On Jun 3, 2005, at 12:26 PM, Walter Hofmeister wrote:

The new installer for Mac OS is great and I have it working from the
terminal just fine, but one question to the Brain Trust here, how does one
use Lilypond-book or convert-ly, and all of the other goodies? I have
installed the lilypond.sh script into sw/bin/ and when I want to run
lilypond I type "lilypond.sh somefile.ly" and this seems to work fine, but I
can't see a way to run the other features. What am I missing? Thanks.

Walter Hofmeister

From the LilyPond developer's list, integrating convert-ly with the LilyPond.app is on the "to-do" list. For now, using convert-ly from the Fink-installed 2.5.22 or 2.5.23 works fine.


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