
2008-07-08 Thread Stan Sanderson not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

convert-ly fails with the following messsage

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/ 
ly", line 43, in ?

import convertrules
  File "/Applications/ 
lilypond/current/python/", line 49
@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +  
operator }'))

SyntaxError: invalid syntax


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly...

2008-07-08 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 8, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:

Op dinsdag 8 juli 2008, schreef Stan Sanderson: not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

convert-ly fails with the following messsage

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/
ly", line 43, in ?
import convertrules
  File "/Applications/
lilypond/current/python/", line 49
@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +
operator }'))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Are you using Python 2.4 or newer? I thought configure already  
requires Python

to be 2.4 or higher. The decorator syntax needs at least Python 2.4.

$ python --version
to determine your Python version.

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

LilyKDE, LilyPond for KDE:

$ python --version
Python 2.5.2


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly...

2008-07-08 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:34 AM, John Mandereau wrote:

On 2008/07/08 09:42 -0500, Stan Sanderson wrote: not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

convert-ly fails with the following messsage

@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +
operator }'))

This is strange: does this unexpected linebreak also show in  I have tested convert-ly from GUB binary version
2.11.51 for Linux x86 on a random file on Mutopia (version 2.0.1), and
it works for me.

Does it fail when you call it without command line arguments?
Otherwise, can you send an example file which makes convert-ly fail?


$ convert-ly --version
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/ 
ly", line 43, in ?

import convertrules
  File "/Applications/ 
current/python/", line 49
@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +  
operator }'))

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Also: following are lines 48-51 of

@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with + operator }'))
def conv(str):
if ('multi', str):



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly...

2008-07-08 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:34 AM, John Mandereau wrote:

On 2008/07/08 09:42 -0500, Stan Sanderson wrote: not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

convert-ly fails with the following messsage

@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +
operator }'))

Additional info-

I installed 2.11.51 (ppc version) on my Intel iMac running 10.5.4.  
Convert-ly works on the iMac and the updated .ly file compiles  
correctly (from the command line).

Since I'm about to bump the PowerBook up to 10.5, the question/ 
problem will probably (hopefully?) disappear.



bug-lilypond mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly...

2008-07-08 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 8, 2008, at 4:26 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 23:19:31 +0200
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2008/08/08 15:52 -0500, Stan Sanderson wrote:

I installed 2.11.51 (ppc version) on my Intel iMac running 10.5.4.
Convert-ly works on the iMac and the updated .ly file compiles
correctly (from the command line).

I don't understand; what would make convert-ly fail on MacOS 1O.4 and
work on Mac OS 10.5, if you say you have Python 2.5.2 on 10.4?

(Maybe I should left this issue up to Mac users and developers, I've
never got nor used a Mac.)

No mystery here; the package managers are just being polite:

tsubasa:~ gperciva$ which python
tsubasa:~ gperciva$ python -V
Python 2.4.5
tsubasa:~ gperciva$ /usr/bin/python -V
Python 2.3.5

(I'm on OSX 10.4; 10.5 comes with python 2.5.x by default)

That's why I changed buildscripts/ to
#!/usr/bin/env python

but there was some reason why Han-Wen said that wouldn't be good
for lilypond-book (and presumably convert-ly as well)

- Graham

And now for the finale- I have installed 10.5.4 on the PPC 1.67MHz  
PowerBook. The same Lilypond 2.11.51 file is installed; command line  
convert-ly now works.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: NR 2.4 Fretted string instruments, first draft

2008-07-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
Collision resolution section- "Known issues and warnings" there is an  
(obvious) misspelling.

"It is not clear in which circumpstances you can..."

Excellent so far!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: doc work

2008-08-16 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Aug 16, 2008, at 3:22 PM, Patrick Horgan wrote:

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
The last time I checked Mutopia, I was shocked by the (low) quality  
of the coding.  =(
I personally would never suggest that anyone use any Mutopia file  
I've seen as an example/template.

How about the O Magnum Mysterium that I just re-did and contributed  
back to Mutopia? 

I don't want tutorial-newbies trying to figure out what
parts of a real piece to delete in order to get a basic template.

Um... the notes only, just like now?
  I would like real songs, they don't all have to be  
complicated, but complicated enough to demonstrate whatever the  
template is trying to do.


As a decidedly non-professional user of Lilypond and appreciative  
contributer to Mutopia, my perspective somewhat different. Since my  
first real effort with Lilypond (v2.0.1), Mutopia has often provided  
me with the answer to a problem I had been unable to solve despite  
reading the documentation and searching user lists. This is probably  
more an indictment of my reading skills than of the documentation.

I would certainly not hold up my meager contributions as examples of  
quality coding; however, I never understood Mutopia to have a such a  
requirement. I, and presumably all other contributers to Mutopia, am  
guilty at worst of wanting to share music which I found interesting.  
Lilypond, as it has evolved, made that possible.

That said, the current work on documentation is wonderful and  
exciting. And yes, I can see value in providing complete examples.  
They can help those of us who are less technically gifted to find  
answers, just as I was helped in the early years of Mutopia and early  
versions of Lilypond.



lilypond-user mailing list

v2.11.58-2 guile17 error ppc

2008-09-15 Thread Stan Sanderson

Mac OS 10.5, PPC G4, LilyPond 2.11.58-2 (darwin-ppc)

I get the following error message when trying to use LilyPond (command- 
line from the terminal):

$ lilypond --version
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../lib//libguile.17.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/ 
  Reason: Incompatible library version: lilypond requires version  
20.0.0 or later, but libguile.17.dylib provides version 19.0.0

Trace/BPT trap



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: v2.11.58-2 guile17 error ppc

2008-09-15 Thread Stan Sanderson

Ignore previous post; known problem.

Sorry- I now found the "known issue" info; I'm out of town and limited  
in access.



On Sep 15, 2008, at 7:26 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

Mac OS 10.5, PPC G4, LilyPond 2.11.58-2 (darwin-ppc)

I get the following error message when trying to use LilyPond  
(command-line from the terminal):

$ lilypond --version
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../lib//libguile.17.dylib
 Referenced from: /Applications/ 
 Reason: Incompatible library version: lilypond requires version  
20.0.0 or later, but libguile.17.dylib provides version 19.0.0

Trace/BPT trap



lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Documentation Review

2008-09-22 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

but further comments are welcome.

Re: sect. 2.4
The motivating example is beautifully set, but has an incorrect  
fingering in the second measure. The next to the last eighth note (e  
above middle c) should be fingered with the first finger (i.e., a  
barre). I checked with the original and Mertz (the composer) agrees!

I will keep looking...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Documentation Review

2008-09-22 Thread Stan Sanderson
A rousing hip, hip, hurrah to the authors of the documentation. Few  
(if any) commercial products can boast of similar quality!



On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Well spotted!  I should have seen it from the fact that it's  
impossible to play this way, if not from the facsimile itself (which  
I just checked, too).  Thanks, Stan.  I'll fix and send to Carl.


Stan Sanderson wrote:

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

but further comments are welcome.

Re: sect. 2.4
The motivating example is beautifully set, but has an incorrect  
fingering in the second measure. The next to the last eighth note  
(e above middle c) should be fingered with the first finger (i.e.,  
a barre). I checked with the original and Mertz (the composer)  

I will keep looking...
lilypond-user mailing list

Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool-2.12-r1 for download

2008-12-30 Thread Stan Sanderson


Thanks for the update.

I note that UTF-8 encoding is changed to UTF-8Y encoding when jEdit  
invokes Lilypond. The next time the file is loaded into jEdit, it  
complains. That's a new behavior, as far as I know.

Happy New Year!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool-2.12-r1 for download

2008-12-31 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 31, 2008, at 7:59 AM, Valentin Villenave wrote:

2008/12/31 Bertalan Fodor :
After stabilization and update for LilyPond 2.12 I released the  

version of LilyPondTool


By the way, I noticed that too: whilst I always save all my files in
UTF-8, LPT tries to override that and specifies UTF-8Y instead. When I
relaunch jEdit afterwards, it says : "I/O error: the file could not be
loaded correctly (some data might be lost) with encoding UTF-8Y.
(java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: input length = 0)"



Thank you for restoring my sanity. (hmmm!)

I also am using UTF-8 when saving files. I did try following the  
advice regarding setting the fallback encoding in global preferences.  
At first it didn't seem to have an effect. In subsequent restarts of  
jEdit no complaints about the encoding were seen. Now, after removing  
the UTF-8Y fallback entry, I once again have been presented with the  
error message.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool-2.12-r1 for download

2009-01-01 Thread Stan Sanderson


Once again I'm questioning my sanity. The version number reported by  
the plug-in manager for the new LilyPondTool is 2.11-r1.

I just downloaded it again after using the jEdit plug-in manager to  
remove the current LilyPondTool, removed the jars-cache folder,  
dragged the jars from the unzipped LilyPondTool/jars folder into my  
home directory .jars folder and restarted jEdit. Once again, the plug- 
in manager reports the previous version.

Version: 2.11-r1
>Author: Bertalan Fodor , Johannes Schindelin, Joshua Koo, Valentin  


I'm using a ppc OS 10.5 Mac, jEdit 4.3pre14 using Java 1.5.0_16.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool-2.12-r1 for download

2009-01-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 1, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

But perhaps i forgot to update the version number.

I have been using ~/.jedit/jars/  but was wondering about the version  
number also.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: whole score at two lines

2007-05-17 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 17, 2007, at 8:45 AM, Helge Kruse wrote:


I have a problem with Lilyponds automatic line breaking. The  
attached score
has only one line break. All notes are squeezed and finally run out  
of page.

What's wrong with the score source?

Best regards, Helge

lilypond-user mailing list

I believe you have an extra 1/8 at the end of the first repeat,  
lower. The " g, " just prior to \clef treble should be " g,4 ".


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with afterGrace

2007-05-17 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 17, 2007, at 12:30 PM, Till Rettig wrote:

Well, I would like to, but I don't get this working yet. The line
\set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 2 4)
is obviously not correct in this form.

Graham Percival wrote:
I'm always willing to replace examples in the documentation;  
please send me a better example.

- Graham

Till Rettig wrote:

Hello all,

I just tried to apply the example from the docs for 2.11, chapter  
6.5.7 for changing the distance from afterGrace notes.
But I get always  a warning that the right context cannot be  
found. Would it be good to add a better example to the docs?

this is my minimal example:

\version "2.11.23"
\relative c'' { c1 {

\set afterGraceFraction = #(cons 2 4)

\afterGrace d1 { c16[ d] } c4} }

\layout {
   ragged-right = ##t


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Perhaps this should go to bug reports? I do not find that

\set afterGraceFraction = #(cons x y)

has any effect regardless of the x and y values.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OS install problem

2007-05-18 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 18, 2007, at 12:27 AM, David Rogers wrote:

No nearby Lilypond icon.
BOMAArchiverHelper didn't work.
I downloaded again, did the Ctl Shift, this time the Open With  
lead to Adobe Reader but Adobe can't open it either.

