On Friday 04 August 2006 04:43, Daniel Black wrote:
> I'm looking to offload the some packages to willing maintainers as I've
> really no interest in most of these. Most have no bugs outstanding. I
> mainly want to focus my efforts in other areas.
> Existing devs feel free to just reassign metadata.xml to themselves and
> reassign a possible bug (or 2) outstanding. The * marked gnome applications
> I'm particularly keen to pass on as I am not a gnome user and don't have a
> sufficient testing environment for these (these are simple nicely packaged
> applications).
> [snip]

I just grabbed app-crypt/johntheripper and fixed most of the outstanding bugs.

> [snip]

TIA, Christian

Christian Heim <phreak at gentoo.org>
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