On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Francois Planiol-Auger wrote:

I am searching how to convert *.mid to ly. (mainly from tobis- notenarchiv.de
I wrote already about, but I dont still have a working solution.

It seems to me that mid and midi very different file-formats are.
See in PS.
midi2ly file.midi (from mutopia)
... works fine
but not with midi2ly file.mid. (from tobis-notenarch...)
I get then a not usable file.ly
(I got these 2 files of the same choral from bach in mid and midi for test)

I tried/searched till now:

- First way: convert mid2midi then midi2ly (look for differences in PS) I found a script mid2midi*, but unfortunately it is a matlab script, so I cant use it. Matlab doesnt seems to have much contact with private persons...

- Second way:
open file.mid with noteedit then export as lilypond and purify the .ly
file!!!... Very heavy. Not practicable for the many files I have to handle.
But if there is no other solution...

- Third and best way, but how?
I found an advice in sourceforge.jp** that there was either a mid2ly and a
midi2ly. Is that true? How to convert from mid? Unfortunately, I cant
understand Japanese...

- ThirdA: it would be helpful, of course, to have a cap2ly, but it seems to be
a difficult topic ;-) or is it not?

Of course, I want to convert pieces that do only in this .mid format exist.
For BWV734, I dont need that anymore ;-)

That it for now. I hope my english is human readable ;-)


still using 2.10.25

* neural.cs.nthu.edu.tw/jang/matlab/toolbox/CBMR/mid2midi.m
** http://mytexpert.sourceforge.jp/index.php?LilyPond (was lilypond 2.6.5)



Your English is infinitely more readable than would be my French.
I would like to ask whether you have tried replacing the ".mid" extension with ".midi" when using midi2ly. I just tried it with a Bach lute prelude from the tobis site. While I don't use midi2ly very often, the results seem o.k.


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