> I thought a big part of the "introduction" was to the rules, brevet cards, 
> controles,
> basically everything that differentiates randonneuring from centuries or
> other long rides.

One (of many no doubt) thing I will never understand about my fellow
human beings is why they want to take something as exhilaratingly free
as riding a bike and tie it down with rules, cards, controles.  Don't
we get enough of this every where else we turn?

I realize I am in a clear and decided minority on this point!

On Jul 14, 3:36 pm, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 13:10 -0700, Anne Paulson wrote:
> > I see. SFR is putting on a nice 75 mile bike ride for people who feel
> > like riding a beautiful 75 mile bike ride. Nothing wrong with that,
> > and undoubtedly the people who ride this will have an great time. I
> > hope everyone on this list who participates will enjoy themselves; I
> > know I would if I rode it. But what is the point of "introduc[ing]
> > riders to the sport of randonneuring" if they are not targeting riders
> > who would actually be interested in randonneuring? Lee says it's a
> > kind of recruitment event, and I say if it were longer, it would be
> > better for recruiting.
> Maybe, but aren't populaires traditionally 100km?  I thought a big part
> of the "introduction" was to the rules, brevet cards, controles,
> basically everything that differentiates randonneuring from centuries or
> other long rides.

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