Any other suggestions?

Start the Terminal
Type the following and make sure to type a space after the letter f:

tar -xjf

Then drag your downloaded Lilypond installer file into the Terminal  
window (its name will appear after what you already typed)

and then hit the Return key.

Wait a minute for it to finish, and the Lilypond program should  
appear in your home folder (the one with your name on it, that is).  
Drag the new green Lilypond icon into Applications.

Hope that works.

I'm wondering if Bill customized his OS X install (canceled the  
Debian install)?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] scribus-aqua needs X11?

2007-05-30 Thread Stan Sanderson

sorry Martin- forgot to send-all.
On May 30, 2007, at 6:44 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Alexander Hansen wrote:

In file included from

error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory

error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory

error: X11/Xos.h: No such file or directory

error: X11/Intrinsic.h: No such file or directory

This looks like a bug to me. This thing shouldn't be compiled for
scribus-aqua. I'll ask the upstream developers about it.


PowerBook G4 1.67GHZ
xcode tools 2.4.1
xorg 6.8.2-1044
OS 10.4.9

Information about 7130 packages read in 6 seconds.
i   scribus   1.3.4-1001  Layout program  
(development branch 1.3.x)

i   scribus-aqua  1.3.4-1 Layout program

Both installed without complaint for me (yesterday).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics free from notes

2007-06-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jun 3, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Alan Jones wrote:

I need a way to specify which beats the words of my
lyrics fall on independent of the voice that they are
associated with.  In the attached example I have
three words that I want on the corresponding beats:
one, two, three.  However, because the voice has a
half note for the last two beats Lilypond overlaps the
words 'two' and 'three' -- even though I've tried to override
by placing length numbers after every word.  I do want
the words to follow the music, for example if some
accidentals move the horizontal placement of the beat, etc.
Thanks for any help!

I hope I'm not misinterpreting your question, but have you tried an  
underscore between the words?

\version "2.10.17"
\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\time 3/4
\new Voice {
  \key g \major
  b4 a2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
  one two_three


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need to generate mass quantities of random notes for practice

2007-06-05 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:32 PM, Rune Zedeler wrote:

Adam Good wrote:

This is just too cool! Really thank you for sharing it.


One thing, for me I'm only getting the pitches of C major, how can  
I do all 12 notes of the chromatic scale?

Okay, in this one you can freely select which notes to choose from by
changing the list in the top of the program. Don't try to use  

or change the format of the list in any way. You are welcome to change
the length of the list, though.

\version "2.10.0"
notes = { c'  cis'  d'  es'  e'  f'  fis'  g'  gis'  a'  bes'  b'
  c'' cis'' d'' es'' e'' f'' fis'' g'' }
\score { {
  #(let* ((random-state (seed->random-state (current-time)))
  (note-list (ly:music-property notes 'elements))
  (num-notes (length note-list)))
 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
  (map (lambda x
(list-ref note-list (random num-notes random-state)))
   (make-list 256)
} }


Does this latest incarnation break the current-time seed? Successive  
compiles produce

the same output for me. The previous version worked as described.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need to generate mass quantities of random notes for practice

2007-06-05 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:49 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

On Jun 4, 2007, at 10:32 PM, Rune Zedeler wrote:

Adam Good wrote:

This is just too cool! Really thank you for sharing it.


One thing, for me I'm only getting the pitches of C major, how  
can I do all 12 notes of the chromatic scale?

Okay, in this one you can freely select which notes to choose from by
changing the list in the top of the program. Don't try to use  
or change the format of the list in any way. You are welcome to  

the length of the list, though.

\version "2.10.0"
notes = { c'  cis'  d'  es'  e'  f'  fis'  g'  gis'  a'  bes'  b'
  c'' cis'' d'' es'' e'' f'' fis'' g'' }
\score { {
  #(let* ((random-state (seed->random-state (current-time)))
  (note-list (ly:music-property notes 'elements))
  (num-notes (length note-list)))
 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
  (map (lambda x
(list-ref note-list (random num-notes random-state)))
   (make-list 256)
} }


Does this latest incarnation break the current-time seed?  
Successive compiles produce

the same output for me. The previous version worked as described.



My apologies. I erred copying the code; corrected, it works perfectly.

Much fun!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mid and midi

2007-07-10 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Francois Planiol-Auger wrote:

I am searching how to convert *.mid to ly. (mainly from tobis-

I wrote already about, but I dont still have a working solution.

It seems to me that mid and midi very different file-formats are.
See in PS.

midi2ly file.midi (from mutopia)

... works fine
but not with midi2ly file.mid. (from tobis-notenarch...)
I get then a not usable
(I got these 2 files of the same choral from bach in mid and midi  
for test)

I tried/searched till now:

- First way: convert mid2midi then midi2ly (look for differences in  
I found a script mid2midi*, but unfortunately it is a matlab  
script, so I cant
use it. Matlab doesnt seems to have much contact with private  

- Second way:
open file.mid with noteedit then export as lilypond and purify the .ly
file!!!... Very heavy. Not practicable for the many files I have to  

But if there is no other solution...

- Third and best way, but how?
I found an advice in** that there was either a  
mid2ly and a

midi2ly. Is that true? How to convert from mid? Unfortunately, I cant
understand Japanese...

- ThirdA: it would be helpful, of course, to have a cap2ly, but it  
seems to be

a difficult topic ;-) or is it not?

Of course, I want to convert pieces that do only in this .mid  
format exist.

For BWV734, I dont need that anymore ;-)

That it for now. I hope my english is human readable ;-)


still using 2.10.25

** (was lilypond  



Your English is infinitely more readable than would be my French.
I would like to ask whether you have tried replacing the ".mid"  
with ".midi" when using midi2ly. I just tried it with a Bach lute  
prelude from
the tobis site. While I don't use midi2ly very often, the results  
seem o.k.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: outlining fingerings

2007-07-11 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jul 11, 2007, at 4:18 AM, Peter Terpstra wrote:

Dear readers,

Its about fingerings for guitar.
The first voice is okay, but the second and the third voice is a  
bit messy.
I tried something with "\set fingeringOrientations" but the effect  
gos only

to the first bar.


I looked at your file using 2.11.27 (after applying the updates). I  
found that the first "e" in voice three shows the correct fingering  
if 4 is used in place of e,4-0 . I don't recall if there were  
changes to fingering between 2.8.x and 2.10, but I have been using  
this for guitar pieces which I have set.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ugly volta brackets

2007-07-12 Thread Stan Sanderson


My apologies for not having seen the previous thread, but
the following  changes to your code appear (to me) to resolve
the clash...


On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:02 PM, Dominic Neumann wrote:

Hi again,

I´m still searching for a way to solve this problem. Is there anyone
who has an idea how to tweak lilypond?


2007/3/15, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

okay, sorry for not posting an example. It´s not that easy to find a
simple one, because in the simple situations there´s no problem with
the brackets. I already included the tipp for question 3 and it works

There´s a problem with the collision of the bracket numbers and  
the chordnames.


\version "2.10.19"

harmonies = {
   \chordmode { \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { "maj7" }
   b1:7 c:maj7 d c:maj7 c:maj7 d d

\score {
   \new ChordNames \with {
   chordChanges = ##t
   voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
   \consists Bar_engraver


%%   \override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #0


   } \harmonies
   \new Staff \with {
   voltaOnThisStaff = ##f
   \relative c'' {

%%% Added: #5.0 is the default; adjust as needed.
\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #5.5

   \repeat volta 2 {
   a4. g4. fis4
   \alternative {
   % first ending
   g4 r8 g4 r8 g4
   a4 r4 r2
   \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "2.-3.")  

   % 2nd and 3rd ending
   g2 r4. g8
   g a a r8 r2
   \bar ":|"


%%% END OF CODE %%%

hope, anyone can help ...


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

score imbedded in markup text (in-line)

2007-09-30 Thread Stan Sanderson

Greetings to all-

This seems like a variant of the problem recently addressed by Rick  
Hansen. However, it seems as if there should be a simple answer which  
has thus far eluded me. I have looked at the LSR and mail archives,  
but haven't found an answer.

The problem: I am attempting to duplicate an old score. The original  
has instructions (text) with a partial measure imbedded in-line (not  
on a separate line). The closest I have come is the code shown below.  
The text is fine, but the snippet is obviously not where it should be.

This seems like a useful educational application of Lilypond; the  
answer would be a welcome addition to the LSR!

%%% Start code sample
\version "2.11.33"
\include ""

snip = \markup {
{ \new Staff \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
fontSize = #-7
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -7)
firstClef = ##f
{  << c''4\\ a' >> }
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

   \markup {\smaller
\fill-line {
\override #'(line-width . 80)
\justify-string #
  	"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed  
diam nonummy nibh 	euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam  
erat volutpat."

%%% End code sample

Regards and thanks,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: score imbedded in markup text (in-line)

2007-09-30 Thread Stan Sanderson


No, the code below produces the score snippet within the markup  
command. However, I am trying to obtain " some (markup)text " + " the  
snippet " all on the same line.

In the attached code, the snippet appears to be in its own space.



On Sep 30, 2007, at 1:50 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Are you looking for the \markup{ \score{ }} command?  "Nested  
scores", in the "text" section.

- Graham

Stan Sanderson wrote:

Greetings to all-
This seems like a variant of the problem recently addressed by  
Rick Hansen. However, it seems as if there should be a simple  
answer which has thus far eluded me. I have looked at the LSR and  
mail archives, but haven't found an answer.
The problem: I am attempting to duplicate an old score. The  
original has instructions (text) with a partial measure imbedded  
in-line (not on a separate line). The closest I have come is the  
code shown below. The text is fine, but the snippet is obviously  
not where it should be.
This seems like a useful educational application of Lilypond; the  
answer would be a welcome addition to the LSR!

%%% Start code sample
\version "2.11.33"
\include ""
snip = \markup {
{ \new Staff \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
fontSize = #-7
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -7)
firstClef = ##f
{  << c''4\\ a' >> }
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
   \markup {\smaller
\fill-line {
 \override #'(line-width . 80)
 \justify-string #
  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit,  
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore  
magna aliquam erat volutpat."

%%% End code sample
Regards and thanks,
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: score imbedded in markup text (in-line)

2007-09-30 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Sep 30, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Sorry, I read it too quickly.  The results are a little bit better  
if you use \line instead of \fill-line, but I agree that there's  
still too much space between the elements.

I really recommend using minimal examples, with correct  
indentation, though.  This makes it much easier to see what's  
happening and to investigate the problem.  The example below has  
all the important features of your example, but it's quicker to  
understand the snippet.

- Graham

%  the music should be closer to the "foo"
snip = \markup {
{ \new Staff \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
firstClef = ##f
{  << c''4\\ a' >> }
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
\markup {

Thank you. I had included the "extra" text, etc., in case the line- 
length and word-wrap might have bearing on the solution.

