19.08.2021 12:56:02 k...@a-b.xyz:
Quoth Lucio De Re <lucio.d...@gmail.com>:
What seems to be harped upon by the vocal defenders of 9front,
however, is this fictional idea that there is another community, let's
call them "9legacy", that is attempting to subvert 9front's efforts to
gain some kind of recognition in the bigger picture.
The core 9front contributors and most everyone else who commented
on this situation in 9front's super secret inner circles simply find
it socially awkward that 9front isn't mentioned. Some may read more
of the signal.
Otherwise 9front folks couldn't care less about being recognized by a
website. Nothing would change or improve if that happened. The only
ones who objectively suffer in the current situation is newcomers who
aren't properly informed by a website on the options they have if they
want to run a "Plan 9".
Basically this. P9f just doesn't mention 9front, and that should change
imo, to better reflect the whole Plan 9 ecosystem. The same way p9p
should be mentioned (or is it?)
I personally don't see an issue with 9front and 9legacy continuing to
be their own things. Different people have different ideas for what
they want to make out of their Plan 9 and sometimes their ideas are
simply incompatible.
I'd like to see people communicate and exchange ideas and/or code more
effectively but this will always remain in the hands of individuals
who decide how to socialise and what to work on.
100% my opinion. Don't make a canonical 1P9, just let people explore
their ideas. Like, even 9gridchan had it's own "fork", if you want to
call it like that.
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