Re: [9fans] osc drawterm big sur
Hello, I'm not on OSX, but: 19.11.2020 12:40:00 Steve Simon : there is no /mnt/term/dev/secstore device containing my secstore when i authenticated to drawterm, so i need to authenticate to secstore again in my profile which is irritating. this may be by design as having drawterm know. all my secrets feels a bit foolish. I never got anything secstore related working with drawterm. I always needed to get my secrets after drawterm connected separately (eg in profile). I personally would like to have the secrets fetched by drawterm. It seems like it only fetches them to connect with the cpu server and then forgets about the keys. Because of that, it seems like you can safely remove these drawterm lines from your profile. I never heard of anybody to get this working properly... sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] 9Front / cwfs64x and hjfs storage
Hello, 29.12.2020 03:27:19 Ethan Gardener : You can add disks. CWFS config allows multiple devices/partitions to form the WORM. It's like a simple form of LVM. I forget the exact syntax and I don't think there's a man page documenting cwfs's particular variant syntax, but I think it's something like (/dev/sdE0/worm /dev/sdF0/worm) in place of just /dev/sdE0/worm Is it then also possible to remove older disks at some point (physically)? Something like this: - WORM1 (full) - WORM2 (full) - WORM3 (not full) - cache Then removing WORM1, storing it as backup or reformat it as a new WORM4: - WORM2 (full) - WORM3 (not full) - WORM4 (new, empty) - cache Is something like that possible? If not, it still could be an inspiration for ori's new filesystem, maybe? sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] 9Front / cwfs64x and hjfs storage
29.12.2020 10:15:29 Kurt H Maier : On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 08:53:55AM +, sirjofri wrote: for ori's new filesystem, maybe? If he implements this and the resulting filesystem is not called Oriborous I will be extraordinarily, possibly fatally, disappointed. 😂😂😂 Absolutely 😂 sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] default profile and factotum
Hello, I think it's a kind of compromise between drawterm and rcpu. Woth drawterm you don't have a factotum (that would be love), so you can't bind it. With drawterm you'd need running factotum on the cpu, which is not that nice... I never ended up using the original pro-file (pun intended) from newuser. I always adjusted it to my needs and now I have a nicely working profile. I assume it's meant to be adjusted to your situation. I think that's like you can't install a generic Plan 9 system and expect it to fit your needs. It always depends on your network, the machines etc. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Btw the drawterm /dev/secstore stuff never worked for me. I don't even know why I would need the auth server in drawterm... sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] sources/contrib
Hello and welcome back, 26.01.2021 23:01:35 Pouya Tafti : I'm coming back to Plan 9 after something of a 15 year break. Wow, that's a very long time. Indeed, welcome back. I hope you feel well in the new community. I'm sure it changes quite a bit. It looks like has replaced Is it still possible to have a contrib directory (and should I have one / do I deserve one)? As far as I know there is a mirror or remake of the original contrib at, but I'm not sure. Since you were away for 15 years you might want to check out other Plan 9 forks. The most active one is probably 9front[1], which contains lots of new software as well as hardware support. It also has its own infrastructure (source repo, contrib). I know there's (or was?) 9atom, but I don't know the details. Also there's lots of new software for 9 in general made by other developers outside the contribs. It's worth mentioning that many new software is in git repos since we now have a native git software[2]. Lots of older software is archived on github[3]. There's also a 9fans discord server that's bridged to ##9fans on freenode, if you want some more synchronous communication. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Welcome back 🙂 sirjofri [1] [2] [3] -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Acme Mail editable from address
Hey ori, I'd love this functionality in marshal. Would it then also work in Nail? (No crazy filtering in Nail?) Would a potential marshal patch be applied to 9front? I think it's a nice feature and prevents setting $upasname before starting [MN]ail. Also I don't think it would change existing behavior too much. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Acme Mail editable from address
28.01.2021 11:09:20 Alex Musolino : I'd love this functionality in marshal. Would it then also work in Nail? (No crazy filtering in Nail?) Would a potential marshal patch be applied to 9front? I think it's a nice feature and prevents setting $upasname before starting [MN]ail. Also I don't think it would change existing behavior too much. Seems it's already in 9front. I can just write my own custom From: header with Nail or marshal(1). I've never had much reason to change it so I just put the From: header you see in this message in /mail/box/alex/headers. Please double-check this. When I add a From: in acme Mail it's always converted to a destination address. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Acme Mail editable from address
I adjusted my pipefrom and added a default headers file, so lets see if this mail arrives with the correct sender address. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Plan 9 Applying to GSoC 2021
Hello ~vidak, Quoth ~vidak : > I am currently a computer science undergrad, and I have a project > idea. Me and a few friends from the fediverse were thinking of > implementing the ActivityPub protocol (mastodon/pleroma) into plan9 as a > kind of 'social file system', or 'socialfs'. Iirc there's someone writing an ActivityPub/mastodon client for 9. I think it was julienxx²? Maybe check it out? > The idea, as I take it, would be to introduce a limited form of > hypertext into the plan9 distributed filesystem. It would also allow > access into a somewhat mature free software social network. I've written my bachelor thesis¹ about a potential hypermedia system for Plan 9. I can send it to you as a private message if you are interested in it. It's not specific to social networks, but there might be interesting ideas. I also mentioned other interesting filesystem stuff like LisFS (which provides some nice search functionality based on filesystems and regular expressions). > There are various languages we were thinking of doing the implementation > in, ultimately some flavour of scheme. Perhaps one that could compile to > C. I ♥ C, but I don't have to decide anything here. sirjofri — ¹ I plan to publish the thesis when I'm done studying, which will be in march. Until then I can't really publish it. ² julienxx is on mastodon: . -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] GSoC 2021 project ideas
Hello, many many really cool ideas. Most of them get a big heart icon, but I don't want to repeat your ideas. So consider this one large heart for all of them ♥️. My annotations are inline. 01.02.2021 08:16:58 (2) A Zoom/video conferencing application for Plan 9. Enough said. :) Afaik someone on grid wanted to try some voice chat stuff using mq, maybe. Could be helpful. (a) An Android "app" that presents an Android phone's telephone and SMS messaging facilities as a 9P filesystem. This would enable Plan 9 and Inferno applications to place/receive voice calls and send/receive text messages across a network. This could be done by extending bhgv's existing Android port of Inferno, or as a separtate, stand-alone server app. Also hellaphone might be interesting (maybe just for comparison). Afaik they removed the whole java stuff from android and replaced it with dis. They were able to do phone calls and I think they got rudimentary text messages working, too, but both directly on the phone using inferno. A native 9p interface for Android might also be a nice project. Android supports adding new protocols like ftp or smb to its native filesystem pool. I don't know the details. I also have some other project ideas like many, like a native Android gridchat client, but that's too specific, I think. I'll play around with these when I'm done studying. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Project idea (was: Plan 9 Applying to GSoC 2021)
Quoth Anthony Sorace : > 1. Project ideas. [...] Another Android project idea I was thinking about for some time: It is possible to add another password management tool to android, like lastpass and others. I thought it might be useful to have a secstore-compatible factotum-like native android app for android passwords. > 2. Students. If you are a qualifying student, please consider applying! Although I technically still am a student it's impossible for me. I'm writing my last thesis and then I'm done studying. > 3. Mentors. If you’ve been working with Plan 9 or related technologies > for a while, would be excited to help new folks get into it, and have > time for mentoring a student over the summer, please get in touch. Not this time :). I hope I can do it the next time. My studying is done in march, then I can try to help others. By the way, what organization officially applies? Is there some official 9fans organization or something? sirjofri . -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Public 9P Registry Services
27.01.2021 11:07:28 Nice, thanks! mount -A tcp!!registry /mnt/registry worked from inferno on the day you sent the announcement, but it does not seem to connect now. Is it supposed to work now? The registry should be online 24/7. It's possible that we sometimes need to reboot something, but this should rarely happen! sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Plan 9 troff paper size solution
Quoth John A. : > I've been trying to figure out how to create A4 documents with > Plan 9 troff. Looking at the source of dpost and the PostScript > output of GNU troff, I found a very easy solution. > > 1. Call dpost with -P to set the correct page size: > >dpost -P '<< /PageSize [ 595 842 ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice' > > 2. Use .pl to set the page length: > > .pl 29.7c > > 3. Use .ll (.nr LL with ms) to set the line length: > > .nr LL 15.92c \" assuming PO = 1i (At least on 9front) you can just use ps2pdf ghostscript arguments instead of step 1. I use: troff -ms | lp -dstdout | ps2pdf '-sPAPERSIZE=a4' > $target which works fine. Adjusting pagelength and linelength is still needed as in steps 2 and 3. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] patches from 9front
In my opinion we need some uniform core to maintain some kind of interoperability between different distributions. Authentication and encryption should be one of this core components. And ori (and other 9front devs) should get a decision, or at least an answer that can result in a proper discussion, at least. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Whats the default font in Acme?
17.02.2021 20:06:00 And is there a version for high dpi displays? What acme version? There's 9legacy, 9front, plan9ports, inferno and acme-sac, at least. Depending on the system this might be different. On 9front (and maybe on 9legacy?) It's the font you specify with font=, which is vga by default. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Plan 9 in Summer of Code
Hey anths and community, That's good news. I am missing some project ideas that were mentioned on this mailing list in the original announcement thread (and children threads). I think there were some good ideas that could be added to the list, except they were sorted out for reasons. The p9f ideas page links to related projects, including 9atom and even acme-sac. Could you also add the 9front pages to it? The bounties page might not be well suited for GSoC, but might act as another source of inspiration. Btw I never really met any 9atom guy, only 9front people who played around with 9atom and wanted to port some 9atom stuff to 9front. Also some links on p9f GSoC related pages don't work. I wanted to know more about mentor expectations, that link failed with an error (also the admin expectations, which I clicked by accident with my huge fingers on my smartphone). Some other links are incredibly slow (to the older gsoc ideas on Anyways, good news that we were accepted. Hopefully this year will become some 9ish year. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] How to burn an ISO file in Plan9?
26.03.2021 21:08:04 I want to burn an .iso file in Plan9. How can I do so? I don't know about Plan9/9legacy, but on 9front the cd is displayed in the filesystem, e.g. /mnt/cd via cdfs. In there are data tracks and audio tracks, I think directories like d1..dn/ Also on writable disks wa and wd. Burning the iso is just copying it somewhere there and deleting the wd file afterwards. I don't know if cdfs exists on Plan9. Here's the man page: At least the man page exists for Plan9. Btw if you want to burn files you have to create an iso somewhere with the contents and burn that. Burning files directly would result in data tracks that most systems won't read because it's not 9660. Also see this page for an example: sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image
28.03.2021 00:14:51 Ethan Gardener : On Fri, Mar 26, 2021, at 4:27 PM, Wes Kussmaul wrote: On 3/26/21 12:18 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote: On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 09:20:44AM -0400, Wes Kussmaul wrote: The replacement of legacy BIOS with UEFI had two consequences: 1. Dual booting is not possible This is false. Dual-booting works just fine with UEFI; tools like efibootmgr make it trivial and I do it all the time. It's much nicer than having to work with grub. Then perhaps it wasn't just UEFI but something else in the system. I recall trying to disable Secure Boot with no effect. If I still had the laptop I would certainly try efibootmgr but as I said I sent it back. At any rate Lenovo had an incentive to make it work (preventing a return/refund) and told me it couldn't be done. There are broken UEFI implementations just like there were broken BIOS implementations in the 90s. It's certainly not a complete list. Lenovo appears twice, although one of the problems is just a boot logo thing. At least they're not Acer. I remember back in the days when I bought my lenovo laptop in 2014 something. UEFI was still new to me, and it was my first UEFI product. I bombarded lenovo with questions about the UEFI and secure boot since I wanted to install linux on it. They responded with a proper answer and a link. The link led to an online/web bios interface simulation where you could click around the firmware settings. It was model specific, so I suppose the same exists for their other products. On the same page were instructions about replacing parts and more, it was a page for support people and lenovo partners. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Foundation new releases question
01.04.2021 18:31:38 leimy2k via 9fans <>: What's the recommended way to participate in the foundation's community for new releases? I've been very interested in trying out the various Plan 9 forks these days, and I see that the foundation page actively links to 9legacy. Is that the official fork of the foundation going forward? There's been a bit of drift between the forks, down to the fields of the Srv struct which might make it trickier to port some of the good work being done between forks. Sorry if this has been covered in some other way! Looking forward to how everything plays out and thanks to everyone who's been keeping Plan 9 rolling over the years. I know only 4 currently active Plan 9 systems. (1) The official 4e release, which is ... well it works, I guess. (2) 9legacy, which is 4e plus patches (fixes and modern stuff). (3) the RPi forks. (4) 9front, which might be the biggest and the farthest away from 4e, but maybe also the system which supports most hardware, maybe. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] troff refer and bib
08.04.2021 12:57:15 Maurizio Boriani : is there somewhere in plan9 code base (9front, plan9port etc...) the source code of refer and/or bib? I found many references to 'em but didn't found the code or programs. I got mine from contrib: (EXTRA section, by charles forsyth) sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] troff refer and bib
09.04.2021 16:39:53 Charles Forsyth : I still use it. I think it differs in many ways from the original version (the Caldera licence was to allow the 7th Edition code to be used in 2002). Nice to read from you! I personally found the code hard to read, but I feel it's just normal for the complexity of the task. Managing references is harder than it may sound, I'm sure. I used your refer version for my two last theses in university, I just wished it had a native solution for double references. I needed the reference as footnotes in the text, as well as at the very end of the thesis under a bibliography/literature section. Refer can do both, but not simultaneously. I built a rc script around this which calls refer twice and merges the results, which is a very hacky solution... but it worked. I like how refer embeds nicely into Plan 9 (with calls like refer/refer). (This reminds me, I should finish my wwb port, but that's offtopic.) Thanks for porting refer. Again, I wish we had some easier way to manage contrib packages, e.g. by having repositories and just clone and mk them. I never know which package is still supported and supposed to work and which ones are legacy and don't work. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] troff refer and bib
09.04.2021 18:25:32 David du Colombier <>: may be offtopic but now I'm just curious :-) what's wwb ? Writer's Workbench. Writer's Workbench (Works on 9, but I need to make it better for different platforms and some tools need adjustments. Send patches.) sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] troff refer and bib
09.04.2021 21:51:50 Charles Forsyth : I personally found the code hard to read, The original looked like this: Yeah, I've seen the original wwb Unix V10 code. Looks very similar... But still I'm surprised I got it to compile without many adjustments. Most changes were pure syntax changes. If someone's interested, you can compare my source with the v10 code at tuhs. I didn't touch anything I didn't need to. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Writer's Workbench (was: troff refer and bib)