A png of a small portion of text with imbed is attached.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: score imbedded in markup text (in-line)

2007-10-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Oct 1, 2007, at 11:36 AM, Maximilian Albert wrote:

Mats Bengtsson schrieb:

snip = \markup {
   { \new Staff \with {
   \remove Time_signature_engraver
   firstClef = ##f
   {  << c''4\\ a' >> }
   \layout { indent = #0 ragged-right = ##t }
\markup {
   \general-align #Y #CENTER \snip

Nice solution. Thanks for the explanation, Mats!

> In the example, I have also changed the vertical alignment, to
> make it look better. You may want to try \general-align #Y #DOWN
> instead.

... or even some value in between like \general-align #Y #-0.2 so  
as to make the text appear at about the height of the middle staff  
line, in case this is what you want (though unfortunately the value  
-0.2 was obtained by trial and error).


Thanks to Mats and Max for this solution.
I'm always learning!



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: score imbedded in markup text (in-line)

2007-10-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
At the risk of trying your patience, I pose the next dilemma, with  
apologies for my lack of understanding of the nuances of the /markup  

1. Suppose there is a long sentence ( foo foo etc. ) which extends  
past the right margin. How can it be wrapped to the line width (or a  
specified line width, using something like \override #'(line-width .  
90) ) and still have /snip appear with the desired centering ( using  
\general-align #Y #CENTER \txtA \general-align #Y #CENTER \snip ) ?

2. Then there is the next logical(?) step, i.e., to have the snipped  
embedded in a paragraph of text.

Thus far I haven't found the answer in the manual.

I have reproduced the working code below.


\version "2.11.33"
\include ""

snip = \markup {
{ \new Staff \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
fontSize = #-7
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -7)
firstClef = ##f
{  << c''4\\ a' >> }
\layout { indent = #0 ragged-right = ##t }

txtA = "foo"

txtB =  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer"

txtC = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
 diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam
 erat volutpat."

%% One word with snippet

 \markup { \smaller
   \general-align #Y #CENTER \txtA
   \general-align #Y #CENTER \snip

%% Short sentence with snippet

 \markup { \smaller
   \general-align #Y #CENTER  \txtB
   \general-align #Y #CENTER \snip


%% Long sentence with snippet (word wrap) using txtC - solution not  


%% Paragraph with snippet embedded - \txtC \snippet \txtC ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeats and ties

2007-10-09 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Oct 9, 2007, at 11:51 AM, steve berthiaume wrote:

could someone point me to where can i find the answer to this:

a note at the end of a repeat section needs to be tied back to the  
first note of the section


-steve (2.10.20)

possibly Sect. 6.5.4, the Laizzez vibrer tie?


lilypond-user mailing list

beam bug?

2007-10-17 Thread Stan Sanderson
I believe I saw this previously reported, but haven't found the  
discussion (or a temporary resolution).

An 8th followed by a 16th rest and 2 or more 16th notes results in  
the bar extending to the left of the first 16th note. In the  
following snippet, the first group is logical; the beam fragment is  
necessary to interpreting the timing of the 16th note. The second  
group also has the fragment of beam, but in this case it is  
unnecessary and out of place.

\version "2.11.34"
\score {\new Staff {
\relative c' {f8[ r16 f] f8[ r16 f f]}}}
\layout {ragged-right=##t }


If there is a work-around, I would be grateful for it.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem extension troubles...

2007-10-24 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Oct 24, 2007, at 3:48 AM, Chakat Sandwalker wrote:

\relative c'' { \clef treble g8 c16 g~ g8 \clef bass  }


Try using

\once \override Stem #'length-fraction = #1.5  

Play with the number (larger = longer) and placement of the override.

Alternatively, you could use

\relative c'' { \clef treble g8 c16
\override Stem #'length-fraction = #1.5 
g~ g8 \clef bass < g,,, g'>
\revert Stem #'length-fraction }

Hope this helps-


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Stem extension troubles...

2007-10-24 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Oct 24, 2007, at 1:23 PM, Chakat Sandwalker wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions.  They were quite helpful, and I'll be  
sure to keep them in case I have other uses for them in future.  I  
also discovered that introducing a second Voice for that bar allows  
me to typeset the score as originally written (i.e. with a tie held  
into a note/rest chord) using the following:

\voiceOne << \clef treble {g8[ c16 g~] g4}
\new Voice="1" { \voiceTwo r4 r8 \clef bass  } \oneVoice  
>> \oneVoice

It's clunky (isn't a lot of code?) but it works.

Again, thanks for the provided suggestions.



The code must have become garbled in your message- I believe you  
meant something like

%% ***
<<  \voiceOne
\relative c''{  
\clef treble g8[ c16 g~] g4
\relative c''{
 \voiceTwo r4 r8 \clef bass 
%% ***


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.11.35 does not run

2007-11-21 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Nov 21, 2007, at 2:28 PM, Paul Scott wrote:

Paco Vila wrote:

GNU LilyPond 2.11.35
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path

I promise further testing.

switching back to .De34 works fine.

Works fine on my Debian sid system.


I get the same error reported by Paco on Macintosh PPC-Darwin,
OS 10.4.11.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Your Friendly Neighborhood LSR

2007-11-28 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Nov 27, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

I wouldn't be opposed to adding a
% added in 2.8.6
comment to snippets, though.

As an often confused but avid user of Lilypond, Graham's approach  
would be welcome. It might explain to a user such as me why the  
results obtained aren't exactly the same as those shown in the LSR  
(should that ever happen).



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: explicitly stating the output filename

2007-12-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

(forgot to cc to the list)

On Dec 3, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

On Dec 3, 2007, at 8:34 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

While I'm fine just renaming my files after they are created or  
passing the output filename in my command-line options (I'm on  
2.11.35-2 Mac OSX), I was just wondering if there's a way to  
explictly set the filename in my lilypond file. Something akin to  
the point-and-click option.



Not too closely related to "point and click", but...

If your PATH includes
you can open your terminal application and enter
lilypond --help

You will see a list of options which includes the key for setting  
the output file name.

e.g., lilypond -o Myfile

To check your path, type "env" in the terminal window.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: explicitly stating the output filename

2007-12-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 3, 2007, at 9:50 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 03.12.2007 um 16:45 schrieb Stan Sanderson:

On Dec 3, 2007, at 8:34 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

While I'm fine just renaming my files after they are created or  
passing the output filename in my command-line options (I'm on  
2.11.35-2 Mac OSX), I was just wondering if there's a way to  
explictly set the filename in my lilypond file. Something akin to  
the point-and-click option.



Not too closely related to "point and click", but...

If your PATH includes
you can open your terminal application and enter
lilypond --help

You will see a list of options which includes the key for setting  
the output file name.

e.g., lilypond -o Myfile

To check your path, type "env" in the terminal window.


Yeah, I'm fine doing it that way, I was just wondering if I could  
include that option in my lilypond file so I don't have to type it  
into my command line each time.

My apologies for reading your post too quickly; mea culpa.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed for the Free Software Song

2007-12-11 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 11, 2007, at 12:26 AM, Yavor Doganov wrote:

Hi LilyPond users,

The GNU Webmasters will be very grateful if someone sends a patch for -- it is confirmed not
to work with GNU LilyPond 2.6.3 and recent versions such as 2.10.5.

Many thanks in advance!

lilypond-user mailing list

It appears that adding a \layout {} block after the \score block  
produces the desired output after converting (to 2.11.34).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Questions from new lilypond user

2008-01-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 31, 2007, at 11:20 PM, guitarmiami wrote:

I'm trying to learn Lilypond by transcribing Dowland's Lacrimae  
Pavan from

lute tablature to guitar.

I have a few questions:

One more minor, but perhaps helpful point. I have found that looking  
at Lilypond-encoded
guitar pieces in places such as has often provided  
answers to questions
such as yours. Pieces using a Lilypond version equal to or greater  
than the one you are using

are more helpful. I stumble much, but enjoy the trip!

Happy New Year-


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphonic problem...

2008-01-05 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 5, 2008, at 5:24 PM, milarepa7 wrote:

Gilles THIBAULT wrote:

The code you have given compiles without any errors in version  

Perhaps a "2.11.36" bugs ?

Yes maybe, I "emerged" the 2.11.37 yesterday and the bug (now I'm  
sure that
we can call it like this) is still there... That's why I posted to  
know how
I can use different versions on the same system but that's another  

Thanks / merci

Your code compiles on 2.11.37 without errors here (Mac PPC).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond language definition for Notepad++

2008-01-21 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 21, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Valentin Villenave wrote:

2008/1/21, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If I didn't use Java it would not exist at all, and certainly I would
not have users from Linux, Mac and Windows world. So we must  
accept this
trade-off: I don't like Java, but it is the platform which  
provides the most

features in the shortest time for the most users.

...With the major exception of Apple's implementation. For instance,
my girlfriend's iBook is still running OSX 10.3.9, and there is no
convenient Java implementation to run jEdit on it (when using it to
typeset LilyPond code, I have to use an editor like Smultron, and
still, even the last versions of Smultron do not run on Panther! Gee,
we're talking about a 3-years old OS; it's even much more recent than
XP, and nevertheless none would consider dropping XP support!)*

However, I think things are changing about the way developers and
people see the Java world. Since 2007, Sun seems to have understood
they have to become *really* GNU/compatible to be accepted; let's just
wait and see how far they're willing to go.

 And don't get this as an offense. My question was really  
curiosity. I spent
(and spending) huge amounts of my free time for LilyPondTool  
development. I
have no other reward (except the 55EUR donation get in 4 four  
years :-))
than people using it. So I want to make it a product that everyone  
uses for
LilyPond. And I hope that some time there will be user-provided  

for example.

You are right to promote your (great) work. But I think you'll agree
if I say I would hate to see LilyPondTool (hence jEdit, hence Java)
become a mandatory requirement to use LilyPond. The great thing about
Lily, and about Free Software in general, is the freedom of choice;
you can choose your platform, you architecture, your OS, and even your

 I would also be honored if LilyPondTool were mentioned on the  
Download page

as an officially recommended tool, as Han-Wen suggested a year ago.


Another cool thing could be to develop a bundled Lily+jEdit+LPT
pre-configured easy installer :)


I am quite confused. I've been using JEdit on my Mac, not knowing it  
doesn't work!;-) It moved from OS 10.3 to 10.4 quite easily. I'm  
currently running 10.4.11 and intend to stay there at least until all  
issues with LilyPond and Fink are worked out.

Also, Smultron has been my favorite text editor through many versions.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I need training...

2008-01-24 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 24, 2008, at 5:08 AM, Martin Seng Hin Yew wrote:

Hello list,

The knowledge of programming and scripting, for me, was inadequate  
for years. I went 'C' Programming lectures at college (few years  
ago) and only learned 10% of the 2 inch thick book (my bad...).  
Doesn't know much to code object-oriented programming, like  
lilypond (i think so..., please correct me if I'm wrong)

So, i went through the lilypond official manual, learned something,  
but still, not quite understand to apply stuff like \score,  
\context, \voice etc, normal input like using \relative is okay. Do  
i still continue reading the lilypond manual and follow the  
chapters, or there's something external for me to study advanced  
coding in lilypond? I love lilypond and i want to do everything  
possible with this app!

