I think the clash is much more basic than that.

It is developers versus users.  Users who hoped to do (some) mathematics
with a computer.

So far, it seems to me most discussions are developer-centric, Marc being
among the exceptions giving another POV.


On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 at 21:15, dmo...@deductivepress.ca <
dmor...@deductivepress.ca> wrote:

> It appears to me that we are seeing a culture clash here.  I think what
> Marc says is correct in regard to mac users, but, for all I know, it may be
> less (or not at all) true about linux users.
> In particular, I am pretty sure that the vast majority of mac users have
> never built a program from source, and do not know what "homebrew" or
> "package manager" means.  A mac user expects to download either a
> ready-to-use application or a ".pkg" installer file that just needs to be
> double-clicked.  Many, probably most, are fearful of doing anything at the
> command line (and don't understand it).  As Marc said, expecting the
> typical mac user to build sage from source is adding a huge obstacle.
> On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 2:07:32 PM UTC-4 Marc Culler wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 12:35 PM Dima Pasechnik <dim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  what if you have a version mismatch between the toolchain used to
>>> build the shipped binary,
>>> and XCode you installed locally? I'd expect trouble, in particular with
>>> C++.
>> When I tested the %%cython magic command I was running a beta version of
>> macOS 15 with XCode 16.1 beta, while the SageMath app was built on macOS 14
>> with XCode 16.0.  The python function that I used was trivial - it just
>> multiplied the argument by 2.0 and returned the product.  But it worked
>> fine.  I don't know if it is possible to force C++ to be used with the
>> %%cython magic command.
>>  The C and C++ runtimes are distributed with the operating system, and so
>> far we have not seen problems arising from users having a different
>> operating system version from the one used to build the app.
>> it's only if you are on a bad platform to begin with.
>> It is not really about which platform(s) I am on, it is about which
>> platform a Sage user is on.  I don't think that telling users that they
>> chose to install a bad operating system is likely to encourage people to
>> use Sage.

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