On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:34 AM, John Mandereau wrote:

On 2008/07/08 09:42 -0500, Stan Sanderson wrote:
...is not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

convert-ly fails with the following messsage

    @rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with +
operator }'))

This is strange: does this unexpected linebreak also show in
convertrules.py?  I have tested convert-ly from GUB binary version
2.11.51 for Linux x86 on a random file on Mutopia (version 2.0.1), and
it works for me.

Does it fail when you call it without command line arguments?
Otherwise, can you send an example file which makes convert-ly fail?


$ convert-ly --version
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/convert- ly", line 43, in ?
    import convertrules
File "/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/ current/python/convertrules.py", line 49 @rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with + operator }'))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Also: following are lines 48-51 of convertrules.py

@rule ((0, 1, 9), _ ('\\header { key = concat + with + operator }'))
def conv(str):
    if re.search ('\\\\multi', str):



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