[gentoo-dev] Anyone still maintaining dev-libs/dietlibc ?

2006-01-06 Thread Christian Heim
Is there anyone maintaining dev-libs/dietlibc ?

devs who contributed/touched the ebuilds:
- Michael Hanselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Daniel Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Michael Sterrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If no one complains, I'll take this package.


Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux Developer - vserver

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Unmasking modular X

2006-01-24 Thread Christian Heim
On Tuesday 24 January 2006 09:34, RH wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 11:06:12PM -0800, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> > A) You have commit access to gentoo-x86, AND
> > B) you're comfortable with the porting process OR are adept with ebuilds
> > and would like to help
> I'm up for being a volunteer here.

Same for me.

Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux Developer - vserver

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Hiatus

2006-07-15 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday 15 July 2006 20:25, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
>Hi all,
>As some of you already know, I will be taking a hiatus from Gentoo
>starting this weekend. While I am gone, the mobile herd is pretty much
>left without active developers. Uberlord and phreak have already
>adopted some of the more critical ebuilds, but quite a few are still
>"orphaned" as seen in this report from 'herdstat -dp brix':
>Developer:   Henrik Brix Andersen (brix)
> sys-kernel/linux-docs

I'll also adopt this one


>Hopefully someone will step up and adopt the remaining ebuilds. I
>will, of course, be available for answering questions about these
>ebuilds through e-mail and IRC.

Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux Developer - kernel/vserver/openvz

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Making procfs mount as nosuid,noexec by default

2006-07-16 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday 16 July 2006 10:07, Josh Saddler wrote:
>Daniel Drake wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The local root exploit-of-the-week would have been unable to run if our
>> users systems had /proc mounted with nosuid and/or noexec
>> It would be worthwhile considering making this a default. What are
>> people's thoughts?
>> Additional testing of this change would be appreciated (just ensure that
>> nothing breaks). To do it as a one off:
>> # mount -o remount,nosuid,noexec /proc
>> To make it more permanent, /etc/fstab has:
>> proc/procprocdefaults0 0
>> Change to:
>> proc/procprocnosuid,noexec0 0
>Is there an open bug or security advisory for this exploit I missed? I tried
> the CLI solution; works just fine here. No wild behavior so far. Any
> suggestions on what to look for, or how to really hammer /proc? :)

There is bug #140444.

Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux Developer
You're friendly kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: joslwah

2006-07-22 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday 22 July 2006 17:28, Bryan (kloeri) wrote:
>Hi all.
>Joshua Ross (joslway) joined the Gentoo/PPC64 team a couple weeks ago.
>He'll be helping with release engineering among other things.
>Joshua has an extensive background in programming and different OSes
>going all the way back to a hex based machine. We finally managed to
>convince Joss to leave that machine behind and spend his time working on
>Gentoo instead :)

*shrug* now you're screwed. ChrisWhite just told me yesterday, that we are 
*not* allowed to sleep or even take a nap by contract *g* (thanks Chris :P)

>Besides that Ross gives us this introduction:
>"I'm a research mathematician with interests in linguistics.  I'm a
>Brit., living in China, so am used to utf-8 and CJK issues.  I have
>interests in fonts, from the usage side, as well as displaying multiple
>languages.  I'm currently working on some projection software designed
>for controlling multiple projectors of differing resolution, potentially
>with different information.  I'm married with two kids, and enjoy
>playing table-tennis."

Weee, another mathematician. Hopefully you'll calculate some nice things, not 
the bad ones :P

>Welcome to the team Ross.

Welcome aboard Josh! :)

Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux Developer
Your friendly kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] packages seeking maintainers

2006-08-04 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday 04 August 2006 04:43, Daniel Black wrote:
> I'm looking to offload the some packages to willing maintainers as I've
> really no interest in most of these. Most have no bugs outstanding. I
> mainly want to focus my efforts in other areas.
> Existing devs feel free to just reassign metadata.xml to themselves and
> reassign a possible bug (or 2) outstanding. The * marked gnome applications
> I'm particularly keen to pass on as I am not a gnome user and don't have a
> sufficient testing environment for these (these are simple nicely packaged
> applications).
> [snip]

I just grabbed app-crypt/johntheripper and fixed most of the outstanding bugs.

> [snip]

TIA, Christian

Christian Heim 
GPG: 9A9F68E6 / AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9  DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] autotools.eclass and binary packages

2006-08-05 Thread Christian Heim
I'm currently preparing one of my embedded system for a test-run and noticed 
that a *binary* package of media-libs/libpng pulls in the autofoo-stuff.

I went looking for the reason, looked into the eutils, multilib and finally 
autotools eclasses and saw that the autotools.eclass is setting the DEPEND 
but not the RDEPEND. IIRC portage-2.1 is now setting RDEPEND to DEPEND if 
nothing other is assigned within the ebuild/eclass.

So the simplest fix would be to assign RDEPEND="" in the eclass [1].

If no-one objects, I will commit the changes on monday.

TIA, Christian


Christian Heim 
GPG: 9A9F68E6 / AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9  DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey
Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
  autotools.eclass is needlessly pulling in sys-devel/automake,
  sys-devel/automake-wrapper, sys-devel/autoconf, sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper
  sys-devel/gnuconfig, sys-apps/texinfo sys-devel/libtool, sys-devel/m4 and
  dev-lang/perl including dependencies for binary packages. Prevent portage
  from setting RDEPEND="${RDEPEND}" by setting RDEPEND="" explicitly!

Index: autotools.eclass
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/autotools.eclass,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -b -B -r1.39 autotools.eclass
--- autotools.eclass	3 Jul 2006 18:42:54 -	1.39
+++ autotools.eclass	5 Aug 2006 13:58:51 -
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 # Variables:
 #	AT_M4DIR		  - Additional director(y|ies) aclocal should search

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New(-ish) developer - Elfyn McBratney

2006-08-08 Thread Christian Heim
On Monday 07 August 2006 23:45, Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
> It is my pleasure to introduce to you... the artist formerly known as...
> beu! Many will know Elfyn from his previous stint as a Gentoo developer.
> This time around, we have a understanding.. the sort that involves
> sleeping with fish and finding horseheads in your bed. Capish? He won't
> magically (well, I believe it was by magic, he is afterall an elf)
> disappear again and will be joining the kernel guys, the perl people and
> he'll be donning an apron and pink marigolds while helping out with the
> QA tree cleaner project.
> I of course am thrilled, not only did we (re-)gain another UK based dev,
> but a UK based dev with a great taste in music, a sick and twisted mind
> and the ability to put up with me singing. Welcome back, Elfyn!
> Christelxx

Welcome back Elfyn! :)

Christian Heim 
GPG: 9A9F68E6 / AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9  DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] [treecleaner] Last rites: media-sound/alsaplayer

2006-08-18 Thread Christian Heim
The media-sound/alsaplayer package is pending removal as requested by 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for multiple buffer overflows [1], dead upstream [1] and a 
occurring when playing uLaw/AU Audio File [2].

The package is currently masked and is pending removal on 15th September.

[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=143402
[2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=143742

Christian Heim 
GPG: 9A9F68E6 / AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: [treecleaner] net-misc/mirror has been removed

2006-08-18 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday, 18. August. 2006 19:16, Christian Heim wrote:
> The net-misc/mirror package has been removed. This is closing the following
> open bugs:
>   #69698: mirror-2.9 and emirror-2.1.21 both install /usr/bin/mirror
>  #138404: net-misc/mirror - removal request

And forgot about this one:

#70656: mirror-2.9: FTP-Response Whitespace Parse Problem

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] [treecleaner] net-im/gtalk has been removed

2006-08-18 Thread Christian Heim
The net-net-im/gtalk package has been removed. This is closing the following 
open bugs:

  #79986: net-im/gtalk removal request

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] [treecleaner] Last rites: net-irc/dancer-ircd

2006-08-19 Thread Christian Heim
The net-irc/dancer-ircd package is pending removal as requested in bug #72691
for dead upstream [1].

The package is currently masked and is pending removal on 16th September.

[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72691

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] [treecleaner] app-admin/scotty has been removed

2006-08-19 Thread Christian Heim
The app-admin/scotty package has been removed. This is closing the following
open bug(s):

  #77501: Sandbox Access Violation when emerging scotty 2.1.11

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] GLEP 39 compliance

2006-08-30 Thread Christian Heim
On Wednesday, 30. August. 2006 16:36, Wernfried Haas wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 09:32:32AM -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
> > The only problem is that it lists him as contactable by
> > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" aka [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is false.
> Also the whole section is called "Developers", not "people who once
> contributed but aren't developers any more or eventually they are,
> well you never know for sure, just send an email and see if it
> bounces". ;-)
> > I've actually wondered about this as well since I've been in projects as
> > a non-dev and Treecleaners has non-devs.  Can we get some kind of
> > modification to the  tag for non-gentoo contributors?
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/treecleaners/
> Looks like a perfect example how to solve it to me - one section
> listing the developers and one for contributors who aren't.

If you take a look at the plain XML, you'll see that's a custom made table. As 
Alec suggested it would be nice to have a modified version of the -tag 
(accepting something like role="contributor" and according to that listing 
them separately) or an extra tag like  for example.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner removals

2006-09-24 Thread Christian Heim
# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (24 Sep 2006)
# masked app-crypt/hashsum for treecleaners, bug(s) 148530
# Pending Removal Oct 22th

Masked as requested by Hanno Boeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner removals

2006-09-27 Thread Christian Heim

# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
# Masking net-ftp/jftpgw for treecleaners and bug(s) # 142753
# Sept 27th for removal


# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
# Masking dev-libs/libhoard for treecleaners and bug(s) # 99473
# Sept 27th for removal


# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
# Masking app-misc/emelfm2 for treecleaners and bug(s) # 90476
# Sept 27th for removal


# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
# Masking media-radio/xlog for treecleaners and bug(s) # 88580
# Sept 27th for removal


# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
# Masking dev-lang/io-vm for treecleaners and bug(s) # 87785
# Sept 27th for removal


# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (26 Aug 2006)
# Masking dev-lang/sather for treecleaners and bug(s) # 79391
# Sept 26th for removal


Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: New Developer: Jim Ramsay (lack)

2006-09-27 Thread Christian Heim
Its my pleasure to introduce to you lack, our recent addition joining us to 
take care of the rox-related ebuilds.

