Hi Ray. The populaire is a social ride meant to introduce people to
randonneuring. You just have to complete the route, making the
checkpoints within the given times. Folks new to the concept learn
about brevet cards and controls, route finding, and in some cases,
learning how to deal with mechanicals on the fly. Overall, this ride
is not meant to be a huge challenge to experienced distance cyclists.
It's kind of a recruitment event to find folks who may be interested
in joining the longer brevets.


On Jul 13, 8:57 am, Ray Shine <r.sh...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Please forgive my general ignorance about randoneuring (heck, I'm not even
> certain how to pronoun it!) but what is the objective?  Is it to finish each 
> leg
> or segment in a given time frame?  To find your own way without pavement
> arrows?  
> I have ridden this same route on my own a kazillion times and can't see why 
> they
> allow 7.5 hours to finish it.  What am I not getting?
> thank you for all Rando 101 info.
> Ray
> ________________________________
> From: CycloFiend <cyclofi...@earthlink.net>
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 8:43:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: SFRandonneurs "Fall" Populaire - July 17th
> on 7/12/10 10:28 PM, RonLau at ron...@ronlau.com wrote:
> > Reminder to all Bay Area folks, this coming Sat. is the ride, hope to
> > see you folks out there.
> This is a wonderful event with a great group of riders - more info here:
> http://sfrandonneurs.org/fall-2010-115k-populaire.htm
> No charge for the event, but you do need to register.  As far as
> fenders/lights - like Mike said, not a requirement. The SF Bay area _is_ the
> queen of the microclimates, though most of this route is pretty temperate.
> unfortunately, it looks like my morning is booked - hopefully I can get free
> in time to see some of you folks on the return leg.
> Ride safe, have fun!
> - Jim
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
> Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -http://www.cyclofiend.com
> Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> --
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