloads, just import it into itunes and it is completely
> searchable when choosing your music. Personally not sure where you
> could find this kind of thing, but hope you have fun with Iphoto. I
> personally love it. have made a slide show, well continue to do so of
> my nephew and my guide dog :)
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> Hello;  Thank for getting me started.  I do think that either I  
>> didn't
>> hear all the steps or you left some out.  Let me tell you what i did,
>> and you can tell me if I made it harder than it should have been.  I
>> chose import to library, selected my folder, and clicked to accept.
>> Then I went to the list of photos and did a select all.  Then I did
>> new albumn where it prompted me with types of albumns and i chose
>> slide show.  Then it took me to a combination preview and settings
>> page.  I chose a piece of music and changed the rate to five seconds.
>> Cant wait til my sighted family gets up so i can ask them what they
>> think.  Oh yeh, I exported it as a quicktime movie, and it plays.  I
>> don't know why but it never seamed even this easy the first few times
>> I tried messing with it.  Since you have more experience, can you
>> suggest some settings to stay away from and why?  Also, once i get  
>> the
>> go ahead from family, I need to create a slide show for business.  It
>> will be of a ride through haunted house or dark ride as most people
>> call them and I'll need some scary music or sound effects files.
>> Would you know a good place to look for stuff like that?  I can't  
>> wait
>> to post my first one to my website and show people some more of the
>> things they get when posting their equipment with me.  Thanks a lot,
>> Max  hugs hope i'm not hugging a guy this publicly?  oh well it would
>> be worth it
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I use iphoto quite easily. and I only have Ilife 8. you just have to
>>> ensure your photos are labelled in folders that you want to add and
>>> in
>>> the import folder where new imports are, copy and paste into a new
>>> slide show, hey presto, it's easy. I've made severeal already. with
>>> music and fancy things. :)
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

 Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
 version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple program
 for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of  
 accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a
 or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max


> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth

not a problem, I haven't messed with that too much. but I would just  
reccomment playing around with it. it's a fun app. :)

On Jul 13, 2009, at 3:39 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Great timing;  I just showed my first effort to the family, and they
> said it was great.  I think my musical choice could have been better,
> but I don't have much music in my itunes folder.  It isn't easy
> finding sound files.  Every time i search, I find them; but they want
> you to pay for them as if they are full quality production music.  But
> I'll keep looking.  I'm also trying to find some good calliope music
> for obvious reasons.  I may have to just break down and buy a couple c
> d's. lol  Thanks for the help.  The only thing i did wrong is I didn't
> realize that the default for photo order is date and time and not file
> name.  So, even though i renamed the files in the folder before i
> started, that wasn't the order.  I had to delete the album resort the
> photos by name and then start over.  But if figure two full tries is a
> lot better than i expected when i first read your email.  Ok, now,
> what size do you set your photos to i mean dimensions.  I checked the
> file size of the mov file i outputted and its rather large for a
> minute and 26 seconds.  Any suggestions how i could trim that down for
> uploading purposes?  Thanks again, you've been a big help.  Max
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 9:27 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> nope, that is how I would do it. and you always know if you vo--
>> shift--
>> right arrow and it tells you how many items there are if you've got
>> all your photos. I do believe scary music can be very fun and if you
>> find any downloads, just import it into itunes and it is completely
>> searchable when choosing your music. Personally not sure where you
>> could find this kind of thing, but hope you have fun with Iphoto. I
>> personally love it. have made a slide show, well continue to do so of
>> my nephew and my guide dog :)
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> Hello;  Thank for getting me started.  I do think that either I
>>> didn't
>>> hear all the steps or you left some out.  Let me tell you what i  
>>> did,
>>> and you can tell me if I made it harder than it should have been.  I
>>> chose import to library, selected my folder, and clicked to accept.
>>> Then I went to the list of photos and did a select all.  Then I did
>>> new albumn where it prompted me with types of albumns and i chose
>>> slide show.  Then it took me to a combination preview and settings
>>> page.  I chose a piece of music and changed the rate to five  
>>> seconds.
>>> Cant wait til my sighted family gets up so i can ask them what they
>>> think.  Oh yeh, I exported it as a quicktime movie, and it plays.  I
>>> don't know why but it never seamed even this easy the first few  
>>> times
>>> I tried messing with it.  Since you have more experience, can you
>>> suggest some settings to stay away from and why?  Also, once i get
>>> the
>>> go ahead from family, I need to create a slide show for business.   
>>> It
>>> will be of a ride through haunted house or dark ride as most people
>>> call them and I'll need some scary music or sound effects files.
>>> Would you know a good place to look for stuff like that?  I can't
>>> wait
>>> to post my first one to my website and show people some more of the
>>> things they get when posting their equipment with me.  Thanks a lot,
>>> Max  hugs hope i'm not hugging a guy this publicly?  oh well it  
>>> would
>>> be worth it
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

 I use iphoto quite easily. and I only have Ilife 8. you just have  
 ensure your photos are labelled in folders that you want to add and
 the import folder where new imports are, copy and paste into a new
 slide show, hey presto, it's easy. I've made severeal already. with
 music and fancy things. :)

 On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
> version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple  
> program
> for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of
> iphoto
> accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a
> cheap
> or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max


> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Vicki Manley

Hi Jenny,
I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best  
phone provider I've eve been with.
I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've found  
thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile  
team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are  
great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their  
text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
Anyway, hope this helps.
On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> Kevin,
> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I don't
> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the best
> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have service
> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have iPhone.
> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they not
> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without the
> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be made
> Any help most welcome
> Best regards
> Jenny
> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
>> can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I  
>> remembered
>> this trick.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>>> I just got back from the Green Hills Apple Store in 
>>> Nashville Tn.
>>> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk out
>>> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy  
>>> process of
>>> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about an
>>> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after this
>>> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as long
>>> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
>>> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more  
>>> experience
>>> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
>>> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
>>> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
>>> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
>>> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great deal of
>>> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
>>> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
>>> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some uncertainty. I
>>> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
>>> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit strange.
>>> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at random.
>>> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was  
>>> opening.
>>> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are  
>>> laid
>>> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
>>> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
>>> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my cell
>>> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending  
>>> said
>>> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start it
>>> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I  
>>> even
>>> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
>>> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
>>> into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to  
>>> drag
>>> a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a  
>>> song.
>>> I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those
>>> instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to  
>>> get
>>> it to tell me again.
>>> My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages,  
>>> was
>>> able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully  
>>> able to
>>> bend my head around it's layout. I couldn't find the compose button,
>>> and I didn't understand the relationships between the message and  
>>> the
>>> mailboxes. I would assume that the mailbox list would be on the  
>>> left,
>>> and the messages on the right. I thought that's how it would look,  
>>> but
>>> I'm not sure.
>>> Safari was a bit interesting as well. I didn't spend but a few  
>>> minutes
>>> looking at it, and was a tad confused because I saw part of a web
>>> page, along with bookmarks. I wanted to try and enter in a website  
>>> to
>>> not only look at something familiar, and have an excuse to t

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter

Yes, a friend of mine also likes TMobile and is hoping they will get the 
IPhone soon.  She doesn't want to switch providers.

May and Wynter with a y
- Original Message - 
From: "Vicki Manley" 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and 

> Hi Jenny,
> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
> phone provider I've eve been with.
> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've found
> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
> Anyway, hope this helps.
> Vicki.
> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>> Kevin,
>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I don't
>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the best
>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have service
>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have iPhone.
>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they not
>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without the
>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be made
>> Any help most welcome
>> Best regards
>> Jenny
>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
>>> can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
>>> remembered
>>> this trick.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

 I just got back from the Green Hills Apple Store in Nashville Tn.
 My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk out
 with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
 process of
 making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about an
 hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after this
 cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as long
 as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
 turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
 with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
 causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
 was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.

 My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
 quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great deal of
 background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
 followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.

 My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some uncertainty. I
 was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
 However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit strange.
 While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at random.
 At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
 However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
 out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
 several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
 number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my cell
 phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
 call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start it
 playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
 found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
 thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
 into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
 a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
 I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those
 instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to
 it to tell me again.
 My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages,
 able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully
 able to
 bend my head around it's layout. I couldn't find the compose button,
 and I didn't understand the relationships between the message and
 mailboxes. I would assume that the mailbox list would be on the
 and th

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a brand- 
new and unfamiliar screen.

Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Dean Wilcox

Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer service wize?