He hails from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. When he's unplugged from his
computer, he tries to play some guitar and write songs (he even plays in two 
bands). He also has another hobby, called marriage (so far it has lasted for 
5 years according to Jim).

While he's off the leash from his wife and unplugged from his guitar, he has 
fun with his pomeranians dogs, going for walks and the like.

He's currently working as a programmer/analyst at SED Systems, whose main 
focus is satellite ground systems (and some Linux consulting and embedded 
Linux development).

He has some quite extraordinary skills, ranging from C, over C++, python,  
perl and Java. He also had the nerve to use various BSD variants (including 
FreeBSD and OpenBSD), while playing with different VPN clients (openVPN, 
openSWAN and isakmpd).

So please welcome Jim as a new fellow slave^Hdev among us!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner removals

2006-09-28 Thread Christian Heim
On Thursday, 28. September. 2006 04:23, Drake Wyrm wrote:
> Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > # Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Aug 2006)
> > # Masking media-radio/xlog for treecleaners and bug(s) # 88580
> > # Sept 27th for removal
> > media-radio/xlog
> >
> > Punted.
> So, why was this one punted, anyway? The bug was fixed in the new
> version, and an updated ebuild was submitted?

As Jakub pointed out in #88580 
(https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88580), killsoft retired and no one 
stepped up to maintain this package. As the package _currently_ in portage is 
completely broken, and has no maintainer, current guideline is to either find 
a new maintainer or *remove* it from the tree.

As no one stepped up in maintaining this package, it got punted.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-10-01 Thread Christian Heim
# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (01 Oct 2006)
# masking media-radio/ax25-tools for treecleaners, bug(s) 97275
# Pending removal Oct 29th

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (01 Oct 2006)
# masking x11-libs/buffy for treecleaners, bug(s) 103143
# Pending removal Oct 29th

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (30 Sep 2006)
# masking net-mail/quotient for treecleaners, bug(s) 149420
# Pending removal Oct 28th

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo World Domination. a 10 step guide

2006-10-04 Thread Christian Heim
On Wednesday, 04. October. 2006 13:00, Thomas Cort wrote:
> There have been a number of developers leaving Gentoo in the past 6
> months as well as a number of news stories on DistroWatch, Slashdot,
> LWN, and others about Gentoo's internal problems. No one seems to have
> pin pointed the problem, but it seems glaringly obvious to me. We
> simply don't have enough developers to support the many projects that
> we have. Here are my ideas for fixing this problem:
> - Cut the number of packages in half (put the removed ebuilds in
> community run overlays)

We (treecleaner, poke Alec about that) are currently working on something 
alike. A user / Alec suggested putting removed packages into a seperate 
overlay, so the ebuilds would be still accessible (without using 
sources.gentoo.org and putting it into a local overlay).

> - Formal approval process (or at least strict criteria) for adding
> new packages
> - Make every dev a member of at least 1 arch team

I think that would solve the understaffing of some of the arch teams (iirc 
amd64 and x86 are having enough devs / at's right now)

> - Double the number of developers with aggressive recruiting

Before you do that, you'll have to double the number of recruiters. Otherwise 
you're creating a pretty bottleneck.

> - No competing projects
> - New projects must have 5 devs, a formal plan, and be approved by the
> council
> - Devs can only belong to 5 projects at most

Reducing the stress on people ? No clue what that would solve.

> - Drop all arches and Gentoo/Alt projects except Linux on amd64,
> ppc32/64, sparc, and x86

I guess at least Diego and Fabian are going to yell at you right now.

> - Reduce the number of projects by eliminating the dead, weak,
> understaffed, and unnecessary projects
> - Project status reports once a month for every project

That would be great, but to whom should they report ? The council ? Or 
via -core ?

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-10-05 Thread Christian Heim

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (5 Oct 2006)
# masking sys-apps/sal-client for treecleaners, bug(s) 67364
# Pending removal Nov 5th. Please use sys-process/audit instead!

-> Masked as requested by Robin Johnson in bug #67364.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly treecleaner/mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Alon Bar-Lev (alonbl)

2006-10-06 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you Alon "alonbl" Bar-Lev, the latest addition 
joining to help out with the crypto herd.

He hails from Israel (hrm, they don't have cities down there ?). So far it 
looks like Alon is completely constrained to his computer, he doesn't have 
any other hobbies nor life.

So while he's sitting in front of his computer, he is (or better was) working 
on smartcard support for nearly everything (OpenVPN, QT, OpenSSH, GnuPG, 
xsupplicant and Mozilla).

Additionally he believes that without free and open alternatives to cooperate 
software, users eventually will be forced to give up some of their freedoms.

He also has some extraordinary skill set, I won't list them all. But a few, 
just fyi.

Starting with C, C++, Java, ASM (for x86, x51 and s390), bash, Perl and ending 
with System programmer for Linux, AIX, Windows and z/OS. Also he has some 
experience in the field of embedded systems.

So please welcome Alon as a new fellow developer among us!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Alexis Ballier (aballier)

2006-10-09 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you Alexis Ballier (also known as aballier), 
our latest addition joining to help out with the media-sound and media-video 

He hails from Marseille (that's in France if someone doesn't know where 
Marseille is). So far he hasn't contributed anything big (like being a dev) 
to any project, so this will be his first time ! He had planned to create a 
website to diffuse the useless stuff - that's how he calls his previous 
contributions to other projects - , but has always been to lazy to learn how 
to create a website.

His skillset only includes the basic linux languages (that being beneath 
English, C and C++, but also BASH) and ocaml (wtf is ocaml? - thanks to Alec 
I know that now).

He's currently finishing his master degree in computer science (another 
one :P) and will be a PhD student next year. Currently he doesn't have any 
hobbies except riding his bike because that prevents him most time to use the 
car or metro (thus is leaving more time for Gentoo, yay!). He also enjoys 
climbing and walking.

So please welcome Alexis as a new fellow developer among us!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Developer: Timothy Redaelli (drizzt)

2006-10-09 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday, 08. October. 2006 14:17, Petteri Räty wrote:
> It's my pleasure to introduce to you Timothy "drizzt" Redaelli, the
> latest addition joining to help out with the Gentoo/FreeBSD effort.
> He hails from Milan, Italy. He currently works as an embedded programmer
> using ASM/C. It probably doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that he
> was mentored by Flameeyes and is the latest addition to his minions.

*ugh* Another new minion for Diego :) Sure he has fun with them ;)

> Timothy is skilled in system work, setting up and securing servers. He
> is a staff member of GUFI (Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia) and FreeSBIE
> (FreeBSD LiveCD) and he maintains some packages of FreeBSD.
> So please welcome drizzt and give him the usual warm welcome.

It's nice to have you with us Timothy !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recommended -march settings [was: Re: [gentoo-dev] CFLAGS paragraph submission for the GWN]

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday, 14. October. 2006 11:46, Wernfried Haas wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2006 at 05:16:29AM -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > On Saturday 14 October 2006 04:49, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
> > >  Do we have an official list of recommended -march settings somewhere?
> >
> > [..]
> > but what you actually want is a list that tells you what cpu value to
> > pass to -march/-mtune based upon the product name of the processor you're
> > running
> What about creating an official document for both -march/mtune and
> CFLAGS settings for different CPUs? If some other people like the idea
> and no one else volunteers i can go poke the different arch teams,
> toolchain folks and whoever else may be involved about it and compile
> a list based on their input.

I would really like that, I've searched for such a list some times in the past 
and the closest I could come up with is freehackers.org¹ and the cflags.sh 
script in the forums.

TIA, Christian

[1] http://www.freehackers.org/gentoo/gccflags/

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim
As Alec forgot to announce these, I'm going to announce them, and adjust the 
Removal time.

# Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (06 Sep 2006)
# Masked by treecleaners for bug(s) # 50661
# Dead upstream, broken.

The above mentioned package(s) is scheduled from removal 30 days from today 
(that's 14th November 2006)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings (more of them)

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday, 14. October. 2006 17:18, Christian Heim wrote:
> As Alec forgot to announce these, I'm going to announce them, and adjust
> the Removal time.
> # Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (06 Sep 2006)
> # Masked by treecleaners for bug(s) # 50661
> # Dead upstream, broken.
> net-im/universalkopete

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Oct 2006)
# masking app-admin/sus for treecleaners, bug(s) 148901
# Pending removal 14th November 2006

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Oct 2006)
# masking app-misc/linup for treecleaners, bug(s) 150740
# Pending removal 14th November 2006

> The above mentioned package(s) is scheduled from removal 30 days from today
> (that's 14th November 2006)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings (more of them)

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday, 14. October. 2006 17:18, Christian Heim wrote:
> As Alec forgot to announce these, I'm going to announce them, and adjust
> the Removal time.
> # Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (06 Sep 2006)
> # Masked by treecleaners for bug(s) # 50661
> # Dead upstream, broken.
> net-im/universalkopete

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Oct 2006)
# masking media-libs/gltt for treecleaners, bug(s) 145969
# Pending removal 14th November 2006

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Oct 2006)
# masking media-radio/xastir for treecleaners, bug(s) 109695
# Pending removal 14th November 2006

> The above mentioned package(s) is scheduled from removal 30 days from today
> (that's 14th November 2006)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings (more of them)

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday, 14. October. 2006 17:18, Christian Heim wrote:
> As Alec forgot to announce these, I'm going to announce them, and adjust
> the Removal time.
> # Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (06 Sep 2006)
> # Masked by treecleaners for bug(s) # 50661
> # Dead upstream, broken.
> net-im/universalkopete

# Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Oct 2006)
# masking app-misc/gpsdrive for treecleaners, bug(s) 142710
# Pending removal 14th November 2006

> The above mentioned package(s) is scheduled from removal 30 days from today
> (that's 14th November 2006)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: David Shakaryan (omp)

2006-10-14 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you David Shakaryan (also known as omp), our 
latest addition joining to help out with desktop-misc and the commonbox-herd.

