It's my pleasure to introduce to you Aggelos Orfanakos (also known as
agorf on IRC), our latest addition joining the Ruby herd and the GWN
translators (he has already worked on the Greek GWN translations for
quite some time).

Aggelos is joining us from Chalcis (that's in Greece), where he's
currently studying Computer Science (surprise, surprise). 

His programming/scripting skills cover C, Ruby and Python. He's another
one of those devs coming over from the sunrise overlay, where his 
contributions were high quality and numerous.

Once Aggy isn't around computers, he finds time to enjoy swimming (/me winks 
at dad eryof), table tennis, photography, astronomy and listening to music.

So please welcome Aggelos (or Aggy, for those who are as lazy as I am)
as a new fellow developer among us !



Christian Heim <phreak at>
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