29.01.2022 15:08:11 ibrahim via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>:
The system part regarding Freebsd and X11 can be reduced by using plan9
dramatically. My own software has a few MB. In the plan9 distribution I
will use a new image format based on horizontal scanlines using 256
colors. This has an acceptable quality is faster to render and the size
of the image files will shrink to about 25%.
I'm interested in that image format. Btw in my experience it's often very
small to take an extremely simple image format that can compress well and
store it in a compressed format, decompress on demand.
This is btw what farbfeld is meant for: very simple format with good
enough color depth, easily compressible to sizes smaller than png. It's
literally just uint16 rgba per pixel in horizontal lines. I haven't
really looked at plan 9 image format and how it compares, but I assume
the result would be very similar.
(Btw I should have uploaded some converters for farbfeld for 9 somewhere)
Also, while thinking about it, I think the plan 9 images support
different color palettes and stuff like that?
In general, I agree with a kiosk solution that doesn't need public
sources, however I encourage you to split your content and the software.
Content can easily be on a common fileserver and mounted into /lib or
wherever, while you can certainly benefit from other people being able to
read your code and contribute improvements and fixes. They don't need all
the content for that and sample files can be enough.
Maybe try to compare your system with how /sys/doc is set up: it contains
the important papers. Imagine on a linux system you'd have all papers
about all systems! It would be huge and nobody would read it.
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