I used to have that complaint until I got more aquainted with the docs.
When I used to use mysql I found that if I used search feature on their docs
I could find exactly what I was looking for almost immediately. When I use
the postgres doc search feature I don't get the same experience. It is
Our doc search sucks. No question... there has been some work recently on it but it doesn't seem to be that reliable. So you have us on that one.
Joshua D. Drake
slow, sometimes doesn't work and rarely gives me what I am looking for. Then I just started using google to search the docs and realized that just looking at the TOC is usually good enough and that the postgres docs are actually excellent. My bad experience with search, as well as the good experience with mysql search (do other people feel this way) however led me initially to conclude that the postgres docs were not as good.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match
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