He hails from Glendale (that's in the Los Angeles area as he told me). 
So far he hasn't contributed anything big (like being a dev) 
to any project, so this will be his first time ! (eh, another one ?)

He while he's unplugged from the famous internet and his computer, he enjoys 
spending time with his friends and 'other usual activities', where usual 
activities = "I plug in the soldering iron and next thing I know I'm sitting 
there holding an ice cube against my finger".

His skillset isn't as evolved as lack's; he only knows Bash, 
PHP/HTML/XHTML/CSS and Ruby. But he's looking forward to the day when he'll 
decide if its advantageous to learn C/C++.

He's currently attending Clark Magnet High School, with the plan to visit the 
University (hasn't decided yet if it will be UC Berkeley or UCLA) and maybe 
moving out of the US to somewhere else.

So please welcome David as a new fellow developer among us!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] 2.6.18 going stable in 1 week

2006-10-20 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday, 20. October. 2006 04:46, Thomas Cort wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 21:21:21 -0400
> Daniel Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is your 1 week warning.. fix any packages which don't compile and
> > ensure the fix is also in the stable tree.
> What package(s) are going stable in 1 week? I have no clue what you are
> writing about since you didn't mention it in your e-mail. I did a
> quick search and found the following 6 packages which have a version
> 2.6.18:
>   gentoo-sources-2.6.18
>   linux-headers-2.6.18
>   suspend2-sources-2.6.18
>   usermode-sources-2.6.18
>   vanilla-sources-2.6.18
> You also neglected to mention which architectures are going stable. Are
> all arches going stable at the same time (in 1 week)? Will you still
> go ahead with the stable marking if http://bugs.gentoo.org/148429 is
> not resolved?

IIRC, Daniel is talking about gentoo-sources (that's his main work area as you 
may know), vanilla-sources _and_ suspend2-sources will have to wait.

Furthermore, Daniel has allowance from x86 and amd64 arch teams to stable 
gentoo-sources on these archs.

> -Thomas


Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Christian Faulhammer (opfer)

2006-10-27 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you Christian Faulhammer (also known as 
opfer), our latest addition helping with xemacs and the x86 monkeys.

Christian is currently studying mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen 
(that's in Germany!) and has been an arch tester for the x86-herd for quite 
some time - that's about 3 months. 

While he's unplugged from his 'puter, Christian is trying to judge handball 
games (you heard right, he's a referee) and he is enjoying cycling (*juck*).

When Christian is trying to relax, he puts on Metallica (or "Midnight
Choir", "Better than Ezra", or "Soilwork") and tries to read Science-Fiction / 
Fantasy books.

Here's a quote from Christian's quiz:

  ... I just love the look of a filled rack. ..


OK, I made that up, actually he likes the look of a filled CD rack, which 
refers to his music choice, and he really owns most of those.

Enough of me trying to be a funny person, I'm finished with my bag of chips; 

Please welcome Christian as a new fellow developer among us (and a new minion 
for the x86-monkeys)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Hans de Graaff

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you Hans de Graaff (also known as 
graaff), our latest addition helping with emacs/xemacs.

Hans is hailing from Delft, Netherlands (and another one joins our dutch 
conspiracy), where he's currently working for a company called 'Winkwaves' 
(which he partly owns), dealing with all things technical, including 

His skill set (thanks again Seemant!) is looking pretty filled with proficient 
in C, perl, ruby. Some experience with C#, C++.

While he's not (ab)using his computer, he likes to get outdoors to go hiking 
or skiing (well sort of, skiing in a hall ain't exactly skiing :)).

He's currently living with his two cats which only tolerate him because Hans 
is supplying them with enough food and TLC.

Please welcome Hans as a new fellow developer among us (and another one for 
the emacs monkeys)!

(amne: I hope it was funny, at least a bit !)

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New doc developer: Naoaki Shindo

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim

Its my pleasure to introduce to you Naoaki Shindo (also known as shindo), our 
latest addition helping with the Japanese translations.

Naoaki hails from Sapporo, Japan (that's where they eat Sushi, *yummy*), where 
he lives with his wife. He's currently working for a bank, particularly the 
bank's security compliance team. Basically he's the guys you want to send 
your bank account numbers for random withdrawal's!

He enjoys listening to music and taking photos, so it happens quite often that 
you'll see him outside with his camera and his music player. Be aware!

Please welcome Naoaki as a new fellow developer among us (and a new helping 
hand for the Japanese docs team)!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner removals

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim

#149420 - net-mail/quotient
 o Pending Removal Oct 28th 2006
 o requested by Marien Zwart on behalf of python

#148530 - app-crypt/hashsum
 o Pending Removal Oct 22th 2006
 o requested by Hanno Boeck as primary maintainer

#114639 - net-misc/mico
 o Pending Removal Oct 16th 2006
 o requested by Doug Goldstein on behalf of treecleaner

#103143 - x11-libs/buffy
 o Pending Removal Oct 29th 2006
 o requested by Jakub Moc on behalf of treecleaner

#62182 - net-im/jabberoo
 o Pending Removal Nov 1st 2006
 o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim

#152806 - net-wireless/aircrack
 o requested by Alon Lev-Bar on behalf of crypto (as primary maintainer)
 o superseeded by net-wireless/aircrack-ng
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#101536 - app-misc/largorecipes
 o requested by Jakub Moc on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#102314 - app-misc/pms
 o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#106158 - media-gfx/radiance
 o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#97812 - app-misc/endeavour
 o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#97869 - x11-plugins/gkrellm-giFT
 o requested by Jakub Moc on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#94902 - media-video/winki
 o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner removals

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim

#129874 - www-client/amaya
 o requested by Stefan Cornelius on behalf of security
 o p.masked since 30th April 2006

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-11-04 Thread Christian Heim
#72585 - x11-wm/qvwm 
 o requested by Jakub Moc on behalf of treecleaner
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#117662 - media-libs/janus
 o requested by Carsten Lohrke
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

#125491 - net-analyzer/tcpick
 o requested by Daniel Black on behalf of netmon
 o nothing depends on it
 o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] FEATURES to cut the excess in portage

2006-11-05 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday, 05. November. 2006 19:02, John Jawed wrote:
> Two patches which allow a user to bypass files created with doman and
> dodoc in FEATURES:
> FEATURES="noman nodoc" emerge -av foo
> http://jawed.name/dev/gentoo/nodoc.patch
> http://jawed.name/dev/gentoo/noman.patch

Err, isn't current portage already having FEATURES="noman" and "nodoc" ? At 
least last time I used it, it was there ...

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Rémi Cardona

2006-11-15 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Rémi Cardona (also known as remi`), our 
latest addition helping with GNOME.

Rémi is joining us from Paris (again, that's in France!), where he's currently 
trying to finish his CS/EE at the ESIEE engineering school. He recently lived 
in the US for three years and recently finished an exchange with Laval 
University / Quebec, Canada.

He's perfectly aware of C/C++, ebuilds and bash scripts, also knows how to 
work with PHP and (My)SQL. He started learning python (being forced by the 
GNOME libraries) and also knows how to handle autofoo stuff.

When he's not sitting in front of his computer, he actively participates 
within the local school LUG (which he also presided over for two years). He 
enjoys playing tennis, working out at the gym and running off SpanKY, 
err, running a few miles.

Please welcome Rémi as a new fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New developer: Alexander Gabert (pappy) returns from retirement

2006-11-26 Thread Christian Heim

It is my pleasure to announce that Alexander "pappy" Gabert is returning
from retirement to battle the hardened bugs. Retired sometime in 2004,
he is now again interested in being blessed with a @gentoo.org email

Nowadays he lives in Trier, Germany and is reaching his thirties. That's
about all his quiz told me about him but I am hopeful that all you old
farts who remember him are able to spread all kinds of FUD about him.

So please welcome pappy back to the dev community with the usual rites.

Welcome back to the flock, Alex :) May the force be with you!

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Proxy maintainers

2006-12-18 Thread Christian Heim
On Monday, 18. December. 2006 08:12, Steve Long wrote:

> Yeah, I'd like to see something come of this too; I spoke to someone on IRC
> (I've forgotten the login, began with `a') who was really helpful, as I was
> asking about p-ming synfig packages. He (I remember it was a bloke)
> mentioned I think mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and also mentioned that he'd be
> working on the project in the new year.

That would have been antarus (Alec), current treecleaner/proxy-maint lead.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites for net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200

2006-12-20 Thread Christian Heim


net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200 are both kernel drivers built as 
an external package through portage. The codebase currently in portage is the 
same that is present in any up-to-date kernel tarball (2.6.x).

For this reason I am suggesting, everyone migrates to the in-kernel drivers.

They can be found here:

Networking  --->
 Network device support  --->
   [*] Network device support
  Wireless LAN (non-hamradio)  --->
[*] Wireless LAN drivers (non-hamradio) & Wireless Extensions
   Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection
   Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection

These will also enable the in-kernel version of the ieee80211 driver.

As per summary, both packages are going to get punted from the tree. Both will 
vanish around sometime next January (I'd say 30 days from today - which makes 
it 21th January 2007).