At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:

>Hi Jenny,
>I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
>phone provider I've eve been with.
>I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've found
>thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
>team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
>great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
>text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
>Anyway, hope this helps.
>On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
> >
> > Kevin,
> > I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
> > wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
> > Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I don't
> > know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
> > provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
> > everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the best
> > rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
> > everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have service
> > via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have iPhone.
> > Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they not
> > popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without the
> > whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be made
> > Any help most welcome
> > Best regards
> > Jenny
> >
> > On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
> >> can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
> >> remembered
> >> this trick.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Alex,
> >>
> >>
> >> On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> I just got back from the Green Hills Apple 
> Store in Nashville Tn.
> >>> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk out
> >>> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> >>> process of
> >>> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about an
> >>> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after this
> >>> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as long
> >>> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> >>> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> >>> experience
> >>> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> >>> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> >>> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> >>>
> >>> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> >>> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great deal of
> >>> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> >>> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> >>>
> >>> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some uncertainty. I
> >>> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> >>> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit strange.
> >>> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at random.
> >>> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> >>> opening.
> >>> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> >>> laid
> >>> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> >>> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> >>> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my cell
> >>> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> >>> said
> >>> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start it
> >>> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> >>> even
> >>> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> >>> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> >>> into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
> >>> drag
> >>> a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
> >>> song.
> >>> I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those
> >>> instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to
> >>> get
> >>> it to tell me again.
> >>> My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages,
> >>> was
> >>> able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully
> >>> able to
> >>> bend my head around it's layout. I couldn't find the compose button,
> >>> and I didn't understand the relationships between the message and
> >>> the
> >>> mailboxes. I would assume that the mailbox list would be on the
> >>> left,
> >>> and the messages on the right. I thought that's how it would look,
> >>> but
> >>> I'm not sure.
> >>> Safari was a bit interest

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Vicki Manley

Oh right that's cool then.
I've been with a lot of other companies and must say I was extremely  
impressed with T Mobile from the first time I spoke to them etc.
Also their ensurance company they use, provide things in braille.
On 13 Jul 2009, at 17:52, May and Wynter wrote:

> Yes, a friend of mine also likes TMobile and is hoping they will get  
> the
> IPhone soon.  She doesn't want to switch providers.
> May and Wynter with a y
> - Original Message -
> From: "Vicki Manley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:31 AM
> Subject: Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts  
> and
> obsurvations.
>> Hi Jenny,
>> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
>> phone provider I've eve been with.
>> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've  
>> found
>> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
>> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
>> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
>> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
>> Anyway, hope this helps.
>> Vicki.
>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>> Kevin,
>>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I  
>>> don't
>>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the  
>>> best
>>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have  
>>> service
>>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have  
>>> iPhone.
>>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they  
>>> not
>>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without  
>>> the
>>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be  
>>> made
>>> Any help most welcome
>>> Best regards
>>> Jenny
>>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:


 By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
 can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
 this trick.


 On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

> I just got back from the Green Hills Apple Store in Nashville Tn.
> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk  
> out
> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> process of
> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about  
> an
> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after  
> this
> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as  
> long
> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> experience
> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great  
> deal of
> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some  
> uncertainty. I
> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit  
> strange.
> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at  
> random.
> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> opening.
> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> laid
> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my  
> cell
> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> said
> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start  
> it
> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> even
> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
> drag
> a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
> song.
> I think there was a tutor message, which would have 

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Vicki Manley

Not sure, I guess so, would you like me to try and find out?
Someone else on the list may know this answer for you.
On 13 Jul 2009, at 18:24, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer  
> service wize?
> At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:
>> Hi Jenny,
>> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
>> phone provider I've eve been with.
>> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've  
>> found
>> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
>> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
>> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
>> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
>> Anyway, hope this helps.
>> Vicki.
>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>> Kevin,
>>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I  
>>> don't
>>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the  
>>> best
>>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have  
>>> service
>>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have  
>>> iPhone.
>>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they  
>>> not
>>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without  
>>> the
>>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be  
>>> made
>>> Any help most welcome
>>> Best regards
>>> Jenny
>>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:


 By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
 can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
 this trick.


 On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

>I just got back from the Green Hills Apple
>> Store in Nashville Tn.
> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk  
> out
> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> process of
> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about  
> an
> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after  
> this
> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as  
> long
> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> experience
> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great  
> deal of
> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some  
> uncertainty. I
> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit  
> strange.
> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at  
> random.
> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> opening.
> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> laid
> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my  
> cell
> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> said
> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start  
> it
> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> even
> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
> drag
> a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
> song.
> I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those
> instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to
> get
> it to tell me again.
> My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages,
> was
> able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully
> able to
> bend my head around it's layout. I co

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell

I don't know, but my experience with T-Mobile here in the U.S was not  
so great. Well ok, it wasn't to bad until they tried messing me over  
twice. Once when I asked for a change in the service and they extended  
my contract by a few months after promising and repeatedly saying they  
would not and then trying to charge me an early termination fee on  
both lines after the contract was up and I opted to switch providers  
do to coverage issues. Of course you can find negative stories about  
any carrier. My hope however is that once the contract with AT&T  
expires with Apple, other carriers will begin carrying the iPhone.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:24 PM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer  
> service wize?
> At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:
>> Hi Jenny,
>> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
>> phone provider I've eve been with.
>> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've  
>> found
>> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
>> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
>> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
>> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
>> Anyway, hope this helps.
>> Vicki.
>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>> Kevin,
>>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I  
>>> don't
>>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the  
>>> best
>>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have  
>>> service
>>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have  
>>> iPhone.
>>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they  
>>> not
>>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without  
>>> the
>>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be  
>>> made
>>> Any help most welcome
>>> Best regards
>>> Jenny
>>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:


 By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
 can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
 this trick.


 On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

>I just got back from the Green Hills Apple
>> Store in Nashville Tn.
> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk  
> out
> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> process of
> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about  
> an
> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after  
> this
> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as  
> long
> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> experience
> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great  
> deal of
> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some  
> uncertainty. I
> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit  
> strange.
> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at  
> random.
> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> opening.
> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> laid
> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my  
> cell
> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> said
> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start  
> it
> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> even
> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> into play. I was not, however, able to

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Vicki Manley

I don't think they'll be the same as the people whom answer the phones  
when I call T Mobile customer services all sound like they are from UK  
and not US.
On 13 Jul 2009, at 18:24, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer  
> service wize?
> At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:
>> Hi Jenny,
>> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
>> phone provider I've eve been with.
>> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've  
>> found
>> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
>> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
>> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
>> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
>> Anyway, hope this helps.
>> Vicki.
>> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>> Kevin,
>>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
>>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
>>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I  
>>> don't
>>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
>>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
>>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the  
>>> best
>>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
>>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have  
>>> service
>>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have  
>>> iPhone.
>>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they  
>>> not
>>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without  
>>> the
>>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be  
>>> made
>>> Any help most welcome
>>> Best regards
>>> Jenny
>>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:


 By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
 can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
 this trick.


 On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

>I just got back from the Green Hills Apple
>> Store in Nashville Tn.
> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk  
> out
> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> process of
> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about  
> an
> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after  
> this
> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as  
> long
> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> experience
> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great  
> deal of
> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some  
> uncertainty. I
> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit  
> strange.
> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at  
> random.
> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> opening.
> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> laid
> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my  
> cell
> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> said
> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start  
> it
> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> even
> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
> drag
> a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
> song.
> I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those
> instructions, but I accidentally interrupted it, and was unable to
> get
> it to tell me again.
> My cursory glance of mail yielded few results. I saw the messages,
> was
> able to open one and sort of read it. However, I was not fully
> able to

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this to  
shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can already see  
all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile device I am  
using currently and don't much care for.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Dean Wilcox

I was just asking as this list is world wide and there are people 
from all over on here.

At 18:33 13/07/2009, you wrote:

>Not sure, I guess so, would you like me to try and find out?
>Someone else on the list may know this answer for you.
>On 13 Jul 2009, at 18:24, Dean Wilcox wrote:
> >
> > Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer
> > service wize?
> >
> > At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Jenny,
> >> I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the best
> >> phone provider I've eve been with.
> >> I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've
> >> found
> >> thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T Mobile
> >> team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They are
> >> great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find their
> >> text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
> >> Anyway, hope this helps.
> >> Vicki.
> >> On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Kevin,
> >>> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
> >>> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
> >>> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I
> >>> don't
> >>> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
> >>> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
> >>> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the
> >>> best
> >>> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
> >>> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have
> >>> service
> >>> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have
> >>> iPhone.
> >>> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they
> >>> not
> >>> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without
> >>> the
> >>> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be
> >>> made
> >>> Any help most welcome
> >>> Best regards
> >>> Jenny
> >>>
> >>> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
>  Hi,
>  By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume for VO
>  can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
>  remembered
>  this trick.
>  Regards,
>  Alex,
>  On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
> >
> >I just got back from the Green Hills Apple
> >> Store in Nashville Tn.
> > My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk
> > out
> > with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
> > process of
> > making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about
> > an
> > hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after
> > this
> > cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as
> > long
> > as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales person
> > turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
> > experience
> > with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment, which
> > causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right where vo
> > was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
> >
> > My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is too
> > quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great
> > deal of
> > background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
> > followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
> >
> > My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some
> > uncertainty. I
> > was successfully able to explore the phone and open several apps.
> > However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit
> > strange.
> > While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at
> > random.
> > At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
> > opening.
> > However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
> > laid
> > out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
> > several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
> > number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my
> > cell
> > phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and ending
> > said
> > call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start
> > it
> > playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
> > even
> > found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted without
> > thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to come
> > into play. I was not, however, able to bend my head around how to
> > drag
> > a slider, such as the  icon that allows you to advance through a
> > song.
> > I think there was a tutor message, which would have given me those

RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Russell Solowoniuk
I just added my cities local mobile newspaper to my home screen, and can now
click on a button and voila, I'm reading the newspaper, no matter where I'm
at.waiting for a cab, waiting in a doctor's's absolutely
fantastic!!  Something I was never able to do on my Nokia 6620.could never
figure out how to navigate web pages on that!
Love my iPhone!
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or
most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new
interface. For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to
Windows or who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah
how the debate rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to
get an iPhone and I can already see all the advantages it will offer over
the windows mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
.my other mail provider is an owl.


