[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Joshua D. Drake") writes:
>>BTW, I've asked this before but where are the 7.4 docs in PS or PDF format?  If
> They are being worked on ;)
>>any one needs or wants them, I do have the 7.3.2-US books (admin, user,
>>programmer & reference) in PS with the duplexing code.  They all fit nicely in a
>>3" ring binder and will compliment any bookshelf  :)

Quick question that popped up when chatting with a friend that's
considering using PG...

The PDF documentation set didn't seem to have _valid_ links from
indices/table-of-contents to the 'destinations.'  I don't recall
offhand; might this be that he grabbed something a bit old-and-broken?
Or have there been troubles with this with the DocBook tools?
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="libertyrms.info" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Christopher Browne
(416) 646 3304 x124 (land)

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