On 21/08/24 13:22, Kwankyu Lee wrote:
On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9:42:42 AM UTC+9 John H Palmieri wrote:

    ... maybe we should consider distributing all of the documentation
    pre-built as a tarball, not just some png files. (I have resisted
    this in the past, but I am changing my mind.) Packages that are
    necessary to build the documentation could be "optional," or there
    could be a new type for them. The standard "make" would use the
    pre-built tarball, while another "make" target could build the
    documentation from scratch. This could make the build process faster
    with fewer associated standard packages.

Good idea. Though we have the dichotomy that installing sage from source is for developers and installing prebuilt sage is for non-developer users, it is not a bad idea for a non-developer user to install sage from source. For such users, installing pre-built doc, which is platform-independent, would save much time.

Alternatively, the standard "make" would first attempt to download the pre-built tarball (from github release assets), and rebuild the doc only if downloading fails or sagelib is modified (which would entail installing all "optional" packages necessary for doc build).

I used to provide pre-built doc for sage-on-gentoo. I stopped when I started to move to modular sage packages (sage_conf, sage_setup,...).
I think it totally make sense.

However developers and people that work on the documentation are still left with having to use the unpalatable stuff. Is playwright any better than jmol? Well it is easier to install and possibly better maintained but it is still a big blob of binary goo. In fact, I suspect it will turn out to be a bigger blob. My jmol install is clocking at 91.7MB and my chrome install is 298MB. Now having the plot looking exactly like what you will typically produce instead of being similar is a big plus.


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