on 7/14/10 1:36 PM, Steve Palincsar at palin...@his.com wrote:
> Maybe, but aren't populaires traditionally 100km?  I thought a big part
> of the "introduction" was to the rules, brevet cards, controles,
> basically everything that differentiates randonneuring from centuries or
> other long rides.

Yes. Traditionally, they are.  The specific geography of the region,
combined with the SF Randonneurs club wanting to begin/end at the
"traditional" location of the GG Bridge, as well as a logical turn around
spot that wasn't just a mile marker led them to ride to Pt. Reyes Station.
IIRC, there was some discussion about that decision on the SFR List.

I don't recall if they had to request a variance, or if there is a hard and
fast rule of 100K. 

- JIm

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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    Mahatma Gandhi

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