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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese

I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the  
special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to  
take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the  
picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned  
on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to  
deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done  
what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and  
capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at  
best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I  
heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen  
reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there were  
going to be some people who would rather put politics and special  
interests ahead of advancement for blind users.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
>> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
>> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
>> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
>> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
>> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
>> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
>> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
>> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
>> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
>> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
>> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>  …my other mail provider is an owl…
>> Twitter:
>> Music:
>> Mac-cessibility:
>> Blog:
>> GoodReads:
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Chris Polk


the part that got me was the downplaying of the specs of the iPhone.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 10:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:

>I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
> special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to
> take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
> picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned
> on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to
> deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
> what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and
> capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
> best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I
> heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen
> reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there were
> going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
> interests ahead of advancement for blind users.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who
>> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some
>> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same
>> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days
>> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line
>> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this
>> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can
>> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile
>> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>>> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so
>>> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first
>>> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for
>>> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems
>>> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.
>>> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick
>>> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a
>>> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
>>> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,
>>> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever
>>> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it
>>> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
>>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>> …my other mail provider is an owl…
>>> Twitter:
>>> Music:
>>> Mac-cessibility:
>>> Blog:
>>> GoodReads:
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Russell and all:

The following is a statement for comparison purposes only ... so there  
is no need to make this portion of the discussion last too long (smile).

I am thrilled to hear that your experience is a positive one. That  
feeling of being able to accomplish something you enjoy for the first  
time is amazing.

I could never get the nokia 6620 using Mobile Speak to work well on  
reading newspapers either. However, that ability was much improved in  
the Nokia 6650 (symbian 60 version 9.3).

I personally prefer the Iphone's capability and approach ... though if  
there are any hold outs who truly do not want or do not care about the  
iphone and whom wish to read newspapers ... take heart ... the symbian  
50 version 9.x generation will not leave you in the dust ... LOL

Happy reading
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Russell Solowoniuk wrote:

> I just added my cities local mobile newspaper to my home screen, and  
> can now click on a button and voila, I’m reading the newspaper, no  
> matter where I’m at…waiting for a cab, waiting in a doctor’s office… 
> it’s absolutely fantastic!!  Something I was never able to do on my  
> Nokia 6620…could never figure out how to navigate web pages on that!
> Love my iPhone!
> Russell
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread patrickneazer
Hello John and all:

I know this has been asked so please forgive me.

Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it  
seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
> special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to
> take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
> picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned
> on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to
> deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
> what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and
> capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
> best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I
> heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen
> reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there were
> going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
> interests ahead of advancement for blind users.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who
>> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some
>> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same
>> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days
>> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line
>> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this
>> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can
>> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile
>> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>>> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so
>>> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first
>>> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for
>>> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems
>>> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.
>>> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick
>>> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a
>>> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
>>> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,
>>> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever
>>> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it
>>> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
>>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>> …my other mail provider is an owl…
>>> Twitter:
>>> Music:
>>> Mac-cessibility:
>>> Blog:
>>> GoodReads:
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Larry Wanger


I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great. I am more
productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could with my
Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had terrible
luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I have pages
of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time. 


What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote this
before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear about how he
feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him that, in
the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional sense; I
mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest blindness
technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to speak
rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance of being
self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the opportunity to
set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on my
iPhone. No, it doesn't run the KNFB reader and it doesn't have an advanced
camera like some other phones in the world but it works a hell of a lot
better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I wonder if he would be
willing to sit down and write out his observations after the iPhone has been
in the marketplace for almost a month now. But, I bet he's never even held
one in his hand so, as with his initial observations, any response he might
give now would be baseless.




[] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone



What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.








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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese

 I assume one could search for it now.  It's been a while and  
since I viewed it as trash, I didn't keep the url or bother  
downloading the actual article.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:03 PM, patrickneazer wrote:

> Hello John and all:
> I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
> Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it  
> seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
>> special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to
>> take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
>> picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned
>> on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to
>> deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
>> what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and
>> capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
>> best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I
>> heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen
>> reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there  
>> were
>> going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
>> interests ahead of advancement for blind users.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who
>>> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some
>>> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same
>>> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days
>>> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line
>>> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this
>>> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can
>>> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile
>>> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

 What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so
 inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first
 time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for
 human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems
 just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.
 Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick
 method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a
 brand-new and unfamiliar screen.

 Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,
 inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever
 growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it
 takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

 Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…



> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> Love
> Me
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread James Dietz

I think that anyone reading the article would know themselves that it
was written before the release of the iPhone; if I remember correctly
he stated so (correct me if I'm wrong - I'll look at it when I get
home).  Anyone can speculate. A lot of the initial hype regarding the
iPhone was almost deliriously positive. I don't even think his
assessment was so blaringly negative as lots seem to think it was -
just some thoughts on challenges one might face.  For all the flack
organizations like the NFB get for writing articles which criticize
voiceover, I don't think it's fair to say Mosen was "slamming" the
iPhone or that all of the points NFB made were invalid.  I think we'd
be taken a little more seriously if we could accept criticism.  I'm
definitely not saying that the iPhone is crap or anything close - I
actually think I'd be able to type more effectively on it than my
current phone as once I jab one of the tiny little keyboard buttons
the letter has been typed (and it's often th ewrong one since buttons
are hard to locate).  I'm just saying that some of the functionality
is tied to the viusal interface, making it a little more cumbersome to
access.  From what Shane said on the podcast, the battery icon was a
very small icon which makes it difficult to touch with the tip of
one's finger. He often had lots of trouble locating icons himself - I
remember he spent at least a minute lookking for the address bar in
safari.  Of course he just received his iPhone, but in a pinch buttons
which are tied to specific actions when pressed and are (for the most
part) guaranteed to perform such an action once pressed are easier to
remember for most since that's what they are used to. Easier to locate
too, as they feel physically different to the fingertips.  The iPhone
isn't necessarily right for everyone.

On 7/13/09, John Panarese  wrote:
>  I assume one could search for it now.  It's been a while and
> since I viewed it as trash, I didn't keep the url or bother
> downloading the actual article.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:03 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello John and all:
>> I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
>> Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it
>> seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
>>> special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to
>>> take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
>>> picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned
>>> on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to
>>> deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
>>> what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and
>>> capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
>>> best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I
>>> heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen
>>> reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there
>>> were
>>> going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
>>> interests ahead of advancement for blind users.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who
 first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some
 of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same
 logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days
 of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line
 and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this
 to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can
 already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile
 device I am using currently and don't much care for.
 On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other m

RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Damon Fibraio
OK, consider me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows mobile smart
phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing mobile geo. I keep
hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over access to the I-phone. Can
somebody tell me why this is so great? I don't really understand the hype. I
do understand we get access right out of the box with voice over. I do
understand that once you get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures
and whatnot that this is really great access, according to what everybody is
saying. But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to
mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making everybody
turn inside out? I'd love to understand this, so any help you can provide
would be great. I have AT&T and probably could switch if I wanted to, but I
just don't understand why this phone is the second coming.



Damon Fibraio

screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio

Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio

personal music site:

Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow,


[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone


Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or
most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new
interface. For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to
Windows or who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah
how the debate rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to
get an iPhone and I can already see all the advantages it will offer over
the windows mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:


What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.










__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's case,  
I have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations  
from that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would  
sit down with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about  
his findings. I think he would be quite argumentative and take a  
hardline on his position regardless of whether he is proven right or  
wrong. In other words, you'd accomplish nothing more than wasting your  
time and giving yourself a headache. I'll not name names or so forth,  
but a conversation I had with a particular adaptive technology  
developer ran along the lines of me expressing my enthusiasm about the  
Mac and VO and how it was nice to see their product could be used  
under a VM. Of course that met with a very much "I don't care"  
attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the very least miledly  
daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid Mac when you have  
a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So, the market  
being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of these  
folks over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is  
truly a competitor now and any competition is a threat.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Josh,
> I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great. I  
> am more productive with this phone and able to do so much more than  
> I could with my Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard.  
> And, I had terrible luck finding applications for that phone that  
> were accessible. I have pages of apps on my iPhone that I use all  
> the time.
> What frustrates me about Jonathan’s article/email is that he wrote  
> this before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear  
> about how he feels. And, like it or not, he’s a “leader” if you want  
> to call him that, in the access technology world. I don’t mean  
> leader in the traditional sense; I mean it in that he’s a vice  
> president at one of the largest blindness technology providers in  
> the world and with that role comes some responsibility.  
> Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to speak rashly about  
> products from competitors lest you take the appearance of being self  
> promoting and carrying the company line. I’d love the opportunity to  
> set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on  
> my iPhone. No, it doesn’t run the KNFB reader and it doesn’t have an  
> advanced camera like some other phones in the world but it works a  
> hell of a lot better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I  
> wonder if he would be willing to sit down and write out his  
> observations after the iPhone has been in the marketplace for almost  
> a month now. But, I bet he’s never even held one in his hand so, as  
> with his initial observations, any response he might give now would  
> be baseless.
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Alex

It does GPS comprible to Trekker and possibly better and provides the  
closest thing to a sighted experance. Plus it is designed to work with  
56000 apps that do everything. Sure some developers are slow at making  
their apps accessible, but they are generally good folks who are doing  
their best and progress moves along smoothly.


