Le mardi 20 août 2024 à 08:46:32 UTC+2, Kwankyu Lee a écrit :

As far as I remember from the discussion in 
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/33513, saving 3d graphics to png 
files is already possible from the menu "Save as PNG". 

Indeed, this works well from the threejs menu, but this has to be done 

For inclusion of 3d graphics as png files to our pdf documentation, one may 
do it manually by including the png files into the documentation.

There are tons of png files in the "3d Graphics" section of the 
It would be quite a burden to maintain this manually. 

If taking screenshots from 3d graphics automatically for pdf documentation 
is the only reason to consider playwright, 

Note that this regards not only the pdf documentation (hardly used I 
guess...) but also the online html documentation, as posted at
Currently, Jmol is used to automatically generate the numerous png files 
involved in this documentation. The drawback of Jmol-generated png files is 
that they do not exactly correspond to what the user gets on his/her screen 
in a Jupyter notebook with the default viewer (threejs). So having an 
automated way to generate png from threejs would be very nice!


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