My salute to the contributors and developers, thank you guys for  
created such an awesome magic!

Happy but confused,


In addition to the excellent advice already given, I would suggest  
looking in  pages for  
"practical" solutions to coding. Caution: check the LilyPond version  
number and also remember that there are often more elegant solutions!

Often confused, but also happy,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Graham,

I bet that there's less than a hundred people

You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)

In all seriousness, while it may be true that "knowledge of formal  
grammar is [not] necessary to be a good writer", it is undeniable  
that better grammarians make better writers, all other things being  

That is to say, content presented with bad grammar is less easy/ 
interesting/enjoyable to read than the same content written  
"correctly" -- and the content is therefore less effective at  
accomplishing its main purpose, which is communication.


lilypond-user mailing list

Might not the same arguments be applied to the benefits of knowing  
Lilypond's "grammar?"

Ah, Cheers!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: space system problem

2008-02-18 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 18, 2008, at 5:17 PM, hhpmusic wrote:

  Here is the first paragraph of my piece describing the great  
Three Gorges on Yantze River. But the log file said "tried to space  
systems on bad number of pages". What does it mean?



I just processed your file using Lilypond 2.11.39. There were no  
problems reported and the pdf looks fine.


lilypond-user mailing list

crash on 10.4.11

2008-04-26 Thread Stan Sanderson

OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.44 & 2.11.45
Platforms: iMac G4 1GHZ and PowerBook G4 1.67 MHz

Lilypond v. 2.11.44-1 and 2.11.45-1 quits on loading.

v2.11.43-2 loads and runs as expected on both machines.

A (partial) crash report from the PowerBook is below:

Version: 2.11.45-1
 (Build from Sat Apr 26 00:40:44 2008)

Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:  KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9012cab0 _malloc_initialize + 1016
1   libSystem.B.dylib   0x900163e8 malloc_default_zone + 44
2   libobjc.A.dylib 0x90a3da30 _objc_internal_zone + 108
3   libobjc.A.dylib 0x90a3d980 _objc_init_class_hash + 48
4   libobjc.A.dylib 0x90a3d030 map_images + 96
5   dyld  	0x8fe0f5bc ImageLoaderMachO::doNotification 
(dyld_image_mode, unsigned, dyld_image_info const*) + 108
6   dyld  	0x8fe035c4 dyld::notifyAdding 
(std::vector >&) + 260
7   dyld  	0x8fe0dc4c ImageLoader::link 
(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::BindingLaziness,  
ImageLoader::InitializerRunning, unsigned) + 324
8   dyld  	0x8fe04070 dyld::link(ImageLoader*,  
ImageLoader::BindingLaziness, ImageLoader::InitializerRunning) + 380
9   dyld  	0x8fe089cc addImage(void*, char const*,  
bool, bool, bool, bool) + 180

10  libSystem.B.dylib   0x9004b710 NSAddImage + 96
11  org.lilypond.lilypond   0x67b4 main + 76
12  org.lilypond.lilypond   0x18a4 start + 68

I don't recall seeing any postings about this, but may have missed  
them. A check of the list archives was not helpful.

I noted that 2.11.43 and 2.11.44 approximately doubled in size.

Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: crash on 10.4.11

2008-04-26 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Apr 26, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

2.11.45 works on on *Intel*  OSX 10.4.11.  I guess the ppc build is

Thanks to all for the confirmation.

Not so cheery,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: crash on 10.4.11

2008-04-27 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Apr 27, 2008, at 2:50 AM, Arjan Bos wrote:

If, as you say, the size has doubled, then it looks either like it  
has become a universal binary or that it has debugging info in it.

Does it still work from the

Yes, both 2.11.44-1 and 2.11.45-1 run without complaint from terminal.

I noticed that the LilyPond>Contents>Frameworks folder now contains  
four dylib files and a Python.framework directory, and that  
LilyPond>Contents>MacOS now contains _both_ LilyPond and python "Unix  
Executable File (Universal).

2.11.43-2 did not include the dylibs and python files in those  


lilypond-user mailing list


2008-04-29 Thread Stan Sanderson

...on Mac OS 10.4 PPC now loads and runs as expected.



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypondtool version question

2008-04-29 Thread Stan Sanderson


I'm confused. The SourceForge site and the recent discussion refers  
to LilyPondTool v. 2.10.4-2.

jEdit (v. 4.3pre14) reports that I am running LilyPondTool v 2.10.15.  
Is there a rogue tool running around?

(Mac OS 10.4.11, ppc)


lilypond-user mailing list


2008-04-30 Thread Stan Sanderson

Mac OS 10.4.11, tool version 2.20.15 w/ jEdit 4.3pre14

Is there a secret in getting convert-ly to work using LilyPondTool? I  
have resorted to doing conversions from the terminal; jEdit tells me  
"Error running external command." The command shown in Console is  
"convert-ly --edit /Users/me/Desktop/" (where is the  
file loaded in jEdit).

From jEdit Console I can do a "lilypond --version" but if I try  
"convert-ly --version" I again get the above error message.

I tried using the explicit path to convert-ly in the tool Commands  
window (/Applications/  
but that didn't help.

I've looked at the activity log but remain confused.

Any help is appreciated!


lilypond-user mailing list

mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

In the interest of improving a great tool, I ask...

I'm sure I'm not the only one using jEdit with LilyPondTool on Mac OS  
10 (10.4.11, PPC). I've had a dialogue with Bertalan Fodor (author of  
LilyPondTool) concerning its use on the Mac OS. He doesn't have  
access to a Mac and consequently finds answering my question difficult.

So, is there anyone using the Mac version of LilyPondTool who has  
found a way of successfully invoking convert-ly?

The problem appears to be related to differences in how the Mac and  
Windows versions use Python. From what Bertalan has suggested,  
LilyPondTool translates "convert-ly" to "/ --edit ".

From the jEdit Activity Log...

9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '/Users/ssanders/Desktop/'
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: convert-ly  
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: / 
Applications/ not found
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at  
java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)

The same results are observed if the .py suuffix is included on the  
convert-ly command.

I can invoke "lilypond --version" successfully from the jEdit Console  
so the path to Lilypond appears to be correct. Invoking "convert-ly -- 
version" (or" produces an error message.

I have not found a way to communicate with the contents of / 
Applications/ (other than  
lilypond itself) when using LilyPondTool.

Any solutions?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rhythmicStaff in instrumental score How?

2008-05-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 3, 2008, at 1:14 PM, Jay Hamilton wrote:

I looked through lsr for scores with staves of one line didn't find  

My score
woodblock (single line staff)
cymbals (ditto)

But I'm stumped as how to make the code for the single lines- I  
wasn't going to group the staves as it's a small ensemble but even  
so not sure what to write at the beginning of each single line staff.




What about

(look at the second example)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

Aye, there's the rub. Again, any Mac users worked this out?

On May 3, 2008, at 5:40 PM, James E. Bailey wrote:

It looks as though jedit is looking for python in the lilypond  
path. And then looking for convert-ly to be there. convert-ly is  
actually in /Applications/ so  
if you can tell jedit to look there for convert-ly, problem solved

Am 03.05.2008 um 16:54 schrieb Stan Sanderson:

In the interest of improving a great tool, I ask...

I'm sure I'm not the only one using jEdit with LilyPondTool on Mac  
OS 10 (10.4.11, PPC). I've had a dialogue with Bertalan Fodor  
(author of LilyPondTool) concerning its use on the Mac OS. He  
doesn't have access to a Mac and consequently finds answering my  
question difficult.

So, is there anyone using the Mac version of LilyPondTool who has  
found a way of successfully invoking convert-ly?

The problem appears to be related to differences in how the Mac  
and Windows versions use Python. From what Bertalan has suggested,  
LilyPondTool translates "convert-ly" to "/ --edit ".

From the jEdit Activity Log...

9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '/Users/ssanders/Desktop/'
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: convert-ly  
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: / 
Applications/ not found
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at  
java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)

The same results are observed if the .py suuffix is included on  
the convert-ly command.

I can invoke "lilypond --version" successfully from the jEdit  
Console so the path to Lilypond appears to be correct. Invoking  
"convert-ly --version" (or" produces an error message.

I have not found a way to communicate with the contents of / 
Applications/ (other than  
lilypond itself) when using LilyPondTool.

Any solutions?


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 4, 2008, at 3:10 AM, Brett Duncan wrote:

Stan Sanderson wrote:

In the interest of improving a great tool, I ask...
I'm sure I'm not the only one using jEdit with LilyPondTool on Mac  
OS 10 (10.4.11, PPC). I've had a dialogue with Bertalan Fodor  
(author of LilyPondTool) concerning its use on the Mac OS. He  
doesn't have access to a Mac and consequently finds answering my  
question difficult.
So, is there anyone using the Mac version of LilyPondTool who has  
found a way of successfully invoking convert-ly?
The problem appears to be related to differences in how the Mac  
and Windows versions use Python. From what Bertalan has suggested,  
LilyPondTool translates "convert-ly" to "/ --edit ".

 From the jEdit Activity Log...
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '/Users/ssanders/Desktop/'
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: convert-ly  
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: / 
Applications/ not found
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at  
java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
The same results are observed if the .py suuffix is included on  
the convert-ly command.
I can invoke "lilypond --version" successfully from the jEdit  
Console so the path to Lilypond appears to be correct. Invoking  
"convert-ly --version" (or" produces an error message.
I have not found a way to communicate with the contents of / 
Applications/ (other than  
lilypond itself) when using LilyPondTool.

Any solutions?

Up until now, I had not tried invoking convert-ly from inside  
jEdit, but had been happy to update directly with But  
this thread got me curious, so I tried it - and it works fine for  
me. (I'm running OSX 10.4.11 Intel.)

In jEdit, under Plugin Options: LilyPondTool: Commands, I have the  
path for convert-ly as " 
ly" (without the quotes, of course). I have both the jEdit and  
Lilypond apps in the same directory (my Applications folder).


Thanks to all who responded. As I explained to Bertalan Fodor, the  
lack of ability to use convert-ly from within jEdit is a minor  
inconvenience, since the command is easily invoked outside of it.

Brett- the path you suggest is one (of many possibilities) which I  
had previously tried (and just tried again) on PPC OS 10.4.11. It  
does not work for me.

