On Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 12:36:02 UTC-7 GMS wrote:

I think the clash is much more basic than that.

It is developers versus users.  Users who hoped to do (some) mathematics 
with a computer.

So far, it seems to me most discussions are developer-centric, Marc being 
among the exceptions giving another POV.

well, the list is called "sage-devel". I definitely appreciate Marc's 
perspective and it is a useful one to add to the mix, because there are 
definitely different compromises in the linux and OSX ecosystems.

I'm pretty sure that previously people did have problems with running 
cython successfully on installed-from-binary sage on linux platforms. Note 
that having a functional cython is not just important for having "%%cython" 
work. It's also relevant for third party extensions such as 
https://github.com/nbruin/RiemannTheta. So I think that presently 
installing sage from binary *without* a C toolchain is producing a hobbled 
install. It may be a reasonable compromise for people who don't need it, 
but the design of sagemath (and one of its strengths!) does require the 
ability to seamlessly move from python to cython. And this is not just a 
user/developer divide.

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