On Feb 22, 2007, at 8:55 PM, Rebecca Gilbert wrote:

I have a transcription that I'm working on in 4 vocal parts and in more than one place, I have multiple parts on a rest. If both voices on a staff are on a rest, how do I display one rest centered rather than two rests above each other.

The first instance of the rests that I want to fix is in bar 4. I want the bass clef to share one rest. I tried putting s4 in one part, but the other rest was still off set.

perhaps half your answer...
how about using the "trick" of positioning a rest with a note?

{ d'4/rest }

The other question I have is about additional words above the text. In bar 48-49, I have some echo words and the spacing is funny. How do I define the spacing that I want so the word is all on the same level?



"The real secret of success is enthusiasm."
        --Walter Chrysler
\header {
        filename = "RedRobin.ly"
        enteredby = "Rebecca Gilbert"
        composer = "Arr. Dot Calvin with additional key change"
        poet = "Words and music by Harry Woods"
        dedication = ""
        texttranslator = "Bland Tucker"
        title = "Red, Red Robin"
        subtitle = ""
        metre = ""
        meter = \metre
copyright = "© 1927 (Reneweed) Callicoon Music All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Warner Bros. Publications"
        style = "Barbershop"
        mutopiacomposer = \composer
        maintainer = "Peter Chubb"
        maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        lastupdated = "2005/December/25"

\version "2.11.2"
        #(set-paper-size "letter")
        top-margin = 0.5\in
        bottom-margin = 0.54\in
        ragged-bottom = ##t

global= {
        \time 4/4
    \key d \major
    #(set-global-staff-size 20)
        \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
        %\set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"


%^"text" to insert words above the line
%_"text" to insert words below the line
ten = \context Voice = "ten"   {
        d''4 d''8. d''16 d''8. d''16 d''4 d'' e''2.
        d''4 d''8. d''16 cis''8. cis''16 cis''4 d''2.
        r4 d''4 d'' ais'8. ais'16 ais'4 b' d''2
        b'4 b' b' ais' ais' b'1
        d''4 d'' d''8. d''16 d''4 d'' e''2.
        d''4 d'' cis''8. cis''16 cis''4 d''2.
        r4 d''4 d'' ais'8. ais'16 ais'4 b' d''2
        d''4 d''8 d'' ~ d''4 d'' d'' cis''2( ~ cis''8 c''8 cis''4 d''2)
\transpose d ees {cis''4. cis''8 a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 fis'2. g'4 a'2
        g'4 g' a' a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 a'2. r4 c''1
d''4 b' r4 d''4 b' d''8 bes'8 ~ bes' bes' bes'4 d''4 d'' r4 d''4 d'' d''8 a' ~ a' ais' b'4 d'' b'2 d''4 b' d''8 b' ~ b' cis'' d''4 cis'' r4 c''2 cis''8 cis'' cis''4 d'' cis''
        a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 fis'2. g'4 a'2. r4
d''4 d'' d''8. cis''16 c''4 cis''4 cis'' cis''8. cis''16 cis''4 d''2. d''4 e''1 d''4 d''8. cis''16 d''8. b'16 b'4 d''8. d'' 16 d''8. d''16 d''8. cis''16 d''4
        r4 d''4 ais' b' gis'2. gis'8. g'16 a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4
g' g' g'8. g'16 g'4 fis'(g' gis') a'^"a - " a'8^"long _________"( b' ~ b' c'' ~ c'' cis'' ~ cis''4 d'' d''8. cis''16 d''8. b'16 b'4 d''8. d''16 d''8. d''16 d''8. cis''16 d''4
        r4 d''4 a' a' b'2.
b'8. b'16 b'4 b' b'8. cis''16 d''4 cis'' cis'' cis''8. b'16 a'4 c'' c''8 c'' ~ c'' b' bes'4 d''2. r4 r2 bes'2 d''1

