On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 7:07:54 PM UTC+9 Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:

There are tons of png files in the "3d Graphics" section of the 
It would be quite a burden to maintain this manually. 

Meanwhile I looked into the responsible code and studied how Jmol/Tachyon 
is used in rendering images from 3d graphics via sphinx_plot() via ".. 

As generating these images is already automated, I would not advocate for 
switching to a manual way. Moreover, I now see that the automated way helps 
in keeping the documentation source small (while compiling the 
documentation takes longer).

I just want to note that maintaining png files is no burden once added 
(either manually or in bulk using playwright) as the documentation rarely 

The drawback of Jmol-generated png files is that they do not exactly 
correspond to what the user gets on his/her screen in a Jupyter notebook 
with the default viewer (threejs). 

I agree. Manually-generated images have the same benefit :-)

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