09.04.2021 23:45:47 Xiao-Yong Jin : On Apr 9, 2021, at 12:57 PM, sirjofri wrote: Writer's Workbench (Works on 9, but I need to make it better for different platforms and some tools need adjustments. Send patches.) What exactly is the license? Even just reading code of unclear license could get many people in trouble. TL;DR: "non-commercial copying, distribution, performance, display or creation of derivative works" is allowed. Sadly the license is not open-source! That's why I added the note and didn't change much, especially not the license notes. I also didn't add license information on purpose, so people like you will have to ask and search for more info. See this document for more info about why I felt free to port it: "will not assert its copyright rights with respect to any non-commercial copying, distribution, performance, display or creation of derivative works" If I understand that correctly I should be fine and the distribution of the port is legal under the mentioned terms, but of course I cannot simply change the license. It is _not_ my code nor my software, I just made it work on 9 and added some rc files. My additions can be considered as open source, but I'm not sure if I can just state that in the repo. I should add some notes about the original source and the statement, I think. I hope this helps. I don't think I can help more than that, and Ianal. If you need help with the software you can ask, of course. When testing, I should mention it works on 9front. I didn't test it on any other fork, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. sirjofri Btw I'd love to release it under an open source license, if I can. These tools are old, but still helpful and can be used in comparison with modern tools, maybe even in combination and for developing better tools in the future. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
AW: [9fans] p9f mention of 9front
Hello all, Klong mail incoming. I hope my English is ok and I don't tread on other's toes.) from my perspective it looks like this: There are multiple Plan 9 forks kor distributions). They all are philosophically and technically different, but they still share patches (even if many people don't know). This is fine. It would be great to have some kind of compatibility. i'm not necessarily talking about binary/ABI compatibility, but network compatibility, shell scripting and usability. People are actively working on it. I personally have no reason to run 9legacy in my network since 9front has everything I need, but other people do. The community is split into multiple different areas. Some areas are open to communicate with others, some actively work together and some are very "unique": you don't really hear from them in most channels, besides some email here and there, but that's it. I can name #cat-v, #plan9, ##9fans (bridged to discord) and the 9fans and 9front mailing lists. P9f is some very special case: They have the rights to the original codebase, they stare noble goals, but they seem to actively hide the fact that 9front exists. Hardcore 9front people don't really care about that, but the community (and I) do. I consider it really sad that 9front seems so cut away from the Plan 9 history just because some people try to hide it. Many people asked about mentioning 9front on the p9f page. When p9f started they told us that they focus on more important stuff first (which I can totally understand). Some activities (also mentioned at make me think that they just don't want 9front to exist. They state they want to push all stuff in the plan 9 family (9p, plan9 with forks, inferno), but they seem to actively promote 9legacy (which is fine, it's the most original continuation of plan9) and hide 9front (which is just sad). This is especially sad since 9front is probably the most modern and most active Plan 9 system currently existing. I just hope we all find a way to still respect each other and to grow as a community. Misunderstandings happen as well as lots of other human factors. My long 2 cents sirjofri Disclaimer: I actively used the original Plan 9 4e, Plan 9 on rpi, inferno, and I am an active 9front user. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Codebase navigation and using tags files in acme
Hello Ben, 17.08.2021 22:22:09 Ben Hancock : I've just recently started using the acme editor and am really enjoying it, and trying to get the hang of the "acme way" of doing things. One bit of functionality that I'm familiar with from other editors is the ability to easily look up a function or symbol definition within a codebase. In Emacs and vi, this is done by generating tags files (etags or ctags), which those editors can parse and allow you to easily jump to a definition of the symbol under the point/cursor. The original developers of Plan 9 software were people who made simple things even simpler so they can understand them. Imagine your codebase is so small that you can know many symbols and have other symbols open or at least know where to look. Using g(rep) in the parent directory of your project and your brain should be enough. If it isn't your project might be too complex/large. (That's different when reading other code or revisiting code after a long time, but then you are supposed to read it again so you can understand it anyway.) What's the preferred method or workflow for achieving this in acme? I have tried passing a selected symbol to 'g -n' in the window's tag, using the Mouse-2 + Mouse-1 chord. That gets me part of the way there but isn't effective if the file where the symbol is defined happens to be in another directory. I feel like I'm missing something. I doubt you are missing something. People used to use text editor since there were no IDEs, and keep in mind that the core of unix was written with ed, maybe even on teletypes. It's like writing code on paper, and it works. My advise is, read and produce good clean code. If you need syntax highlighting and fancy IDE stuff your codebase is probably too large. With more training you can work with larger codebases, but still they to keep it simple and small. If you really need to work with extremely complex codebases you likely won't find success using plan9 at all. Many plan9 tools are one C file only. In acme you can jump between selected text by right clicking it, which works very well in these cases. Right clicking included files opens them and you can search there. These are basically the tools you have. I'm personally very happy reading man pages and searching the plan 9 source with g(rep) and plumbing the results. I hope this helps. Oh, and you can always write your own tools and call them using middle-click in acme. You could write an rc-script that cd..s to your project home directory (if it's a git repo, the one containing .git) and invokes g, for example. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Software philosophy
Hello dear community, I've read through many things in this thread and just want to add some two cents in a list format: 1) p9f (to my knowledge) never said anything about The One Plan 9. This was afaik the idea of some other community member, and I never heard any statement by p9f about that. 2) In fact, p9f is pretty silent, not only these days. This could be a good sign, as they let community be what they are, only occasionally taking part in it. 3) the p9f website promotes links to the Plan 9 archive software (V1-V4), 9legacy as "Plan 9 with many useful patches", the RPi version and other Plan 9 resources. 9front is _never_ mentioned at all. It seems like they don't consider 9front as a Plan 9 system at all. I don't know why, it's possible they just don't want it to exist or they don't know how to see it. It just hurts me personally as a community person who uses 9front and not the original Plan 9. And it's confusing. Am I even a Plan 9 user? The core OS principles are the same and most "shell" concepts also. 4) The split between original Plan9/9legacy and the 9front fork is reflected in a split between communities. David and the 9front core devs already showed that they are generally willing to share and accept patches and I never noticed any bad tone in their discussion, however the community is split up. And I don't think that we are so big that we _had_ to split up, there are other reasons, maybe historical reasons I don't know as a "fresh" community member with only ~5 years. 5) I really wished p9f would tell us more about their plans. It really seems like it's what we (9gridchan chat) feared in the beginning: a secret society. p9f is very silent, currently only seems to manage GSoC and nothing more. They told us they needed time to organize GSoC and themselves, but that was in january/february! It's fine if they want to be silent, but it would be nice to see what we can expect from them. Currently it seems like they just want to share links to 9legacy and the archive and organize GSoC and hide the fact that 9front exists. 6) p9f had a page about their purpose. It was like, they want to promote all Plan 9 systems and related technologies: 9atom, 9legacy, ... missing the (apparently) most obvious one: 9front. I couldn't find the page anymore. Other dubious sources can be found on the 9front /who/ site about p9f, where they apparently stole resources from 9front/cat-v pages. Very suspicious somehow. 7) To clarify: I don't want to see p9f as bad. I want to see them as a nice organization which is open for community efforts that need some official site. I want to see other community members/devs there, maybe one 9front contributor. I want to see them mentioning 9front like they mention other Plan 9 projects. I want to see p9f members open their mouths sometimes (which does happen) and take part in the community. These are my wishes and notes, everything from my perspective. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Software philosophy
19.08.2021 11:29:29 hiro <>: anymore. Other dubious sources can be found on the 9front /who/ site about p9f, where they apparently stole resources from 9front/cat-v pages. Very suspicious somehow. that's because they lost the bell-labs server. else they could have "stolen" it from their own machines. we mirrored all the documents in fear that the data on that web server would get lost some day, and it seems we were right. I want to excuse myself here for the word "stole". I should have written it differently or at least put it in quotes. The mentioned resources were original Plan 9 resources afaik (or even obviously). I'm glad cat-v/9front was able to keep them stored for future generations. It's just not a good light having documents on a website with the title of cat-v/9front origin while not mentioning that part of the community at all. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Software philosophy
19.08.2021 11:51:48 hiro <>: Thank you for raising them. As I said up front, I am not a P9F member of any kind. But I know that its intentions are far less nefarious than of those who wittingly ascribe nefarious intentions to them. Can you prove that? what makes you competent to know without being a p9f member? Again, 9front has an "inside", get it to address with P9F their and your reservations. If they don't respond, then you and other 9fronters can bring evidence of ill intentions to this forum. Sadly that's not how it works. Until they specifically admit it, they have every right to claim they just had no time to act on behalf of unimportant pet projects. Of course over a longer time, such a claim becomes less and less believable... If their website source was available online I would happily send them a patch. ... and that says me, who always needs to figure put how to create and apply patches. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Software philosophy
19.08.2021 12:56:02 Quoth Lucio De Re : What seems to be harped upon by the vocal defenders of 9front, however, is this fictional idea that there is another community, let's call them "9legacy", that is attempting to subvert 9front's efforts to gain some kind of recognition in the bigger picture. The core 9front contributors and most everyone else who commented on this situation in 9front's super secret inner circles simply find it socially awkward that 9front isn't mentioned. Some may read more of the signal. Otherwise 9front folks couldn't care less about being recognized by a website. Nothing would change or improve if that happened. The only ones who objectively suffer in the current situation is newcomers who aren't properly informed by a website on the options they have if they want to run a "Plan 9". Basically this. P9f just doesn't mention 9front, and that should change imo, to better reflect the whole Plan 9 ecosystem. The same way p9p should be mentioned (or is it?) I personally don't see an issue with 9front and 9legacy continuing to be their own things. Different people have different ideas for what they want to make out of their Plan 9 and sometimes their ideas are simply incompatible. I'd like to see people communicate and exchange ideas and/or code more effectively but this will always remain in the hands of individuals who decide how to socialise and what to work on. 100% my opinion. Don't make a canonical 1P9, just let people explore their ideas. Like, even 9gridchan had it's own "fork", if you want to call it like that. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
22.08.2021 05:16:42 Eli Cohen : deep learning is another interest of mine too. hardware support is a big deal for that... some kind of support for GPUs would be nice. people have discussed that for years... hardware drivers are difficult and important to do correctly! I always really liked the "XCPU" and drawterm type ideas of using other OSes for their existing strengths along with Plan 9. maybe drawterm could have a GPU device driver or something... that being said I have sometimes found it ends up surprisingly easier doing it all on Plan 9... That's also something I thought about a few times already: drawterm with GPU support. The only issue I see is, for realtime applications like games the draw times would be network bound and thus pretty slow. It would work for heavy GPU applications where almost no draw calls will exist (no textures, very low poly meshes, ...), but for heavier stuff we'd need to address that. That's the benefit of a native driver: you could calculate the server side (heavy CPU calculations) on a cpu server, the client/frontend side (including draw calls) on a terminal and the pure graphics on the GPU. I'd still give the drawterm GPU a shot. Maybe I can set drawterm up for compilation on my work PC (two GTX 1080Ti) and try figuring out how to do all that stuff. However, I've never done graphics applications on windows or somewhere else that uses OpenGL or DirectX (I'd try OpenGL because portability), only written shaders so far. I'll surely need some time (which is always rare as a game developer). Btw I don't know the exact specifications for GPU usage for neural networks. I assume it's all compute shaders? Maybe it's even a kinda blackbox, put stuff in (draw call), read things out. I assume this can work perfectly fine for draw times, depending on the data. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
I should mention I thought about the layout of a GPUfs some time ago. I just lack lots of knowledge about this, the gist was to write shader (code or compiled?) into some files, also write image data and mesh data to other files, abd reading results from other files. But as I said, I lack lots of knowledge about how GPUs work and never wrote any OpenGL code myself, only shader code. It always seemed like it's hundreds of hundreds of lines of code to draw a triangle (which is the basic hello world program). sirjofri 22.08.2021 12:04:41 Frank D. Engel, Jr. : While not necessarily unwelcome as a possibility, I don't think GPU-based drawing/gaming is as relevant to this discussion (or as important of a goal for Plan 9 / 9front) as is GPU compute (GPGPU). The ability to leverage GPU resources across CPU servers for computation purposes would be of great benefit to the platform, and working out a driver interface by starting the process remotely via drawterm seems like a sensible step in that direction. On 8/22/21 3:07 AM, sirjofri wrote: 22.08.2021 05:16:42 Eli Cohen : deep learning is another interest of mine too. hardware support is a big deal for that... some kind of support for GPUs would be nice. people have discussed that for years... hardware drivers are difficult and important to do correctly! I always really liked the "XCPU" and drawterm type ideas of using other OSes for their existing strengths along with Plan 9. maybe drawterm could have a GPU device driver or something... that being said I have sometimes found it ends up surprisingly easier doing it all on Plan 9... That's also something I thought about a few times already: drawterm with GPU support. The only issue I see is, for realtime applications like games the draw times would be network bound and thus pretty slow. It would work for heavy GPU applications where almost no draw calls will exist (no textures, very low poly meshes, ...), but for heavier stuff we'd need to address that. That's the benefit of a native driver: you could calculate the server side (heavy CPU calculations) on a cpu server, the client/frontend side (including draw calls) on a terminal and the pure graphics on the GPU. I'd still give the drawterm GPU a shot. Maybe I can set drawterm up for compilation on my work PC (two GTX 1080Ti) and try figuring out how to do all that stuff. However, I've never done graphics applications on windows or somewhere else that uses OpenGL or DirectX (I'd try OpenGL because portability), only written shaders so far. I'll surely need some time (which is always rare as a game developer). Btw I don't know the exact specifications for GPU usage for neural networks. I assume it's all compute shaders? Maybe it's even a kinda blackbox, put stuff in (draw call), read things out. I assume this can work perfectly fine for draw times, depending on the data. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
22.08.2021 14:10:20 Stuart Morrow : Also: people have discussed that for years They have? I mean I might have seen occasionally someone vaguely going "some sort of GPU support would be cool to have". That isn't discussion. I've even heard of someone actually making GPU stuff work on plan 9. I've only heard from their partner, who made a cute glenda thing on a piece of cloth. I chatted with her a little and told her she should encourage her partner for some discussion about this in our channels. It looked like it's some academic work, but I don't know any details about it. Worst case, someone already has a proper and good GPU implementation for Plan 9 and nobody knows about it. sirjofri Btw if the said person reads this: it would be nice to learn some details. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
The benefit of a drawterm GPU implementation is that you can basically use the whole driver pipeline of the underlying host OS. Eg for the windows version you can just write the software that uses the GPU driver. All programming effort will just be writing a graphics implementation and a proper 9p interface. Basically just a driver bridge between 9p and OpenGL for example. sirjofri 22.08.2021 15:44:45 Paul Lalonde : I'd love to see GPU support for Plan9. This discussion falls right into my professional capacity. I'll say that people generally *grossly* underestimate the complexity of a modern GPU and of its supporting software stack. The GPU driver is effectively a second operating system with shared memory and DMA interfaces to the host. Even bringing up a modern GPU for just compute tasks is a very large endeavour. That being said, if you want real hardware support, the best place to start is currently AMD's open-source stack. Ignoring the Vulkan bit, understanding their platform abstraction layer (PAL) and shader ISA ( is the base. The lower hardware levels are reasonably well-described in linux's libdrm and its AMD support in amdgpu. Opinions on how to bring this to Plan9? I don't really have any - it's a huge pile of work with minimal benefit. If you're looking for lightweight graphics, WebGL is a doable path, and almost certainly the right way to experiment with Plan9-like interfaces to graphics hardware. Paul On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 5:30 AM sirjofri wrote: 22.08.2021 14:10:20 Stuart Morrow : Also: people have discussed that for years They have? I mean I might have seen occasionally someone vaguely going "some sort of GPU support would be cool to have". That isn't discussion. I've even heard of someone actually making GPU stuff work on plan 9. I've only heard from their partner, who made a cute glenda thing on a piece of cloth. I chatted with her a little and told her she should encourage her partner for some discussion about this in our channels. It looked like it's some academic work, but I don't know any details about it. Worst case, someone already has a proper and good GPU implementation for Plan 9 and nobody knows about it. sirjofri Btw if the said person reads this: it would be nice to learn some details. *9fans[]* / 9fans / see discussions[] + participants[] + delivery options[] Permalink[] -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