lead=\context Voice = "lead"    {
        b'4 b'8. b'16 a'8. b'16 a'4 fis' fis'2.
        b'4 b'8. b'16 a'8. b'16 a'4 fis'2.
        d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' e'8. fis'16 e'4 d' b2
        d'4 e' e' fis' d' d'1
        b'4 b' b'8. b'16 a'4 fis' fis'2.
        b'4 b' a'8. b'16 a'4 fis'2.
        d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' e'8. fis'16 e'4 d' b2
        b'4 b'8 gis' ~ gis'4 fis' e' a'2( ~ a'8 aes' a'4 bes'2)
\transpose d ees {a'4. g'8} \bar"||" \key ees \major \transpose d ees {fis'4 fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 fis'2
        d'4 e' fis' fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 a'1
b'4 g' r4 b' g' b'8 g' ~ g' fis' e'4 a' fis' r4 a' fis' a'8 fis' ~ fis' e' d'4 fis' d'2 fis'4 d' fis'8 d' ~ d' cis' b4 e' r4 fis'2 g'8 a' b'4 fis' e'
        fis' fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4 e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'2. a4 fis'2. r4
        a'4 a' a'8. g'16 fis'4 g' g' g'8. fis'16 e'4 a'2. a'4 ais'1
b'4 b'8. ais'16 b'8. a'16 g'4 bes'8. bes'16 bes'8. c''16 bes'8. a'16 g'4
        r4 a' fis' d' b2. d'8. e'16 fis'4 fis' fis'8. e'16 d'4
        e' e' e'8. d'16 cis'4 d'1( fis'2 ~ fis'8) ais' ~ ais'4
b'4 b'8. ais'16 b'8. a'16 g'4 bes'8. bes'16 bes'8. c''16 bes'8. a'16 g'4 r4 a'4 fis' c' gis'2. gis'8. gis'16 gis'4 gis' gis'8. gis'16 gis'4 gis' gis' gis'8. gis'16 gis'4
        a' a'8 a' ~ a' gis' g'4 a'2. r4 r2 g'2 a'1
bari = \context Voice = "bari"   {
        fis4 fis8. fis16 fis8. fis16 fis4 b ais2.
        fis4 fis8. fis16 g8. g16 g4 a2.
        r4 a4 a fis8. e16 fis4 fis f2 f4 d d e fis fis1
        fis4 fis fis8. fis16 fis4 b ais2.
        fis4 fis g8. g16 g4 a2.
r4 a4 a fis8. e16 fis4 fis gis2 gis4 gis8 b ~ b4 gis gis g2( g8 ges g4 aes2) \transpose d ees {fis4. e8} \key ees \major \transpose d ees { d4 d d8. b,16 a,4 cis cis cis8. b,16 a,4 a,2. cis4 d2
        b,4 cis d d d8.b,16 a,4 cis cis cis8. b,16 a,4 fis2. a,4 fis1
        g4 d r4 g4 d g8 d ~ d d d4 fis a r4 fis4 a fis8 d ~ d fis fis4
        gis4 gis2 gis4 gis gis8 gis ~ gis gis gis4 gis r4 a2 a8 g g4 gis g
        d4 d d8. b,16 a,4 cis cis cis8. b,16 a,4 a,2. cis4 d2. r4
        fis4 fis fis8. a16 a4 a a e8. a16 g4 fis2. fis4 fis1
        g4 g8. e16 g8. d16 d4 e8. e16 d8. fis16 e8. e16 e4
        r4 fis4 e fis d2. b,8. cis16 d4 d d8. b,16 a,4
cis cis cis8. b,16 a,4 a,(b,2) c4^"a - " d2^"long_________" ~ d8 e ~ e4
        g4 g8. e16 g8. d16 d4 e8. e16 e8. fis16 e8. e16 e4
        r4 fis4 d b, d2.
d8. d16 d4 d d8. cis16 b,4 e e e8. e16 e4 fis fis8 fis ~ fis eis e4 fis2. r4 r2 e2 fis1
bass = \context Voice = "bass"  {
        b,4 b,8. b,16 d8. d16 d4 b, cis2.
        b,4 b,8. b,16 e8. e16 e4 d2.
        r4 d4 d cis8. cis16 cis4 b, g,2 g,4 g, g, cis fis, b,1
        b,4 b, d8. d16 d4 b, cis2.
        b,4 b, e8. e16 e4 d2.
r4 d4 d cis8. cis16 cis4 b, e,2 e4 e8 e8 ~ e4 b, b, e2( ~ e8 ees e4 f2) \transpose d ees {a,4. a,8 d,4 d, d,8. d,16 d,4 a, a, a,8. e,16 e, 4 d,2. e,4 d,2
        e,4 a, d, d, d,8. d,16 d,4 a, a, a,8. e,16 e,4 d,2. a,4 d1
g,4 g, g,2_"Wake" ~ g,4 g,8 e, ~ e, fis, g,4 a, d r4 d4 d d8 d ~ d cis b,4
        b, e,2 b,4 e, b,8 e, ~ e, e, e,4 a, r4 dis2 e8 e e4 b, a,
        d, d, d,8. d,16 d,4 a, a, a,8. e,16 e,4 d,2. e,4 d,2. r4
        d4 d d8. e16 dis4 e e a,8. a,16 a,4 d2. d4 cis1
        g,4 g,8. g,16 g,8. g,16 g,4 g,8. g,16 g,8. a,16 g,8. a,16 bes,4
d2_"Sing_____" cis4 b, e,2. e,8. a,16 d,4 d, d,8. d,16 d,4 a, a, a,8. e,16 e,4 d,( e, eis,) fis,_"a -" c8_"long__________"(b, ~ b, a, ~ a,8) fis, ~ fis,4
        g, g,8. g,16 g,8. g,16 g,4 g,8. g,16 g,8. a,16 g,8. a,16 bes,4
        r4 a,4 d, fis, f,2.
f,8. f,16 e,4 e, e,8. e,16 e,4 a, a, a,8. b,16 cis4 d1_"long_________________________________________"~ d1 ~ d1 ~ d1