And to leave those of you, who already use the in-kernel driver relaxed, the 
firmware images are not going to get removed as they are still needed for the 
in-kernel drivers.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: Last rites for net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200

2006-12-22 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday, 22. December. 2006 01:36, you wrote:
> Hi Christian.
> * On Dec 21  0:42, Christian Heim (gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org) wrote:
> > net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200 are both kernel drivers
> > built as an external package through portage. The codebase currently in
> > portage is the same that is present in any up-to-date kernel tarball
> > (2.6.x).
> >
> > For this reason I am suggesting, everyone migrates to the in-kernel
> > drivers.
> Have you gotten any kind of a response to this yet?  I personally use
> net-wireless/ipw2200 and would not be happy to see it removed.

No I haven't gotten any response to this. Only thing I heard was the question 
if 2.4 users might be dazzled by this. You're the first one.

> The package makes it easier to maintain updated wireless drivers, as the
> kernel can often be behind the current release.  Kernel releases can be
> some time apart, and point releases do not often incorporate new
> third-party drivers.  Consider how long you might have to wait for a bug
> fix for your wireless if a kernel had just been released.  Also, it
> removes the need to recompile the kernel when new ipw drivers are
> released.

Usually you don't have to wait *that* long. And point is, the current upstream 
development (ipw2?00.sf.net) is nearly halted, thus bugs get fixed in the 
kernel at the same time they get fixed in ipw2?00. Point with this removal is 
to remove another package, that is eating up my time. As I don't have the 
interest to maintain it anymore (and the in-kernel drivers work without any 
problems) and also nobody else showed interest in this package, I went ahead 
and announced its removal.

> Furthermore, many users have a much easier time using the
> externally-built module than the in-kernel drivers.  I, personally, found
> it to "just work" whereas the kernel drivers would not work without lots
> of troubleshooting.

I haven't been in this situation, and I've never seen any complaints (neither 
via mail nor bugzilla), so I have to take the point that there are no 
problems (remember, I can only fix stuff I know of). I'm really sorry if that 
complicates your life more than usual (;)).


Christian Heim

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites for net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200

2006-12-22 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday, 22. December. 2006 16:24, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 00:42 +0100, Christian Heim wrote:
> > net-wireless/ipw2100 and net-wireless/ipw2200 are both kernel drivers
> > built as an external package through portage. The codebase currently in
> > portage is the same that is present in any up-to-date kernel tarball
> > (2.6.x).
> Just curious, but what about 2.4 kernel users?  As I understand it, the
> 2.4 gentoo-sources seems to be the only currently supported 2.4 kernel
> for x86, so do these drivers even work there?  If not, it makes the
> point moot, but if this is the only way for 2.4-based Gentoo users to
> use their hardware, it might be a bad idea to remove them just yet.

Nope, the external packages currently present in portage don't support 

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Treecleaner removal: net-analyzer/tcpick

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim

# masking the following packages for treecleaners and bugs
# Pending removal Dec 04th 2006:
# #117662 - media-libs/janus
# #125491 - net-analyzer/tcpick

net-analyzer/tcpick has been removed from the tree on 06 January 2007 and the 
mask on media-libs/janus got dropped, as it is still working.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Lat rites: net-www/mod_fastcgi

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim

I just masked net-www/mod_fastcgi (while helping out the apache herd). 
www-apache/mod_fcgid is a successor of mod_fastcgi, is faster and more 

It is fading away sometime in February.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites: net-www/mod_bwshare

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim

Dear people (those who care), I just masked net-www/mod_bwshare.

UPSTREAM modified their webserver, which makes it impossible for wget to fetch 
the tarball (while fetching manually still works).

There are currently those other alternatives in the tree:
 for apache1: net-www/mod_bandwidth
 for apache2: net-www/mod_bw and www-apache/mod_cband

It is fading away sometime in February.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites: www-apache/mod_depends

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim

Dear people (those who care), I just masked www-apache/mod_depends.

This package has a dead UPSTREAM and www-apache/mod_umask is the official 

It is fading away sometime in February.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites: net-www/mod_injection

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim

Dear people (those who care), I just masked net-www/mod_injection.

This package has a dead UPSTREAM and there are currently better alternatives 
in the tree.

traffic- or IP-based filtering  - use www-apache/mod_cband
for any other filtering - use net-www/mod_security

It is fading away sometime in February.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites: net-www/mod_bwshare

2007-01-07 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday, 07. January. 2007 23:09, Christian Heim wrote:
> Dear people (those who care), I just masked net-www/mod_bwshare.
> UPSTREAM modified their webserver, which makes it impossible for wget to
> fetch the tarball (while fetching manually still works).

Another reason for this is, that the apache team lost another member and thus 
we are reorganizing stuff, removing ebuilds that are broken, useless with 
current versions of apache or superseeded by other packages, that work better 
and are better maintainable.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Last rites: net-www/mod_encoding and net-www/mod_random

2007-01-08 Thread Christian Heim

Dear people (those who care), I just masked net-www/mod_encoding and 

net-www/mod_encoding is useless with any modern system (it was usefull back in 
the days where browsers/apache couldn't interpret non-ascii charsets 
correctly). There hasn't been any new release for >2 years, and modern 
apache / browsers already support that kind of feature.

net-www/mod_random is a module providing custom, randomized responses which 
can be easily implemented by using some random apache interface-able 
scripting language (pick any of ruby, python, php, ...).

Another reason for this is, that the apache team lost another member and thus 
we are reorganizing stuff, removing ebuilds that are broken, useless with 
current versions of apache or superseeded by other packages, that work better 
and are better maintainable.

It is fading away sometime in February.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Robert Clark (hyakuhei)

2007-01-09 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Robert Clark (also known as hyakuhei),
our latest addition helping with forensics.

Robert is joining from Aberystwyth (that's in Wales, UK). He's currently 
halfway through his degree (at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth), 
currently taking part in a one year program with ALICE (no that's not his 
fiancée, ALICE stands for "A Large Ion Collider Experiment" operated by CERN 
in Genève, Switzerland).

He's perfectly aware of C/C++, ebuilds and bash scripts, also knows how to 
work with python. He also has a great interest in information security related 
stuff (Tavis, look out :)) and spends way to much time on war games 
servers (his own words!). 

When he's not sitting in front of his computer, he tries to spend time with 
his family (only when he's back in England or his fiancée is visiting him in 
Genève), enjoys shooting others in the rump with arrows ^H^H^H shooting the 
arrows at the bull's eye and lifting a 1t [1] anvil, ^H^H^H (again) weights.

Please welcome Robert as a new fellow developer among us !

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne

(Thanks Alec and Joshua)

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Vic Fryzel (shellsage)

2007-01-21 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Vic Fryzel (also known as shellsage),
our latest addition joining the Gentoo Security force.

Vic is joining from Rochester (that's in New York, USA). He's a senior 
engineer for Paychex, Inc and his main work-related project right now is the 
development of a wiki-based content management system.

He states to me proficient in most languages/paradigms/operating systems, 
including low level interfaces. He also knows how to do security auditing 
(which he used to do for a living). More over, he knows how to manage team 

When Vic isn't sitting in front of his computer (either at work or at home) he 
tries to spend some time with his girlfriend Janelle, their dog Lacey and 
their cat Apollo. And if he's got any spare time left (after spending some 
time with the above), he builds model rockets, robots, and open source 
software. And please be aware, he's assistant instructor and student of 
Shaolin Wu Su Kung Fu.

Please welcome Vic as a new fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Resetting of the vps subversion repository

2007-01-22 Thread Christian Heim

After talking to Benedikt the last week, we decided to move our external 
repository back onto lark (that's svn.gentoo.org/cvs.gentoo.org). 
Furthermore, we'd like to continue where we stopped with the external 
repository, thus the repository on lark is getting deleted and restored from 
the backup of the external.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, nevermind.



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Last rites: www-client/mozilla[-bin]

2007-01-28 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday, 27. January. 2007 13:22:56 Petteri Räty wrote:
> Raúl Porcel wrote:
> > # Raúl Porcel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Jan 2007)
> > # Masked for removal 26 Feb 2007, bug 135257, security issues
> > # Replaced by www-client/seamonkey[-bin]
> > www-client/mozilla
> > www-client/mozilla-bin
> How about not breaking the tree?
> !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "www-client/mozilla" have been masked.
> !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your
> request:
> - www-client/mozilla-1.7.13 (masked by: package.mask)

What about the rest of the portage error ? At least it could be used, to fix 
(well sort of) it :)

> # Raúl Porcel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27 Jan 2007)
> # Masked for removal 26 Feb 2007, bug 135257, security issues
> # Replaced by www-client/seamonkey[-bin]
> Regards,
> Petteri



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Martin Jackson (mjolnir)

2007-02-01 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Martin Jackson (also known as 
mjolnir40k - on IRC at least) our latest addition joining the netmon herd.

Martin is joining from Northwest Arkansas (that's in USA). He's working in the 
IT-field for a well-known company (hopefully it doesn't start with I and ends 
with BM). He states to have major experience with perl (7+ years), bash 
scripting, python and C programming. He's also a FreeBSD ports maintainer.

He's luckily married to a non-geekish wife (is that even possible, while being 
married to a geek?) for 12 years now, has three children (boy, am I lucky I 
don't have children). When he's away from his computer he's trying to read 
standard geek stuff (like Adams, Tolkien and Stephenson) and is a big fan of 
classical and norse mythology.

Please welcome Martin as a new fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Dean Stephens (desultory)

2007-02-01 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Dean Stephens (also known as desultory) 
our latest addition joining the forums monkeys.

Dean is joining us from Bangor (that's in Maine). Don't know anything else 
about him, so feel free to harass him on IRC.

So please welcome Dean as a new fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Anant Narayanan (anant)

2007-03-20 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Anant Narayanan (also known as anant or 
KillerX) our latest addition to the PHP herd.

Anant is from Chennai, India, and is currently persuing his Bachelor of 
Technology in Computer Engineering at the Malaviya National Institute of 
Technology, Jaipur.

