04.02.2022 17:29:55 ibrahim via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>:

On Friday, 4 February 2022, at 4:30 PM, Kent R. Spillner wrote:
In your experience do students appreciate being told what's best for them? ;)

My platform isn't one for teaching programing its for teaching other subjects like math, electronics, statics and so on. It's neither my goal nor the intention of such a project to teach the students how to realize such a project.

The suggestion that I would include the code so that someone could learn from it is unrealistic. If one of those students get interested in the way I did the whole thing they find the links for the projects I used as a basement.

Well, I personally would like to see how you made a kiosk app like that using a Plan 9 system. It's not that I want to see what you used as a base, but I want to see how you combined all that.

So there is a benefit of releasing some parts of the source somewhere at least, if not inside the software, maybe somewhere else.

Neither operating system development nor programming in C for plan9 are subjects of my platform and so there is no benefit for my students having the sources. If someone gets interested he/she can use the links for the used open source projects and become fans of whatever they like. Perhaps some will get motivated by using such a system to invest the necessary time and effort. I don't hide what I used so they can become enthusiasts if they want to. But this platform doesn't need accompanied sources nor will the students have direct access to a shell or the tools everything is hidden behind a simple kiosk app which has no other goal beside being the "envelop" for the real information meant to be taught.


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