It's my pleasure to introduce to you Anant Narayanan (also known as anant or 
KillerX) our latest addition to the PHP herd.
Anant is from Chennai, India, and is currently persuing his Bachelor of 
Technology in Computer Engineering at the Malaviya National Institute of 
Technology, Jaipur.

According to Anant, he's quite experienced working for Opensource projects 
(he's one of last years Gentoo GSoc students - he worked on a GuideXML editor 
called Beacon). Besides being a GSoc student, he's proficient in C, C++, 
python, PHP and Java.

When he's not working on computers, he's watching (unspecified) movies, 
reading (books I presume), teaching and writing. Also, according to Anant he 
isn't a sports fan.

Please welcome Anant as a new fellow developer among us ! 

Christian Heim <phreak at>
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