On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 11:40:04AM -0800, Chris Ochs wrote:

> I am playing around with Erserver, but the download has to be updated from
> cvs or it won't even compile (corrupted file in the distribution).  It

Fixing this has been on my TODO list for several weeks now, but it
keeps failing to make it to the top.  (Fortunately, at work vacations
are more or less all done, and we've hired another person, so I may
actually have some time soon to do something about this.)

> appears to me at first glance that it is not actively being worked on,

It certainly is.  There's a mailing list where you can follow

> The Erserver I downloaded is free, although I was confused also because I
> found that same page that said it was $1000.  I'm still not sure if the
> erserver I downloaded is the only version, or if there is a commercial
> version?

There's a commercial version as well.  It shares some of, but not all
of, the code.


Andrew Sullivan  
It never occurred to them that, if everyone had to think outside the box, 
maybe it was the box that needed fixing.  
                --Malcom Gladwell

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