According to Anant, he's quite experienced working for Opensource projects 
(he's one of last years Gentoo GSoc students - he worked on a GuideXML editor 
called Beacon). Besides being a GSoc student, he's proficient in C, C++, 
python, PHP and Java.

When he's not working on computers, he's watching (unspecified) movies, 
reading (books I presume), teaching and writing. Also, according to Anant he 
isn't a sports fan.

Please welcome Anant as a new fellow developer among us ! 

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Bernard Cafarelli (voyageur)

2007-03-21 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Bernard Cafarelli (also known as 
voyageur) our latest addition joining the NX herd.

Bernard is joining us from Paris, France (Issy-Les-Moulineaux to be exact, but 
as Bernard also said, it's less known than Paris) where he's currently working 
as a software engineer for a company in the VoIP software environment.

Bernard is proficient in two programming (C/C++) and two scripting languages 

When Bernard isn't in front of his computer(s), he enjoys swimming and 
underwater diving. To relax his head, he tries to read some good 
science-fiction books or going to the movies with some of his friends.

Please welcome Bernard as a new fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Fwd: RE: New developer: Antoine Raillon (cab)

2007-03-21 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Antoine Raillon (also known as cab), our 
latest addition joining mcummings perl flock.

Antoine is joining us from Cormeilles en Parisis, France (yay, french 
conspiracy++), where he's currently studying Network & Telecommunications 
at Jussieu and ENST (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecoms).

Besides the studying, he's working for Sogeti IS as a contractor (or slave as 
he says).

According to Antoine, he's only skilled in Perl (well, that's going to be his 
*main* field of work in Gentoo).

When Antoine isn't in front of his computer, he's trying to read a bit, spend
some late nights out with friends, or trying to get some sleep in when he can.

Please welcome Antoine as a new, fellow developer among us !

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Fwd: RE: New developer: Antoine Raillon (cab)

2007-03-22 Thread Christian Heim
On Thursday 22 March 2007 08:56:33 Christian Heim wrote:
> It's my pleasure to introduce to you Antoine Raillon (also known as cab),
> our latest addition joining mcummings perl flock.

/me makes a mental note: next time, watch the Subject :-P

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] doenvd vs. insinto /etc/env.d

2007-04-09 Thread Christian Heim
On Monday 09 April 2007 05:39:29 Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Sunday 08 April 2007, Marcelo Góes wrote:
> > As far as I can see, doenvd is more correct because it is
> doenvd was written specifically to replace `insinto /etc/env.d`
> > Does it make sense to allow both styles?
> not really
> > Is it worth it to convert everything to doenvd?
> yes please
> -mike

See bug 173884 for further reference.

Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] disabling old linux baggage

2007-04-13 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday 13 April 2007 14:42:41 Mike Frysinger wrote:
> i plan on adding old-linux to use.force in the linux-2.4 profiles and
> converting the "no-old-linux" USE flag to that ... that way things like
> module-init-tools from now on will only support linux-2.6+
> any comments ?
> -mike

Go ahead, I already only use no-old-linux on 20 or so systems. Just remind me 
once you do that, that I should add that flag to the hardened/x86 profile (or 
you could add that flag yourself).



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New developer: Thomas Scharl (think4urs11)

2007-04-14 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Thomas Scharl (also known as 
think4urs11), our latest addition joining the forum moderators.

Thomas is joining us from Nürnberg (or Nuremberg), Germany, where he's 
currently working for an unnamed Networking/Security company.

Please welcome Thomas as a new, fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Tobias Heinlein (keytoaster)

2007-04-14 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Tobias Heinlein (also known as keytoaster 
on IRC), our latest addition joining the docs people as follow-up lead for 
the german documetation. He's already been an arch tester for the amd64 herd 
for quite some time.

Tobias is joining us from Hamm, Germany where he's currently finishing the 
junior high school.

According to Tobias, he's skilled with writing *cough* PHP, a bit C and 

When Tobias isn't in front of his computer, he's trying to read a bit, spend
some late nights out with friends, or trying to get some sleep in when he can.

Please welcome Tobias as a new, fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Aggelos Orfanakos (agorf)

2007-04-19 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Aggelos Orfanakos (also known as
agorf on IRC), our latest addition joining the Ruby herd and the GWN
translators (he has already worked on the Greek GWN translations for
quite some time).

Aggelos is joining us from Chalcis (that's in Greece), where he's
currently studying Computer Science (surprise, surprise). 

His programming/scripting skills cover C, Ruby and Python. He's another
one of those devs coming over from the sunrise overlay, where his 
contributions were high quality and numerous.

Once Aggy isn't around computers, he finds time to enjoy swimming (/me winks 
at dad eryof), table tennis, photography, astronomy and listening to music.

So please welcome Aggelos (or Aggy, for those who are as lazy as I am)
as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Christina Fullam (musikc)

2007-04-20 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Christina (Chrissy) Fullam (also know as 
musikc on IRC) our latest addition joining Developer relations, more precise 
conflict resolution and will probably join Chris' GWN minions.

Christina is joining us from Greenville, SC (that's in the southeastern part 
of the USA) where she's currently working as an IT manager with social skills 
for Erwin-Penland.

When Chrissy isn't around computers (which she is most of the time), she's 
trying to pet Chris (yeah, wolf31o2) and her other pets (like cats, dog, 
ferrets); reading weird books (like 'office politics') and rearranging her 
desk (sorry, Chrissy <3).

So please welcome Christina as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Alistair John Bush (ali_bush)

2007-04-22 Thread Christian Heim

Hi all,

I would like you to say hello to our latest addition Alistair Bush
(also known as ali_bush).

Alistair is joining the Java herd to help out fixing various Java
related issues and maintain various packages.

Alistair is 23 years old and comes from Auckland in New Zealand, where he's 
working as a Siebel developer for a CRM solution provider. In his
spare time he enjoys sailing, cricket and hockey.

He started using Linux at his university where he was studying
computer science and economics around 4 years ago and has been using
Gentoo the last 2 years.

Give him a warm welcome!



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Is bugzilla used by all developers?

2007-04-26 Thread Christian Heim
On Thursday 26 April 2007 09:21:59 Greg KH wrote:
> For kernel issues, please file bugs in bugzilla.kernel.org as the gentoo
> kernels are almost exactly kernel.org kernels, with only a few minor
> things added (bootsplash being one such thing.)

Greg, this is already filed on kernel.org's bugzilla as issue #7838.

> Our kernel developers are pretty overloaded right now and busy with
> "real life" things at the moment.

That's what I just replied on our bugzilla.



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Le Zhang (r0bertz)

2007-05-17 Thread Christian Heim

It's my please to introduce to you Le "Robert" Zhang (also known as r0bertz on 
IRC), our latest addition joining the GWN Translators.

Le is joining us from Hong Kong (yes, that's in China boys and girls) where 
he's currently working for Thizlinux (a Hong Kong based Linux company).

When Le isn't around computers, he enjoys reading a good book, singing, or 
playing soccer (either for real or on PS2/PSP).

So please welcome Le as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New (old) Developer: Deedra Waters (dmwaters)

2007-06-04 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to welcome back Deedra Waters (also known as dmwaters on

Deedra is joining us from Pensacola, FL. She is going to work on the
accessibility stuff (she is blind), will be re-joining Developer Relations,
and helping the kernel people to fix sparc/amd64 related kernel problems.

So please give Deedra a warm welcome !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Christoph Mende (angelos)

2007-06-04 Thread Christian Heim
It's my pleasure to introduce to you Christoph Mende (also known as angelos on 
IRC), our latest addition joining the AMD64 and XFCE herd.

Christoph is joining us from Flensburg, Germany, were he just finished a 
internship to improve his GPA for his upcoming study at a specialised 
engineering high school.

When Christoph isn't around computers, he enjoys skateboarding once or twice a 
week or playing guitar.

So please welcome Christoph as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Gilles Dartiguelongue (eva)

2007-06-09 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Gilles Dartiguelongue (also known as 
EvaSDK on IRC), our latest addition joining the GNOME herd.

Gilles is joining us from Rueil-Malmaison, France (yes, the french conspiracy 
is growing again), where he's currently finishing an internship for his EE/CS 
study (for the dumb people like me, 'tis a combined study path consisting of 
electrical engineering and computer science).

When Gilles isn't around computers, he enjoys reading a good book, mountain 
biking even climbing though he can't practise as often as he'd like.

So please welcome Gilles as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] net-dns/bind{,-tools} needs an active maintainer

2007-06-17 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday 17 June 2007 14:43:59 Konstantin V. Arkhipov wrote:
>   i'm too busy with real life atm, is there anyone willing to help with
> bind's maintaining?

What happened to mjolnir (as in Martin Jackson) ? Didn't he also join the bind 
herd, to help you fix stuff ?



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] glibc-2.6 / gcc-4.2 going into ~arch

2007-07-07 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday 06 July 2007 06:08:43 Mike Frysinger wrote:
> get your "waaait dont do it" votes in now, i plan on pushing:
> glibc-2.6 ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86
> gcc-4.2.0 ~amd64 ~x86
> in the next day or so
> -mike

As Adam already pointed/asked earlier, are we going to see Kevin's work being 
merged with gcc-4.2 ? Or are we ever going to see hardened supoprt for 
gcc-4 ?

I really appreciate your effort on doing gcc (and the whole lotta of other 
things you maintain), but we're (as in the hardened folks) getting rather 
impatient. It's been sitting on your plate for about a month (or is it 
two ?). If you can't do it yourself, please tell us. I think we have the 
resources to merge it into the tree ourselves.