On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Damon Fibraio wrote:

> OK, consider me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows  
> mobile smart phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing  
> mobile geo. I keep hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over  
> access to the I-phone. Can somebody tell me why this is so great? I  
> don’t really understand the hype. I do understand we get access  
> right out of the box with voice over. I do understand that once you  
> get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures and whatnot that  
> this is really great access, according to what everybody is saying.  
> But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to  
> mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making  
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese

Hi James,
Without a doubt, one should be able to handle criticism, and, in  
reality, criticism can be a positive thing if it is offered  
constructively and thoughtfully.  No technology, company or product  
should be considered the perfect solution for every user.  The problem  
with the article and those written by the NFB and AFB is the  
deliberate and obvious manner of obscuring the truth and focusing on  
the negatives to an extreme that seems to go out of their way.  In  
other words, if you really want to, you can write a negative review of  
any product and any company if you specifically focus on the negatives  
and exaggerate them.  Also, add a healthy amount of misinformation or  
purposely leaving out facts, and you can  create doubt and suspicion  
about any product to the average reader.

 Again, it is not the actual criticism that is the problem.  Yes,  
the article was written Before the iPhone, which, within itself,  
speaks volumes as to its motives.  Also, if you carefully read the NFB  
article on VoiceOver, and then listen to the Accessibility Round Table  
podcast that addresses its points, you will understand why some are  
taking issue with its legitimacy and lack of accuracy.  Yes, there  
might have been some facts in it, but there was clearly an intent  
behind it that sought to cast VoiceOver in the most negative light to  
the reader.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:53 PM, James Dietz wrote:

> I think that anyone reading the article would know themselves that it
> was written before the release of the iPhone; if I remember correctly
> he stated so (correct me if I'm wrong - I'll look at it when I get
> home).  Anyone can speculate. A lot of the initial hype regarding the
> iPhone was almost deliriously positive. I don't even think his
> assessment was so blaringly negative as lots seem to think it was -
> just some thoughts on challenges one might face.  For all the flack
> organizations like the NFB get for writing articles which criticize
> voiceover, I don't think it's fair to say Mosen was "slamming" the
> iPhone or that all of the points NFB made were invalid.  I think we'd
> be taken a little more seriously if we could accept criticism.  I'm
> definitely not saying that the iPhone is crap or anything close - I
> actually think I'd be able to type more effectively on it than my
> current phone as once I jab one of the tiny little keyboard buttons
> the letter has been typed (and it's often th ewrong one since buttons
> are hard to locate).  I'm just saying that some of the functionality
> is tied to the viusal interface, making it a little more cumbersome to
> access.  From what Shane said on the podcast, the battery icon was a
> very small icon which makes it difficult to touch with the tip of
> one's finger. He often had lots of trouble locating icons himself - I
> remember he spent at least a minute lookking for the address bar in
> safari.  Of course he just received his iPhone, but in a pinch buttons
> which are tied to specific actions when pressed and are (for the most
> part) guaranteed to perform such an action once pressed are easier to
> remember for most since that's what they are used to. Easier to locate
> too, as they feel physically different to the fingertips.  The iPhone
> isn't necessarily right for everyone.
> On 7/13/09, John Panarese  wrote:
>> I assume one could search for it now.  It's been a while and
>> since I viewed it as trash, I didn't keep the url or bother
>> downloading the actual article.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:03 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>>> Hello John and all:
>>> I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
>>> Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it
>>> seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:

   I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
 special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to  
 try to
 take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
 picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be  
 on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have  
 had to
 deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
 what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options  
 capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
 best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out  
 and I
 heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free  
 reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there
 going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
 interests ahead of advancement for blind users.

 Take Care

 John Panarese

 On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, S

Thanks. Was disclosure triangles.

2009-07-13 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

To Jessie and everyone who helped me with te triangles thing. Thanks!  
VO backslash works wonderfully! also love the VO shift M command.  I  
love figuring out and learning new things to do with this Mac and  
VO. :-)

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
mfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> ______ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Damon Fibraio
mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:


What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.










__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Larry Wanger

I don't think anyone is afraid of criticism, just criticism written by those
who have not used the product for any length of time and therefore are
writing reviews and the like without practical experience. If you're going
to level criticism you'd better have the knowledge and experience to back up
your claims.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Dietz
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

I think that anyone reading the article would know themselves that it
was written before the release of the iPhone; if I remember correctly
he stated so (correct me if I'm wrong - I'll look at it when I get
home).  Anyone can speculate. A lot of the initial hype regarding the
iPhone was almost deliriously positive. I don't even think his
assessment was so blaringly negative as lots seem to think it was -
just some thoughts on challenges one might face.  For all the flack
organizations like the NFB get for writing articles which criticize
voiceover, I don't think it's fair to say Mosen was "slamming" the
iPhone or that all of the points NFB made were invalid.  I think we'd
be taken a little more seriously if we could accept criticism.  I'm
definitely not saying that the iPhone is crap or anything close - I
actually think I'd be able to type more effectively on it than my
current phone as once I jab one of the tiny little keyboard buttons
the letter has been typed (and it's often th ewrong one since buttons
are hard to locate).  I'm just saying that some of the functionality
is tied to the viusal interface, making it a little more cumbersome to
access.  From what Shane said on the podcast, the battery icon was a
very small icon which makes it difficult to touch with the tip of
one's finger. He often had lots of trouble locating icons himself - I
remember he spent at least a minute lookking for the address bar in
safari.  Of course he just received his iPhone, but in a pinch buttons
which are tied to specific actions when pressed and are (for the most
part) guaranteed to perform such an action once pressed are easier to
remember for most since that's what they are used to. Easier to locate
too, as they feel physically different to the fingertips.  The iPhone
isn't necessarily right for everyone.

On 7/13/09, John Panarese  wrote:
>  I assume one could search for it now.  It's been a while and
> since I viewed it as trash, I didn't keep the url or bother
> downloading the actual article.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:03 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello John and all:
>> I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
>> Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it
>> seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
>>> special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to try to
>>> take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
>>> picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be turned
>>> on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have had to
>>> deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
>>> what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options and
>>> capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
>>> best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out and I
>>> heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free screen
>>> reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there
>>> were
>>> going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
>>> interests ahead of advancement for blind users.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who
 first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some
 of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same
 logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days
 of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line
 and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this
 to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can
 already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile
 device I am using currently and don't much care for.
 On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems
> just touching the battery s

RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Larry Wanger
Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and, if enough
of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds more each year
in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It's like any other product
and the markets they compete in. 




[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone


You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's case, I
have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on observations from
that and things he has said/written, I seriously doubt he would sit down
with you or an iPhone and certainly not to be objective about his findings.
I think he would be quite argumentative and take a hardline on his position
regardless of whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words, you'd
accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving yourself a
headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had with a
particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines of me
expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was nice to see
their product could be used under a VM. Of course that met with a very much
"I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked upon as being at the very
least miledly daft and why in hell would you want to use a stupid Mac when
you have a great solution and a good os at your disposal. :) So, the market
being what it is, I don't think you'll ever win him or most of these folks
over. I guess I sort of understand considering that Apple is truly a
competitor now and any competition is a threat.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:



I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great. I am more
productive with this phone and able to do so much more than I could with my
Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard. And, I had terrible
luck finding applications for that phone that were accessible. I have pages
of apps on my iPhone that I use all the time.


What frustrates me about Jonathan's article/email is that he wrote this
before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear about how he
feels. And, like it or not, he's a "leader" if you want to call him that, in
the access technology world. I don't mean leader in the traditional sense; I
mean it in that he's a vice president at one of the largest blindness
technology providers in the world and with that role comes some
responsibility. Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to speak
rashly about products from competitors lest you take the appearance of being
self promoting and carrying the company line. I'd love the opportunity to
set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on my
iPhone. No, it doesn't run the KNFB reader and it doesn't have an advanced
camera like some other phones in the world but it works a hell of a lot
better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I wonder if he would be
willing to sit down and write out his observations after the iPhone has been
in the marketplace for almost a month now. But, I bet he's never even held
one in his hand so, as with his initial observations, any response he might
give now would be baseless.




[] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone



What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.









