Quoting "Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> Replication exists in multiple manners for PostgreSQL. There is Mammoth 
> replicator (our product),
> ErServer (pgsql.com's product), dbmirror, Rserv, and pgCluster.

What I meant was integrated replication. When adding more layers to the database
there is yet one more possible mechanism for failure at some point. I don't
know about you, but Murphy always bites me in the butt. In addition, I found
your product VERY interesting, but it kinda puts me off that it is starting at
$1000. PG is free, MySQL is not (for my purposes) and costs ~$500 with
everything in one tried and true package.

> >
> MySQL has what 19 million in the bank?

 I only point out what the userbase is feeling. I have never been attacked as an
idiot when using MySQL - I have always had helpful responses instead of "RTFM"
as I have seen and experienced here (and with qmail). To many people starting
the decision making process one looks at the type of support and how the group
makes you feel. You don't risk the company or project on potential hostility.

> >  
> >
> This is very true. Perception is the key.

Again, I point out, PERCEPTION is the key. This can be done regardless of the
cash stash in the bank. 

> Sincerely,
> Joshua D. Drake

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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