Thanks and kind regards, 


Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Packages up for grab

2007-07-14 Thread Christian Heim

The following packages need some love and/or a new maintainer:

Previously maintained by Thierry Carrez (Koon):
- dev-embedded/gnap
- dev-embedded/gnap-dev
- dev-embedded/gnap-ext

Previously maintainer by Eric Sammer (esammer):
- net-nntp/udh

Previously maintained by Chris White (ChrisWhite):
- app-misc/gnutu
- app-misc/screenie
- app-pda/syncekonnector (pda herd ?)
- dev-cpp/Ice (cpp herd ?)
- dev-lang/swig (lang-misc herd ?)
- dev-perl/Apache-AuthCookie (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Apache-AuthTicket (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Cache (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Eidetic (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/File-NFSLock (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Fuse (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Mail-Sender (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/SQL-Abstract (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Sort-Tree (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-util/cflow
- media-libs/panda3d (sound herd ?)
- media-video/y4mscaler (assigned to the video herd)
- net-analyzer/mwcollect (net-mon herd ?)
- net-dns/rbldnsd
- net-misc/sitecopy



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Packages up for grab

2007-07-15 Thread Christian Heim
On Saturday 14 July 2007 12:13:38 Christian Heim wrote:
> The following packages need some love and/or a new maintainer:

Here are some more :|

Previously maintained by Elfyn McBratney (beu):
 - app-admin/procinfo
 - app-admin/usermin
 - app-admin/xtail
 - app-doc/howto-html
 - app-doc/howto-html-single
 - app-doc/php-docs
 - app-doc/single-unix-specification
 - app-misc/glimpse
 - dev-libs/libunicode
 - dev-util/filepp
 - dev-util/gperf
 - dev-util/pstack
 - dev-util/synopsis
 - dev-util/webcpp
 - dev-util/weblint
 - dev-util/xdelta
 - net-dns/dnswalk
 - net-dns/hesiod
 - net-dns/odsclient 
 - net-misc/balance
 - net-misc/datapipe
 - net-misc/dhcpv6
 - net-misc/emirror
 - net-misc/fmirror
 - net-misc/httptunnel
 - net-misc/netkit-routed
 - net-misc/pen
 - net-misc/pimpd
 - net-misc/proxyper
 - net-misc/proxytunnel
 - net-misc/sslwrap
 - net-misc/unix2tcp
 - net-www/dotproject (Assigned to web-apps)
 - sys-apps/compare
 - sys-apps/count
 - sys-apps/hdump
 - sys-devel/bin86 (Assigned to base-system)
 - sys-devel/dev86 (base-system ?)
 - www-apps/coppermine (Assigned to web-apps)
 - www-misc/visitors (web-apps ?)
 - www-servers/lighttpd (Assigned to www-servers)

Previously maintained by Scott Stoddard (deltacow):
 - app-admin/watchfolder

Previously maintained by Alexandre Buisse (nattfodd):
 - app-vim/vim-spell-fr (Assigned to vim)
 - dev-lang/anubis 
 - dev-ml/ocaml-doc (Assigned to ml)
 - dev-tex/bera (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-tex/hyphen_show (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-tex/latexdiff (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-tex/latexmk (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-tex/mpm (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-tex/rubber (Assigned to tex)
 - dev-util/ketchup (kernel-misc ?)
 - media-gfx/ufraw (Assigned to graphics)
 - media-libs/exiftool (Assigned to graphics and perl)
 - media-sound/lltag (Assigned to sound)



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] PHP security status

2007-07-15 Thread Christian Heim
On Sunday 15 July 2007 15:02:45 Hanno Böck wrote:
> Hi,
> At the moment, we have a quite problematic situation with the php ebuilds.
> Due to various people doing research on php-issues, there has been a vast
> number of security issues in the last months (mopb and others).
> We still have 5.2.2 in the tree. A user, christian hoffmann, is maintaining
> some ebuilds in the php-experimental-overlay. They've, from what I know,
> fixed nearly all issues, beside one openbasedir-bypass, where we fail to
> find a patch (CVE-2007-3378).
> Now, chtekk has been very rarely available lately. chtekk, could you raise
> your voice and tell us if you'll be back soon or if we could merge stuff
> without you in the meantime.

As you might know from his away status (either from IRC or the devaway¹ page), 
Luca is currently doing his mandatory military service for his country till 
November iirc.

> Christian is doing a quite well job in the overlay. I'd prefer if we could
> merge his work into the main tree. I could do that, although I'd prefer to
> get some review from other devs. php is a hell to maintain I think.




Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Packages up for grab

2007-07-15 Thread Christian Heim
On Monday 16 July 2007 08:19:19 josé Alberto Suárez López wrote:
> I'm the gnap leader/maintainer since Thierry leave gentoo. We are
> working in new releases.
> El sáb, 14-07-2007 a las 12:13 +0200, Christian Heim escribió:
> > The following packages need some love and/or a new maintainer:
> >
> > Previously maintained by Thierry Carrez (Koon):
> > - dev-embedded/gnap
> > - dev-embedded/gnap-dev
> > - dev-embedded/gnap-ext

Then *PLEASE* update the metadata.xml ...



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Apache update

2007-07-29 Thread Christian Heim
Herds(1): php
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  dev-php5/jpgraph
Herds(1): php
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  dev-ruby/nitro
Herds(1): ruby
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  dev-util/git
Herds(0): none
Maintainers(2):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  dev-util/subversion
Herds(1): apache
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  mail-mta/courier
Herds(0): none
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  media-sound/mserv
Herds(1): sound
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  net-analyzer/aimsniff
Herds(1): netmon
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  net-analyzer/jffnms
Herds(1): netmon
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  net-analyzer/midas-nms
Herds(0): none
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-analyzer/smokeping
Herds(0): none
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-mail/lurker
Herds(1): net-mail
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-mail/mailman
Herds(1): net-mail
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-mail/qmailadmin
Herds(1): qmail
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-mail/vqadmin
Herds(1): net-mail
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-proxy/vultureng
Herds(1): net-proxy
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  net-www/awstats
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  sci-biology/generic-genome-browser
Herds(1): sci-biology
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  sci-chemistry/webmo
Herds(1): sci-chemistry
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  sci-geosciences/mapserver
Herds(1): sci-geosciences
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  sci-misc/boinc
Herds(1): sci
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  sys-power/apcupsd
Herds(1): base-system
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apache/anyterm
Herds(1): apache
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apache/mod_vhost_ldap
Herds(1): apache
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/Apache-Gallery
Herds(2): perl web-apps
Maintainers(2):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/bugzilla
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/coppermine
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/egroupware
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/gallery
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/gnopaste
Herds(0): none
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/ids
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/lxr
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/mambo
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/mantisbt
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/metadot
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/mod_survey
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/moregroupware
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/otrs
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/phpcollab
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/phpwiki
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/postfixadmin
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/rt
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/sitebar
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/trac
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/viewcvs
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-apps/xoops
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-apps/zina
Herds(1): web-apps
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-misc/libapreq2
Herds(1): perl
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-misc/log-toolkit
Herds(1): apache
Maintainers(0):   none

Package:  www-servers/gorg
Herds(1): ruby
Maintainers(2):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Package:  www-servers/skunkweb
Herds(1): python
Maintainers(1):   [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New (old) Developer: Dimitry Brad (diox)

2007-07-29 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to (re)-introduce to you Dimitry Brad (also known as diox on 
IRC), our latest addition joining the x86 arch monkeys.

Dimitry has been a Gentoo Developer for quite some time (it has been nearly a 
year now), and he finally sent in his ebuild quiz and thus becoming a 
full-fledged Ebuild developer.

So please welcome Dimitry as a new (old) fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Jason Smathers (jsin)

2007-08-19 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Jason Smathers (also known as jsin on 
IRC), our latest addition joining the net-ftp herd.

Jason is joining us from Avon (that's supposed to be in Indiana) where he's 
his own boss as a freelance engineer and IT consultant.

When Jason isn't around computers he's either enjoying films or literature. 
His remaining free time he's spending with his wife and his (not-yet-born) 
firstborn daughter.

So please welcome Jason as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Developer: Christian Hoffmann (hoffie)

2007-08-19 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Christian Hoffmann (also known as hoffie 
on IRC), our latest addition joining the PHP herd.

Christian is joining us from Bamberg (which is about 60km north of Nuremberg, 
which happens to be in southen Germany), where he's currently enjoying high 
school to get his graduation (or for those capable of understanding 
german :'Abitur') done.

When Christian isn't around computers (and fixing PHP bugs - hah!), he's 
enjoying singing in a choir, reading a good book or simply working in the 

So please welcome Christian as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New Staff Developer: Maarten Bressers (mbres)

2007-08-28 Thread Christian Heim

It's my pleasure to introduce to you Maarten Bresses (also known as mbres on 
IRC), our latest addition joining the kernel herd.

Maarten is joining us from Boxtel (that should be located in the Netherlands), 
were he spent the last 2 years as a goat farmer.

If Maarten isn't around computers, he's enjoying music, reading a good book, 
playing guitar or playing darts.

So please welcome Maarten as new fellow developer among us!



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Packages of for grabs

2007-08-29 Thread Christian Heim

Here's the first bunch of packages sadly up for grabs, due to maintainers 
retiring ..

