I'll second these suggestions and throw in the Schlumpf counterpart to the
Metropolis/Patterson: http://www.schlumpf.ch/hp/schlumpf/antriebe_engl.htm
And, in case there is was any confusion, the S2 Duomatic kickshift doesn't
have a coaster brake, the S2C does.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Montclair BobbyB <
montclairbob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are also 2-speed options (that don't require cold-setting or
> chain-tensioners):
> - Sturmey Archer makes the 2-speed S2 Duomatic Kickshift hub with 120mm
> spacing... and provides direct drive in 1st gear and a +38% 2nd gear - This
> costs about $75 and comes in coaster or non-coaster, and 32/36 hole
> configurations.  (I have one of these waiting to be laced up)...
> - FSA makes the Metropolis Patterson 2-speed internal geared crankset.
>  This provides direct drive in 1st gear (28 tooth chainring) and a +57% 2nd
> gear (44 tooth chainring equivalent).  It is a full crankset and includes
> the bottom bracket.  It fits a standard 168mm BB shell.  (I have this on my
> SimpleOne and love it... to me it never stops feeling like a single speed;
> but I have an expanded range of terrain I can now ride without dismounting)
> Ah, so many options...  but in the end, there's nothing like the
> simplicity of a single speed *(he said as he pondered further.. hmmm...
> what would it be like to combine the Duomatic with the Patterson???  hmmmmm
> mbwaahhh!!!)*
> On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:53:00 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Actually I can see that a hub gear either fixed or free makes sense,
>> given the dropouts. I guess that cosmic voice that is continually buzzing
>> in my head is having at least small second thoughts. But I can't see
>> putting a derailleur, front or rear, on it.
>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Larry Powers <lapow...@hotmail.com>wrote:
>>> I too fall in the camp of why?  This is a great single speed bike why
>>> change it?  My answer would be sell it and buy a bike designed to be multi
>>> speed.
>>> Larry "don't mess with my QB" Powers
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 19:47:11 -0800
>>> From: mkernan...@gmail.com
>>> To: rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com
>>> Subject: [RBW] Options for making a Quickbeam a multi speed
>>> Hey group,  I know a QB is an intended SS,   BUT.. if you were
>>> contemplating making it an ON THE SADDLE, multi speed,   and not an off the
>>> bike dingle,     what are some options/ideas?    Thank you in advance!!
>>> -Mike
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>> --
>> -------------------------
>> Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
>> For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW
>> http://resumespecialties.com/**index.html<http://resumespecialties.com/index.html>
>> -------------------------
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