I am using the latest jEdit v4.3pre14 and LilyPondTool v2.10.5.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 4, 2008, at 12:32 PM, James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 04.05.2008 um 18:58 schrieb Stan Sanderson:

On May 4, 2008, at 3:10 AM, Brett Duncan wrote:

Stan Sanderson wrote:

In the interest of improving a great tool, I ask...
I'm sure I'm not the only one using jEdit with LilyPondTool on  
Mac OS 10 (10.4.11, PPC). I've had a dialogue with Bertalan  
Fodor (author of LilyPondTool) concerning its use on the Mac OS.  
He doesn't have access to a Mac and consequently finds answering  
my question difficult.
So, is there anyone using the Mac version of LilyPondTool who  
has found a way of successfully invoking convert-ly?
The problem appears to be related to differences in how the Mac  
and Windows versions use Python. From what Bertalan has  
suggested, LilyPondTool translates "convert-ly" to "to Python>/ --edit ".

From the jEdit Activity Log...
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '/Users/ssanders/Desktop/'
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: convert-ly  
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: / 
Applications/ not found
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at  
java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
The same results are observed if the .py suuffix is included on  
the convert-ly command.
I can invoke "lilypond --version" successfully from the jEdit  
Console so the path to Lilypond appears to be correct. Invoking  
"convert-ly --version" (or" produces an error  
I have not found a way to communicate with the contents of / 
Applications/ (other than  
lilypond itself) when using LilyPondTool.

Any solutions?

Up until now, I had not tried invoking convert-ly from inside  
jEdit, but had been happy to update directly with  
But this thread got me curious, so I tried it - and it works fine  
for me. (I'm running OSX 10.4.11 Intel.)

In jEdit, under Plugin Options: LilyPondTool: Commands, I have  
the path for convert-ly as " 
convert-ly" (without the quotes, of course). I have both the  
jEdit and Lilypond apps in the same directory (my Applications  


Thanks to all who responded. As I explained to Bertalan Fodor, the  
lack of ability to use convert-ly from within jEdit is a minor  
inconvenience, since the command is easily invoked outside of it.

Brett- the path you suggest is one (of many possibilities) which I  
had previously tried (and just tried again) on PPC OS 10.4.11. It  
does not work for me.

I am using the latest jEdit v4.3pre14 and LilyPondTool v2.10.5.



lilypond-user mailing list

May I ask where convert-ly is located on your computer? It should  
be there.

locate convert-ly


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 4, 2008, at 6:55 PM, Brett Duncan wrote:

Thanks to all who responded. As I explained to Bertalan Fodor, the  
lack of ability to use convert-ly from within jEdit is a minor  
inconvenience, since the command is easily invoked outside of it.
Brett- the path you suggest is one (of many possibilities) which I  
had previously tried (and just tried again) on PPC OS 10.4.11. It  
does not work for me.

I am using the latest jEdit v4.3pre14 and LilyPondTool v2.10.5.

Hmm, apart from the fact that I'm using an Intel Mac, the  
differences in our setups are that I'm using the pre9 version of  
jEdit, and version 2.10.4 of LilyPondTool, so the problem may lie  
in there somewhere.

I will try updating jEdit and LilyPondTool and see if it breaks  



referring to the log,
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '/Users/ssanders/Desktop/'
9:36:26 AM [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: convert-ly  
9:36:26 AM [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: / 
Applications/ not found

By any chance, are you using Lilypond v 2.11.44-1 or 2.11.45-1 ? Both  
of those versions were built with Python included (as I understand  
it). Neither would run on either the PPC 10.4.11 powerbook or a x86  
iMac running 10.4.11. Version 2.11.45-2 does run, and is the version  
called by jEdit in my install.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-05 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 4, 2008, at 11:31 PM, Brett Duncan wrote:

Stan Sanderson wrote:

By any chance, are you using Lilypond v 2.11.44-1 or 2.11.45-1 ?  
Both of those versions were built with Python included (as I  
understand it). Neither would run on either the PPC 10.4.11  
powerbook or a x86 iMac running 10.4.11. Version 2.11.45-2 does  
run, and is the version called by jEdit in my install.


I'm now using LP 2.11.45-2, and calling it and convert-ly from  
within jEdit, and it's all good.

So maybe the problem is specific to the PPC version of LP, or  
perhaps there is something odd about how java is behaving on your  


You appear to have covered all the bases; I tried it on an intel  
iMac- same results as on the PPC machine. Caveat- I am using XDarwin  
(Xorg's X11 implementation) through Fink on both machines. There may  
be a path issue or, as you suggest, some java oddity.

jEdit is running (Apple's) Java 1.5.0_13.

Hard to solve a puzzle when we're not using matching pieces!

Thanks for trying!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: warnings in 2.11.45

2008-05-10 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 9, 2008, at 10:04 PM, hhpmusic wrote:

  The file attached contains the final draft of my transcription of  
a folksong, which I just played it in the concert yesterday. It's a  
funny love song of our place. I ever worked on it when in 2.11.37,  
and no errors found. But when I compiled the final draft I modified  
just now, there are warnings about beaming and weird stem size.  
Why? How can I solve it (I added a paper block, but no use)?



The warning is not given if the slur over the four 16th notes in  
measure 49 is removed. The beam is correctly drawn, as are the stems.

This isn't a solution, just an observation.



lilypond-user mailing list

convert-ly and stand-alone

2005-06-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
Is a mechanism planned to convert older coding to current coding with 
the stand-alone versions? I have "convert-ly" through the Fink install, 
but it is not current with the latest stand-alone version.

I should add that the converted (to 2.5.22 in my install) coding 
appears to work with the stand-alone 2.5.27.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Usage of new installer for Mac OS

2005-06-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jun 3, 2005, at 12:26 PM, Walter Hofmeister wrote:

The new installer for Mac OS is great and I have it working from the
terminal just fine, but one question to the Brain Trust here, how does 

use Lilypond-book or convert-ly, and all of the other goodies? I have
installed the script into sw/bin/ and when I want to run
lilypond I type "" and this seems to work fine, 
but I

can't see a way to run the other features. What am I missing? Thanks.

Walter Hofmeister

From the LilyPond developer's list, integrating convert-ly with the is on the "to-do" list. For now, using convert-ly from the 
Fink-installed 2.5.22 or 2.5.23 works fine.


lilypond-user mailing list


2006-03-01 Thread Stan Sanderson
I posted this message this morning but have not seen it, so I am  

Is is not yet possible to leave a volta bracket "open" (i.e., no  
descender on the right end)? The docs (Bugs) for 2.7.32 (PDF) report  

\turnOff (used in \set Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff) is not  
properly converted.

Forgive me if I've missed it, but I couldn't find anything in  
regression tests or examples.



lilypond-user mailing list

Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff

2006-03-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
Is is not yet possible to leave a volta bracket "open" (i.e., no  
descender on the right end)? The docs (Bugs) for 2.7.32 (PDF) report  

\turnOff (used in \set Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff) is not  
properly converted.

Forgive me if I've missed it, but I couldn't find anything in  
regression tests or examples.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff.VoltaBracket

2006-03-07 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Mar 6, 2006, at 5:01 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

The old \turnOff macro had nothing to do with what you are asking  
about. Rather, the built-in rule is that you get a right edge of  
the bracket if it ends at a bar line that is

either a repeat or a double bar line (with one of the lines
thicker, i.e. \bar "|." or ".|"). Otherwise, the bracket
will be open ended.

Please include a small example from your score if you need more  
help from the mailing list.


Quoting Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I posted this message this morning but have not seen it, so I am   

Is is not yet possible to leave a volta bracket "open" (i.e., no   
descender on the right end)? The docs (Bugs) for 2.7.32 (PDF)  
report  that

\turnOff (used in \set Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff) is not   
properly converted.

Forgive me if I've missed it, but I couldn't find anything in   
regression tests or examples.

Thank you for the clarification.

The source file had originally been coded in v1.?, updated to an  
early v2.x and was now updated to 2.7.36. The error generated  
referred to the \turnOff macro.

There was a \bar "||" at the location in question. I removed it and  
it coded as you mentioned (although it is not a double bar line  
"...with one of the bars thicker.").

I spent some time looking at the documentation (current  2.7.36, from  
the tarball) and didn't find this property described. Probably missed  

What is confusing is that there is an example in the Regression Tests  
"" which appears to not follow the  
rule given above. The example which follows ("") also  
shows a closed volta spanner at the end, although no barlines is  

I found no examples in the "Tips and Tricks" section which might apply.

This is in no way criticism! I feel privileged to have had the  
opportunity to watch this Lily grow.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: moving rest vertically

2006-03-07 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 27, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Orm Finnendahl wrote:


 trying to input my first complete piece with lilypond (Bach's Prelude
#20 from the WTC I), I stumbled across a rather trivial problem: A
32nd rest in a polyphonic 2nd voice collides with a note in the first
voice. Can someone give me a hint how to move that rest down by 1 or 2
staff lines? I couldn't find it in the documentation.

It is sufficient to tell me the "\once \override ..." expression for
the vertical displacement of a rest.

Maybe it would be a good idea to include it in the documetation (if
not already present).


See Sect 6.1.6 of the latest manual:

A rest’s vertical position may be explicitly specified by entering  
a note with the \rest
keyword appended, the rest will be placed at the note’s place. This  
makes manual formatting
in polyphonic music easier. Automatic rest collision formatting  
will leave these rests alone

a’4\rest d’4\rest

I have found this very useful in tweaking rest positions.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: shortest-duration-space

2006-03-11 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Mar 11, 2006, at 12:25 AM, David Rogers wrote:

Does anyone have an example of how to use shortest-duration-space  
to increase the horizontal spacing of notes? (This is in a vocal  
score - my words are running together badly.)


I have found it easiest to adjust the size of the type face using  
\set fontSize = #-n as in

textA = \lyricmode {
\set fontSize = #-2
Ver -- i -- ly,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compiling lilypond files from Mutopia

2006-05-27 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 27, 2006, at 8:17 AM, Peter Clarke wrote:

Dear list,
I would like to compile a Lilypond file downloaded from
Mutopia.  It needs an include file (  Where
can I get this?  And does that define all the 'extra'
syntax the .ly file seems to contain?


Peter C

Unfortunately, there is no simple way for the Mutopia maintainer  
(Chris Sawer) to update all the files with each new Lilypond version.  
I would suggest using the latest stable Lilypond version's convert-ly  
to update the file. If you can download one of the compiled binary  
Lilypond versions, use the "convert" function. Depending on how old  
is the Lilypond version of the Mutopia file, you may have to do some  
further editing.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Unmetered troubles...