22.08.2021 18:41:06 Quoth Paul Lalonde : Opinions on how to bring this to Plan9? I don't really have any - it's a huge pile of work with minimal benefit. If you're looking for lightweight graphics, WebGL is a doable path, and almost certainly the right way to experiment with Plan9-like interfaces to graphics hardware. It seems like the interesting part of GPUs is the general purpose computation. Writing an interface for pure computation seems like the way to go. Hardware rendering is a restricted case of software rendering; it seems like it would be better to write code that could do software rendering, and run it on the general purpose compute engine of the GPU. The same goes for basically everything else you may want to do with a GPU. Basically do software rendering on the GPU? Well, it's totally possible. Even Nanite (the new system in Unreal Engine 5) has its own rasterizer and I believe even its own base pass. Also Lumen does software rendering for global illumination. But for serious 3d AAA stuff we'd have to consider: Lumen is for next-gen GPUs and Nanite for newer GPUs. We'll never reach their quality in realtime if we don't use the GPU features (built-in rasterizer, ...) to have enough free power for crazy software calculation. On the other hand, getting _any_ GPU computation running on Plan 9 would be great, even if it's just compatible pure-CPU implementation (aka gpufs without a GPU). Spitballing a while ago on the grid, I came up with something that looked a bit like a batch job interface, with a heirarchy that looks something like this: /dev/compute new $func/new $func/$job/data $func/$job/result I like that /dev/compute approach, but may I suggest putting it below another directory /dev/gpu/compute so we have the ability to add /dev/gpu/{vertex,geometry,fragment,tessellation,pixel} later? I haven't looked at your sample script in more detail, but on the first glance it seems solid. Prototyping something like this as a 9p server on unix would be interesting. So would providing this kind of cpu interface in software. This is also a great idea, instead of tweaking drawterm. I don't have a linux machine with a GPU (I'm full 9front and only windows for work), but I guess if this prototype uses OpenGL (or alt) it could also work with software GPU emulation. I'd really like to try something like that, but writing filesystems is (still, sadly) new to me and I also don't have much time, being a full-time game developer. If someone else wants to try it please make development open source so we can provide patches, and I'm also happy to at least test things. Hooking this up to devdraw would probably be interesting for doing "hardware" rendering, though latency may be an issue if it's not implemetned as a local '#' device. I'm not sure about the latency (I would just try it once it's done), but can't we use the hwdraw stub function for interfacing with this? I also doubt we'll draw many complex shaders for /dev/draw. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
22.08.2021 20:25:12 Quoth sirjofri : 22.08.2021 18:41:06 Basically do software rendering on the GPU? Yes. Or software neural net evaluation on the GPU. Or software video decoding on the GPU. Or software image transforms on the GPU. Or software signal processing on the GPU. If there's an interface to be selected, it needs to be tractable to implement, *and* general purpose enough for everything that wants to use it. Well, it's totally possible. Even Nanite (the new system in Unreal Engine 5) has its own rasterizer and I believe even its own base pass. Also Lumen does software rendering for global illumination. But for serious 3d AAA stuff we'd have to consider: Lumen is for next-gen GPUs and Nanite for newer GPUs. We'll never reach their quality in realtime if we don't use the GPU features (built-in rasterizer, ...) to have enough free power for crazy software calculation. By the time any code is written, next-gen GPUs will be previous-gen GPUs. General compute is what any hardware you buy a few years from now will be doing -- and it's far more intersting in terms of what capabilities it allows. I like that /dev/compute approach, but may I suggest putting it below another directory /dev/gpu/compute so we have the ability to add /dev/gpu/{vertex,geometry,fragment,tessellation,pixel} later? I think supporting those is a cost we should not pay. It's fundamentally solving a less general problem, and adds a lot of complexity for the potential of a small performance boost. We already have zero people sinking time into the slim interface; sinking time into a fatter interface seems like a bad idea. Gotcha. Maybe I'll find some time to implement some kind of gpufs or /dev/gpu (if it's general purpose I'd suggest renaming compute to gpu since "compute" could be anything. The computer does compute, wow.). sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
Good morning, GPUs are SIMD processors. The hundreds of cores are great for highly parallel calculation. In GLSL/HLSL I can write a program which is calculated for a very small set of pixels (usually 2x2 or 1x1). So if you have a resolution of 10x10 the program is basically run 5x5=25 or 10x10=100 times in parallel. Boost the resolution to more real values like 1080p you see how the many cores benefit the whole calculation. This high parallelization can only really happen because most stuff is independent. For example, when raytracing each ray is (almost) independent of other rays. Still, the 2x2 matrix is often calculated dependently because for texturing (and mip mapping) you need the "distance" between two pixels in a fragment shader. This is why (for texturing) you may end up having slower programs and some waiting time between some threads, because sometimes you need the value of the neighbor thread and have to wait until it's calculated. Well, these are very language-specific details that are important for graphics, but apply similarly to other use cases. I can imagine that for neural networks you can just write the code for one node nad execute it 500 times for 500 nodes in parallel. Imagine having this beast on the CPU with just 4 cores... I hope this helps you understand how GPU cores ("shaders") work. Vulkan would indeed be interesting. Since we are only interested in the compute part it might even make our programs really small, the "hello world" part of drawing triangles would be the "client" side (writing a rasterizer, raymarcher, tracer, whatever). It could still be a lot lines of code, but maybe we still benefit from the 10% speedup. I still have to understand how all this "shader compilation" stuff works. In webgl it's like, "here's my code, make a shader from it, then I tell you it's a fragment shader". Shader compilation happens automatically. In UE shader compilation takes a long time, and I believe also in blender shaders are stored in a precompiled binaries. sirjofri 23.08.2021 06:13:53 Bakul Shah : Don't high end GPUs have thousands of "cores"? Even high end CPUs don't have more than a few dozen cores to 128 or so. While each kind's cores are very different, seems to me GPU/CPU paths have diverged for good. Or we need some massive shift in programming languages + compilers. I lack imagination how. Still, the thought of the CPUs gaining the complexity of the graphics engine scares me! -- Bakul On Aug 22, 2021, at 12:09 PM, Paul Lalonde wrote: I'm pretty sure we're still re-inventing, though it's the CPU's turn to gain some of the complexity of the graphics engine. Paul On Sun, Aug 22, 2021, 12:05 PM Bakul Shah wrote: Thanks. Looks like Sutherland's "Wheel of Reincarnation[]"; has not only stopped but exploded :-) Or stopped being applicable. -- Bakul On Aug 22, 2021, at 9:23 AM, Paul Lalonde wrote: It got complicated because there's no stable interface or ISA. The hardware evolved from fixed-function to programmable in a commercial environment where the only meaningful measure was raw performance per dollar at many price points. Every year the hardware spins and becomes more performant, usually faster than Moore's law. With 3D APIs hiding the hardware details there is no pressure to make the hardware interface uniform, pretty, or neat. And with the need for performance there are dozens of fixed function units that effectively need their own sub-drivers while coordinating at high performance with the other units. The system diagrams for GPUs look complex, but they are radical simplifications of what's really on the inside. Intel really pioneered the open driver stacks, but performance generally wasn't there. That might be changing now, but I don't know if their recently announced discrete product line will be driver-compatible. Paul On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 8:48 AM Bakul Shah wrote: The FreeBSD amdgpu.ko is over 3Mbytes of compiled code. Not counting the "firmware" that gets loaded on the GPU board. drm/amd/amdgpu has 200K+ lines of source code. drm/amd over 2M lines of code. Intel's i915 seems to be about 1/10th the amd size. AIUI, this is linux GPU driver code, more or less unchanged (FreeBSD has shim code to use it). How did the interface to an SIMD processor get so complicated? … -- Bakul *9fans[]* / 9fans / see discussions[] + participants[] + delivery options[] Permalink[
Re: [9fans] Drawterm GPU (was: Software philosophy)
01.09.2021 02:29:42 By the way, I made your drawterm-android on my ubuntu-20.04.2 machine. My android is version 11, and made by Sony (SO-41B). I now have drawterm.apk file on my home directory, like src/drawterm-android/drawterm.apk (size=777151). How I can install this to my android? I'm a novise user of android... You have to copy the apk file to your android system and install there. If you haven't already stuff like f-droid installed you'll have to enable unknown sources in android. This guide can help: (Note, there are different solutions for different versions, and you can install apps using the adb, the usb android debugger, but I don't assume you want to use it.) If you need other guides look for "install apk android (version)" or similar. Btw there's a small known bug: when opening a connection the first time the app crashes silently. Opening it a second time it works without issues. And there's the mouse offset bug. In my version it's almost the same offset across the whole screen (y-axis), in the original the offset is different. Good luck sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] Epublish, publish books as pdf and epub
Hello all, In the last days I built a collection of scripts to generate epub-compatible files as well as troff-ms files from the same text source, all on Plan 9. The text source files are very similar to markdown syntax, but you can define blocks of text that only work with one of the two output formats. For using the scripts you only need awk and mk, as well as zip for epub and troff -ms for ... troff (plus other tools to convert it to pdf etc). Here is the package: There's a sample "book" inside that package, I plan to extend this example to describe all formatting features, e.g. writing bold and italic. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] GSoC 2021 project ideas
9front on pinephone is actually a project I'm interested in. I checked out some details: The pinephone boot loader can boot from ext4 partition, so it seems possible. We'd have to use some ext4 filesystem (eg the one made by sigrid) and add it to the boot filesystem. With a bit of luck (and proper arm compatibility) we can then get a 9front pinephone booting, maybe even with some screen. I expect many things to not work (networking, touchscreen, WAN and lots of other phone hardware stuff), but if we get the base system running and some networking we already have something usable. The most complex task is designing a proper plan 9-worthy touchscreen interface and developing apps for that. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] GSoC 2021 project ideas
Re ext2: Afaik sigrids ext stuff also supports ext4, and only ext4 (and a non-ext format) is mentioned on the supported filesystems list on the pinephone wiki. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] New to plan9
15.10.2021 15:05:25 Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir : A few useful links to get started: To add more infos for community stuff and more: (Of course, read as much as possible, the man pages, wiki, fqa, articles, papers, My notes here are just for you to get a small overview of the community.) In general, you'll notice that the bubble is quite small. You'll see the same people hanging around and actually meet with people rather than writing as an anonymous person to other anonymous persons. I was active for less than a month and people started recognizing me. Here are places people hang out and discuss stuff: Mailing lists. There are few of them. The 9fans mailing list (here), I won't say anything about it (you are already here). There's also the 9front mailing list for 9front-specific topics (9front is a fork); as well as the inferno mailing list. For chatting there are multiple channels: The 9fans discord server [1] if you prefer modern apps. We have a voice chat and some channels, as well as a bot. Some of the channels are bridged to a matrix channel and (through that) to the ##9fans irc on oftc. The ##9fans oftc (actually multiple channels) channels. The #cat-v channel on oftc is often used for 9front discussion (and cat-v discussion). (which is also the web page) has its own chat system known as gridchat (short: grid). It's a 9p filesystem you can import into your system and read-write the files there. There are some very special people there who don't usually hang out in the other community channels. In general you'll meet many people in multiple channels depending on their preference. You can ask your questions everywhere and hopefully they'll be answered. Welcome to the community! sirjofri --- [1] -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] Sorry, I'm late (Christmas, New Year)
Hello dear community, some time ago I started writing some kinda christmas mail to the community. Not some "special christmas edition", more like an annual reminder, invitation for looking back, and (of course) as a wish to all members to have good days with their families and friends. However, this year is different. My mail server didn't have enough storage to even receive mails and I didn't have much time to fix it - until now. I now switched from a WORM+cache to a fsmain CWFS setup, so it's fine for another few years of saving files. I'll certainly miss my dump sometimes, but that's just how it is, maybe I'll try some venti some day. Anyways, back to topic: Usually, I'd start the mail with christmas greetings to all who celebrate, as well as to all who don't celebrate. I'd wish you all a nice end of the year, and hope for a good start of the next year 2022. However, I'm late, so I can just hope that you all celebrated well and had a good start into the new year. I'd like to look back at the last year, maybe mention (and smile) at certain events we encountered. I also invite all of you to share more stories and your personal highlights. On-topic or off-topic, I think it doesn't matter and you know very well when you spam the list with irrelevant stuff. THE YEAR 2021 Last year started with a hassle. There was a small internet storm about a certain jpg file and people began to hate 9front for something that it never was. As bad as it seemed, it feels like today nothing of that is left and everything is back to normal.[1] However, it left its traces: mycroftiv officially "ended" the live part of the 9gridchan project. Many of its services are read-only today and the gridchat is offline. Some services are still live and people continue to use them, some users are asking for ANTS patches every now and then. Good bye 9gridchan, Hello! Because of these events, we wanted to continue something of the spirit of 9gridchan. Therefore some individuals and 9gridchan users started, which wants to be some public registry with services like chat and maybe more. I tried adding some (experimental) public auth server with an additional 9front network for people to join. continues to live on and people are joining the chat and hanging out together. These were roughly the events of January, but from my perspective that's almost everything that happened. Well, almost. Let's not forget the official announcement of the Plan 9 foundation. Many people didn't know what exactly will happen, and to be honest, I'm still not sure about that, but they're here and organized the GSoC, which is a good thing, isn't it? Also they got the rights for the original Plan 9 sources and built a small museum about it. Welcome Plan 9 foundation. For me, large parts of the following months were shaped by not having much time for community and Plan 9 in general. "My memory of 2021 is fading" and I can only roughly summarize SOME events. Feel free to add more larger milestones I'm missing. In July, 9front released a new version "Community vs Infrastructure". Normally I wouldn't mention 9front releases, but this one changed the whole source control to git. Ori's git was good enough to be integrated and after a few sysupdates, all future sysupdates don't need python/hg anymore! I believe this is a huge step forward and it makes many things easier. Throughout the year we welcomed many new users and community members. Although I was missing many opportunities to actually meet all of you I noticed many new nick names and it's great to see the community grow. And that's basically everything I can remember right now. I personally ended the year reading through the A64 manual as well as figuring out how the Pinephone works and the 9front source code is organized, fighting blindly with u-boot; as well as fixing my mail server in the last few days[2]. I hope to be able to hang out more with many of you and dedicate more time to helping new users and writing documentation. I also hope we can organize some European/German Plan 9 meetup this year when the pandemic is (hopefully) over. Stay healthy and may God bless you! As mentioned before I encourage you to share your personal highlights, especially Plan 9 related ones. sirjofri --- 1. If you don't know what I'm talking about: Don't care too much. I don't think it's worth it. 2. Yes, I'm trying to port 9front to the Pinephone. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Who is in the Plan 9 foundation? Where can I follow them?