 - app-arch/dump (agriffis)
 - app-arch/guitar (agriffis)
 - app-editors/cooledit (agriffis)
 - app-misc/nut (agriffis)
 - app-text/adiff (agriffis)
 - media-fonts/ec-fonts-mftraced (agriffis)
 - net-misc/keychain (agriffis)
 - dev-util/rhide (azarah)
 - net-misc/tipcutils (gustavoz)
 - net-misc/tn5250 (gustavoz)
 - media-libs/glew (joshuabaergen)
 - dev-python/glewpy (joshuabaergen)
 - www-client/rabbitticker (jstubbs)
 - dev-libs/openct (kaiowas)
 - net-analyzer/nepenthes (kaiowas)

For the below listed herds this should just be considered a reminder on what 
packages just got dumped in your lap:

- app-emulation/libvirt (agriffis)

 - app-pda/jpilot-backup (agriffis)
 - app-pda/jpilot-plucker (agriffis)
 - app-pda/jpilot-syncmal (agriffis)
 - app-pda/plucker (agriffis)

 - app-portage/epm (agriffis)

 - app-text/build-docbook-catalog (agriffis)

 - dev-perl/BSD-Resource (agriffis)

 - mail-client/gbuffy (agriffis)
 - mail-client/mutt (agriffis)
 - mail-client/ciphire-mail (azarah)
 - media-libs/compface (bcowan)
 - mail-filter/spamass-milter (gustavoz)

 - net-irc/ctrlproxy (agriffis)

 - www-client/mozilla-launcher (agriffis)

 - x11-misc/xautomation (agriffis)
 - x11-misc/xcut (agriffis)

 - x11-wm/icewm (bcowan)

 - app-vim/vim-spell-nl (axxo)

 - media-libs/spandsp (gustavoz)
 - media-libs/libsupertone (gustavoz)
 - net-libs/libunicall (gustavoz)
 - net-libs/libmfcr2 (gustavoz)
 - net-misc/elianna-pack (gustavoz)
 - net-misc/asterisk-chan_unicall

 - dev-embedded/avr-libc (gustavoz)
 - dev-embedded/avrdude (gustavoz)

 - sci-electronics/oregano (gustavoz)

 - dev-libs/vdk (gustavoz)
 - dev-util/vdkbuilder (gustavoz)

 - net-analyzer/ifstat (gustavoz)

 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs (herbs)
 - app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs (herbs)

 - x11-misc/driconf (joshuabaergen)

 - sec-policy/selinux-asterisk (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-courier-imap (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-apache (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-clamav (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-djbdns (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-dante (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-mysql (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-qmail (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-samba (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-snmpd (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-tftpd (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-squid (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-bind (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-dhcp (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-ntop (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-sudo (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-lvm (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-ntp (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-ucspi-tcp (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-daemontools (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-stunnel (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-ipsec-tools (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-postgresql (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-clockspeed (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-openldap (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-cyrus-sasl (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-publicfile (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-arpwatch (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-openvpn (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-jabber-server (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-wireshark (kaiowas)
 - sec-policy/selinux-kerberos (kaiowas)

 - sys-process/daemontools-scripts (kaiowas)

 - sys-auth/pam_p11 (kaiowas)
 - dev-libs/libp11 (kaiowas)
 - dev-libs/opencryptoki (kaiowas)
 - dev-libs/engine_pkcs11 (kaiowas)



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Packages of for grabs

2007-08-29 Thread Christian Heim
On Wednesday 29 August 2007 21:59:37 Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 August 2007, Christian Heim wrote:
> >  - app-arch/dump (agriffis)
> >  - net-misc/keychain (agriffis)
> >  - dev-libs/openct (kaiowas)
> these can prob go into base-system ... but a dedicated maintainer would
> still be nice ...
> > hardened:
> shouldnt sec-policy/* be dumped into selinux herd, not hardened ?

There's no selinux herd Mike :) Anyway, that's why I CC'ed Chris (since he's 
the backup maintainer).



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Packages of for grabs

2007-08-30 Thread Christian Heim
On Wednesday 29 August 2007 21:41:07 Christian Heim wrote:
> Here's the first bunch of packages sadly up for grabs, due to maintainers
> retiring ..

And here's even more :(

 - app-admin/modlogan (liquidx)
 - app-admin/ulog-acctd (liquidx)
 - app-arch/rpm2targz (liquidx)
 - app-crypt/md5deep (liquidx)
 - app-crypt/opencdk (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-dictd-devils (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-deu (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-fra (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-ita (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-lat (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-rus (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-spa (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-freedict-eng-swe (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-mova-smiley (liquidx)
 - app-dicts/stardict-quick-eng-fra (liquidx)
 - dev-util/fenris (liquidx)
 - dev-util/motor (liquidx)
 - net-misc/omniORB (liquidx)
 - www-client/pybugz (liquidx)
 - x11-themes/gaim-smileys (liquidx)
 - x11-themes/ximian-artwork (liquidx)

For the below listed herds/people, this should just be considered a reminder 
on what packages just got dumped in your lap/which metadata I touched:

 - mail-mta/postfix (langthang)
 - net-mail/imapsync (langthang)

 - app-dicts/stardict-xdict-zh-en-gb (liquidx)

 - app-dicts/stardict (liquidx)
 - media-fonts/hkscs-ming (liquidx)
 - sys-libs/slang (liquidx)

 - app-editors/jed (liquidx)

 - dev-libs/libgcrypt (liquidx)
 - dev-libs/libtasn1 (liquidx)
 - net-libs/gnutls (liquidx)

 - media-gfx/exiftags (liquidx)
 - media-gfx/gphoto2 (liquidx)
 - media-libs/libgphoto2 (liquidx)

 - media-gfx/gphoto2 (liquidx)
 - media-libs/libgphoto2 (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/libbtctl (liquidx)

 - mail-client/evolution (liquidx)

 - dev-libs/libusb (liquidx)

 - media-video/qc-usb (liquidx)

 - net-im/msnlib (liquidx)
 - net-irc/supybot (liquidx)
 - net-news/charm (liquidx)

 - net-libs/openslp (liquidx)

 - net-wireless/blueproxy (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/bluez-bluefw (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/libbtctl (liquidx)

 - net-wireless/bluez-bluefw (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth (liquidx)
 - net-wireless/libbtctl (liquidx)

 - dev-ml/findlib (liquidx)
 - dev-ml/lablgtk (liquidx)
 - dev-ml/ocamldsort (liquidx)
 - dev-ml/ocamlnet (liquidx)
 - dev-ml/pcre-ocaml (liquidx)
 - sci-mathematics/coq (liquidx)

 - sci-mathematics/coq (liquidx)

 - x11-misc/xinput (liquidx)

 - dev-tex/hevea (liquidx)



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] baselayout-2 & LVM

2007-08-31 Thread Christian Heim
On Friday 31 August 2007 09:18:53 Ed W wrote:
> Is it *supposed* to NOT startup automatically out of the box?
> Looks like there are some emails on this list about there being only
> stubs to support LVM, etc.  I found some startup functions in
> "rcscripts/addons", but nothing to actually call them at startup?  There
> is some stuff in conf.d/volumes which suggests that there is support for
> changing the scan order, but again, couldn't spot anything which used it?

Well, the scripts got phased out to the packages that actually *provide* this 

You will basically need to remerge sys-fs/lvm2 and sys-fs/device-mapper and 
add them (/etc/init.d/device-mapper and /etc/init.d/lvm) to your boot 



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Packages of for grabs

2007-09-05 Thread Christian Heim
On Wednesday 29 August 2007 21:41:07 Christian Heim wrote:
> Here's the first bunch of packages sadly up for grabs, due to maintainers
> retiring ..

And here's the last few ones:

 - app-admin/mon (mcummings)
 - app-admin/psmon (mcummings)
 - media-sound/shell-fm (pioto)
 - app-misc/i810switch (twp)
 - app-misc/run-mailcap (twp)
 - app-text/man2html (twp)
 - dev-libs/check (twp)
 - dev-libs/judy (twp)
 - dev-libs/rote (twp)
 - dev-util/ragel (twp)
 - dev-util/scons (twp)
 - media-gfx/sam2p (twp)
 - media-libs/libpixman (twp)
 - media-plugins/slimserver-alienbbc (twp)
 - media-sound/slimserver (twp)
 - media-sound/softsqueeze (twp)
 - sys-apps/hexdump-esr (twp)
 - x11-wm/ion2 (twp)
 - app-admin/conserver (weeve)
 - media-sound/gqradio (weeve)
 - net-im/bitlbee (weeve)
 - net-misc/jigdo (weeve)
 - x11-wm/ratpoison (weeve)

For the below listed herds/people, this should just be considered a reminder 
on what packages just got dumped in your lap/which metadata I touched:

 - www-apache/anyterm (twp)

 - media-gfx/xsvg (twp)
 - media-libs/libsvg (twp)
 - x11-libs/libsvg-cairo (twp)

 - media-gfx/xsvg (twp)

 - app-misc/wyrd (mcummings, twp)
 - dev-ml/findlib (mattam)
 - dev-ml/lablgtk (mattam)
 - dev-ml/ocamldsort (mattam)
 - dev-ml/ocamlnet (mattam)
 - dev-ml/pcre-ocaml (mattam)
 - sci-mathematics/coq (mattam)

 - app-misc/wyrd (mcummings, twp)

 - dev-tex/hevea (mattam)

 - x11-misc/xinput (mattam)

 - dev-ruby/ruby-freedb (twp)

 - app-portage/g-cpan (mcummings)

 - app-portage/genlop (mcummings)

 - app-crypt/bsign (method)
 - dev-python/python-selinux (method)
 - sys-libs/libxcrypt (method)
 - sys-kernel/hardened-sources (tocharian)



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] net-wireless/ipw3945{,d} needs your help

2007-09-09 Thread Christian Heim

As some of you may know, I'm the sole (well, seemant is supposed to help 
too :P) maintainer of the above package. The problem with it is simply that 
it's closed source (at least the regulatory daemon and the ucode).

The package itself is hopefully going away when iwl3945 is finally useable. 
Until then, this package _still_ needs someone who is willing going to 
maintain it. I already fixed most of the bugs in bugzilla, but it still needs 
some more work.

I haven't had hardware in the first place, and only took it over from Hendrik 
(brix). So unless someone steps up in the next week or so, this package is 
going to get reassigned to maintainer-needed since I absolutely have _ZERO_ 
interest in maintaining it any longer.