2006-06-05 Thread Stan Sanderson
perhaps the \time 14/4 should be \time 15\4 in the next to the last  


On Jun 5, 2006, at 6:49 AM, Борислав Данаилов wrote:

\version "2.8.0"
\include ""

\header {

  title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") \override
#'(font-size . 10)
  {  "Имаше человек"} }
subtitle = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER")
  { "( Imashe chelovek )"
} }
subsubtitle = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER")
 {  \huge "There was a man...  Il y avait un homme... " } }
composer =  \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER")  

Петър Дънов"}}
arranger = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER")  
{"лирика: Петър Дънов"}}

tagline=" "


melody =

\relative do'' {

\clef treble
\key do  \minor
\time 6/4
sol2^"Adagio"\( (sol8) \times 2/3 { fad16 sol lab } sol8 \) fad sol2

\time 8/4
fa4 mib re8[ do mib re] do4 \times 2/3 { si8( do re) } do2\tenuto

\time 8/4
sol'8 sol do4\tenuto \( mib re do \)  \times 2/3 { si 8(do) re } do2

\time 12/4
sib4 lab sol4. sol8 do4 sib lab lab lab8[ lab sib do] sol2

\time 10/4
lab4 sib do2 re4 do sib do sol2

\time 12/4
fa sol8(lab) sib4 do sib lab sol fa mib re2

\time 8/4
re4(mib) fa sol sib8[ lab lab sib] sol2

\time 11/4
sol4 do8 re mib4 re do sib lab  lab8[ lab sib do] sol2\fermata \break

\time 14/4
sib2 lab4 sol fa mib re mib fa sol lab( sib) sol2

\time 16/4
do2 sib4 lab sol fa mib re mib fa sol lab sib do sol2 \break

\time 9/4
sol4 mib'2  re4 do \times 2/3 {si8( do re) } do2.

\time 11/4
mib,8. fa16 sol2 sol4 lab fa fa fa mib8. fa16 sol2  \break

\time 6/4
sol4 do sib lab8. sib16 sol2

\time 10/4
sol4 mib'8. mib16 re4 do sib lab8 sol fa2 mib2  \break

\time 9/4
mib2 re4 do si do8. do16 re4 do2

\time 11/4
mib8. mib16 fa4 sol lab sol fad sol8. sol16 lab4 sol2.

\time 14/4
sol4 do2 si4 lab sol fa mib re mib re do \times 2/3 { si8( do re) }
do2  \bar "" \break

\time 8/4
mib4 mib2 do4 re mib do2

\time 8/4
fa4 lab sol fad sol lab sol2

\time 8/4
sol4 do si do re mib do2

\time 10/4
sol8 sol sib4 ( lab) sol fa mib re ( mib ) do2 \bar "|."


textbg = \lyricmode {

texten = \lyricmode {


\paper {
between-system-space = 1\mm
after-title-space = 1\mm



 \new Voice = "one" {
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \textbg
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \texten

\layout {

\context {

\override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #2


\context {
  \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
\override LyricText #'font-name = #"FLOWER"

\context {
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

  \midi { \tempo 4=60 }



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypondtool questions (2)

2006-11-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
I have two questions about lilypondtool (latest version on OS 10.4.8,  

1. I'm using jEdit 4.3pre6 (planning to update to pre8). I have not  
found a way to initiate automatic bar-check as shown in your  
excellent flash demo. I have duplicated your entries to the best of  
my knowledge. E.g., the \tweak step works as shown in your demo. Is  
there a specific setting to activate the automatic bar-check?

2. Should I not use the experimental jEdit? I could reinstall v4.2 if  
that is required.

Many thanks!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool questions (2)

2006-11-14 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Nov 14, 2006, at 1:50 PM, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

Stan Sanderson írta:
I have two questions about lilypondtool (latest version on OS  
10.4.8, PPC)

1. I'm using jEdit 4.3pre6 (planning to update to pre8). I have  
not found a way to initiate automatic bar-check as shown in your  
excellent flash demo. I have duplicated your entries to the best  
of my knowledge. E.g., the \tweak step works as shown in your  
demo. Is there a specific setting to activate the automatic bar- 
If you have too complex score or you have not defined the first  
duration it may happen that the barcheck doesnt work.

This will not work: { c d e f | }, but this will { c4 d e f | }

The flash demo appears to show an automatic bar-check symbol  
insertion. When I enter the second example (with the first note  
duration defined), nothing happens. However, if I manually insert the  
"|", lilypondtool reports 1/1, as would be expected.

Perhaps I misinterpreted the demo.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond and editors

2006-12-08 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Dec 8, 2006, at 2:40 AM, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

So I would like to encourage anybody to give jEdit at least a try,

I'd rather say some tries in regular intervals :-)
LilyPondTool is under continous development nowadays and it  
evolves. Besides this a very exciting new feature is under testing  
now, which will make another big step in efficiency. (I don't tell  
what it is now because I'd like present it as a  Christmas  
surprise :-) )


As a long time user of Lilypond, and one who just recently "found"  
LilyPondTool, I am eager for Santa's arrival!

Thank you!


lilypond-user mailing list

bug or me?

2007-01-18 Thread Stan Sanderson
Using either v2.10.12 or 2.11.12, the following code snippet is a  
problem. When compiled, the last three notes are drawn as quarter  
notes, not eighth notes.

I need to tie the f8 to another note in another voice; hence the hide  
and unhide sequence.

Any help?

\version "2.11.11"
\header { }
\include ""
mel = \new Staff  {
\time 4/4
\key f \major
\clef treble
\relative c' {  
ef8 f a f8 ~ \hideNotes f8 \unHideNotes d8 g f
\score { << \mel >>
\layout  {
\paper {


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool 2.10.3 released

2007-01-18 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 18, 2007, at 12:19 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote:

Thanks, Bert!  This is a marvelous tool for LilyPond work on Windows.

Ditto on Mac OS X-

Thank you!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool 2.10.3 released

2007-01-18 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Jan 18, 2007, at 2:32 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

would it be a good idea to make LilyTool an officially recommended  
eg. by linking it from the lilypond install page, and/or mentioning  
it in

the manual?

I would highly recommend it!


lilypond-user mailing list

convert-ly broken in 2.10/11.15?

2007-02-01 Thread Stan Sanderson
I've probably missed something, but in v 2.10.14/2.11/14 and  
2.10.15/2.11.15 if convert-ly is invoked (through Update Syntax), the  
following message is presented:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ssanders/Documents/Lilypond stuff/LilyPond 2.11.x/", line 22, in ?

import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

Macintosh G4 OS X 10.4.8

Previous versions have converted without problem. I tried the list  
archive, but it appears to be broken at the moment.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly broken in 2.10/11.15?

2007-02-02 Thread Stan Sanderson

Thank you Robert and Werner.

Werner's suggestion led me to compare the convert-ly scripts in a  
copy of 2.10.13 and 2.10.15.
The path for MacOS is -> Contents -> Resources -> bin ->  
convert-ly .

The following lines were missing in 2.10.15:

datadir = '/usr/share/lilypond/2.10.13'
if not os.path.isdir (datadir):
datadir = '/usr/share/lilypond/2.10.13'

sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))

# dynamic relocation, for GUB binaries.
bindir = os.path.abspath (os.path.split (sys.argv[0])[0])
for p in ['share', 'lib']:
datadir = os.path.abspath (bindir + '/../%s/lilypond/current/ 
python/' % p)

sys.path.insert (0, datadir)

I copied, then pasted them into the 2.10.15 convert-ly script, then  
changed the occurrences of "2.10.13" to "2.10.15" in the copied text.  
All is well until 2.10/11. 16 comes outl

Always learning...


On Feb 2, 2007, at 1:35 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Users/ssanders/Documents/Lilypond stuff/LilyPond 2.11.x/", line 22, in ?
 import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

I think Han-Wen has fixed this already in the GIT repository.  As a
workaround, edit the installed convert-ly script and replace this:

  for d in ['@lilypond_datadir@',
  sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (d, 'python'))

with this:

  for d in ['/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.11.14',
  sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (d, 'python'))

(assuming that lilypond has been installed in /usr/local/share, of


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

2007-02-02 Thread Stan Sanderson


I just ran your file using LilyPond 2.11.15. While there were a  
number of warnings, the processing completed successfully and the pdf  
looks good. Now, if I could only play Torroba.

I'm using a Mac w/ OS 10.4.8. I posted earlier today about my  
experience with convert-ly being broken and what I did to correct it.  
It appears that the "cure" depends on your platform or requires  
waiting for the next update.



On Feb 2, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Diosnel Herrnsdorf wrote:

Thank you, Roger. I'm aware of the apparent problems with the (de) 
crescendo hairpins, but those did not seem to bother the previous  
version. The real problem seems to lie way down, when lilypond  
tries to write a pdf file from the ps output...

Thanks again,


- Original Message - From: "Rutger Hofman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Diosnel Herrnsdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 20:31
Subject: Re: Problems with LilyPond 2.11.15

Interpreting music...
C:/Documents and Settings/DiosnelH/My Documents/Scores/Moreno  
Torroba/Suite Castellana/ warning:  
cannot find start of (de)crescendo

  \! ] [ ] [ b'>] [ ]}\\


<<{a'4.^\lento \times 2/3 {\slurDown gis16( a gis)} e2}\\{e,8 
\rest e cis'4 s8 e, b'4}\\
  {\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.05 a2 \once  
\override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.03 gis}\\{a,2\p a}>> |
<<{4. \times 2/3 {\slurDown e'16( fis e)} d4. a'8}\\ 
{s8 e, ais4 e8\rest f a4\<}\\{s1}\\{a,2 a}>> |
<<{8[\! ] [ ] [ ] b'>[ ]}\\
  {a,1\mf}\\{s4 \acciaccatura e'''8( \once \override NoteColumn  
#'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t  
d4) s \acciaccatura c8( \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift  
= #-0.1 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t b4)}>> | \break

It appears that the pair \< \! is not voiced correctly, if I read  
the warning well. If \! of line 163 is instead also attached to  
the lower voice at the same time (i.e. first note of line 164) ,  
this warning disappears:

<<{8[ ] [ ] [ b'>] [ ]}\\
  {a,1\mf\!}\\{s4 \acciaccatura e'''8( \once \override  
NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once \override Stem  
#'transparent = ##t d4) s \acciaccatura c8( \once \override  
NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.1 \once \override Stem  
#'transparent = ##t b4)}>> | \break

I guess the same holds for the second warning.

I tried this with 2.8.8. Maybe 2.11.891 has independent bugs, I  
don't know.


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Update syntax

2007-02-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 4, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Ole Schmidt wrote:

Hi Trevor,

When I try to use convert-ly via the terminal (I am using Mac OS X  
or via Lilypond / Compile-menu/ Update syntax, I get the following  
error message:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/ 
ly", line 22, in ?

import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

This happens with both versions 2.11.15-1 and 2.10.15-1
what is wrong?


I posted this a couple of days ago...
Werner's suggestion led me to compare the convert-ly scripts in a  
copy of 2.10.13 and 2.10.15.
The path for MacOS is -> Contents -> Resources -> bin - 
> convert-ly .

