13.05.2024 12:12:49 ibrahim via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>:

> On Monday, 13 May 2024, at 11:57 AM, sirjofri wrote:
>> So, you could say, plan 9 from bell labs is the last released version, 4th 
>> edition. The others (9legacy, 9front, ...) are also plan 9, just not plan 9 
>> from bell labs.
> I personally prefer to call my fork based on plan9. I didn't write or invent 
> plan9. Nor is my version a replacement or a continuation of plan9 it is fork 
> based on plan9.

I guess that's the difference in nomenclature. For me, a plan9 system is a 
system in the spirit of plan 9 from bell labs, using the concepts described in 
the papers and implemented in the bellabs sources. Similar to unix, which 
includes all the unices.

For you, plan9 is explicitly plan 9 from bell labs.

I don't think any of those definitions is "wrong" because there's no official 
definition. But I believe that we have to talk about the different systems 
using words. If I think about grouping operating systems based on concepts, we 
have all the doses, all the windowses, all the unices, and then (based on your 
definition) "plan 9 and forks of plan 9".

For me, it's "all plan9 systems", which includes belllabs plan9, 9legacy, 
9front and so on. That's one of the reasons I name 9front "a plan9 system", not 
"the plan9 system", because there are a few different distributions/forks.

> On Monday, 13 May 2024, at 11:57 AM, sirjofri wrote:
>> And if people want just a continuation of the concepts (the concepts which 
>> are commonly understood as "plan 9"), 9front is also one of those 
>> continuations, same as 9legacy or any other fork that tries to live those 
>> concepts.
> As I said before I view 9front as one fork of plan9 and one I'm respecting. 
> You do a good job and people who use your fork surely benefit from your work.

I wish I contributed more. I once tried to get at least one mention per 9front 
release, but that didn't work out.

Again, I think it's just different wording we use for "plan9 (systems)".

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