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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-13 Thread Vicki Manley

oh ok then, no worries,
best wishes,
On 13 Jul 2009, at 18:46, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> I was just asking as this list is world wide and there are people
> from all over on here.
> At 18:33 13/07/2009, you wrote:
>> Not sure, I guess so, would you like me to try and find out?
>> Someone else on the list may know this answer for you.
>> Vicki.
>> On 13 Jul 2009, at 18:24, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> Are T-mobile in the UK and T-mobile in the US the same customer
>>> service wize?
>>> At 17:31 13/07/2009, you wrote:
 Hi Jenny,
 I've just recently moved over to T Mobile and think they are the  
 phone provider I've eve been with.
 I don't know if the iPhone will be released by them however I've
 thier disability service excellent Also the whole of the T  
 team seem very helpful and if I was you I'd stay with them. They  
 great at producing and sending out bills on time too and i find  
 text service about your balance and allowence super!!!
 Anyway, hope this helps.
 On 9 Jul 2009, at 07:42, Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> Kevin,
> I like your report. Sounds like the iPhone sounds pretty good.  I
> wonder if iPhone is going to be let out to other cell providers?
> Currently I'm with T-mobile and my contract is up in February. I
> don't
> know if I should just stay with t-mobile or switch to a whole new
> provider. If they do come out with the iPod touch and it can do
> everything, save for the phone functions, maybe that would be the
> best
> rout. But then There is the whole thing about text msgs and
> everything. So much to ponder... I am not sure I want to have
> service
> via ATT and wonder what if any other cell providers would have
> iPhone.
> Do any of you think T-mobile would ever get the iPhone or are they
> not
> popular enough? And  the iPod touch is it like the iPhone without
> the
> whole "phone" bit of things. Perplexing... Very big choices to be
> made
> Any help most welcome
> Best regards
> Jenny
> On 7/9/09, Alex Jurgensen  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> By using the Volume control while VO is pseaking your volume  
>> for VO
>> can get quite loud. I had the same experance and was glad I
>> remembered
>> this trick.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 8-Jul-09, at 9:37 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>>>   I just got back from the Green Hills Apple
 Store in Nashville Tn.
>>> My intention was to go and look at the iPhone, and probably walk
>>> out
>>> with one if I liked what I saw. However, due to the lengthy
>>> process of
>>> making a purchase, the apple store stopped selling iPhones about
>>> an
>>> hour and a half before they closed. I showed up 5 minutes after
>>> this
>>> cutoff time, but was encouraged to look at the display model as
>>> long
>>> as I liked until close. Upon enquiring about having a sales  
>>> person
>>> turn on Voiceover, they called on another rep who had more
>>> experience
>>> with Vo. Turns out, he  has some form of visual impairment,  
>>> which
>>> causes him to have to use the zoom feature. He knew right  
>>> where vo
>>> was, and turned it on for me. Now, the journey begins.
>>> My immediate observation was that of many other people. Vo is  
>>> too
>>> quiet, even with the volume cranked. In a store with a great
>>> deal of
>>> background noise, I found vo somewhat hard to hear. Should have
>>> followed my gut instinct and brought a headset along with me.
>>> My first 10 minutes with the phone was met with some
>>> uncertainty. I
>>> was successfully able to explore the phone and open several  
>>> apps.
>>> However, I found the sensitivity of the touch screen a bit
>>> strange.
>>> While dragging my finger along the icons, some would open at
>>> random.
>>> At first, I found myself quite lost inside of the apps I was
>>> opening.
>>> However, I soon found a consistent pattern to how these apps are
>>> laid
>>> out. Once I realized this, I was better able to navigate around
>>> several apps. I was soon successfully able to dial my own phone
>>> number, making my cell phone ring in my pocket. Then, using my
>>> cell
>>> phone, I was able to call the display model, answering and  
>>> ending
>>> said
>>> call. In the iPod app, I was able to choose a playlist and start
>>> it
>>> playing. I was able to then pause, advance to next track, etc. I
>>> even
>>> found myself able to locate the transport button I wanted  
>>> without
>>> thinking. I guess that's where muscle memory really starts to  
>>> come
>>> into play. I was no

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese
n somebody tell me why this is so great? I  
> don’t really understand the hype. I do understand we get access  
> right out of the box with voice over. I do understand that once you  
> get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures and whatnot that  
> this is really great access, according to what everybody is saying.  
> But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to  
> mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making  
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> ______ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Larry Wanger
and this, so any help you can provide
would be great. I have AT&T and probably could switch if I wanted to, but I
just don't understand why this phone is the second coming.



Damon Fibraio

screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio

Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio

personal music site:

Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow,


[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone


Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or
most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new
interface. For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to
Windows or who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah
how the debate rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to
get an iPhone and I can already see all the advantages it will offer over
the windows mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:


What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.










__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Russell Solowoniuk
Hi Alex,
You wrote: "It does GPS comprible to Trekker and possibly better".  Can you
elaborate?  Are you talking about Navigon?  Apparently that's not available
in North America right now, right?  Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone,
and just want to make sure I'm not missing out on a GPS solution that I'm
not aware of. 
[] On Behalf Of Alex
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
It does GPS comprible to Trekker and possibly better and provides the
closest thing to a sighted experance. Plus it is designed to work with 56000
apps that do everything. Sure some developers are slow at making their apps
accessible, but they are generally good folks who are doing their best and
progress moves along smoothly.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Damon Fibraio wrote:

OK, consider me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows mobile smart
phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing mobile geo. I keep
hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over access to the I-phone. Can
somebody tell me why this is so great? I don't really understand the hype. I
do understand we get access right out of the box with voice over. I do
understand that once you get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures
and whatnot that this is really great access, according to what everybody is
saying. But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to
mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making everybody
turn inside out? I'd love to understand this, so any help you can provide
would be great. I have AT&T and probably could switch if I wanted to, but I
just don't understand why this phone is the second coming.
Damon Fibraio
screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio
Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
personal music site:
Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow,
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or
most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new
interface. For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to
Windows or who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah
how the debate rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to
get an iPhone and I can already see all the advantages it will offer over
the windows mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
.my other mail provider is an owl.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> ______ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Dan
That's exactly what they are afraid of.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Who cares if we win them over. We talk with our pocket books and, if  
> enough of us stop paying thousands for their products and hundreds  
> more each year in SMA agreements it will get their attention. It’s  
> like any other product and the markets they compete in.
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 12:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> You know I truly am not into slamming people, but in Mr. Mosen's  
> case, I have heard his previous show/podcast and just based on  
> observations from that and things he has said/written, I seriously  
> doubt he would sit down with you or an iPhone and certainly not to  
> be objective about his findings. I think he would be quite  
> argumentative and take a hardline on his position regardless of  
> whether he is proven right or wrong. In other words, you'd  
> accomplish nothing more than wasting your time and giving yourself a  
> headache. I'll not name names or so forth, but a conversation I had  
> with a particular adaptive technology developer ran along the lines  
> of me expressing my enthusiasm about the Mac and VO and how it was  
> nice to see their product could be used under a VM. Of course that  
> met with a very much "I don't care" attitude. I think I was looked  
> upon as being at the very least miledly daft and why in hell would  
> you want to use a stupid Mac when you have a great solution and a  
> good os at your disposal. :) So, the market being what it is, I  
> don't think you'll ever win him or most of these folks over. I guess  
> I sort of understand considering that Apple is truly a competitor  
> now and any competition is a threat.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
> Josh,
> I may complain about the keyboard but overall this phone is great. I  
> am more productive with this phone and able to do so much more than  
> I could with my Samsung Blackjack II, even with its quarty keyboard.  
> And, I had terrible luck finding applications for that phone that  
> were accessible. I have pages of apps on my iPhone that I use all  
> the time.
> What frustrates me about Jonathan’s article/email is that he wrote  
> this before ever touching the iPhone and his position is quite clear  
> about how he feels. And, like it or not, he’s a “leader” if you want  
> to call him that, in the access technology world. I don’t mean  
> leader in the traditional sense; I mean it in that he’s a vice  
> president at one of the largest blindness technology providers in  
> the world and with that role comes some responsibility.  
> Responsibility to not jump to conclusions and to speak rashly about  
> products from competitors lest you take the appearance of being self  
> promoting and carrying the company line. I’d love the opportunity to  
> set down with Mr. Mosen and to show him just how productive I am on  
> my iPhone. No, it doesn’t run the KNFB reader and it doesn’t have an  
> advanced camera like some other phones in the world but it works a  
> hell of a lot better than Mosen makes it sound in this article. I  
> wonder if he would be willing to sit down and write out his  
> observations after the iPhone has been in the marketplace for almost  
> a month now. But, I bet he’s never even held one in his hand so, as  
> with his initial observations, any response he might give now would  
> be baseless.
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >


Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter
s phone do that is making everybody turn inside out? I’d love to 
understand this, so any help you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and 
probably could switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this 
phone is the second coming.

Damon Fibraio
screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio
Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
personal music site:
Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow,

[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first 
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or most 
had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new interface. 
For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to Windows or 
who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate 
rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I 
can already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile device 
I am using currently and don't much care for.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient 
is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a 
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction. After 
three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or really 
much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, 
and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a 
brand-new and unfamiliar screen.

Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient, 
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI 
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable. 
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread patrickneazer
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter
Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with the IPhone 
for North America.

I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our North 
American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you wanted to use it for 
routes while you're actually walking and outside it won't work.  But if you 
wanted to plan a trip and get directions before you left it does that very 
well.  Hope tha made sense.

May and Wynter with a y
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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. Apparently the 'lite' version is little more than a demo in that it 
doesn't let you route from where you are to some point. It has a 
'simulation' button which will go from someplace near by to the point 
you picked, but that's not really useful.