The following lines were missing in 2.10.15:

datadir = '/usr/share/lilypond/2.10.13'
if not os.path.isdir (datadir):
datadir = '/usr/share/lilypond/2.10.13'

sys.path.insert (0, os.path.join (datadir, 'python'))

# dynamic relocation, for GUB binaries.
bindir = os.path.abspath (os.path.split (sys.argv[0])[0])
for p in ['share', 'lib']:
datadir = os.path.abspath (bindir + '/../%s/lilypond/current/ 
python/' % p)

sys.path.insert (0, datadir)

I copied, then pasted them into the 2.10.15 convert-ly script, then  
changed the occurrences of "2.10.13" to "2.10.15" in the copied  
text. All is well until 2.10/11. 16 comes outl


lilypond-user mailing list

doc update needed 2.11.x

2007-02-10 Thread Stan Sanderson

Documentation for LilyPond 2.11.17, Section 7.5.7, Other guitar issues-
guitar position/barring indication syntax has not been updated. The  
included snippet shows a dashed line with no bar numeral.

As included (works under 2.10, doesn't work under 2.11):
\clef "G_8"
b16 d16 g16 b16 e16
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("XII " . "")
  b16 e16 g16 e16 b16 g16\stopTextSpan
e16 b16 g16 d16

What works:

\clef "G_8"
b16 d16 g16 b16 e16
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "XII "
  b16 e16 g16 e16 b16 g16\stopTextSpan
e16 b16 g16 d16

If I missed previous discussion about this, please forgive.


lilypond-user mailing list

beamed grace stem length

2007-02-10 Thread Stan Sanderson
Yes, I know it's an old question. I've looked at the posts, gone to  
the manual, but haven't found anything that works. I'm stuck.

\version "2.10.16"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
\relative c'' {
\time 3/8
a8 c e | d[ \appoggiatura { c16[ d]} c8 b]

produces the output in the attached pdf.

The appoggiatura beamed stems are too long.

If a simple answer exists, please help!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beamed grace stem length

2007-02-10 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 10, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Trevor Bača wrote:

On 2/10/07, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, I know it's an old question. I've looked at the posts, gone to
the manual, but haven't found anything that works. I'm stuck.

\version "2.10.16"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
\relative c'' {
\time 3/8
a8 c e | d[ \appoggiatura { c16[ d]} c8 b]

produces the output in the attached pdf.

The appoggiatura beamed stems are too long.

If a simple answer exists, please help!

That example renders with some insanity under 2.11.16 (the stem of the
b-natural points *down* with a dramatically crossed resulting primary

Maybe you can tweak

 \once \override Beam #'positions = #'(2 . 3)

in the appoggiatura braces for a manual fix. If you've got a lot of
those, though, that solution won't scale.

Trevor Bača



Thank you. I used values of 2.5 and 2.75 to obtain very acceptable  

Re the insanity under 2.11.16/17: I was able to restore the original  
stem and beam position by inserting another /stemUp after the final  
appoggiatura brace. The problem is apparently introduced by the beam  
position overide.

One more for the archives!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: clashing notes

2007-02-11 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 11, 2007, at 11:46 AM, Tiago Morin wrote:


I'm trying to reduce beamed stem length to avoid stem clash:
\override Stem #'details #'beamed-lengths = #'(1.25 )
g8[ d'] f'[ d']
}\\{ \stemDown g2}>>

the Stem #'details #'beamed-lengths allows to increase the stem
but not reduce... :(

any suggestions?


Tiago Morin


The solution to my problem proposed by Trevor yesterday seems to work  
with your example (using rather extreme values):

\version "2.11.17"
\once \override Beam #'positions = #'(-2.9  . -0.8)
g8[ d'] f'[ d']
}\\{ \stemDown g2}>>

Lily does still complain of clashing note columns.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A-Play is running on

2007-02-19 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 19, 2007, at 3:53 PM, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

For me it also seems like a bunch of good ideas for LilyPondTool ;-)


Maybe you can explain your concept a little bit that we (or at least
I) understand what a-play is good for! If I understand it right it is
something like a reference book to see how I can realize it in
lilypond ...


I, for one, appreciate the platform independence of LilyPondTool.  
Many thanks for your fine work!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: French baroque: Trills, Grace and Slurs

2007-02-21 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 21, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen wrote:


I have a problem with Trills which are connected by a slur with  

grace notes.
In the first bar ist the trill-sign above the slur, which is  
correct. I want
the same behavior with the "+"-sign in the second bar. It should be  

above the slur.

Can anybody help me?

\version "2.10.19"
\paper {
  line-width = 6\cm

\score {
\relative c' <<
\new Staff {
\time 2/4
a'4 \afterGrace b\trill(  { \stemDown a16[ b16]) }
\bar "|"
a4 \afterGrace b-+(  { \stemDown a16[ b16]) }


Is this what you were looking for?

\version "2.10.19"
\paper {
  line-width = 6\cm

\score {
\relative c' <<
\new Staff {
\time 2/4
a'4 \afterGrace b\trill(  { \stemDown a16[ b16]) }
\bar "|"
a4 \afterGrace \trill(  { \stemDown a16[ b16]) }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rests with multiple parts and text above parts

2007-02-22 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 22, 2007, at 8:55 PM, Rebecca Gilbert wrote:

I have a transcription that I'm working on in 4 vocal parts and in  
more than one place, I have multiple parts on a rest.  If both  
voices on a staff are on a rest, how do I display one rest centered  
rather than two rests above each other.

The first instance of the rests that I want to fix is in bar 4.  I  
want the bass clef to share one rest.  I tried putting s4 in one  
part, but the other rest was still off set.

perhaps half your answer...
how about using the "trick" of positioning a rest with a note?

{ d'4/rest }

The other question I have is about additional words above the  
text.  In bar 48-49, I have some echo words and the spacing is  
funny.  How do I define the spacing that I want so the word is all  
on the same level?



"The real secret of success is enthusiasm."
--Walter Chrysler
\header {
filename = ""
enteredby = "Rebecca Gilbert"
composer = "Arr. Dot Calvin with additional key change"
poet = "Words and music by Harry Woods"
dedication = ""
texttranslator = "Bland Tucker"
title = "Red, Red Robin"
subtitle = ""
metre = ""
meter = \metre
	copyright = "© 1927 (Reneweed) Callicoon Music All Rights  
Reserved. Used by Permission. Warner Bros. Publications"

style = "Barbershop"
mutopiacomposer = \composer
maintainer = "Peter Chubb"
maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
lastupdated = "2005/December/25"

\version "2.11.2"
#(set-paper-size "letter")
top-margin = 0.5\in
bottom-margin = 0.54\in
ragged-bottom = ##t

global= {
\time 4/4
\key d \major
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
%\set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"


%^"text" to insert words above the line
%_"text" to insert words below the line
ten = \context Voice = "ten"   {
d''4 d''8. d''16 d''8. d''16 d''4 d'' e''2.
d''4 d''8. d''16 cis''8. cis''16 cis''4 d''2.
r4 d''4 d'' ais'8. ais'16 ais'4 b' d''2
b'4 b' b' ais' ais' b'1
d''4 d'' d''8. d''16 d''4 d'' e''2.
d''4 d'' cis''8. cis''16 cis''4 d''2.
r4 d''4 d'' ais'8. ais'16 ais'4 b' d''2
d''4 d''8 d'' ~ d''4 d'' d'' cis''2( ~ cis''8 c''8 cis''4 d''2)
	\transpose d ees {cis''4. cis''8 a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8.  
g'16 g'4 fis'2. g'4 a'2

g'4 g' a' a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 a'2. r4 c''1
	d''4 b' r4 d''4 b' d''8 bes'8 ~ bes' bes' bes'4 d''4 d'' r4 d''4  
d'' d''8 a' ~ a' ais' b'4
	d'' b'2 d''4 b' d''8 b' ~ b' cis'' d''4 cis'' r4 c''2 cis''8 cis''  
cis''4 d'' cis''

a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 fis'2. g'4 a'2. r4
	d''4 d'' d''8. cis''16 c''4 cis''4 cis'' cis''8. cis''16 cis''4  
d''2. d''4 e''1
	d''4 d''8. cis''16 d''8. b'16 b'4 d''8. d'' 16 d''8. d''16 d''8.  
cis''16 d''4

r4 d''4 ais' b' gis'2. gis'8. g'16 a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4
	g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 fis'(g' gis') a'^"a - " a'8^"long  
_"( b' ~ b' c'' ~ c'' cis'' ~ cis''4
	d'' d''8. cis''16 d''8. b'16 b'4 d''8. d''16 d''8. d''16 d''8.  
cis''16 d''4

r4 d''4 a' a' b'2.
	b'8. b'16 b'4 b' b'8. cis''16 d''4 cis'' cis'' cis''8. b'16 a'4  
c'' c''8 c'' ~ c'' b' bes'4 d''2. r4 r2 bes'2 d''1



lead=\context Voice = "lead"{
b'4 b'8. b'16 a'8. b'16 a'4 fis' fis'2.
b'4 b'8. b'16 a'8. b'16 a'4 fis'2.
d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' e'8. fis'16 e'4 d' b2
d'4 e' e' fis' d' d'1
b'4 b' b'8. b'16 a'4 fis' fis'2.
b'4 b' a'8. b'16 a'4 fis'2.
d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' e'8. fis'16 e'4 d' b2
b'4 b'8 gis' ~ gis'4 fis' e' a'2( ~ a'8 aes' a'4 bes'2)
	\transpose d ees {a'4. g'8} \bar"||" \key ees \major \transpose d  
ees {fis'4 fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 fis'2

d'4 e' fis' fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 a'1
	b'4 g' r4 b' g' b'8 g' ~ g' fis' e'4 a' fis' r4 a' fis' a'8 fis' ~  
fis' e' d'4
	fis' d'2 fis'4 d' fis'8 d' ~ d' cis' b4 e' r4 fis'2 g'8 a' b'4  
fis' e'

fis' fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 fis'2. r4
a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. fis'16 e'4 a'2. a'4 ais'1
	b'4 b'8. ais'16 b'8. a'16 g'4 bes'8. bes'16 bes'8. c''16 bes'8.  
a'16 g'4

r4 a' fis' d' b2. d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4
e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'1( fis'2 ~ fis'8) ais' ~ ais'4
	b'4 b'8. ais'16 b'8. a'16 g'4 bes'8. bes'16 bes'8. c''16 bes'8.  
a'16 g'4
	r4 a'4 fis' c' gis'2. gis'8. gis'16 gis'4 gis' gis'8. gis'16 gis'4  
gis' gis' gis'8. gis'16 gis'4

a' a'8 a' ~ a' gis' g'4 a'2. r4 r2 g'2 a'1


bari = \context Voice = "bari"   {
fis4 fis8. fis16 fis8. fis16 fis4 b ais2.
fis4 fis8. fis16 g8. g16 g

Re: response character

2007-03-13 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Mar 13, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Geoff Horton wrote:

The response lyrics are supposed to begin with a special text  
symbol that

is a capital 'R' that has a slash through it.  Does anyone know of a
lilypond or LaTeX symbol that does this?

I've looked for such a thing in the past without success.


lilypond-user mailing list

The symbol is contained (apparently) in the Apple Symbol font, and is  
identified by the following:

Unicode: 211F
UTF8: E2 84 9F

(all of which is probably of little help- sorry!)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: response character

2007-03-13 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Mar 13, 2007, at 9:12 PM, Maximilian Albert wrote:

The response lyrics are supposed to begin with a special text  

that is a capital 'R' that has a slash through it.  Does anyone
know of a lilypond or LaTeX symbol that does this?