20.01.2022 15:01:15 sho.danilo via 9fans <>: Hi, I'm new to Plan 9. I learnt about it when I found out the P9F was founded, here there is "Preparing for a new release, including patches[]"; since like first half of last year, but then nothing, and I see nothing about who is in the foundation. So, where can I find informations about them? I see "changes" points to 9legacy, but I also read in this mailing list that the GSoC work was done on 9front, so on which release is the foundation working on? 9legacy or 9front? First, welcome :) I'm in this community for a few years and I can tell you, I don't know. It's what I was asking a year ago and more info than what's on their site is not really public. They state they "promote" all Plan 9 related stuff (explicitly not mentioning 9front), and they prepare a release (where, what). Otherwise they only link to 9legacy and legacy 9 stuff. 9front has nothing to do with plan9foundation at all, they're completely independent. If you want to find out more about it, devs are quite open and you can say hello in #cat-v at or the 9front mailing list. I don't know about GSoC projects. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] acme and sam - mouse suggestions?
Hello all, I just quickly want to share my experience, although I haven't used any real three buttons mouse in the last ten years. For my laptop system I really love the (older) IBM/lenovo trackpoint. It has three physical buttons below the keyboard and I can reach them easily with my thumbs. I'm sure many of you know this experience. It's a different story on newer lenovo laptops (the ones with the modern keyboard) where the point feels sluggish and tends to drift, which is extremely annoying. Also it's deeper and it doesn't feel like you control the joystick. For my desktop environment I prefer the cheapest usable wired vertical mouse with scrollwheel (20 Euros)[1]. It's almost one of the first search results on amazon and it looks like many brands just use the exact same model from the same (chinese?) manufacturer, although there are slight differences in quality and feel. I can click on the scrollwheel to create a MB2 event, which is fine for me. I have to say I have used blender for years and am using Unreal Engine as a job, so I'm used to using the scrollwheel. The cheap vertical mice usually have two additional buttons at the thumb side in the upper part of the devices. They are mapped to forward/backward, but they're irrelevant for any 9 experience. I also have another wireless vertical mouse where these buttons are in the bottom part. In my experience it's better to have them in the upper part since you grab the mouse for dragging them around while repositioning. However, it's just weird holding the mouse in the air while pressing one of the buttons in the lower part. It's like pushing a button downwards while keeping the device up, against gravity. However, that's just my personal opinion. I barely use the device as I'm mostly in an office-like situation and for mobile the trackpoint has more benefits. sirjofri [1] if you try to get one of these make sure to not get the very cheapest. When I was looking the first I bought was 15 euros and it broke after half a year or so, the next one I got for 20 euros was fine and it's still in use after years. The material is not the best and feels cheap but I guess that's what you get for this price. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] suggestion : new service targets for plan9
Hey, that was my idea! 😉 Well, to be precise, I also had the idea of having a filesystem hierarchy for window contents. /mnt/window/mywindow/vbox/hbox/button/label/ and inside that: text, padding, margin, ... Whatever you like. It would be easy to write UIs using shell scripts, and to be fair, many user applications can just be a shell script that hauls data between UI and specialized filesystems for their task. I suggest you look at the rcgui test I did quite some time ago, I believe it's available at It's sadly not a filesystem, but does an app lifecycle approach and you can react to events like redraw and give simple text draw commands for button controls. I really would like to see the filesystem approach as that's what my goal is, but I was not so good at implementing filesystems (although I have many ideas) and I have very limited time due to ninephone project and especially work. Btw I was planning to have some kinda filesystem wrapper so you can easily write simple filesystems using rc, some kinda glorified 9pcon, but that's another topic. if you're interested in discussing touch UI ideas (or stuff that leads towards touch UI on 9) I set up a garden repository on shithub for this exact purpose. garden means, you only need a shithub account and have push access. The URL is . I wanted to add my ideas earlier, but I sadly didn't have enough time for that (I have ideas though, just need to write them down). sirjofri 28.01.2022 10:55:01 Frank D. Engel, Jr. : I was actually thinking of a somewhat different approach to providing a more modernized user interface. Consider that rio currently exports the required files for each window, which provide the same interface as the display driver underneath them. Now consider adding a new "control manager" file server which exports a filesystem to manage individual controls arranged inside a window (or at the root level if not running rio or other window manager). Create a directory inside the exported filesystem to add a new control. Inside the directory would automatically appear those same files that are exported by rio or by vga, but specific to the control. There would also be a file for controlling the scaling and placement of child controls of the control in some defined manner, allowing "layout managers" to be defined (such a file would also appear at the root). Add a new subdirectory within the directory of a control to create a child control. Individual types of controls can then be implemented as separate programs or libraries which would interact with those basic elements to provide the specific functionality of a control or layout manager - standard controls to be provided would be the typical buttons, checkboxes, text fields, etc., while layout managers would arrange their children in specific patterns, such as vertically stacked, horizontally stacked, grids, etc. This mechanism is an extensible way to cover the provision of "modern" controls within a window, even when still using rio, and is true to the "everything is a filesystem" nature of plan9. A second step would be to create an alternative to rio which would do the same job, but with title bars and the like. Some kind of file management / desktop environment application could then be built on top of these foundations. Users could mix and match the use of applications based on the control manager within the existing rio environment, and the existing command line / rio applications such as acme would work unmodified with the new window manager but have "modern" title bars and some sort of "minimize" and possibly "full screen" functionality, maybe with a dock of some kind. As far as I can tell this would require practically zero core changes to the system as it is built entirely on existing primitives already offered. On 1/27/22 9:03 PM, ibrahim via 9fans wrote: I developed a kiosk version of plan9 (based on 9front and legacy9) and am about to develop a single user desktop system. Those can coexist with the existing plan9 system. I named the new service targets kiosk and desktop. Both work without rio. Currently I used initdraw, initmouse, initkeyboard, loadimage, flushimage from devdraw to avoid breaking of compatibility with the existing plan9 systems while the whole rendering of the windows is framebuffer based. Instead of the usual plan9 fonts I used regular truetypefonts. So my suggestions would be : 1) Define new service targets kiosk and desktop (Currently I do this in init or /user/.../lib/profile. This makes it possible for a user to start an alternative window manager or even a single applicaton (kiosk service) with a modern look and feel. 2) Define a layer between vga and devdraw perhaps vgafb whi
Re: [9fans] licence question
29.01.2022 15:08:11 ibrahim via 9fans <>: The system part regarding Freebsd and X11 can be reduced by using plan9 dramatically. My own software has a few MB. In the plan9 distribution I will use a new image format based on horizontal scanlines using 256 colors. This has an acceptable quality is faster to render and the size of the image files will shrink to about 25%. I'm interested in that image format. Btw in my experience it's often very small to take an extremely simple image format that can compress well and store it in a compressed format, decompress on demand. This is btw what farbfeld is meant for: very simple format with good enough color depth, easily compressible to sizes smaller than png. It's literally just uint16 rgba per pixel in horizontal lines. I haven't really looked at plan 9 image format and how it compares, but I assume the result would be very similar. (Btw I should have uploaded some converters for farbfeld for 9 somewhere) Also, while thinking about it, I think the plan 9 images support different color palettes and stuff like that? In general, I agree with a kiosk solution that doesn't need public sources, however I encourage you to split your content and the software. Content can easily be on a common fileserver and mounted into /lib or wherever, while you can certainly benefit from other people being able to read your code and contribute improvements and fixes. They don't need all the content for that and sample files can be enough. Maybe try to compare your system with how /sys/doc is set up: it contains the important papers. Imagine on a linux system you'd have all papers about all systems! It would be huge and nobody would read it. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] licence question
29.01.2022 23:23:32 ibrahim via 9fans <>: Lets take a tv set as an example for a kiosk application thats not far away. What benefit does the user of a tv have if I put the sourcecode of the tv set into the mounted flash device ? Sure everybody could benefit from reading the way I programed embedded circuit but aren't there better ways to share this information ? Maybe I misunderstood something about licensing stuff but, can't you just distribute the working build product (binaries etc, without source) to the TV set (or kiosk) and keep the source in a completely separate open space, under some open source license? I mean, does open source (gpl, mit) mean, you have to distribute the source in the same device? At least that would have issues with any linux distribution I know, where you usually just download prebuilt binaries and have to download the source separately. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Create HTML pages
I have multiple ways for different reasons: My website is generated using static fragments and page fragments. The blog however is a troff source that's converted to a static page fragment. This way I can output a nice pdf too. I made which uses a markdown-like format for text sources and outputs an ebook as pdf (via troff) and epub (custom converter). You can look at the sources, they use awk to convert the texts. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] licence question
04.02.2022 17:29:55 ibrahim via 9fans <>: On Friday, 4 February 2022, at 4:30 PM, Kent R. Spillner wrote: In your experience do students appreciate being told what's best for them? ;) My platform isn't one for teaching programing its for teaching other subjects like math, electronics, statics and so on. It's neither my goal nor the intention of such a project to teach the students how to realize such a project. The suggestion that I would include the code so that someone could learn from it is unrealistic. If one of those students get interested in the way I did the whole thing they find the links for the projects I used as a basement. Well, I personally would like to see how you made a kiosk app like that using a Plan 9 system. It's not that I want to see what you used as a base, but I want to see how you combined all that. So there is a benefit of releasing some parts of the source somewhere at least, if not inside the software, maybe somewhere else. Neither operating system development nor programming in C for plan9 are subjects of my platform and so there is no benefit for my students having the sources. If someone gets interested he/she can use the links for the used open source projects and become fans of whatever they like. Perhaps some will get motivated by using such a system to invest the necessary time and effort. I don't hide what I used so they can become enthusiasts if they want to. But this platform doesn't need accompanied sources nor will the students have direct access to a shell or the tools everything is hidden behind a simple kiosk app which has no other goal beside being the "envelop" for the real information meant to be taught. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Plan 9 applying to GSoC
Good morning, I skimmed through the ideas page as well as the mails in this thread and I wanted to share my thoughts and ideas. (1) I am working on a port of 9front to the pinephone smartphone. Although it is still a long way to go I believe the project can be very interesting for UI ideas and implementations. This would also fit tbe rio alternatives idea. Let me quickly explain. Plan 9 has a unique user interface built from many components. We have heavy use of three mouse buttons, many text-based interfaces (also counting acme tags, for example), system-wide plumber support, only to mention few of those. However, some of these aspects don't make much sense on a touch device due to big thumbs and the nature of touchscreens. The idea for this would be designing an integrated, Plan 9-worthy touchscreen rio replacement for mobile devices. Ideally it can coexist with rio (i.e run inside rio windows and rio can run inside "this-window-manager" windows) and is fully compatible with existing graphical UI applications (using standard draw routines). Although the software can currently not be tested on the pinephone (I'm still working on the kernel) there are some devices with rudimentary touchscreen support (I have a working thinkpad twist with 9front) we can use for testing, and some functionality can be tested inside scaled rio windows on common Plan 9 systems. (2) Under similar circumstances (mobile device with touch input) another project might be some kinda graphical (rc) shell interface. I have an idea, and we also discussed ideas on the discord server. (3) A high-level filesystem interface for UI widgets. Many modern UI layouts can be described as a hierarchy of containers. The UI filesystem would start as an empty window, which is reflected by an empty filesystem. The user could create widget containers (hbox, vbox) by creating directories and files, as well as input boxes, buttons and more by creating files. The hierarchy would directly reflect the drawn window. The user can listen to files for button interaction and write text to labels etc.. (4) A filesystem that filters a namespace, but the file contents and not the namespace. The idea is to have a filesystem like exportfs, however, it doesn't just represent the files as is, but applies user-defined filters to the filenames/paths as well as the file contents. Imagine you have a namespace which contains markdown files that end with .md. Using this overlay filesystem you can present the same namespace, but convert the filenames using sed (from .md to .html) and when reading, the file contents (from markdown syntax to html syntax). The filesystem would be very powerful for exposing plain text data as html, encapsulating data into some predefined layout, and much more. It could essentially make any plain text filesystem available as regular web-friendly html files, convert troff source to postscript, convert plan 9 images to png, and much more. You can even present device files as json for modern web applications. Caching file contents can improve performance and reduce load. (5) Ringfs. This is a very small project and also the least powerful as far as I can say now. The general idea is that the filesystem presents the created files and when reading a file the contents point to the next file in the "ring" in alphabetical order. It's probably best explained using the following shell interaction: ; touch fileA fileB fileC ; cat fileA fileB ; cat fileB fileC ; cat fileC fileA The project is very small and probably too simple for a GSoC project. These are some ideas I thought about in the last months. Some are very small and I can imagine mentoring these smaller projects if it's not to hard. My time is rare (as for most of you I guess) and I never mentored any programmer, so I guess I'd ask more experienced people now and then. Personally I like all of these ideas and would like to work on all of them if I had enough time. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Omero/UI filesystem (was: Plan 9 applying to GSoC)
Hello you two, yes, others in the community also pointed me towards Omero and I skimmed through the man page about it. I don't know much about Plan B/Octopus, but it seems the general idea is very similar to what I have in mind. However (you can correct me if I'm wrong), it seems that it is tailored to the Plan B UI, which looks very different to the standard devdraw/rio way of doing UI, so I guess there's quite some work to do. For people who are interested: I played around with the concept some time ago, but I wasn't good at writing filesystems back then. The solution I came up with was rcgui, which is not a full filesystem but just a connection (as a pipe) with a textual interface. In general, I believe that with solid native filesystems and solid native programs many applications can just be shell scripting "glue" between the (descriptive) UI layer and the backend filesystem. For more complex applications devs might want to use the native programming language to write this "glue" or even make it part of the native backend application. One component-based descriptive UI filesystem would open this gate for both approaches and UI designers can mockup their designs very easily. Plan 9 is often about abstracting resources as filesystems, and I believe UI shouldn't be an exception. Devdraw abstracts drawing already, but I think the common way of making/managing/controlling UI can be abstracted, too. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] For sale: Atmel Evaluation Board (
Hello dear community, before I put this on ebay I wanted to ask you if someone wants to buy this atmel evaluation board I bought many years ago at I bought it in pieces and soldered it myself, never used it really, but it still looks good. It has German prints on the board. I think I paid something like 60 euros back then. It is the board itself, plus theaddon board. I added the connection cable and a speaker output, as well as some cables plus connector for power (you need a trafo). I also made a cheap "box" for it (see photo). I wasn't able to find the board on pollin, but it's listed on amazon if you look for the atmel evaluation noard v2.01. I also bought some atmega32 which is on the board and will come with it. If someone is interested, please pm me. We can discuss shipping details as well as price there. Shipping in EU (ideally within Germany) preferred, everything else can be very expensive (you might be cheaper just buying something similar locally). I know this is not 100% 9 content, but I believe it could be used for some nice 9p sensor, eh? Photo: sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] plan9port spell and dict
I ported some tools of the UNIX V10 writer's workbench. Including spell checkers, suggest, diction, gram, ... As a bonus, it includes some helpers for acme. Source is at, iirc, might also be available at shithub. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Perhaps someone can give me an advice ...
