On Fri, Oct 18, 2024, at 09:31, Bill Cole via Postfix-users wrote:
> I suspect that this thread has already taken more time & effort than it would 
> take for one sysadmin with k8s expertise to build a working Postfix container 
> for their own use. I'm sure that it has taken more time than just building up 
> a standalone VM with a working Postfix deployment.

Indeed. There are already excellent well-supported postfix containers out 
there; I've used one [1] myself in my homelab (before switching to a 
smaller/lighter container MTA).

And if OP really, really wants to manage a full Postfix environment with 
Kubernetes, there's always kube-virt :). [2]

[1]: https://github.com/bokysan/docker-postfix
[2]: https://kubevirt.io/

Harald Koch
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