> >I used to have that complaint until I got more aquainted with the docs.
> >When I used to use mysql I found that if I used search feature on their
> >I could find exactly what I was looking for almost immediately.  When I
> >the postgres doc search feature I don't get the same experience.  It is
> >
> >
> Our doc search sucks. No question... there has been some work recently on
> but it doesn't seem to be that reliable. So you have us on that one.

Uh, I don't have one on you the mysql team does.  I haven't used mysql in
over a year and don't intend to again (at least not for any app I write
myself at leaset).  I assume that the mysql website is just using the mysql
full text search.  Having used the mysql full text search it does not
surprise me that the search on their website search is so good.  I always
asummed (read hoped) that the postgres full text search was just as good.  I
hope the bad website search is not a reflection of the quality of the full
text search in postgres.

Does anyone have any experience with postgers full text search?

Perhaps someone could get two birds with one stone and make a good full text
search engine for postgres (how hard could it be if mysql has such a good
one :-)  ) and use it to index the postgres docs.

Of course maybe mysql.com uses some other proprietery seach.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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