May and Wynter wrote:
> Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with the 
> IPhone for North America.
> I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our 
> North American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you wanted 
> to use it for routes while you're actually walking and outside it 
> won't work.  But if you wanted to plan a trip and get directions 
> before you left it does that very well.  Hope tha made sense.
> May and Wynter with a y
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Ryan Mann
With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J keys  
are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some people  
a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody can't  
find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each key.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread kaare dehard

actually some of us are not affraid of it more like disgusted by the  
lack of attention to detail by people who hold themselves out as  
experts while doing everything possible to support an agenda.

Those who are evaluating should remain objective and as has been said  
before, apply their critique in such a way as to be constructive in  
general allowing those reading their material to make an informed  
decision based on fact rather than alarmist propiganda miss leading  
statements and half-hearted research.
On 13-Jul-09, at 3:50 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> I don't think anyone is afraid of criticism, just criticism written  
> by those
> who have not used the product for any length of time and therefore are
> writing reviews and the like without practical experience. If you're  
> going
> to level criticism you'd better have the knowledge and experience to  
> back up
> your claims.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of James Dietz
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 11:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> I think that anyone reading the article would know themselves that it
> was written before the release of the iPhone; if I remember correctly
> he stated so (correct me if I'm wrong - I'll look at it when I get
> home).  Anyone can speculate. A lot of the initial hype regarding the
> iPhone was almost deliriously positive. I don't even think his
> assessment was so blaringly negative as lots seem to think it was -
> just some thoughts on challenges one might face.  For all the flack
> organizations like the NFB get for writing articles which criticize
> voiceover, I don't think it's fair to say Mosen was "slamming" the
> iPhone or that all of the points NFB made were invalid.  I think we'd
> be taken a little more seriously if we could accept criticism.  I'm
> definitely not saying that the iPhone is crap or anything close - I
> actually think I'd be able to type more effectively on it than my
> current phone as once I jab one of the tiny little keyboard buttons
> the letter has been typed (and it's often th ewrong one since buttons
> are hard to locate).  I'm just saying that some of the functionality
> is tied to the viusal interface, making it a little more cumbersome to
> access.  From what Shane said on the podcast, the battery icon was a
> very small icon which makes it difficult to touch with the tip of
> one's finger. He often had lots of trouble locating icons himself - I
> remember he spent at least a minute lookking for the address bar in
> safari.  Of course he just received his iPhone, but in a pinch buttons
> which are tied to specific actions when pressed and are (for the most
> part) guaranteed to perform such an action once pressed are easier to
> remember for most since that's what they are used to. Easier to locate
> too, as they feel physically different to the fingertips.  The iPhone
> isn't necessarily right for everyone.
> On 7/13/09, John Panarese  wrote:
>> I assume one could search for it now.  It's been a while and
>> since I viewed it as trash, I didn't keep the url or bother
>> downloading the actual article.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:03 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>>> Hello John and all:
>>> I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
>>> Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it
>>> seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
>>> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:

   I know a few folks have said this, but you have to consider the
 special interests of the article's author.  A quick attempt to  
 try to
 take some of the excitement and buzz of the iPhone out of the
 picture.  Yes, as Scott and others have said, the logic can be  
 on just about every innovation and step forward the blind have  
 had to
 deal with as technology as progressed.  Once again, Apple has done
 what was said to be the impossible, and has improved the options  
 capabilities for all blind people, and grudging credit is given at
 best.  It's actually quite sad.  When VoiceOver first came out  
 and I
 heard a respected AFB person try to explain to me that a free  
 reader on the Mac was "bad" for the blind, I knew then that there
 going to be some people who would rather put politics and special
 interests ahead of advancement for blind users.

 Take Care

 John Panarese

 On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users  
> who
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess  
> some
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this  
> same
> logic to any new interface. Fo

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
And with time you will only get better. There is no question that you  
are learning an entirely new environment and how to access the  
interface, but once you get a handle on it, you will find that it  
becomes so intuitive. The one thing I like is I can use any of the  
machines in our house or any Mac for that matter and I will have the  
same experience. I don't have to worry about loading a screen reader,  
tweaking things to make it work better etc. If our library had a Mac  
or I stop in at the local APple store or even Best Buy, I can walk up  
to a Mac and get access to the web right there for a little research.  
So many advantages, but in the end, it all comes down to what works  
for you.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 4:27 PM, May and Wynter wrote:

> Smile, I'm not use to the Mac environment at all.  This is my first  
> apple equipment.
> Not doing too bad with it for only less than a month.
> May and Wynter with a y

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Alex

Navigon for those outisde the NA boundries :) .

I'm still waiting for Navigon NA as well.


On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:06 PM, Russell Solowoniuk wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> You wrote: “It does GPS comprible to Trekker and possibly better”.   
> Can you elaborate?  Are you talking about Navigon?  Apparently  
> that’s not available in North America right now, right?  Don’t get  
> me wrong, I love my iPhone, and just want to make sure I’m not  
> missing out on a GPS solution that I’m not aware of. 
> Thanks,
> Russell
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Alex
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hi,
> It does GPS comprible to Trekker and possibly better and provides  
> the closest thing to a sighted experance. Plus it is designed to  
> work with 56000 apps that do everything. Sure some developers are  
> slow at making their apps accessible, but they are generally good  
> folks who are doing their best and progress moves along smoothly.
> Regards,
> alex,
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Damon Fibraio wrote:
> OK, consider me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows  
> mobile smart phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing  
> mobile geo. I keep hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over  
> access to the I-phone. Can somebody tell me why this is so great? I  
> don’t really understand the hype. I do understand we get access  
> right out of the box with voice over. I do understand that once you  
> get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures and whatnot that  
> this is really great access, according to what everybody is saying.  
> But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to  
> mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making  
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The 

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell

I disagree and I dont' think you can put any markers on the screen or  
it would interfere with the function of the phone. Point is there is  
no struggle once you get used to the interface. It's like anything  
else, you just have to get beyond the learning curve and the degree of  
the curve will be based on your experiences, level of patience, and  
level of interest. However, if you buy an iPhone, likely the level of  
interest will be considerably higher. :)

On Jul 13, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J  
> keys are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some  
> people a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody  
> can't find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each  
> key.

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Fwd: Apple could release a touch tablet device as early as October

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
Folks, this might be interesting to some and in fact I recall a rumor  
a while back that VZW would be interested in such a device. THe only  
bummer in my opinion is you can't shove this into your pocket unless  
you got some mighty big pockets. I think I'd rather have an iPhone,  
but this would be interesting if it comes to be and I wonder what type  
of processor and ram it would have. So, make of this what you will and  
enjoy. Oh and remember this is all still speculation based purely on  

Begin forwarded message:

> Date: July 13, 2009 1:14:00 PM EDT
> Subject: Apple could release a touch tablet device as early as October
> Source: MacFixIt
> According to a cavalcade of Mac rumor blogs and Web sites, Apple  
> could be planning on releasing a touch screen tablet device as early  
> as this October, pairing nicely with the expected Snow Leopard  
> release and iPod updates.
> Read more…

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese

 Yes, and since the keyboard can be switched from portrit to  
landscape, this would defeat the purpose.  Honestly, muscle memory and  
experience will enable the user to find the home row with little  
difficulty.  It just takes practice.  It's hard to explain if you have  
not used the device, but the whole touch screen concept is really not  
as challenging as one might think.  Remember how the blind were made  
to fear the GUI and how many didn't want to leave their DOS systems  

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I disagree and I dont' think you can put any markers on the screen or
> it would interfere with the function of the phone. Point is there is
> no struggle once you get used to the interface. It's like anything
> else, you just have to get beyond the learning curve and the degree of
> the curve will be based on your experiences, level of patience, and
> level of interest. However, if you buy an iPhone, likely the level of
> interest will be considerably higher. :)
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>> With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J
>> keys are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some
>> people a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody
>> can't find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each
>> key.
> >

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread Mark Baxter

Hi, May.  There's also Tomtom, and another one that my friend Cara  
Quinn was just telling me about the other day that is fully accessible  
to Iphone 3GS users.  I haven't yet got the money for one, but I'm  
hoping. :)

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Russell Solowoniuk

Yes, and it's amazing how accurate you get at finding the correct keys after
a while!

I'm sure I can type faster with the iPhone keyboard than I could with the
Nokia 6620!



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

I disagree and I dont' think you can put any markers on the screen or  
it would interfere with the function of the phone. Point is there is  
no struggle once you get used to the interface. It's like anything  
else, you just have to get beyond the learning curve and the degree of  
the curve will be based on your experiences, level of patience, and  
level of interest. However, if you buy an iPhone, likely the level of  
interest will be considerably higher. :)

On Jul 13, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J  
> keys are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some  
> people a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody  
> can't find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each  
> key.

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Damon Fibraio
 any help you can provide
would be great. I have AT&T and probably could switch if I wanted to, but I
just don't understand why this phone is the second coming.



Damon Fibraio

screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype: dfibraio

Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio

personal music site:

Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow,


[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone


Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who first
laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some of those or
most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same logic to any new
interface. For example, those who remember the days of switching from DOS to
Windows or who used the Linux command line and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah
how the debate rages, but alas this to shall pass. I myself can't wait to
get an iPhone and I can already see all the advantages it will offer over
the windows mobile device I am using currently and don't much care for.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:


What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.










__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4239 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


Take good care and I wish you enough.






