Good evening Bill,

Bill Cole via Postfix-users <> writes:

> On 2024-10-15 at 22:43:51 UTC-0400 (Wed, 16 Oct 2024 11:43:51 +0900)
> Nico Schottelius via Postfix-users <>
> is rumored to have said:
>  how do you currently run postfix in containers?
> I don't (and neither do most Postfix users) because a robust MTA installation 
> is a terrible fit for a Docker container, as it will include a lot of
> non-Postfix tools and daemon processes and needs to maintain its own internal 
> and external state (e.g. queue state and mailboxes) across restarts
> and crashes.

The motivation from our side is to run postfix in kubernetes.
Queues & co. can be stored in PVCs, those are persist volume claims
allowing to keep state on container restart.

> What problem do you think a Postfix container would solve?

Mainly allowing to maintain postfix instances the same way as the rest
of the infrastructure. As postfix is not the typical "run&crash"
software, the argument for automatic restarts and watchers that are
provided by k8s is not really an argument, it's more the ease and
consistency of deployment.

> If you say "configuration complexity" then you're using containers for a bad 
> reason that
> you will regret. There's no single correct configuration that will
> work everywhere.

>From my perspective there is a signifcant difference between running
something in a container (i.e. docker/docker compose) or running it *as*
a container in something like k8s. The former is usually a good test
bed/development tool, the latter is really helpful for mid to large
scale deployments.

> I do run a couple of very simple Postfix instances inside FreeBSD jails (for 
> aggregating relay for customer through one trustworthy node) but they are
> quite different from Docker containers and are almost
> indistinguishable internally from an installation on bare metal.

FreeBSD jails are nice, a nice, but very different use case.

Maybe a bit more background to understand what we will be doing in the
near future: at the moment we have a couple of postfix instances running
in 2 data centers, configured and managed by cdist - those are mainly
prod/dev + secondary location setups.

For a few years we have started to move our workload into kubernetes
using "gitops" - basically you define your infrastructure within git. In
our case we are using argocd to transfer "defined state" to "deployed

All our k8s clusters are IPv6 only and for regular email
(hint to other thread) this does not work very well with the exchange
towards the IPv4 Internet. For that reason we plan to setup relatively
dumb incoming smarthosts on the border gateways that are dual stack - 4
of them are planned at the moment. Each border gateway is a closed
kubernetes cluster in itself, allowing us to reuse the same primitives
as everywhere else.

The actual mail storing and retrieval will be handled inside the larger
k8s clusters with the help of dovecot and likely using postgresql
backends which are easily distributed in k8s.

So long story short, each mx instance will be a container, in total we
have planned 8 of them (4 edge nodes, 4 inside the clusters) and for
that we can use our home brewed containers, but I think that others would
also profit from official postfix containers that can just be
trustworthily downloaded and used.



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