And with time you will only get better. There is no question that you  
are learning an entirely new environment and how to access the  
interface, but once you get a handle on it, you will find that it  
becomes so intuitive. The one thing I like is I can use any of the  
machines in our house or any Mac for that matter and I will have the  
same experience. I don't have to worry about loading a screen reader,  
tweaking things to make it work better etc. If our library had a Mac  
or I stop in at the local APple store or even Best Buy, I can walk up  
to a Mac and get access to the web right there for a little research.  
So many advantages, but in the end, it all comes down to what works  
for you.

On Jul 13, 2009, at 4:27 PM, May and Wynter wrote:

> Smile, I'm not use to the Mac environment at all.  This is my first  
> apple equipment.
> Not doing too bad with it for only less than a month.
> May and Wynter with a y

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