Quoting Martin Marques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Oh, please! I have never seen such a better community then this one (well,
> some
> exceptions come to mind right now, but it's still within the best).
> I have personally found GREAT replys from the developers (Tom Lane comes to
> mind, saving me lots of time in some ocations), and users of this list.
> Don't missunderstand me. Everyone (including me) some times makes responces
> in a
> bit of a hard manner, but I think you have to see the whole picture, and not
> a
> par of snapshots.
> P.D.: BTW, RTFM is very good. You can learn alot from them. ;-)
This thread is getting long and out in never-never land. I have RTFM. In fact,
many times. As a matter of practice I subscribe long before I post. I RTFM, I
google, attempted to search the docs and lists, ...  

My comments come from my experiences and others. Yes, Tom Lane has wonderful
advice and help. 

I do not mean to call the PG baby ugly (as I fear some people have taken it), I
only mean to point out some areas (as others have in this thread) that could be
improved upon that would greatly enhance PG. 

Imagine this: more users, more installations, more (selective) development
fingers. Not all users are rocket scientists, but the video game rule applies
to many: if I can't get it going in X (user preference) minutes then it isn't
worth the trouble. Should PG be limited to only those who are hard core DB
users? If so, I don't think PG will take off as fast.

OK, I am done.

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      subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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