
Marvin Renich via Postfix-users <> writes:
> [...] 
>> - Rerun a docker build & docker push as soon as the underlying OS's
>>   update their package repository
>> - Update the Dockerfile once the depending operating system updates
>>   their image (i.e. The debian based postfix image could have been based
>>   on 12.7 and the included postfix version was 3.7.11. Now Debian bumps
>>   to 12.8 and the included postfix version is 3.7.20. Then the postfix
>>   Dockerfile would change "FROM debian:12.7" to "FROM debian:12.8" and
>>   the resulting image tag would change from postfix:3.7.11-debian12.7
>>   to postfix:3.7.20-debian12.8.
> I don't understand why you think either of these approaches should be
> done by postfix devs.

Because the purpose of the container is to run postfix. Not Debian w/
postfix nor alpine with Postfix. Maybe postfix *based* on Debian or
postfix on Alpine, because we have a slight preference over one or the
other, but the main purpose is "run postfix".

In the container world you usually run applications, not Linux
distributions. Btw, dovecot *does* actually have an official image on [0].

As mentioned before, I/we can volunteer to building the image(s) and
rebuilding them on a new release, if the added workload is a concern.
Personally I think the work associated with it is minusucle.

What is much more important is that there are not dozen of "somebody did
something" and it is an untrusted image that you cannot rely on, because
a typical flow in the container world is:

I have application A in version 1. Now version 2 is released, I want to
upgrade. I don't care which OS it has been before nor now, as long as
the interface stays the same, I can easily just switch the version
number in a manifest and trigger a release upgrade of all associated




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