Hey, I personally use cifsd (on 9front) and on android totalcommander+smb extension. It works perfectly fine without any issues across all my android devices. I share some of the files with other users via tcp80 (behind tlssrv as https). On windows I use drawterm for file transfer, but that's no comparison. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Perhaps someone can give me an advice ...
Hey, If someone does some work on native 9p stuff for android I'd really love some apk. I'm not an android dev, only did very few things on android programming-wise. Thanks for starting this thread. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] factotum (was: Connect plan9 with Linux SMB resource)
fatotum is quite easy, since it's a client as a filesystem. The "real" server you can set up (but it's optional) is the secstore server which persistently holds your keys. factotum just uses these keys (or the ones you entered manually or read in through a custom mechanism, e.g. a file) to handle all the authentication stuff you want to use. So in the end, factotum is very easy. Just start it in your namespace and the programs will automatically use it. You can also run auth/fgui in a rio to have a nice entry box for new keys. Really, the complex thing is managing the namespace, which is the most important thing in Plan 9 anyways, so you should definitely learn it. Common start point for factotum is, run it in your lib/profile. I believe it's the standard lib/profile configuration to start the factotum in a terminal session and import the terminal factotum in a cpu session. There's plenty of resources about factotum and auth in Plan 9 systems. Do yourself a favor and read the papers (/sys/doc/). Also I'm sure that almost all Plan 9 users can give you hints and tips about it since it's an integral part of the system. On my very first Plan 9 laptop I btw just had my keys stored in a plain file, unencrypted. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] ctrans - Chinese language input for Plan9
20.07.2022 05:54:34 Lucio De Re : I have only one word for all the above: amazing! Yes, truly amazing. As a dumb occidental, I have no idea where one starts with ideograms, but I realise how different the concept is and how its complexity can stimulate technical creativity. Or just make us realize how dumb "american" computers are. I'm pretty sure that pure Chinese computers would look different. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Re: ctrans - Chinese language input for Plan9
21.07.2022 04:44:53 sirjofri writes: I'm pretty sure that pure Chinese computers would look different. I've often wondered that. What input methods do Chinese speakers use? What do Chinese keyboards look like? How do they find/select the character they want? Are different sets of characters available on different computers, or are input methods standardized? I wonder. I was more referring to computers built without any american influence at all, so no ansi, no ascii, no LTR, probably different keycodes... I can't give you an answer as I'm not from an asian culture (although I studied it a little) and it's hard to answer anyway since I'm heavily influenced by american computers. I'd really need a few years studying those cultures heavily to be able to describe a possible tendency. I can imagine though to look at early russian (and maybe even chinese, if there is) space technology. I know that the russian tech was very isolated compared to modern technology. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Trouble compiling "Hello, world"
02.08.2022 05:38:39 Lucio De Re : Perhaps it's a delusion, but I keep hoping to find a way to wean a young community (black secondary education learners with much time on their hands and very little beyond their smartphones to entertain them) away from Tik-Tok, possibly also Whatsapp. SDF bootcamp seems at least a seed for something at least some of these teenagers may find instructive and a little mind expanding. That's one of the reasons I built the open system the idea was that we can build many (fileserver) systems around the world (hence the "eu" in the domain) with cpu servers people can join and learn how it is to be on a shared 9 system. PS: We're too deep in the Global South to afford fancy equipment, even used laptops are too expensive to ship to South Africa - never mind the cost of laptop batteries. Maybe we can recycle the odd rPi, but there the cost and transportation problem shifts to the display. I am willing to listen to suggestions. currently runs on a VPS network and consists of 2 machines (one fs+cpu and one cpu-only). The auth server is one public auth server at (with some self-signup scripts I still need to improve). The purpose of the auth server is that devs and community can provide many EXTRA services as they like and users in that authdom can just use them (provided they get access via permissions). In my case, after account creation at the auth users need to request access to the (again, via script). It's probably quite similar to the bootcamp, but it's more about general use and working on projects together than just learning, so it's also good for long term projects. However, I don't know if people work on projects there. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] building a grid at university
Hello and welcome, 28.09.2022 00:33:32 > i want to have a server for my documents, ebooks, music, and images, as well > as a persistent IRC client and maybe even a mail server. Think about what you want to do with those files on your server. Do you have an e-reader? A music player? A proper image viewer? Did you want to stream these to other devices? How do you want to do that as most devices don't support 9p? > most importantly, i want to be able to access the grid remotely: That's the more challenging part. I recommend starting with a few servers (auth, fs, cpu, maybe even all in one machine) in the cloud, plus one local cpu server with a cache filesystem (cfs) for better latency. I have a similar setup at home, but currently my local server has a full file server, not only a cache. > from my laptop in class for example (same network) and maybe down the line > from anywhere, over internet. You have to check if your internet allows accessing remote services like that. Some shared providers like universities block certain protocols, ports and IP addresses. Maybe first test with or sdf bootcamp. > there are a number of things in the way of that, the first being my dorm room > does not have an ethernet outlet. i think mine is the only one on my floor > that doesn’t. second, my building loses power frequently, which is not ideal > for hosting servers; power aside, it would still lose internet connection. > the third problem is less adverse, but the network requires devices to be > authenticated to get online. Have your servers in the cloud. You're not a data center. VPS can be actually quite cheap, I pay 2.42 euro per month per machine. > does anyone see a favorable way to set up a plan 9 grid, either on campus or > an alternative? the biggest hurdle is definitely getting the grid on the > university network where it can be connected to locally, or getting it out of > the network and online. The probably only way to get something like you really want is to talk to your university and maybe you can do a long term project with a small team of other interested students (plus a prof). Depending on the University you might have luck, but the result is less ... personal. But you could also add your own personal fileserver to that grid easier. > and i’m aware of 9gridchan 9gridchan is mostly dead, and probably even more since a few months. Long live 9gridchan, in Both are actually targeted towards users, not our beginners. Note that on there's an extra service with a public auth service everybody can use for free. You could hook up your own fileserver to use this auth and control who has access to it. For shared projects on a shared system you can use the existing eu grid at ( Disclaimer: I'm part of sirjofri P.S for testing out grid stuff you can also try installing a grid in a virtual machine network. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] building a grid at university
28.09.2022 23:58:23 fig : >> Think about what you want to do with those files on your server. > i'm not going to needlessly elaborate, but i'll say that before this, i was > already using my ebooks, audiobooks, text files and music with the tools from > plan9port. Great 😃. I have no more linux left on any machine, so I never experienced this. >> I recommend starting with a few servers (auth, fs, cpu, maybe even all in >> one machine) in the cloud, plus one local cpu server with a cache filesystem >> (cfs) for better latency. >> Have your servers in the cloud. You're not a data center. VPS can be >> actually quite cheap, I pay 2.42 euro per month per machine. > i think i have to, yeah. is there anything important to consider when > choosing a VPS provider for plan 9 servers? or do they all play well? > any recommendations are welcome. Many use vultr, I use netcup. KVM technology mostly works well, hyper-v doesn't work at all, afaik. > another possibility: i could put plan 9 servers on a couple thinkpads and/or > raspberry pis at my parents' house (not far from school) and have them > connect to the auth server or a VPS of mine. the reason i did not > initially list this as an option is because internet at home is pretty slow, > and also i did not want to do any port forwarding at home. but this > arrangement would not require any port forwarding, if i'm not mistaken. Since you want to access your server, you still need some port forwarding. What you can do is, have one single VPS somewhere and make your local server listen via the /net of that VPS. Basically you import the /net of the VPS to your machine and then start listening. Slowness is not necessarily a big factor, depending on what you do. I've heard stories of Plan 9 being faster on ISDN than DSL because ISDN is targeted towards latency and DSL towards bandwidth, which makes sense, but I have no personal experience with this. I was able to write my bachelor thesis via DSL with our famous German internet. My file+cpu server was behind a personal DSL provider and my local machine, too. I noticed the latency, but it was fine for my task. I imported the filesystem to my client machine, did my editing there without latency (except for saving), then built the pdf using rcpu for faster access. It could've been faster, but it was fine. Regarding inferno: well yeah, go for it if you want. It's different and people like it or not. I personally rarely use it. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] building a grid at university
30.09.2022 03:29:04 fig : > would i configure the through drawterm, or through mounting the graphics, > /dev/screen etc. i ask because configuring a linux VPS is extremely simple as > the OS is entirely functional through just CLI. For this system to work, your VPS also needs to be plan 9 based, because you need the /net filesystem. Theoretically you can replicate that filesystem on a Linux machine, but the software to do that doesn't exist natively (might be possible via inferno, but I won't recommend it, especially plan 9 works quite reliably on a VPS). > is kvm necessary? KVM is just what I know works most reliably. Most VPS providers we have good experience with use kvm and also qemu with kvm is battle-tested. Other technologies might work too. > thank you for your correspondance. i’m obviously very nooby as far as the > networking goes, but i’m reading cat-v, FQA and 9p wiki every day. Thing with plan 9 is, reading and learning the theory is great and necessary, especially for preparing everything. At some point you have to use it, ideally as much as possible. > i’ve already written an rss feed aggregator in rc, which was fun and easy. 9fs net!!333 /n/news bind -a /n/news/ /lib/news news (This is what I provide using rssfill, if you want to try it. Source is online). > i’m having a bit of trouble getting irc and usenet to ‘work’ on the school > network I got usenet working inside acme using eternalseptember, but it felt quite dead. I had much better experience in fidonet 5 years ago (and I'd love to join, but I don't have software for 9 so I could only telnet). > and i’m still a little bewildered by email on plan 9, but i’ll get there. > thanks again. No. (To stay in humor.) Mail works, server is reliable. I also wrote a few blog posts about how I configured it. Good luck. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] building a grid at university
30.09.2022 12:42:53 Glenn Holmer via 9fans <>: > This has always seemed miraculous to me. Can you give an example of the > commands? On 9front: rimport myserver /net Communication basically always goes through the network interface present in /net (or /net.alt, depending on the software and configuration), so all network listeners you run after importing the /net of the server will just start listening on the network interface of the server. That's the power of namespaces for you. Iirc with listen(8) you can set which network directory you want to listen on, so you can (for example) import the server /net to your local /net.alt and then start listening on /net.alt. Btw this is also the easiest way to make a VPN-like bridge: import /net of the server, then start webfs for browsing, then all traffic this webfs process produces will be tunneled through the (tls-encrypted) 9p connection to the server. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] building a grid at university
Nice, great to know. Any experience with azure then? Would love to try it out. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
Hello all, I'm happy to inform you that Drawterm (Android) is now listed on the official F-Droid android store. This means, automatically built updates, and you can get the latest version without building yourself or asking for an apk, plus one single signed certificate. Get it now: Have fun sirjofri PS: I'm currently working on an improved version with some more stable app structure which should give us a few features and allow us to fix a few very annoying bugs. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
02.10.2022 20:26:54 > very nice -- is there a plan to merge this with the > drawterm on at some point? Most things are from echoline's repo (on shithub) which should theoretically be mostly in sync already, but I heard some files were missing, for example the icons. When I get a stable version with my changes I'd also notice you so you can integrate it. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] the practicality of plan 9
Hello, in my opinion (and experience) having a Plan 9 _grid_ is only really beneficial for larger networks (where there's a reason to have a separation for load balancing or maintenance reasons) or individuals who plan to build services with some scale. For others it's mainly playing around to learn those things or just because we can. For example, a standard™ grid really shines with a good fileserver. I mean, it's the core of all your files and also the configuration of the other nodes in the machine. In an ideal setup you can just reboot an individual service node, or even replace it, and it just reboots using the kernel and configuration from the fileserver. Also consider multiple users: each one can have their own terminal with a full Plan 9 kernel that's directly connected with the fileserver. You get low latency when interacting with the local kernel (e.g when running applications), but somewhat higher latency accessing files (including starting programs, though you can work around that quite easily). Big benefits are, it doesn't matter which terminal you are on, you always get the same interface to your resources (files _and_ services inside the grid), but still maintaining good speed since everything is running locally. Well, not everything, since you can obviously off-load heavy tasks to the other servers inside your grid. Use your terminal as an interface, but do heavy tasks on big clunky machines in your network. That's just my thoughts. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] the practicality of plan 9
Hello, just wanted to add that (independent of grids) what's especially great on Plan 9 is the general concept of "resource abstraction". Let's first consider what "resource" means in this context, since it can be anything: computing resources might be the obvious, but user files are also resources, as well as practical abstracted resources from more complex systems and processes. Basically anything can be a resource. On Plan 9, all of these resources can be abstracted as a filesystem, which is the common abstraction for all things. Those filesystems are of course network ready and there's no type of "special" filesystem unlike on many other operating systems (for example, on linux you have some special filesystem that manages disk space and that embeds into the OS. On Plan 9 it doesn't matter what's under the hood, as long as it talks 9p it's fine). And since you have fully dynamic namespaces per process basically you can control which exact services (as a filesystem) you want to use for your specific purpose. You want to use a different network card for your process? Just import the filesystem. You want to access another microscope, telescope or camera for your image processing software? Just import that filesystem. That's not a camera but stored images you captured earlier? Who cares. As long as your software doesn't care, just use it. This also works great with interfaces to hardware or software resources. As long as the interface looks the same you can easily exchange a filesystem with another. Just build your namespace and do what you want. And since Plan 9 is fully network ready nobody cares about if the filesystem is actually stored on the same machine, a remote machine on the same network, at the other end of the world, or just a small arduino that talks 9p over some weird infrared signal line some teenager constructed in their basement. It just doesn't matter, the system doesn't care. In my opinion that's where Plan 9 really shines and empowers me to do crazy stuff. Of course it's more ideological and philosophical, but it's a great perspective to have. And it's more fun to work with it that way. This is also why I think Plan 9 is very modern. There are many new ideas nowadays that you can find within Plan 9 already in a much more elegant way. Take alone the plumber, which is an incredible utility. It's simple and you can find more "modern" (i.e. complex) solutions on android/ios, windows 10+, mac and modern linux environments, but plumber is just more simple and powerful. And that's just one example, pretty sure you cam find other examples yourself. Well, again I just want to add a small little detail that's great but I write a long passage. Sorry for the long message. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