I've looked for such a thing in the past without success.

The symbol is contained (apparently) in the Apple Symbol font, and is
identified by the following:

Unicode: 211F
UTF8: E2 84 9F


(all of which is probably of little help- sorry!)

Well, at least it helped me to get it working. ;)

If you use an editor that is unicode-aware you can simply insert the
corresponding symbol wherever it is needed and rely on lilypond to do
the rest. Of course, the precise process depends on the editor. In my
quick test I used emacs where you can enter any symbol using its hex
unicode value. Because of some weird setting that had messed up my  

key I had to include the line

   (define-key global-map [?\C-c ?u] #'ucs-insert)

in my .emacs file. Then typing CTRL-C, U, 211F resulted in the symbol
being inserted. (Only a white box was shown in emacs itself but
compiling with lilypond and viewing the pdf file worked just fine).

If you use another editor and cannot figure it out yourself, maybe  

users know how to do it.

Hope this helps,

Apple users (OSX) using a text editor with UTF-8 text encoding (I  
like Smultron, and JEdit with Lilypond tool works also) can use the  
Character Palette.

It is accessed by going to System Preferences==>International.

Click on the "Input Menu" button; check the box for Character Palette  
in the window under the buttons. Also check the box "Show input menu  
in menu bar".

The Response symbol can be found in the Character Palette by  
selecting Symbols==>Letterlike Symbols. If you double-click on the  
symbol, it will appear in the active document at the cursor. For  
example, here < ℟ >. (There is a response symbol in the <>.)

This works for any viewable character.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.11.21-1 for PPC

2007-03-26 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Mar 26, 2007, at 3:22 PM, Paul Scott wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Is anyone running 2.11.21-1 on a PowerPC.  Previous versions have  

 but the latest version tells me it can't run a binary file.

My Mac is not up at the moment but I was trying to run lilypond  
from an

xterm in XDarwin (under Tiger) as:

/usr/local/lilypond/... I don't remember the exact path but it's in  
same bin directory as lilypond-book and the others.  As I said this  

worked with previous versions.


Paul Scott


I realize this isn't too helpful with respect to what you are doing,  
but I can (at least) verify that 2.11.21-1 works in the "normal"  
fashion on a PPC mac running 10.4.9. A .ly file previously compiled  
by earlier versions updates and compiles correctly when opened with  


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: regression test images in Safari

2007-05-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 1, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Bruce McIntyre wrote:

Can anyone else reproduce this issue?

Yes, I my experience is the same. (OSX 10.4.9, all updates, Lilypond  
2.10.x or 2.11.x).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: regression test images in Safari

2007-05-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 1, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

I suspect this related to language settings. Try setting your
preferred languages to english.

2007/5/1, Bruce McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Also tried with last night's WebKit build:

but to no avail. (WebKit is the open-source rendering engine
used by Safari)

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Primary language is set (AFAIK!) to English. Text encoding is set to  
Automatic, but I get the same results with Unicode (UTF-8) and others.

Lilypond v2.8 shows the snippets; v2.10, v2.11 does not. Shira (a  
work in progress trying to be a "better" Safari) behaves the same  
way. FireFox (v2.0.0.3) works. Curious.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: regression test images in Safari

2007-05-01 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 1, 2007, at 5:39 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

On May 1, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

I suspect this related to language settings. Try setting your
preferred languages to english.

2007/5/1, Bruce McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Also tried with last night's WebKit build:

but to no avail. (WebKit is the open-source rendering engine
used by Safari)

-- Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Primary language is set (AFAIK!) to English. Text encoding is set  
to Automatic, but I get the same results with Unicode (UTF-8) and  

Lilypond v2.8 shows the snippets; v2.10, v2.11 does not. Shira (a  
work in progress trying to be a "better" Safari) behaves the same  
way. FireFox (v2.0.0.3) works. Curious.


Viewing the source in Safari and comparing v2.10 with v2.8, I note  
the absence of the suffix .png from the v2.10 images. Is Safari  
strictly following the code? I know that adding the .png to the  
src="" produces the image.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Users using unstable (was: Re: input/tolsr/)

2007-05-03 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 3, 2007, at 6:53 AM, Arvid Grøtting wrote:

Users of unstable LilyPond please raise a hand:



lilypond-user mailing list

error: minimise_least_squares (bug?)

2007-05-09 Thread Stan Sanderson

The following abbreviated code
% Start code sample **
\version "2.11.23"
\include ""
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
global = {
\key g \major
\clef treble

upper =  \relative c''' {   
\repeat volta 2 {
b4. g4 e8 ds e |}
\alternative {
{e4. e4 e8 fs g |}
{e4. e4 d8 cs d |}

middle =  \relative c''' {
\repeat volta 2 {
g,8\rest g b4 g2 |  }
\alternative {
{g8\rest g b4 b2\rest |}
{g8\rest g b4 b2\rest |}

lower =  \relative c{
\repeat volta 2 {
e2 ~ e2 |   }
\alternative {
{e2 ~ e8 r4.|}
{e2 ~ e8 r4.|}

staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff

\time 4/4
\new Voice = A { \voiceOne \global \upper }
\new Voice = B { \voiceTwo \global \middle }
\new Voice = C { \voiceFour \global \lower }
\bar "|."

\score {

% End code sample ***

produces an error:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise
This means that vertical spacing is triggered
before line breaking

Previous postings to the list referred to earlier versions and  
suggested a bug report...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: error: minimise_least_squares (bug?)

2007-05-09 Thread Stan Sanderson

On May 9, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Stan Sanderson wrote:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise
This means that vertical spacing is triggered
before line breaking
Previous postings to the list referred to earlier versions and  
suggested a bug report...

For bug reports, please see

Please note that we require a _minimal_ example -- in this case, I  
would guess that four notes are sufficient.  In addition, this bug  
might have already been reported; I'm not certain because the  
example is too long for me to examine in detail.

- Graham

O.K., I pared it down to a minimum (AFAIK). I eliminated the middle  

\version "2.11.23"
\include ""
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
<< { e''4. e''4 e''8 fs'' g''}\\{ e2 ~ e8 r4.}>>

The resulting error is as given above in the initial post.

My concern is with the vertical spacing between systems, which  
changed when going from Lilypond 2.10.20 to 2.11.23. The piece I have  
set prints on two pages; v 2.10.20 distributed the systems evenly  
between the two pages; v2.11.23 reduces the number of systems on the  
first page by one and crowds them on the second page.

I am clueless as to how to respond to the error, and a search of the  
manual for "minimize" and other variations of the error message did  
not provide enlightenment.



lilypond-user mailing list

help needed- acciaccatura and 32nds

2004-05-04 Thread Stan Sanderson
Lilypond v2.2.1

I am transcribing a piano piece which, in the upper measure has 
twenty-four 32nd notes ( the piece is in 3/4 time). The bass line is 
six 8th notes.

The piece calls for an acciaccatura of 16th notes preceding the first 
32nd. When the acciaccatura is included, the timing is apparently 
thrown off as indicated by the midi output. The bass line is roughly an 
8th (perhaps three 16ths?) ahead of the treble line. When the 
acciaccatura is removed, all is well.

The run of 32nd notes begins with octavation set on.

I am using bar checks; no errors are reported.

This is the only acciaccatura (so far) which is attached to a 32nd 
note; all of the (many) others appear to be working as expected.

The code fragment is
\acciaccatura { af16[ c ef] } af32^^[( f ef c af  32nd notes 
... ]) |

I tried adding \grace { s16 s s } in the corresponding location in the 
bass line but but it had no effect. I did not find anything in the 

I would appreciate any suggestions.



lilypond-user mailing list

cross-staff arpeggios

2004-05-06 Thread Stan Sanderson
From the manual (v2.2.0/1):
It is not possible to mix connected arpeggios and unconnected arpeggios 
in one PianoStaff at the same time.

Has anyone found a workaround? A piece I am setting has quite a 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cross-staff arpeggios

2004-05-06 Thread Stan Sanderson

I must admit that I hadn't tried it; I assumed the user guide was 
correct (or that
my interpretation of its meaning was correct). The piece is very large, 
with lots of
32nd notes, so I've been concentrating on the basics before trying to 
make it pretty.

I've already discovered I can't include an \acciaccatura { } before 
32nds without
confusing the midi timing (and possibly some internal spacing 
algorithms). I've
found that an \acciaccatura {af16, af'} \arpeggio needs 
tweaking because
the 16th bar/bracket covers the upper af' , etc.

Since your note suggests that switching the property should work, I'll 
try it.

Thanks much.


On May 6, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Stan Sanderson writes:

It is not possible to mix connected arpeggios and unconnected
arpeggios in one PianoStaff at the same time.
Has anyone found a workaround? A piece I am setting has quite a
At the same time?  If not, you can just switch the property
connectArpeggios.  Can you provide a small scan?

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music 
typesetter   |

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cross-staff arpeggios

2004-05-06 Thread Stan Sanderson
Cross-staff arpeggios work as Jan suggested- they can, contrary to the 
be turned on and off at will.

I had a clef change the lower staff and the cross-staff arpeggio cut 
the sign; however, the "extra space" macro mentioned in a previous post

extraSpace = \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1

provided the necessary correction.


On May 6, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Stan Sanderson writes:

It is not possible to mix connected arpeggios and unconnected
arpeggios in one PianoStaff at the same time.
Has anyone found a workaround? A piece I am setting has quite a
At the same time?  If not, you can just switch the property
connectArpeggios.  Can you provide a small scan?

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music 
typesetter   |

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond and MIDI

2004-05-08 Thread Stan Sanderson
If you are using Macintosh OS X, Jaguar or later, try "Mighty Midi"- should have it.
It's a bit buggy on Panther, but it gives you lots of control and does  
read the tempo.


On May 8, 2004, at 3:29 AM, Julien Salort wrote:

Jan Kohnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still using 2.0.3 and it works (so it should in 2.2.0).
Are you using the tag "\midi { \tempo 4 = $FOO }"???
if you set that $FOO to a specific tempo (e.g. 100) you should get  
midi output.
I am but it doesn't work, at least when the MIDI file is played from
From what I've understood, it is a bug in lilypond.
See : 

Thus, I was wondering if it has been corrected in later versions.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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stem length-grace note

2004-05-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
I'm using lily v2.2.0 and have a problem which I've not been able to 

A two-note acciaccatura precedes an arpeggio chord. The piece is in 3/4 
time. The code for the measure is as follows:

r4 \acciaccatura {af,16[ af']} 8\arpeggio r8 r4
The problem is that the upper af of the acciaccatura is covered by the 
bar. I would like to lengthen the stems of the acciaccatura but 
obviously don't understand what I am doing! Help would be much 


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