* Nico Schottelius via Postfix-users:

> As mentioned before, I/we can volunteer to building the image(s) and
> rebuilding them on a new release, if the added workload is a concern.

Why do I get the feeling that you promote the idea of an "official"
container image and your role in it because you would like to elbow in
on the ecosystem? People have told you repeatedly that Postfix does not
need to run in a container. If you want to do it anyway, just go ahead
at your leisure. Offer the image for public access and see if people
actually take you up on it. You don't need an official mandate for that.
Seeking that label smells like a marketing ploy to me. Speaking of,
who actually wants, let alone needs, what you are peddling? The response
here has been underwhelming.

> What is much more important is that there are not dozen of "somebody did
> something" and it is an untrusted image that you cannot rely on [...]

And why would anybody trust your image over others, specifically? Let
there be dozens of voices. Personally, if I need a container image with
an embedded Postfix, I'll roll my own anyway. In fact, I have done so,
and it was a special snowflake. No "official" image would have covered
my particular requirements. Also, people were right, turns out that
Postfix runs not one iota better with the added container layer. Postfix
instances also don't need to scale like some microservices might, in
particular those with public-facing IP addresses.

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