Good morning, iirc, hardware keyboard should work out of the box. But I only was able to test it with my Bluetooth keyboard on a quite modern device, so it is possible that you have issues under certain circumstances. Regarding mouse, the app only provides some basic mouse usage. You have to activate mouse mode in the app using the last checkbox (which basically means, ignore all other checkboxes and use mouse input). Furthermore, you can only click (mmb, rmb, lmb), but no chording. Again, I was only able to test it on my devices with a standard USB mouse via OTG. Patches are welcome! sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
10.12.2022 02:14:33 > I don't see any of this kind of checkbox. > I only see 'add server' button. Oh, I see. The checkbox should be on top of the connection window/viewport next to the kb button, but in this version it's not there yet. I have it in a separate repo, but I can try to merge that change to the fdroid repo asap. (Asap means, as soon as I have time). Sorry. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
Hello, yes, drawterm basically always crashes when I try to connect. Then, after a few attempts, it finally works. It is very annoying and I want to fix it as soon as I restructured the architecture for the future plans (maybe that fixes the crashes automatically). Rotating the screen works fine in most cases, at least on my devices. Getting rid of the kb button and the checkboxes is planned for the future as soon as keyboard and mouse support works stable. Maybe even with a full fullscreen mode. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Drawterm on F-Droid
23.12.2022 06:10:07 > Ok, the remaining problem is the down shift of mouse point. The mouse offset is a really annoying problem. I hope that it just disappears after restructuring the app, otherwise I hope to be able to fix it after that. Also I plan to create a fullscreen mode for keyboard and mouse setups. Native landscape mode is something I already tested and should work quite well if it's in. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] ChatGPT story about glenda
Prompt: Can you write a short fictional story about glenda, the Plan 9 bunny, and her adventures in an unknown filesystem? The Story™ (unedited) Glenda was a curious little bunny who lived in the land of Plan 9. One day, while exploring the vast expanse of her home filesystem, she stumbled upon a strange and unknown directory. Intrigued, Glenda ventured inside, hopping from file to file and exploring the strange and mysterious contents within. As she delved deeper into the unknown filesystem, she encountered all sorts of strange and wonderful creatures, from chirping file-birds to playful byte-beasts. Despite the many dangers she faced, Glenda remained brave and determined, always seeking out new adventures and discovering new wonders in the unknown filesystem. And as she traveled further and further from home, she became more and more confident in her ability to navigate and explore this strange and mysterious world. In the end, Glenda returned home to Plan 9 a wiser and more experienced bunny, ready to embark on even more exciting adventures in the unknown filesystem. The end. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] sirjofri's Annual Christmas (and New-Year) Post
Hello my dear community, it's time for my annual christmas (and new-year) post! This is for you, if you celebrate christmas or not, so please keep reading if you want. The sad thing first, I wasn't as active as I wanted to be, so I don't really know what happened across all communities in-depth in the last year. For me personally it was quite a stressful year due to my job and the fact that I married in september. As some of you probably know, time is different if you have a partner; that's something I had to learn this year. I also learned that I can have many (good) ideas, but I also don't have nearly as much time as I should have to invest in them. Therefore, not much code from my side, and kudos to all contributors! Probably the only notable thing I achieved this year (that's also relevant to you) is the advent (pun intended) of drawterm-android in the fdroid store, again, combined with only little time to improve it. I recognized a few new faces in the various community channels. Mostly on discord, but also on the mailing lists, as well as adventuresin9, who regularly posts new videos about lower level topics around Plan 9. Welcome to all of you guys! I wish you all a very merry christmas, hopefully with your families or other persons that are close to you. I wish for you that you and your important people stay healthy in these weird times with covid and weather and war. I wish for you all that you can keep or achieve peace with your relatives, and that you can start the new year with peace and love and friendship. Christmas is about god being with us, so may god be with you all and bless you! sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] discord invite link (was: sirjofri's Annual Christmas (and New-Year) Post)
Hello, sure, here's a link that shouldn't expire: It's the 9fans discord channel, which is probably not as official as it may sound. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] discord invite link (was: sirjofri's Annual Christmas (and New-Year) Post)
I dunno. Most focused discussions happen on the mailing lists anyway. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Script to apply Edit commands in acme
Hello, the shebang (#!/bin/rc) just says which shell you want to run it. You could also use /bin/ed, if you want to run ed commands, for example. Acme can do pretty crazy stuff to extend it. For example, you can write your own scripts (or programs) in any language you like. Middle-click can execute simple programs with no magic. See also /acme/ folder for examples. There can be simple programs like spell checkers that are just scripts using the file path as parameters, and there are more complex programs that actually use the acme filesystem to do crazy stuff. For example, you can adjust the buffer as you like, write into the tag line whatever you like, capture mouse input in the tag line and do whatever you like, oben new acme windows, For your specific question about Edit commands, I don't know of a way. However, if there is a way I'm sure you can find it in the man pages. What could work though, is running ssam (or sam) on the data file in your acme filesystem. It just exposes an interface for each of your acme windows with a few files to control it. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] wctl
09.05.2023 15:04:07 有澤健治 : > Thanks for umbraticus and Richard. > > The value 72 is experimentally OK. > However I am not convinced yet. > I can't find the value in the manual. Not experimentally. According to rio(4), it's 4 values padded to 12 chars, plus the window state as two strings, also padded to 12. If you do the math: 6*12=72. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Public Access 9front systems
12.06.2023 21:41:47 Stanley Lieber : > > In addition to that, there's also a (probably much smaller and less professional) public 9front system at using the EXTRA services. It has and access to two cpus (though one is considered experimental). It wants some admin love and more grids in other countries besides eu. (Note that I'm part of and the (paying) admin behind sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] Survey: touch user interfaces and plan 9
Hello community, I'm writing a paper about touch user interfaces and Plan 9 and need your help. I prepared a few questions and it would be great if you can answer them and/or forward to other people who might be interested in helping out. To answer, it's easiest to send me a mail ( You can just click reply, but make sure to _not_ send the answer to any mailing list! That would be weird... Inline answers are preferred :) Also, please don't hesitate to participate if you're very new to Plan 9. I have a question about that, too, and if you're unsure you can just skip the question. I'm pretty sure you can be done within 5-10 minutes if you want, but it's very hard to estimate the time because you can add as much text (and details) as you want. Thank you (questions below) sirjofri Before going into the questions, feel free to add more details to your answers. You're _not_ bound to the predefined answers! Please rate your level of experience with Plan 9 (0 - just started using it, everything is new to me; 10 - I write kernel code and use the system daily) Please tell me how important the following features are for your personal user experience. Give them weighted values from 0 (not important) to 5 (very important). - namespaces - plumber (including integration of plumber) - text interface (rio window, shell) - the GUI in general (are you a pure text guru?) - mouse interaction (chording, etc.) - others (tell me/add them to the list) Do you prefer ultra-text-based systems like acme, sam, shell, or purely widget-based systems like fgui, mothra? When you think about computer systems with touchscreen interfaces, about which of the following systems do you think immediately? Tell me more about your thoughts of the others. - very small screen: smart watch - small screen: smart phone - standalone big screen: tablet - mixed big screen: desktop computer with mouse/keyboard in combination with a touch screen - others: for example, big whiteboard, media table -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] iwp9 paper submission ?
27.10.2023 18:40:51 > Short summary -- we're working on it. It's likely to be at a different > location than we had initially announced. We're waiting to confirm > before we put out the call for papers and specific dates. Are there any news on that? If there are bigger issues with the location, I could ask my local university, just let me know. > It will be happening. That's definitely good to hear. 🙂 -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Formation of a Plan 9 Core Team
Hey Vic, I followed the other thread and read through your initial mail. Here's my thoughts. I don't think the development of another mainline release or the formation of a core team really makes sense. A core team is built around a solid vision and the ability (and want) to follow that. My suggestion is, you just start building your own distribution based on your vision and people can join. I just doubt that this will end up being 5e, especially because there's nobody who's willing to give it a 5e stamp. That said, we have "official" plan 9 releases: 4th is "officially" 4th, 9front is "officially" 9front, and 9legacy is "officially" 9legacy. It's ok to let history be and start building new stuff based on what happened in the past 15 years instead of building on a state 15 years ago and hoping for a magical stamp to give you an "official" branding. People don't care if they're using an "official" system. People use linux, which is not unix. People use 9front, which is not plan 9. Many good things started as forks, and that's ok. Forming a core team is like forcing people into a vision without a base. Maybe they'll start, but there's no guarantee. It's more likely they'll just leave and that was it. If you take a look at FreeBSD, they started more or less as something like 9legacy, and they continued to be 9legacy. They never were "official" 386BSD, they even looked for another name, which ended up being "FreeBSD". I'll write another mail as response to your new mail. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Formation of a Plan 9 Core Team
Hello again, 26.01.2024 09:08:29 Vester "Vic" Thacker : > When looking at the FreeBSD project, the introduction of a Plan 9 Core Team > can offer several benefits: > > 1. *Centralized Technical Leadership*: A Core Team can provide clear > technical leadership and direction for the project. This ensures that > development efforts are coordinated, focused, and aligned with the project's > goals. There currently is no project 5e. That's why there's no need for a core team, but people to start the project. > 2. *Consistency and Stability*: With a dedicated Core Team, there is a better > chance of maintaining consistency and stability in the development process. > This can lead to more reliable and predictable updates. This will happen somewhat automatically once people are there who do the work. There's no need for an official core team. > 3. *Efficient Decision-Making*: The Core Team can streamline decision-making > processes, especially for critical technical decisions. This can help avoid > delays and conflicts that might arise in a more decentralized development > model. > > 4. *Attracting Contributors*: Having a well-defined leadership structure can > make the project more attractive to potential contributors, as they can see a > clear path for their contributions and how they can impact the project's > direction. Who/What attracts the attractors? People will join when it's attractive to join. What do you offer to the core team besides your vision? > 5. *Community Cohesion*: A Core Team can act as a unifying force within the > community, bringing together contributors from various Plan 9 distributions > and projects. It fosters collaboration and cooperation. > > 6. *Long-Term Sustainability*: By focusing on technical governance, a Core > Team can help ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, making it > less reliant on the efforts of a single individual or a small group. > > 7. *Representation*: The Core Team can include representatives from different > Plan 9 distributions, ensuring that various voices and perspectives are > considered in the decision-making process. > > 8. *Resource Allocation*: The Core Team can allocate resources more > efficiently, directing efforts towards areas that are most critical to the > project's success. There are no resources yet that should be directed. I can only see a vision and you who offers the vision. Do you also offer other resources like code? > 9. *Enhanced Documentation*: With a centralized team, there's often a better > opportunity to maintain and improve project documentation, making it easier > for newcomers to understand and contribute to the project. That needs people who do the work. > 10. *Fostering Innovation*: A Core Team can actively promote innovation and > new features, driving the evolution of the Plan 9 operating system in a > direction that aligns with the community's needs and goals. As you can see in the inline responses, you first need people who do the work. Without that, there's no need (and also no opportunity) to build a core team. You can, however, start yourself and wait for people to join. Be the core and don't just wait for the core. You can even build a company and hire people to get things started faster. But that again needs resources: money. Note that I'm not opposed to your general vision. There are many very good aspects in there. I just can't envision that in an official 5e release, but in another fork (maybe of an existing fork). I personally would think it's best to built upon 9front, because they have good hardware support already. And there's many great ideas in that bubble, some of them get rejected. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Formation of a Plan 9 Core Team
26.01.2024 10:49:42 Frank D. Engel, Jr. : > From my perspective, Plan 9 was split into two forks: 9legacy for people who > don't want it to move forward but simply to be maintained, and 9front for > people who want the project to move forward and continue to grow. > > Having a core team for "Plan 9" at this point would be kind of pointless as > the name was a real product at one time but now encompasses a collection of > related forks of what was once a product, so such a team would need to form > around one particular fork. > > Having a core team basically expresses the goal of moving the project > forward, so if a core team were to form right now, it would be for 9front, or > around a new fork with a similar set of common ideals (maybe we move on to > Plan 10?), since moving forward is kind of the antithesis of what 9legacy > seems to be about. That sounds about right. Basically everything you said. Any attempt to release an official new edition of Plan 9 would be a fork. I personally think it is ok for 9legacy to just maintain the original version and not move the project forward. I think 9front tries to stay as compatible as possible at runtime (so same binary formats, same protocols, basically Plan 9 4th "plus"). What OP wants might include breaking changes that break compatibility on some system layers. Probably not on a level of protocols or something, but filesystems might change, probably a complete new window manager, graphics acceleration, a different plumber and lots and lots of more "modern" software (anyone wanna port firefox or chrome? ;) ). That might really be a Plan 10 at some point. I very much believe that this should be a fork, probably with some kinda package manager to make larger parts optional. Not everyone needs everything. Plan 9 as it is right now can include many things without asking, because they're so small. Imagine bundling a 100M graphics driver with Plan 9, including the source! No, thanks. Back to topic with some question to the OP (and please, please, don't take it personally or something): Is it possible that you want to contribute to Plan 9 but don't know where to start? I remember, when I started with Plan 9, I wanted to improve many things, contribute everything I could, until I realized that many things are like they are on purpose. I was often grounded by people like ori, hiro, mycroftiv, kvik and a few others on grid, as well as cat-v. I learned that being part of Plan 9 does not necessarily mean contributing large chunks of code, or changing many things to be "better" (whatever better means). sirjofri P.S.: sorry Frank, I clicked the wrong reply button. Of course this should go to the mailing list. -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] dd(1) takes very long
01.03.2024 11:38:06 Steve simon : > A larger block size as lucio says, and also try two dd's with a pipe between > them, > one reading and one writing. dd(1) is single threaded but you have two > asynchronous physical devices. You can probably even pipe it through some compressor, but I doubt you'll get much performance out of it in a case like this (local machine). I guess it's more useful for separate machines with slower network connections. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Content of your /rc/bin/service or /dis/svc ?