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Packages of for grabs

2007-09-17 Thread Christian Heim

Here are hopefully the last ones for a while:

 - sys-fs/static-dev (johnm)
 - dev-ruby/ruby-oci8 (mattm)
 - net-analyzer/hyperic-hq-agent (mattm)

For the below listed herds this should just be considered a reminder on what 
packages just got dumped in your lap/or which metadata.xml I touched in the 

 - dev-ruby/bluecloth (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/cmdparse (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/glue (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/mega-modules (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/nano-methods (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/net-sftp (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/net-ssh (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/og (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/pdf-writer (citizen428)
 - dev-ruby/syntax (citizen428)
 - app-misc/alexandria (citizen428)

 - app-arch/star (merlin)

 - app-vim/vim-spell-de (citizen428)

 - app-misc/alexandria (citizen428)

 - media-plugins/blop (fvdpol)
 - media-plugins/fil-plugins (fvdpol)
 - media-plugins/mcp-plugins (fvdpol)
 - media-plugins/vco-plugins (fvdpol)
 - media-sound/specimen (fvdpol)
 - media-sound/timemachine (fvdpol)
 - media-sound/monopod (johnm)

 - app-benchmarks/bonnie++ (johnm)
 - app-benchmarks/cpuburn (johnm)

 - sys-kernel/hardened-sources (johnm)

 - sys-kernel/module-rebuild (johnm)



Christian Heim 
GPG key ID: 9A9F68E6
Fingerprint: AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9 DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] New treecleaner lead

2007-11-04 Thread Christian Heim
As the most of you might have already read on -core, I'm stepping back from
being the treecleaner lead. As Raul and Samuli have been discussing the issue
in a civilized manner [1], they both agreed that Samuli is taking things over.
Have fun drac.

1: gentoo-dev
(12:29:46) <@drac> armin76: you're too late, allready told phreak`` hour ago 
you're it
(12:29:51) <@drac> :-)
(12:29:57) <@armin76> haha, no way
(12:30:04) <@armin76> i'm retiring *g*
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Good-bye

2007-11-25 Thread Christian Heim
On 24/11/07 12:39 -0500, Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> Dear Gentoo Devs and Users,
> The time has finally come for me to resign from Gentoo.  I've been
> meaning to do it for many months now, but the logistics took a little
> bit of time.  Effective Monday, Nov. 26, I will no longer consider
> myself an official Gentoo developer.  Before then I will make commits to
> two or so packages for which James Rowe is the official maintainer and I
> was his proxy.  Justin Bronder (jsbronder) has agreed to take over the
> proxy maintainership for them.
> I've been here a long time and I've made many many friends (and, I
> suppose, a few enemies).  For both, I'm grateful.  There are too many
> people to thank -- you all know who you are :P.

Dear Grandpa (yes, yes .. I know Neddy is even older then you!), I'd
really like to thank you for all the things you helped me with (and you
helped a lot).

I'd like to wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart for your
further adventures. Above all, have fun!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Packages up for grabs

2007-12-25 Thread Christian Heim
Okay, today was another tree-wrecking^Hcleaning day. Find below the
packages that got assigned to maintainer-needed due to no maintainer
being available.

As usual you are free to pick them up, if you'd like to maintain them...

 - app-admin/chrpath
 - app-admin/fam
 - app-admin/otpcalc
 - app-admin/skey
 - app-admin/sudo
 - app-admin/tripwire
 - app-arch/advancecomp
 - app-arch/lha
 - app-arch/undms
 - app-arch/xdms
 - app-dicts/eblook
 - app-dicts/ebview
 - app-dicts/kannadic
 - app-editors/teco
 - app-emulation/aranym
 - app-emulation/sheepshaver
 - app-emulation/uae
 - app-emulation/x48
 - app-i18n/man-pages-cs
 - app-misc/away
 - app-misc/cadubi
 - app-misc/mvcase
 - app-misc/pwsafe
 - app-misc/sl
 - app-office/magicpoint
 - app-shells/ksh
 - app-shells/zsh-completion
 - app-text/antiword
 - app-text/bact
 - app-text/cmigemo
 - app-text/convertlit
 - app-text/crf++
 - app-text/cwtext
 - app-text/diction
 - app-text/freepwing
 - app-text/pep
 - app-text/rhyme
 - app-text/wscr
 - dev-java/scala-bin
 - dev-lang/stratego
 - dev-libs/aterm
 - dev-libs/eb
 - dev-libs/hashit
 - dev-libs/sdf2-bundle
 - dev-libs/shhopt
 - dev-util/aegis
 - dev-util/ccache
 - dev-util/ccmalloc
 - dev-util/cocom
 - dev-util/cook
 - dev-util/pmk
 - dev-util/pretrace
 - dev-util/rec
 - dev-util/scanmem
 - dev-util/skelgen
 - media-gfx/f-spot
 - media-gfx/optipng
 - media-gfx/potrace
 - media-gfx/w3mimgfb
 - media-gfx/zphoto
 - media-libs/libdc1394
 - media-video/coriander
 - media-video/kdenlive
 - net-dns/resolvconf-gentoo
 - net-firewall/fwipsec
 - net-fs/coda-kernel
 - net-ftp/ftpbase
 - net-ftp/vsftpd
 - net-im/tmsnc
 - net-misc/knock
 - net-misc/ndtpd
 - net-misc/netprofiles-ims
 - net-misc/pump
 - net-misc/putty
 - net-misc/secpanel
 - net-misc/snarf
 - net-misc/wget
 - net-misc/ytalk
 - net-wireless/rt2x00
 - sci-libs/libsvm
 - sys-apps/netplug
 - www-apps/bugport
 - www-client/dillo
 - www-client/surfraw
 - x11-misc/periodic-calendar
 - x11-misc/xdesktopwaves
 - x11-misc/xse
 - x11-terms/rxvt
 - x11-terms/xvt

I'm gonna write a seperate mail regarding packages dumped onto the herds
without a dedicated maintainer remaining.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Notice about touched metadata.xml

2007-12-25 Thread Christian Heim
As promised, here's the list with respecitve herds/maintainers listed
for which package they are solely responsible now:

 - dev-lang/yasm

 - app-backup/backuppc

 - app-text/aiksaurus

 - app-shells/dash
 - net-misc/dhcp
 - net-misc/dhcpcd
 - sys-apps/ifplugd

 - app-dicts/canna-2ch
 - app-dicts/migemo-dict
 - app-i18n/jfbterm
 - app-i18n/uim
 - app-text/xdvik
 - app-text/yamcha
 - media-libs/vflib
 - sci-misc/tinysvm

 - x11-wm/fluxbox

 - virtual/c++-tr1-functional
 - virtual/c++-tr1-memory
 - virtual/c++-tr1-type-traits

 - app-admin/gps
 - app-misc/gentoo
 - x11-misc/glunarclock
 - x11-themes/gtk-theme-switch

 - x11-wm/fvwm

 - app-emacs/mew

 - media-fonts/fonts-indic

 - dev-games/neoengine
 - dev-games/neotools
 - games-emulation/caps
 - games-emulation/fbzx
 - games-emulation/snes9express
 - games-emulation/yabause
 - games-simulation/openttd
 - media-libs/ftgl

 - dev-cpp/gnome-vfsmm

 - app-office/abiword-plugins

 - app-text/wv
 - dev-libs/link-grammar
 - media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera

 - media-gfx/gimageview
 - media-gfx/inkscape

 - sys-devel/distcc

 - app-benchmarks/bootchart

 - app-laptop/khdapsmon
 - app-laptop/khdapsmonitor
 - app-laptop/radeontool
 - net-wireless/rt2500
 - net-wireless/wireless-tools
 - net-wireless/wpa_supplicant

 - net-fs/openafs-legacy

 - net-ftp/tlswrap

 - net-mail/dovecot

 - net-p2p/btpd

 - dev-perl/Cache-Memcached

 - dev-python/django
 - dev-python/visual

 - dev-ruby/sary-ruby

 - sci-biology/phyml

 - sci-mathematics/octave
 - sci-mathematics/octave-forge

 - dev-lang/f2c
 - dev-lang/ifc
 - dev-libs/libf2c
 - sci-libs/acml

 - app-misc/color
 - app-misc/mtail
 - app-misc/symlinks
 - app-misc/tdl
 - dev-util/patchutils

 - dev-dotnet/ipod-sharp
 - dev-dotnet/njb-sharp
 - gnome-extra/music-applet
 - media-libs/libipoddevice
 - media-sound/banshee
 - media-sound/cowbell
 - media-sound/rplay
 - media-sound/takcd
 - media-sound/waif

 - app-portage/mirrorselect

 - media-libs/libmms
 - media-libs/libquicktime
 - media-libs/x264-svn
 - media-video/avidemux
 - media-video/cinelerra-cvs
 - media-video/gephex

 - x11-terms/xterm

 - net-dns/noip-updater

 - app-misc/beagle
 - dev-dotnet/evolution-sharp
 - dev-dotnet/gsf-sharp
 - sys-fs/beaglefs

 - media-libs/libgpod

 - net-misc/radvd

 - app-emulation/e-uae

 - net-misc/networkmanager

 - gnome-extra/nm-applet
 - net-misc/dhcdbd
 - net-misc/networkmanager

 - gnome-extra/nm-applet
 - net-misc/dhcdbd
 - net-misc/networkmanager

 - dev-lang/icc

 - app-editors/leafpad

 - x11-terms/mrxvt

 - dev-util/re2c


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Developer: Luis Medinas

2005-08-08 Thread Christian Heim
On Monday 08 August 2005 17:32, Mike Doty wrote:
> Everyone welcome our newest minion: MetalGOD.  Luis joins us to help out
> with the printing herd and amd64 keywording.  He also has his eyes on
> the GDP project.  I'll let him introduce himself.
> "My name is Luis Medinas i'm a Physics Engineering student from
> University of Aveiro, Portugal. My hobbies are riding on my bike,
> reading, playing games and of course everything related with computers."
Welcome to the team Luis and may the force be with you ;)

> Mike Doty
> Gentoo/AMD64
> Gentoo/Devrel

Christian Heim (phreak)

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