Hey Vic,

I followed the other thread and read through your initial mail. Here's my 

I don't think the development of another mainline release or the formation of a 
core team really makes sense. A core team is built around a solid vision and 
the ability (and want) to follow that.

My suggestion is, you just start building your own distribution based on your 
vision and people can join. I just doubt that this will end up being 5e, 
especially because there's nobody who's willing to give it a 5e stamp.

That said, we have "official" plan 9 releases: 4th is "officially" 4th, 9front 
is "officially" 9front, and 9legacy is "officially" 9legacy. It's ok to let 
history be and start building new stuff based on what happened in the past 15 
years instead of building on a state 15 years ago and hoping for a magical 
stamp to give you an "official" branding.

People don't care if they're using an "official" system. People use linux, 
which is not unix. People use 9front, which is not plan 9. Many good things 
started as forks, and that's ok.

Forming a core team is like forcing people into a vision without a base. Maybe 
they'll start, but there's no guarantee. It's more likely they'll just leave 
and that was it.

If you take a look at FreeBSD, they started more or less as something like 
9legacy, and they continued to be 9legacy. They never were "official" 386BSD, 
they even looked for another name, which ended up being "FreeBSD".

I'll write another mail as response to your new mail.


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