I am transcribing a piano piece which, in the upper measure has twenty-four 32nd notes ( the piece is in 3/4 time). The bass line is six 8th notes.
The piece calls for an acciaccatura of 16th notes preceding the first 32nd. When the acciaccatura is included, the timing is apparently thrown off as indicated by the midi output. The bass line is roughly an 8th (perhaps three 16ths?) ahead of the treble line. When the acciaccatura is removed, all is well.
The run of 32nd notes begins with octavation set on.
I am using bar checks; no errors are reported.
This is the only acciaccatura (so far) which is attached to a 32nd note; all of the (many) others appear to be working as expected.
The code fragment is
\acciaccatura { af16[ c ef] } af32^^[( f ef c af ........ 32nd notes ... ]) |
I tried adding \grace { s16 s s } in the corresponding location in the bass line but but it had no effect. I did not find anything in the archives.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
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