__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
database 4240 (20090713) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth
yeah, I whole heartedly agree. I'm a little tired of the impatience by  
some. The technology works, if it didn't, everyone would be  
complaining. it takes time and you didn't know every hidden feature of  
a mac/PC or a screen reader within a few days or weeks, did you?

On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth
it's good to see if it works though. I'm using the light version in  
the UK until I can afford the full version, and it gives us all an  
idea on how we can use it without spending the money first. I like this.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 9:36 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Yup. Apparently the 'lite' version is little more than a demo in  
> that it doesn't let you route from where you are to some point. It  
> has a 'simulation' button which will go from someplace near by to  
> the point you picked, but that's not really useful.
> CB
> May and Wynter wrote:
>> Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with  
>> the IPhone for North America.
>> I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our  
>> North American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you  
>> wanted to use it for routes while you're actually walking and  
>> outside it won't work.  But if you wanted to plan a trip and get  
>> directions before you left it does that very well.  Hope tha made  
>> sense.
>> May and Wynter with a y
> >

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RE: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Larry Wanger
I've been trying to get my head around an idea of creating a screen cover
with markings or even Braille on it for the keyboard. The problem though for
starters is that the keyboard changes and is contextual. In some text
fields, where you're entering email addresses for example, the keyboard adds
the period, @ sign and even a .com button. In other cases those symbols are
not present on the main keyboard and you need to hit the more button to
access these functions. Therefore, I think creating an overlay would be
challenging but its something I've thought of.





[] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone


With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J keys are
supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some people a little
too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody can't find the home row,
it will probably be a struggle to type each key.




On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:


What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so inefficient is:
How efficient were you three weeks after the first time you ever touched a
QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for human interface interaction.
After three weeks, I have no problems just touching the battery status, or
really much of anything else. Things are not hard to find. They do not move
around, and the flick method of navigation is great when you are having
trouble with a brand-new and unfamiliar screen.


Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow, inefficient,
and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI
iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable.
Once you are, it's fantastic. :)

Josh de Lioncourt

.my other mail provider is an owl.











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Re: Apple could release a touch tablet device as early as October

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth
hmm, not that interested in a tablet, not for my personal use. as I  
said to my BF earlier today, my iphone is all I need while out and  
about and my macbook13 is small enough if I need to carry a portable  
computer. but hey if they do, I'm sure others would like it.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 10:18 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Folks, this might be interesting to some and in fact I recall a  
> rumor a while back that VZW would be interested in such a device.  
> THe only bummer in my opinion is you can't shove this into your  
> pocket unless you got some mighty big pockets. I think I'd rather  
> have an iPhone, but this would be interesting if it comes to be and  
> I wonder what type of processor and ram it would have. So, make of  
> this what you will and enjoy. Oh and remember this is all still  
> speculation based purely on rumor.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: July 13, 2009 1:14:00 PM EDT
>> Subject: Apple could release a touch tablet device as early as  
>> October
>> Source: MacFixIt
>> According to a cavalcade of Mac rumor blogs and Web sites, Apple  
>> could be planning on releasing a touch screen tablet device as  
>> early as this October, pairing nicely with the expected Snow  
>> Leopard release and iPod updates.
>> Read more…
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Marie Howarth
the phone is meant to be how it was designed, no adaptive techy stuff  
is needed. There's no need to adapt it, it works! I'm sure if I didn't  
have the bumps on my f and j keys on my comp, I'd still find the keys,  
voice feedback. if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:15 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> I've been trying to get my head around an idea of creating a screen  
> cover with markings or even Braille on it for the keyboard. The  
> problem though for starters is that the keyboard changes and is  
> contextual. In some text fields, where you're entering email  
> addresses for example, the keyboard adds the period, @ sign and even  
> a .com button. In other cases those symbols are not present on the  
> main keyboard and you need to hit the more button to access these  
> functions. Therefore, I think creating an overlay would be  
> challenging but its something I've thought of.
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J  
> keys are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some  
> people a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody  
> can't find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each  
> key.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter
I was able to route from where I am to where I wanted to go and got directions 
for it.  Jus not like I would with trekker, it's not set for that yet.  Maybe 
some day but know big deal for me.  I just need to know how to get someplace so 
the map feature that's already on the IPhone works for me.

May and Wynter with a y
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:36 PM
  Subject: Re: navigon lite

  Yup. Apparently the 'lite' version is little more than a demo in that it 
doesn't let you route from where you are to some point. It has a 'simulation' 
button which will go from someplace near by to the point you picked, but that's 
not really useful.


  May and Wynter wrote: 
Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with the 
IPhone for North America.

I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our North 
American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you wanted to use it for 
routes while you're actually walking and outside it won't work.  But if you 
wanted to plan a trip and get directions before you left it does that very 
well.  Hope tha made sense.

May and Wynter with a y


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread gene

Hi yeah and I'll bet that mozen will probably get away with all the 
critisism he gives to apple products.  What I think these highway rovery 
people should do, is instead of trying to shove a compettiter into the 
ground, in this case, is figure out what kind of software can they build for 
the iphone that maybe someone hasn't either thought of yet or to replace 
something that isn't accessible yet.   Of course it may be only a matter of 
time before what ever main stream app they might attempt to replace might 
become accessible one day.  and then there'de they be again.  I don't know I 
just think that these adaptive venders just need to rearange there stratigy. 

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter

What's the other one called, do you remember?

May and Wynter with a y
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Baxter" 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: navigon lite

> Hi, May.  There's also Tomtom, and another one that my friend Cara
> Quinn was just telling me about the other day that is fully accessible
> to Iphone 3GS users.  I haven't yet got the money for one, but I'm
> hoping. :)
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> > 

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RE: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread Russell Solowoniuk
Hi May, 
That makes perfect sense!  Thanks.  Will give it a try and when the GPS
version comes out I'll be familiar with it!
[] On Behalf Of May and Wynter
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 2:31 PM
Subject: navigon lite
Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with the IPhone
for North America.
I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our North
American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you wanted to use it for
routes while you're actually walking and outside it won't work.  But if you
wanted to plan a trip and get directions before you left it does that very
well.  Hope tha made sense.

May and Wynter with a y


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Michael Babcock
me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows  
> mobile smart phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing  
> mobile geo. I keep hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over  
> access to the I-phone. Can somebody tell me why this is so great? I  
> don’t really understand the hype. I do understand we get access  
> right out of the box with voice over. I do understand that once you  
> get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures and whatnot that  
> this is really great access, according to what everybody is saying.  
> But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to  
> mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making  
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> >

Michael Babcock
GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 54121
administrative e-mail:

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread Mark Baxter

I, too, could probably effectively use a much "lighter," version of  
Trekker, the bare-bones of directions or even street names and  
commercial maps, as I've been traveling all my life without GPS and  
have outstanding skills, if I do say so myself. :)  I must get an  
Iphone 3GS and play with all these things while I have Trekker running  
for comparison. :)

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread John Panarese

  Just as a note about the Map application, in case this was not  
mentioned, but there is a setting for having the entire route listed  
on the screen.  Instead of having to hit the forward button, this will  
break the route down into the number of steps and list them  

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:28 PM, May and Wynter wrote:

> I was able to route from where I am to where I wanted to go and got  
> directions for it.  Jus not like I would with trekker, it's not set  
> for that yet.  Maybe some day but know big deal for me.  I just need  
> to know how to get someplace so the map feature that's already on  
> the IPhone works for me.
> May and Wynter with a y
> - Original Message -
> From: Chris Blouch
> To:
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:36 PM
> Subject: Re: navigon lite
> Yup. Apparently the 'lite' version is little more than a demo in  
> that it doesn't let you route from where you are to some point. It  
> has a 'simulation' button which will go from someplace near by to  
> the point you picked, but that's not really useful.
> CB
> May and Wynter wrote:
>> Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with  
>> the IPhone for North America.
>> I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our  
>> North American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you  
>> wanted to use it for routes while you're actually walking and  
>> outside it won't work.  But if you wanted to plan a trip and get  
>> directions before you left it does that very well.  Hope tha made  
>> sense.
>> May and Wynter with a y
> >

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Re: navigon lite

2009-07-13 Thread May and Wynter

Oh yes, I didn't mention that part.  That is good to have.  I've used it a 
few times.

