on 11/20/10 6:36 AM, rb at ron...@projectblu.com wrote:

> I completely agree re Riv moving towards bikes being built for riders
> of 190lbs and up.  At 165 lbs, I felt my (former) Saluki was just on
> the verge of too heavily built, not re the actual weight of it, but of
> a slightly thudding ride.  A lighter tubed frame has much more
> resilience and "pickup" for me (eg my old superlight 531 roadbike, my
> Columbus SL road bike from the 70s etc.  And my new ride built from
> light non OS tubing as well.

That may be an imprecise comparison.  Was the 531/SL bicycle rigged with a
similar wheel setup? I've found that different wheelsets and even different
tire sizes can make a considerable difference with the responsiveness of any

Jim Edgar

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"My nighttime attitude is anyone can run you down and get away with it.
That's why I don't even own a bike light or one of those godawful reflective
suits.  Because if you've put yourself in a position where someone has to
see you in order for you to be safe...you've already blown it."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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