Terry Lee Tucker wrote:

We are in the process of porting a logistics application to Postgres from a Progress Software database. We have about 75 employees and will be putting Postgres to work in a real time business situation where there are lots of transactions. Once we are successful in this endeavor, how can we get stories like that out to people who would care to know? I know this is a small business project, but will it help to advertise that the "little" guys are in the trenches doing this kind of thing?

Absolutely. If you have a case study you can point over to pgsql-advocacy.


Joshua D. Drake

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 11:32 am, Bob Powell wrote:

To whom it may concern:

I find the recent articles in various trade publications a little
disturbing due to the lack of PostgrSQL mention.  I continue to see
articles about how IBM may be considering MYSQL for development an
open_source web database.

Why isn't PostgreSQL being considered or talked about by major industry
giants?  As a DBA I know that Postgres is far superior to MYSQL but if
the industry directs it's energies towards open-source database this
coming year I think somehow PostgreSQL needs to be represented better.

Bob Powell

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