May and Wynter with a y
- Original Message - 
From: "John Panarese" 
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: navigon lite

>  Just as a note about the Map application, in case this was not
> mentioned, but there is a setting for having the entire route listed
> on the screen.  Instead of having to hit the forward button, this will
> break the route down into the number of steps and list them
> consecutively.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Managing Director
> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
> 9 Nolan Court
> Hauppauge, NY 11788
> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Internet,
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:28 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
>> I was able to route from where I am to where I wanted to go and got
>> directions for it.  Jus not like I would with trekker, it's not set
>> for that yet.  Maybe some day but know big deal for me.  I just need
>> to know how to get someplace so the map feature that's already on
>> the IPhone works for me.
>> May and Wynter with a y
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Chris Blouch
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:36 PM
>> Subject: Re: navigon lite
>> Yup. Apparently the 'lite' version is little more than a demo in
>> that it doesn't let you route from where you are to some point. It
>> has a 'simulation' button which will go from someplace near by to
>> the point you picked, but that's not really useful.
>> CB
>> May and Wynter wrote:
>>> Hey Rustle there is a version called navigon lite that works with
>>> the IPhone for North America.
>>> I tried it out for a little while to see what if offered.  For our
>>> North American version there's no gps coverage yet. So if you
>>> wanted to use it for routes while you're actually walking and
>>> outside it won't work.  But if you wanted to plan a trip and get
>>> directions before you left it does that very well.  Hope tha made
>>> sense.
>>> May and Wynter with a y
>> >
> > 

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
I honestly think it would just be best to learn it as is and forgo the  
overlay idea. I'd have to guess that the engineers at Apple gave this  
some thought, but did not find this a simple solution either. I  
understand your goal and I'm just saying that maybe in this case, just  
learning it is the only way; does that make sense?
On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> I've been trying to get my head around an idea of creating a screen  
> cover with markings or even Braille on it for the keyboard. The  
> problem though for starters is that the keyboard changes and is  
> contextual. In some text fields, where you're entering email  
> addresses for example, the keyboard adds the period, @ sign and even  
> a .com button. In other cases those symbols are not present on the  
> main keyboard and you need to hit the more button to access these  
> functions. Therefore, I think creating an overlay would be  
> challenging but its something I've thought of.
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> With the Iphone, can bumps be put on the spots where the F and J  
> keys are supposed to be?  If not, I could see why it would take some  
> people a little too long to find the virtual home row.  If somebody  
> can't find the home row, it will probably be a struggle to type each  
> key.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread kaare dehard

There definitely is a place for adaptive vendors but like everyone  
else in this world, our places change with the times. It's happened to  
all of us in one way or another.. Those who can't recognize this often  
get made irrelivent by clinging to ideas that are well beyond their  
best before dates.
On 13-Jul-09, at 6:31 PM, gene wrote:

> Hi yeah and I'll bet that mozen will probably get away with all the
> critisism he gives to apple products.  What I think these highway  
> rovery
> people should do, is instead of trying to shove a compettiter into the
> ground, in this case, is figure out what kind of software can they  
> build for
> the iphone that maybe someone hasn't either thought of yet or to  
> replace
> something that isn't accessible yet.   Of course it may be only a  
> matter of
> time before what ever main stream app they might attempt to replace  
> might
> become accessible one day.  and then there'de they be again.  I  
> don't know I
> just think that these adaptive venders just need to rearange there  
> stratigy.
> >

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Re: Syncing Mac Address Book with Google Contacts question

2009-07-13 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Missleading. I had the same issues and the instructions were  
misleading. Apple staff are posting me a work around and I will post  
it here if I figure it out.


On 12-Jul-09, at 7:20 PM, Kevin Fjelsted wrote:

> I am attempting to SYNC my mac with my Google COntacts address book.
> THis solution is documented in the help file for the Mac address book
> as well as the help file located on google. I have performed the
> following steps per the doc.
> 1) Opened the address book on the Mac, accessed preferences, checked
> the box that states "sync with google", entered mhy Google account and
> password when prompted.
> Note the doc states that if the account and password are correct the
> dialog prompting for them will close.
> 2) Opened up ISync accessed preferences and checked the option "show
> sync in status menu" per the doc.
> 3) Under address book I am attempting to accesss the status menu per
> the doc which states "access the sync now option under the status
> menu. My questions are these. 1) What is the procedure under VO to
> access the status menu? 2) I find a sync menu however the only option
> is to enable Sync via Mobil Me.
> Has anyone had experience with setting up this solution via VoiceOver?
> -Kevin
> >

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Re: slide shows

2009-07-13 Thread Alex Jurgensen


A slide Show of picture is iPhoto. Keynote is for more complex things.

Open Office.or Presenter is free though and may work.


On 12-Jul-09, at 6:51 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  I believe i asked this a while back.  But since then a new
> version of ilife has come out.  Can anyone suggest a simple program
> for creating a slide show on my mac?  Is the newer version of iphoto
> accessible enough that I could do it that way?  As most people a cheap
> or free solution would be preferred.  Thanks in advance, Max
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Mike Reiser

I personally don't take much stock in what Mosen says anymore.  Before 
he went to FS he was a very fair and respected journalist.  I think he 
probably is a great guy personally.  However, since he works for FS, he 
will have a bias and an agenda which will be to promote there products 
and convince people that others aren't good.  I do hope however that on 
his own time or when he leaves FS that he will retake a look at these 
products by Apple and others and give a fair assessment.  It's kind of  
ashame as I listened to him on mainmenu for years and really do respect 
his ideas.


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Mike Reiser

I don't have an iphone yet but from what I've read, it's less tedious to 
serf the web with the iphone than with mobile speak, sense you can move 
by headings and sutch.


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Re: Fusion accessibility?

2009-07-13 Thread Mike Arrigo

Yes, fusion works great, I use it here to run windows xp, it's very  
On Jul 12, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Garry Turkington wrote:

> Hi all,
> After some playing around with a Mac Pro at work last year I'm about  
> to
> buy a MacBook Pro for personal use -- if the model I want is ever in
> stock!
> I plan to use VMware Fusion as I have an ongoing need to play with  
> both
> Windows and Linux in VMs.  I've used VMware Workstation on Windows for
> years so am very familiar with the product in general.
> I've seen some references to people using Fusion here -- is it  
> generally
> accessible with VO, meaning good enough to be using it daily for key
> tasks?  I do have a long-term aspiration to move some of my  
> activities out
> of the VMs and onto OS X but in the meantime I need the VM product  
> to be
> solid.
> Any input gratefully received,
> Garry
> -- 
> Garry Turkington
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread william lomas

THis  is my opinion as well. I have seen the product for an hour and  
my initial thoughts are this is to cumbersome to type on etc. and to  
utilise but i ahven't actaully bought the product and took it home

On 13 Jul 2009, at 22:58, Marie Howarth wrote:

> yeah, I whole heartedly agree. I'm a little tired of the impatience  
> by some. The technology works, if it didn't, everyone would be  
> complaining. it takes time and you didn't know every hidden feature  
> of a mac/PC or a screen reader within a few days or weeks, did you?
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
>> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
>> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
>> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
>> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
>> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
>> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
>> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
>> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
>> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
>> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
>> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>  …my other mail provider is an owl…
>> Twitter:
>> Music:
>> Mac-cessibility:
>> Blog:
>> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread william lomas
of the developers of the  
> software, I'm merely answering your question with my opinion.  
> Again , hey what works for you is all that matters in the end and  
> you are happy with your choice because you are the one using it, not  
> me. :)
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Damon Fibraio wrote:
> OK, consider me a newbie. I have a Samsung blackjack 2 windows  
> mobile smart phone with mobile speak and was planning on purchasing  
> mobile geo. I keep hearing everybody going absolutely  crazy over  
> access to the I-phone. Can somebody tell me why this is so great? I  
> don’t really understand the hype. I do understand we get access  
> right out of the box with voice over. I do understand that once you  
> get used to the touch screen and the VO gestures and whatnot that  
> this is really great access, according to what everybody is saying.  
> But, why is the I-phone so great? Does it do GPS comparable to  
> mobile Geo or wayfinder? What does this phone do that is making  
> everybody turn inside out? I’d love to understand this, so any help  
> you can provide would be great. I have AT&T and probably could  
> switch if I wanted to, but I just don’t understand why this phone is  
> the second coming.
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn skype:  
> dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site:
> Band web sites: THD, Days Before Tomorrow, 
> From: [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Article Slamming the iPhone
> Hey Josh, I think the same question can be asked of those users who  
> first laid hands on one of those touch-screen PDAs, but I guess some  
> of those or most had keyboards. However, then we can take this same  
> logic to any new interface. For example, those who remember the days  
> of switching from DOS to Windows or who used the Linux command line  
> and then moved to Gnome etc. Ah how the debate rages, but alas this  
> to shall pass. I myself can't wait to get an iPhone and I can  
> already see all the advantages it will offer over the windows mobile  
> device I am using currently and don't much care for.
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
> What I'd like to ask all these folks saying the iPhone is so  
> inefficient is: How efficient were you three weeks after the first  
> time you ever touched a QWERTY keyboard? It's a whole new model for  
> human interface interaction. After three weeks, I have no problems  
> just touching the battery status, or really much of anything else.  
> Things are not hard to find. They do not move around, and the flick  
> method of navigation is great when you are having trouble with a  
> brand-new and unfamiliar screen.
> Sitting with an iPhone for an hour and then declaring it slow,  
> inefficient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever  
> growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it  
> takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
> …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4239 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus  
> signature database 4240 (20090713) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

List News!!!

2009-07-13 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hey All, just a quick one to check in and let ya'll know that Josh  
de Lioncourt is now assisting me with moderation of this list. So  
please do show some love, K?…

   Believe it or not, I'm still catching up on emails and such from my  
last trip, so for those whom might have contacted me and have not yet  
seen a response, would you mind terribly, dropping me another note at:?…

  -Or the alternative is still more patience on your part…  
lol!  -I'd suggest the former option if you can… 

   Anyway, am really enjoying the discussion here so please do keep it  
coming! Y'all rock!…

   Talk with ya soon and do have a most lovely day / evening wherever  
you may be!…


Cara :)
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