On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9:42:42 AM UTC+9 John H Palmieri wrote:

... maybe we should consider distributing all of the documentation 
pre-built as a tarball, not just some png files. (I have resisted this in 
the past, but I am changing my mind.) Packages that are necessary to build 
the documentation could be "optional," or there could be a new type for 
them. The standard "make" would use the pre-built tarball, while another 
"make" target could build the documentation from scratch. This could make 
the build process faster with fewer associated standard packages.

Good idea. Though we have the dichotomy that installing sage from source is 
for developers and installing prebuilt sage is for non-developer users, it 
is not a bad idea for a non-developer user to install sage from source. For 
such users, installing pre-built doc, which is platform-independent, would 
save much time.

Alternatively, the standard "make" would first attempt to download the 
pre-built tarball (from github release assets), and rebuild the doc only if 
downloading fails or sagelib is modified (which would entail installing all 
"optional" packages necessary for doc build).

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