accomp=\chordmode {

stanzaa = \lyricmode {
        I heard a rob -- in this morn -- in',
        I'm feel -- in' hap -- py to -- day.
        Gon -- na pack my cares in a whis -- tle and blow them all a -- way.
        What if I've been un -- luck -- y?  Real -- ly have -- n't a thing.
        There's a time I al -- ways feel hap -- py,
        As hap -- py as a king.
When The Red, Red, Rob -- in Comes Be, Bob Bob -- in' A -- long, a -- long. There'll be no more sob -- bin' when he starts throb --bin' his old sweet song,
        Wake up, wake up you sleep -- y head.
        Get up, get up, get out of bed,
Cheer up, cheer up, the sun is red, Live, Love, Laugh and be hap -- py, What if I've been blue, now I'm walk -- in' through fields of flow'rs,
        Rain may glis -- ten but still I lis -- ten for hours and hours.
        I'm just a kid a -- gain, Do -- in' what I did a -- gain,
        Sing -- in' a song,
        When the Red, Red Rob -- in Comes
        Be, Bob Bob -- bin' A -- long.
        Well!  I'm just a kid a -- gain, Do -- in' what I did a -- gain,
        Sing -- in' a song,
        When the Red, Red Rob -- in Comes
Be Bob Bob -- bin' A Be bo, bob -- bin' a long! A -- long! A -- long!

\score {
         %\transpose c ees
 \context ChoirStaff <<
               \context ChordNames \accomp
                 \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties
                \context Staff ="upper"  { \clef "G" <<
                \lyricsto "lead" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
                        \set stanza = ""
                                \stanzaa }
                %\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-2" {
                %       \set stanza = "2."
                %               \stanzab }
                %\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-3" {
                %       \set stanza = "3."
                %               \stanzac }
                %\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-4" {
                %       \set stanza = "4."
                %               \stanzad }
                %\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-5" {
                %       \set stanza = "5."
                %               \stanzae }
        %       \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-6" {
                %       \set stanza = "6."
                        %       \stanzaf }
                \context Staff = "lower"  { \clef "F"<<
                indent = 0.0\pt
                \context {
                        \override ChordName  #'style = #'american
                        chordChanges = ##t
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 180 4)


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