On Monday 07 August 2006 23:45, Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
> It is my pleasure to introduce to you... the artist formerly known as...
> beu! Many will know Elfyn from his previous stint as a Gentoo developer.
> This time around, we have a understanding.. the sort that involves
> sleeping with fish and finding horseheads in your bed. Capish? He won't
> magically (well, I believe it was by magic, he is afterall an elf)
> disappear again and will be joining the kernel guys, the perl people and
> he'll be donning an apron and pink marigolds while helping out with the
> QA tree cleaner project.
> I of course am thrilled, not only did we (re-)gain another UK based dev,
> but a UK based dev with a great taste in music, a sick and twisted mind
> and the ability to put up with me singing. Welcome back, Elfyn!
> Christelxx
Welcome back Elfyn! :)

Christian Heim <phreak at gentoo.org>
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Your friendly mobile/kernel/vserver/openvz monkey

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