The following packages need some love and/or a new maintainer:

Previously maintained by Thierry Carrez (Koon):
- dev-embedded/gnap
- dev-embedded/gnap-dev
- dev-embedded/gnap-ext

Previously maintainer by Eric Sammer (esammer):
- net-nntp/udh

Previously maintained by Chris White (ChrisWhite):
- app-misc/gnutu
- app-misc/screenie
- app-pda/syncekonnector (pda herd ?)
- dev-cpp/Ice (cpp herd ?)
- dev-lang/swig (lang-misc herd ?)
- dev-perl/Apache-AuthCookie (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Apache-AuthTicket (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Cache (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Eidetic (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/File-NFSLock (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Fuse (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Mail-Sender (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/SQL-Abstract (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-perl/Sort-Tree (assigned to the perl herd)
- dev-util/cflow
- media-libs/panda3d (sound herd ?)
- media-video/y4mscaler (assigned to the video herd)
- net-analyzer/mwcollect (net-mon herd ?)
- net-dns/rbldnsd
- net-misc/sitecopy



Christian Heim <phreak at>
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