Hello, I don't use /rc/bin/service anymore, but I use /cfg/machinename/service instead. My contents are copies of what's in /rc/bin/service or my own scripts: tcp80 - web server tcp443 - web server but wrapped in tls ... I have some cifd running, some irc server that translates to grid chat, my mail server (smtp and imap4), and fingerd, the files follow the usual scheme tcpXXX. I probably missed one service or the other, but aux/listen is simple enough to set up custom servers with arbitrary functionality. If you have exact questions about aux/listen functionality or you don't understand something, just ask :) Btw it's quite common to "deactivate" services by renaming the files to have a leading "!". In general, everything that follows the naming scheme and is executable will work. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Content of your /rc/bin/service or /dis/svc ?
Hi, 05.03.2024 22:38:59 Edouard Klein : > Hi, > > Thank you for your answer. > > > sirjofri writes: > >> Hello, >> >> I don't use /rc/bin/service anymore, but I use /cfg/machinename/service >> instead. My contents are copies of what's in /rc/bin/service or my own >> scripts: > > I assume that you then bind-mount /cfg/machinename/service to that > machine's /rc/bin/service ? Nope, because bind would only change my own namespace (or I have to bind it becore aux/listen starts). In fact, it's much easier. I don't know if it's a 9front feature or if it's also in plan 9, but if there is a /cfg/$sysname/service directory it will use that instead of /rc/bin/service (see the cpurc file, ). If you think about how plan 9 should run on a network, imagine a single fs with many cpu servers all using the same fs. All the configuration is on the fs, and the service directories are in the /cfg/machinename/service. The cpu servers will run their individual configuration automatically using that mechanism. It just makes sense. >> >> tcp80 - web server >> tcp443 - web server but wrapped in tls >> ... >> >> I have some cifd running, some irc server that translates to grid chat, my >> mail >> server (smtp and imap4), and fingerd, the files follow the usual scheme >> tcpXXX. >> I probably missed one service or the other, but aux/listen is simple enough >> to >> set up custom servers with arbitrary functionality. >> > > Would you mind sharing your fingerd and irc server ? For finger my plan > is to turn this one: > into > a multi-user version, but if there already is one I won't bother. Sure, here it is: Note that I got some notice of potential .. path issues and I'm not sure if I fixed that, but just in case, you might want to fix that (and maybe send me a patch). Fix could be as easy as a newns or what it is in C. >> If you have exact questions about aux/listen functionality or you don't >> understand something, just ask :) >> > > - I noticed some tcpXXX files use exec for their last line, and some > don't. Is there a reason ? My understanding is that exec saves one call > to fork per connection, and thus it would be best if it was always used. There might be some difference, maybe with log redirectors or something, but I don't know about that. I guess someone else can tell us more about this (and the following topic, which is very similar) > - I noticed Inferno makes great use of servers that speak 9P on their > stdstream, with its > mount {some-program} /mnt/toto > These programs are trivial to expose thanks to listen: > listen -v 'tcp!*!toto' {some-program&} > On Plan9, I ran into rc's cmd <[0=1] | echo 0 > /srv/name, then mount > /srv/name /n/toto. > - Is there a inferno-like shorthand for Plan 9 ? > - Why the "echo 0" ? (I'm not familiar with rc). > >> Btw it's quite common to "deactivate" services by renaming the files to have >> a >> leading "!". In general, everything that follows the naming scheme >> and is executable will work. >> > why not just chmod -x them ? In a multiuser system, users may not have > the right to rename them. I think that _would_ work, but I think it's about readability in this case. I can just lc in that directory and immediately see what's relevant and what not. With executable flag I have to run ls -l to see what's executable, and it's also harder to parse it (sorting and filtering). A simple ! is easier to read, and also probably more stable in case of copying files via different filesystem types (like, copying the file to fat32 and back, or even having a filesystem without executable flags, which often results in all files bein executable). sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Content of your /rc/bin/service or /dis/svc ?
06.03.2024 11:36:39 Edouard Klein : > > sirjofri writes: > >> Hi, >> >> 05.03.2024 22:38:59 Edouard Klein : >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> Thank you for your answer. >>> >>> >>> sirjofri writes: >>> >>>> Hello, >>>> >>>> I don't use /rc/bin/service anymore, but I use /cfg/machinename/service >>>> instead. My contents are copies of what's in /rc/bin/service or my own >>>> scripts: >>> >>> I assume that you then bind-mount /cfg/machinename/service to that >>> machine's /rc/bin/service ? >> >> Nope, because bind would only change my own namespace (or I have to bind it >> becore aux/listen starts). >> >> In fact, it's much easier. I don't know if it's a 9front feature or if it's >> also >> in plan 9, but if there is a /cfg/$sysname/service directory it will use that >> instead of /rc/bin/service (see the cpurc file, >> >> ). >> > Thanks, I had missed it because there is no /cfg in the source. Do you > happen to know how the /cfg dir is first populated during install ? Is > it all hand-written by the user ? I think it is all hand-written, yes. Take a look at cpurc and what the options are. Most notably, the service directory, cpustart, and the plan9.ini file for tftp booting (iirc, I never tried it). >> If you think about how plan 9 should run on a network, imagine a single fs >> with >> many cpu servers all using the same fs. All the configuration is on the fs, >> and >> the service directories are in the /cfg/machinename/service. The cpu servers >> will run their individual configuration automatically using that mechanism. >> It >> just makes sense. >> > > Indeed it does. > >>>> >>>> tcp80 - web server >>>> tcp443 - web server but wrapped in tls >>>> ... >>>> >>>> I have some cifd running, some irc server that translates to grid chat, my >>>> mail >>>> server (smtp and imap4), and fingerd, the files follow the usual scheme >>>> tcpXXX. >>>> I probably missed one service or the other, but aux/listen is simple >>>> enough to >>>> set up custom servers with arbitrary functionality. >>>> >>> >>> Would you mind sharing your fingerd and irc server ? For finger my plan >>> is to turn this one: >>> into >>> a multi-user version, but if there already is one I won't bother. >> >> Sure, here it is: >> >> >> >> Note that I got some notice of potential .. path issues and I'm not sure if I >> fixed that, but just in case, you might want to fix that (and maybe send me a >> patch). Fix could be as easy as a newns or what it is in C. >> > > I'll try to compile it on Linux and will let you know :) Well, it's designed for plan 9 systems, so you're probably out of luck on linux, except you try it with plan9ports. While we're talking about finger, I wrote some simple android app called "FingerList" some time ago (on F-droid). It displays a list of fingers in a list format, it's intended for micro social networking with status pages and whatever people want to use it for. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] no longer available
Hello, as some of you might have noticed already, is basically dead. To be more precise, we lost the domain and will start shutting down servers soon. We're still figuring out what to keep (and how). In the meantime, the deepest core of - the chat - is available at, and it'll probably stay there. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)
Hey all, Just about one topic mentioned by ibrahim: You mentioned that 9front can't be plan 9 in your perspective because of this licensing and the "origin" of the licensing. > 9front isn't plan9 from my perspective. Plan 9 is the final release with > patches for the files from sources I can be sure that those aren't taken from > open source projects by copy and paste. [1] I would make a big difference between what plan 9 is and what the licenses are. Software doesn't care about licenses. People do (and they should!). So what is plan 9 even? Can we compare it to UNIX™ or unix or posix? Who knows... I guess I could say a lot more about that topic, but I guess that's enough and you can puzzle everything else yourself. [1] (I would be very careful with such bold words. I feel like 9front people have heard this phrase a lot and it's probably very thin ice for a few people.) --- About another topic: you mentioned that plan 9 is in use for commercial products, and you explicitly mention german medical sensors. I've never heard about that and I'd like to learn more, as well as about other companies who actually use plan 9. Everything I always hear in the industry is that plan 9 is outdated and nobody uses it and nobody wants to hear about it. I only know of a single company that uses it (coraid), plus a few little projects by taw that could evolve into commercial products. I sometimes thought about building a list of companies that use plan 9 technology, just so people can get involved with them, and now that I'm searching for a new job that's even more interesting for me personally. (Not sure if I want to do plan 9 as $dayjob, but I could see it as an option.) That topic should end up in a new thread however (or even a DM). sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)
So, with that definition, the system described in the paper "Plan 9 from bell labs" is not plan9, because it describes any system that uses the same concepts? So, plan9 is like UNIX™ and there's no such thing as a concept about plan 9? Note that 9front never claimed to be a continuation, but a fork. The people who desperately cry for a continuation of plan 9 either claim 9front as a continuation, or explicitly not. People who want a continuation of plan 9 missed the train a long time ago. There won't be an official continuation of plan 9, and that's a fact, because p9f won't do it. It's not the devs who claim a continuation of plan9, it's the people asking for it. And if people want just a continuation of the concepts (the concepts which are commonly understood as "plan 9"), 9front is also one of those continuations, same as 9legacy or any other fork that tries to live those concepts. So, you could say, plan 9 from bell labs is the last released version, 4th edition. The others (9legacy, 9front, ...) are also plan 9, just not plan 9 from bell labs. Similar to how UNIX™ is a unix, as is any linux system, bsd and mac. 13.05.2024 11:23:16 ibrahim via 9fans <>: >> I would make a big difference between what plan 9 is and what the licenses >> are. Software doesn't care about licenses. People do (and they should!). >> >> So what is plan 9 even? Can we compare it to UNIX™ or unix or posix? Who >> knows... >> >> I guess I could say a lot more about that topic, but I guess that's enough >> and you can puzzle everything else yourself. > > plan9 is simply the final release made by bell labs and now owned by p9f. > Thats not my interpretation this is a fact. Everything beyond that point is a > fork based on plan9. > > Everyone is allowed to derive his/her work from this provided version of > plan9. > > 9front is a fork, 9legacy is a fork and there were other forks. I have my own > fork. If tomorrow another one decides to fork plan9 than thats okay. > > 9front isn't plan9. 9front is a fork based on plan9. Why is it that you can't > accept this fact. You aren't the owners of plan9 and you don't even own the > trademark plan9. > > Your fork is called 9front and its absolutely okay to fork from code with a > license that allows this. > > Your fork based on plan9 is extremely close to the original. But that doesn't > mean you are the continuation of plan9. > > The only thing we can agree on as fork developers is what is officially > called plan9 as a basement for exchange of code ideas aso. Code that can be > compiled and executed on the official release is one that can be exchanged. > > There is only one group on this messaging board which has a problem with this > definition of plan9 thats 9front. You insist on being seen as the > continuation of plan9 but you aren't. You could have become this by buying > plan9 from nokia and the trademark or nokia could have chosen you to hand it > over to you but they didn't. p9f owns plan9 and if they ever decide to hand > it over to you than you become officially the owner and continuation of plan9 > but this won't change the fact that meanwhile others have forked from plan9 > and call themselves fork xyz based on plan9 and you to respect this. > > Why is it so difficult for folks of 9front to accept that they are providing > a fork based on plan9. > >> [1] (I would be very careful with such bold words. I feel like 9front people >> have heard this phrase a lot and it's probably very thin ice for a few >> people.) >> > > And so what ? Compared to the replies of some folks from 9front regarding > simple questions there is nothing bold about my statements. This is 9fans and > if you start the same discussions over and over again than you have to live > with answers like mine. Neither you nor I own plan9 while people outside > 9front have no problem with facts you have this problem. You can't just > accept the fact that 9front is a fork like many others. You may do a good job > for your users and many enjoy using 9front as stated many times here on this > board but but you do your job others do their job and you are in no position > to give directions to others. I respect your work continue with it but don't > act as if you are the ones who are in possession of plan9 or can dictate > directions you can't and I also can't. I'm fed up with the regularly disputes > you search with people who don't want to use your fork. I'm not using it and > nothing will change my mind. > >> About another topic: you mentioned that plan 9 is in use for commercial >> products, and you explicitly mention german medical sensors. I've never >> heard about that and I'd like to learn more, as well as about other >> companies who actually use plan 9. >> >> Everything I always hear in the industry is that plan 9 is outdated and >> nobody uses it and nobody wants to hear about it. I only know of a single >> company that uses
Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)
13.05.2024 12:12:49 ibrahim via 9fans <>: > On Monday, 13 May 2024, at 11:57 AM, sirjofri wrote: >> So, you could say, plan 9 from bell labs is the last released version, 4th >> edition. The others (9legacy, 9front, ...) are also plan 9, just not plan 9 >> from bell labs. > > I personally prefer to call my fork based on plan9. I didn't write or invent > plan9. Nor is my version a replacement or a continuation of plan9 it is fork > based on plan9. I guess that's the difference in nomenclature. For me, a plan9 system is a system in the spirit of plan 9 from bell labs, using the concepts described in the papers and implemented in the bellabs sources. Similar to unix, which includes all the unices. For you, plan9 is explicitly plan 9 from bell labs. I don't think any of those definitions is "wrong" because there's no official definition. But I believe that we have to talk about the different systems using words. If I think about grouping operating systems based on concepts, we have all the doses, all the windowses, all the unices, and then (based on your definition) "plan 9 and forks of plan 9". For me, it's "all plan9 systems", which includes belllabs plan9, 9legacy, 9front and so on. That's one of the reasons I name 9front "a plan9 system", not "the plan9 system", because there are a few different distributions/forks. > On Monday, 13 May 2024, at 11:57 AM, sirjofri wrote: >> And if people want just a continuation of the concepts (the concepts which >> are commonly understood as "plan 9"), 9front is also one of those >> continuations, same as 9legacy or any other fork that tries to live those >> concepts. > As I said before I view 9front as one fork of plan9 and one I'm respecting. > You do a good job and people who use your fork surely benefit from your work. I wish I contributed more. I once tried to get at least one mention per 9front release, but that didn't work out. Again, I think it's just different wording we use for "plan9 (systems)". -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: Clarifying Lucio's Additional Requests [Was: Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9. ]
