I'm currently preparing one of my embedded system for a test-run and noticed 
that a *binary* package of media-libs/libpng pulls in the autofoo-stuff.

I went looking for the reason, looked into the eutils, multilib and finally 
autotools eclasses and saw that the autotools.eclass is setting the DEPEND 
but not the RDEPEND. IIRC portage-2.1 is now setting RDEPEND to DEPEND if 
nothing other is assigned within the ebuild/eclass.

So the simplest fix would be to assign RDEPEND="" in the eclass [1].

If no-one objects, I will commit the changes on monday.

TIA, Christian


Christian Heim <phreak at gentoo.org>
GPG: 9A9F68E6 / AEC4 87B8 32B8 4922 B3A9  DF79 CAE3 556F 9A9F 68E6

Your friendly mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey
Christian Heim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
  autotools.eclass is needlessly pulling in sys-devel/automake,
  sys-devel/automake-wrapper, sys-devel/autoconf, sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper
  sys-devel/gnuconfig, sys-apps/texinfo sys-devel/libtool, sys-devel/m4 and
  dev-lang/perl including dependencies for binary packages. Prevent portage
  from setting RDEPEND="${RDEPEND}" by setting RDEPEND="" explicitly!

Index: autotools.eclass
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/autotools.eclass,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -b -B -r1.39 autotools.eclass
--- autotools.eclass	3 Jul 2006 18:42:54 -0000	1.39
+++ autotools.eclass	5 Aug 2006 13:58:51 -0000
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 # Variables:
 #	AT_M4DIR		  - Additional director(y|ies) aclocal should search

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