Hey vic, There are a few different issues I see with your mails: First and most obvious, they sound like they're generated by some LLM (playing captain obvious here). People don't like to see this, it might be related to some language barrier. That impression is also supported by the content. Which leads to the second point: the content of your mails make me feel like you feel the urge/need to help. While help is generally appreciated, it depends. If you can only help by organizing stuff then organizing "the one single plan 9 system" doesn't lead to anything because that doesn't exist. 9legacy and 9front are both organized by their contributors, who all work for free. No money, no demands, no big organization that tells them what to do. It would be better if you find another way to help, preferably one that doesn't incorporate mails so long that nobody wants to read them with content that nobody wants to know. It is generally fine to share patches and also bug reports to the mailing lists (yes there's a separate 9front mailing list for 9front topics). For 9front, there's even a section in the fqa about bug reports. Note that all bug reports suck in some way, and people who work on the systems do it for free. Also, not all apparent bugs are bugs, so keep using plan 9 systems until you understand how it is supposed to work (or ask). In general, the people on our mailing lists know how to work with each other. You'll occasionally see discussion about patches (especially on 9front), as well as about other topics. There are also other channels of communication (irc, mostly). Be assured that people communicate with each other, as far as they are willing to. I've never seen so much interaction between 9front and 9legacy as in the last few years. Other than that, your mails often enough just state the obvious. People read between the lines to understand what the person means. This sometimes fails to work, but that's just part of human communication. Your ability to summarize a mailing list thread about three different topics into a list of 7 user story action points is not well perceived, which I can rotally understand: it doesn't help anyone. My advice would be (not sure if it helps): Write your mails. Write them, don't send them. Read them again carefully and think about the people reading it. They most likely understand as much as you, and they have all the track record of earlier discussions, so they very likely understand more than you. Things are as they are for a reason. Not always for a good reason, but for a reason. After thinking about your mail and the recipient, you may revise/rewrite your mail or just throw it away. Last, we're not a company. People who do the work are the ones organizing. Those people don't like to see strangers organizing their stuff without any contribution. If you can write software, try to organize yourself and give something back to the community. Hunt for bugs and fix them, or write tools that helps people, or improve the documentation. This should help the community much more than top-level organization when there is no top-level. I hope this mail finds you well, please read it with some smile. I don't want to hurt anyone, and text can be rude sometimes. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: Clarifying Lucio's Additional Requests [Was: Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9. ]
15.05.2024 11:17:46 > Not everyone here is uncomfortable, but like you, I'm disappointed in how > interactions have turned out, so we have that in common. I respond to > empirical evidence, so I mentioned the concern about submitting feature and > bug requests because it seemed that it would benefit Lucio and others. There > is nothing wrong with helping others and setting expectations. I don't > understand why that would be a problem. Clarity is better than > misunderstanding. In this specific case, I think it was a misunderstanding on your side. Lucio mentioned a problem and asked for solutions. You understood it as a bug report that was not obviously flagged as a bug report. Lucio clearly stated in the last mail that he didn't ask for anything. He was merely asking about some problem he had. In my opinion that's a big difference. Read also this: > It is possible you simply don’t know what you’re doing. If you do not > understand how something is done in 9front or how it works, and can’t figure > out how to resolve the problem using the manual pages, [...] > Regarding my writing style, it is shaped by years of government service and > an M.A. degree. I understand that my style may be unusual. Before posting, I > make an effort to revise my responses for clarity, which can result in longer > messages. We can blame for some word choices as well. I understand that. That's also one of the reasons why my mails are usually so long. Keep in mind though that people here are reading mails because they want to, and they all try to understand them. I'm reminded of a friend who's working for the German government. He was sending out a mail with a spreadsheet to some colleague with the wish to fill it out. That colleague asked back multiple times: first, if that mail was sent to her on purpose and if she's the correct recipient. Second, if she is supposed to fill out that spreadsheet. Third, if she should fill out that one specific column that is described as "please fill out this column". Those people aren't here on this mailing list, but I would totally understand extremely verbose (-v) mails like yours if you managed people like that for many years! I'm glad I don't have a job like that... sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: Clarifying Lucio's Additional Requests [Was: Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9. ]
15.05.2024 16:18:49 Don Bailey : > This thread is perhaps one of the best examples of the bizarre ecosystem that > Plan 9 has evolved (devolved?) into. While I have not always understood Vic's > choices, I was, in the past, aware of his /position/ at certain entities... > and provided him with security information I hoped was relevant to that > position at that time. He has been on the Plan 9 mailing list as long (or > longer?) than I have (pre-2002?) and has always written his emails in the > fashion he writes them currently. I didn't know that he's been here for so long. It's sad that you both perceive the state of the mailing list community as it is. I can also totally see that vic is trying to help. I just see that the help he's providing in the last few months wasn't very helpful, and it also wasn't well perceived by all readers. However, I can also only judge from my perspective, and I'm only here for a few years now. > Frankly, I don't even understand the point in attacking whether he is or is > not "an LLM". He's actually trying to be helpful. Perhaps spending less time > trolling everyone you don't understand (and inaccurately presume to be a > troll), and instead trying to understand how they purport to add value, is a > useful path forward. I personally consider it a valid move to ask a LLM for help writing mails. It's just weird to do that on a mailing list like this. I doubt that vic used an AI or anything (I mean, why would he lie). I can also see one or the other trolling attempt here, and I see only a few different reasons for that: (1) People are tired because they're always reading the same arguments and defending themselves for the 1000th time. It's understandable that somw develop a trolling tone. (2) People have fun trolling other people. In my opinion this belongs into human communication to some extent, but it shouldn't be endorsed and it should only happen in some safe space. On this mailing list, this is sometimes too much. (3) People are trolls. In this case we're out of luck. > There are other companies using Plan 9 in commercial operations/offerings, > but I don't think they care to be a part of whatever this mailing list has > become. (Still interested in learning about them.) Sorry, I can't really perceive "whatever this mailing list has become". I'm not here for too long, and I probably don't see it as critical as you. I should note however that 9fans threads often are either non-existent (the list is very silent), half-dead or total drama (as this giga-thread). Compared to the 9front mailing list, there's almost only constructive work, feedback, steps forward. I also notice that there's barely any software development going on here (almost no patches, no discussion). Is this because the mailing list evolved like that and people don't want to contribute in that environment, or is it the reason why it evolved like that? Funnily enough, the 9fans discord community is very nice, helpful, I can barely see any trolling attempt at all (at least I can't remember anything like that). sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: Clarifying Lucio's Additional Requests [Was: Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9. ]
15.05.2024 17:04:56 Don Bailey : > Yeah that's the thing, the few of us that have been around for 20 years > enjoyed the discussion as much as the engineering. But the discussion was > always around what to/not to do and how to do it. I was probably the biggest > outsider, as my career prior to diving into Plan 9 was classical violin. I > brought an art mindset to an engineering ecosystem and used the opportunity > to learn as much as I could from the Plan 9 guys, who I definitely considered > my engineering heroes (and still do). I'll never forget the side > conversations with jmk about how to go about testing kernel code and him > bringing me "back down to Earth". One of many little encounters that honestly > have made me into a much more refined engineer today. Albeit, with still > quite a ways to grow :-) I always enjoy when people work with the system, and not only "on" it. Having actual users make most sense to me. I mean, it's an operating system. Having users from non-dev side (like sl, who's a writer) is also great. That discussion type you describe is something I can see on the 9front mailing list and the 9fans discord. I really hope 9fans can turn back to that state eventually. > I think it may just be harder for us "old heads" to understand how to fit in > with the modern communication style here. And I don't say this to be fiery or > disrespectful, but a lot of the discussions come off paranoid and > inflammatory while simultaneously accusing everyone *else* of being quite the > same. It's very strange and is a big reason a lot of people have left or just > choose to lurk. That's why I like to end messages with the most neutral smiley I can find. And I also try to read messages that way. Text can be rude, and I often enough find myself reading a text message in a discussion thread like a shakespeare program: arguing, fighting. However, the writer almost never intended to mean that! I also sometimes miss the fidonet messaging style. As far as I could experience it, it was always friendly and constructive. > That said, I have been excited by the developments in the 9front and 9legacy, > etc, groups, even if I don't fully agree with all the decision making. It at > least means people are still interested in building, and that's a good > start... Agreeing is not necessary. There are many topics where we don't have to agree to be a community. For example, I'd like to see libxml in 9front, but the decision makers decided against it. More recently, people wished for fossil to come back to 9front, but the decision makers decided against it. Both have their reasons, and we can always fork off another fork and begin our own distribution, or just have our own local version with our changes. Another example in the opposite direction: many users use various rio versions with theming etc. I don't want that. It's not part of the distribution (with very few exceptions), and it's 100% optional. We don't always have to agree, but as long as we can discuss things in peace and exchange information we can still be a community. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)
18.05.2024 05:33:10 > Dealing with a social issues on this mailing list is akin to standing in a > summer sun, if I deal with them too long I'll become sun burned, and I'll > find myself in need to step out of the sun to reduce the severity of the > pain. If I can stop getting sun burned, my chances of contributing would > improve. I often wonder how many more contributors there might have been if > the environment were different. Fostering a better environment would help > improve the chance for collaboration is what I'm saying. It seems that hiring > someone to help do this for me is a better idea. That way I can step out of > the sun. Makes sense. There's a simple rule on the internet: don't feed the troll. We have a troll here (and if you read other threads or join the 9front communication channels every now and then, you'll quickly notice them). I never tried to change their behavior, because they're adults, and usually that kind of trolling stays within borders and they usually have a point (showing the absurdity of questions, for example). It's important to know what you can ignore and what you can learn from it. I can safely say that I ignore many of those troll mails. I read them, I find the relevant truth, ignore everything else in that mail, then I go on with the next mail in that thread. It's far from a professional environment. On the other hand, most of us do Plan 9 as a hobby. Don't take everything so seriously. In the 9front mailing list some mails are just links to music or funny videos/articles. It's only natural that some of this relaxed behavior spills over to the 9fans mailing list. If you want a true™®© professional environment, just set up a slack. And yes, this is somewhat of a troll (I'm not good at it). > Take care This is very important. Take care. Have a nice day and enjoy the sun from the shadows. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] Simon Tatham puzzle collection (port, wip)
Hello everyone, some of you already know it, but I'm working on a port of the famous Simon Tatham portable puzzle collection to plan 9. The port uses npe to make things easier, as well as libcontrol to draw widgets (for settings, especially). The package includes a routine for installing npe on your system, you can ignore that and just manage the npe installation yourself (see README). Note this is quite an early version and things are missing and buggy. A small list is attached. You can get the collection on shithub ( when it is available again). Please report bugs or - better- send patches. The list with missing features and bugs. Note that I don't know how to play many of the games and I can't guarantee that the unlisted games don't have any bugs. I just tried to play into all of them to find the obvious issues. Ideally someone who knows a game could dig deeper to help fix the issues. - installation: mk install is untested. I tested the $ files. - settings. Some are there, others aren't. Currently only text entry and booleans are supported, and no game seed. - you can get rid of most drawing glitches by pressing the top-left game button - guess: glitches, playable - inertia: unplayable (missing draws) - loopy: crashes (floating point bug) - map: glitches, playable - mines: sometimes crashes (assertion) - net: white screen, unplayable - netslide: glitches, playable - pattern: sometimes hangs (?) - pegs: glitches, playable - signpost: glitches, playable - sixteen: glitches, playable - solo: crashes (bad magic) - towers: glitches, playable - tracks: glitches or unplayable? - twiddle: glitches, playable - undead: smaller visual bugs - nullgame is just a stub. Don't play it. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options:
[9fans] 9atom libxml and more xml stuff
Hello everyone, in the last few weeks I was working on making 9atom's libxml available as a separate bundle for easy installation. I also included xb (a beautifier) into the same package. My goal was to build an xslt processor. However, a few features were completely missing in libxml, most importantly namespace support and xpath. I extended libxml to process namespaces properly (no validation though) and added xpath support as a separate library (because it can become quite big). For xpath, I created a small utility for querying xml data using xpath (xq). Furthermore I have a working (and wip), but very limited xslt processor. Both tools are in a separate repository (xmltools). Libxml and libxpath are available here: Xq and xslt are available here: I hope to extend xpath and xslt to make them work for most use cases, feedback and patches are welcome. Regarding xpath, I hope that the interface won't change at all. If someone could tell me more about the licensing stuff (since libxml is from 9atom/lucent license, but plan 9 was relicensed/MIT), I'm happy to add license files to the repository accordingly. Libxpath, xq and xslt can be considered as MIT, I just didn't add the license files yet. Also, since I'm only working on 9front, please let me know/send a patch if something doesn't work as expected on other plan 9 systems. sirjofri -- 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options: