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Re: [Open Babel] Problem in converting a PDB file to MOL2
Stefano Forli
Re: [Open Babel] Problem in converting a PDB file to MOL2
Alexandre Fassio
Re: [Open Babel] Problem in converting a PDB file to MOL2
Alexandre Fassio
Re: [Open Babel] Problem in converting a PDB file to MOL2
Stefano Forli
Re: [Open Babel] Problem in converting a PDB file to MOL2
Alexandre Fassio
[Open Babel] error compiling openbabel
Osvaldo Martin
Re: [Open Babel] error compiling openbabel
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] HELP about -k option
[Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case
Filip Stefaniak
Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case
Maciek Wójcikowski
Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case
Filip Stefaniak
Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case
Maciek Wójcikowski
Re: [Open Babel] splitting molecule file - the hard case
Filip Stefaniak
[Open Babel] Flagging Potential Aggregators
Chris Swain
[Open Babel] why forcefielduff correct angles when calculate energy?
Re: [Open Babel] why forcefielduff correct angles when calculate energy?
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] why forcefielduff correct angles when calculate energy?
[Open Babel] Results from Fastsearch
Chris Swain
[Open Babel] Fast Search Indexing Not Working
Wallace Chan
Re: [Open Babel] Fast Search Indexing Not Working
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Fast Search Indexing Not Working
Wallace Chan
Re: [Open Babel] Fast Search Indexing Not Working
Fredrik Wallner
Re: [Open Babel] Fast Search Indexing Not Working
Wallace Chan
[Open Babel] use align in pybel
Yun Ding
[Open Babel] use align in pybel
Torsten Sachse
[Open Babel] 'Canonicalizing'
Nathan Pimental
Re: [Open Babel] 'Canonicalizing'
Andrew Dalke
Re: [Open Babel] 'Canonicalizing'
Nathan Pimental
[Open Babel] 3D sdf file generation fails
Kai Bittermann
[Open Babel] Endless run for a particular SMILES
Sebastien Moretti
Re: [Open Babel] Endless run for a particular SMILES
Jeff Janes
Re: [Open Babel] Endless run for a particular SMILES
Geoffrey Hutchison
[Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Matthew Baumgartner
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Andrew Dalke
Re: [Open Babel] Generating all-by-all Tanimoto similarity scores in Microsoft GUI
Matthew Baumgartner
[Open Babel] error instaling
Inês Ferreira
Re: [Open Babel] error instaling
Torsten Sachse
[Open Babel] UFF fails to reproduce correct dihedral angle for biphenyl
Charlie M
Re: [Open Babel] Small bug: Single atom xyz to gro results in segmentation fault
Torsten Sachse
[Open Babel] Small bug: Single atom xyz to gro results in segmentation fault
Eric Smoll
[Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Pranav Thakur
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Nathan Pimental
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Pranav Thakur
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Vikas Gupta
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Pranav Thakur
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Nathan Pimental
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Charlie M
Re: [Open Babel] Error while using OBDotNet dll
Pradeep Kumar Verma
[Open Babel] Pybel descriptors
Stefano Forli
[Open Babel] Determination of partial charges - no difference between force fields?
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] Determination of partial charges - no difference between force fields?
Andreas Kempe
Re: [Open Babel] Determination of partial charges - no difference between force fields?
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] Determination of partial charges - no difference between force fields?
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] how to copy a ligand into a new OBMol (Yun Ding)
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] how to copy a ligand into a new OBMol (Yun Ding)
Yun Ding
Re: [Open Babel] how to copy a ligand into a new OBMol (Yun Ding)
Torsten Sachse
[Open Babel] Regarding Query in ISMILE
Vikram Gharge
Re: [Open Babel] Regarding Query in ISMILE
Pascal Muller
[Open Babel] how to copy a ligand into a new OBMol
Yun Ding
[Open Babel] ligand conformation search
Re: [Open Babel] ligand conformation search
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] ligand conformation search
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] ligand conformation search
Torsten Sachse
[Open Babel] error in using Convert() function to generate fastsearch index file (C++ code)
[Open Babel] different result between using Tanimoto() function through C++ API and using babel program in command line
Re: [Open Babel] different result between using Tanimoto() function through C++ API and using babel program in command line
Jeff Janes
Re: [Open Babel] different result between using Tanimoto() function through C++ API and using babel program in command line
Jeff Janes
Re: [Open Babel] different result between using Tanimoto() function through C++ API and using babel program in command line
[Open Babel] Segmentation fault whenever call function OBRotor::CalcTorsion(coor)
Xinqiang Ding
[Open Babel] Scent Of A Woman People Wall Decals
[Open Babel] multiple structures CIF file
Éric Germaneau
Re: [Open Babel] multiple structures CIF file
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] multiple structures CIF file
Éric Germaneau
[Open Babel] Elephant Great Day Animal Wall Decals
Re: [Open Babel] Regarding to installation
[Open Babel] Segmentation fault
Mezei, Mihaly
Re: [Open Babel] Segmentation fault
Geoffrey Hutchison
[Open Babel] Wild Rose Look Like Butterfly Flower Wall Decals
[Open Babel] I Feel Beautiful Life With Music Modern Wall Decals
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
R. K. Belew
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
R. K. Belew
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
David Hall
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
Torsten Sachse
Re: [Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt? (R. K. Belew)
R. K. Belew
[Open Babel] pybel.write() produces truncated pdbqt?
R. K. Belew
[Open Babel] Blossom Vines and Flying Birds Flower Wall Decals
[Open Babel] Plane Mini Fly To The Sky Modern Wall Decals
[Open Babel] HBA1 calculation and L5 filtering in babel program
Re: [Open Babel] [Avogadro-Discuss] Question about CAS numbers
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] [Avogadro-Discuss] Question about CAS numbers
Craig James
Re: [Open Babel] Intramolecular Hydrogen bond detection
[Open Babel] approved.sdf
Fabian Glaser
[Open Babel] atom types force field
Osvaldo Martin
Re: [Open Babel] atom types force field
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] atom types force field
Osvaldo Martin
[Open Babel] Atom types depend on the input file format
Nicolas Cheron
Re: [Open Babel] Atom types depend on the input file format
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] Atom types depend on the input file format
Nicolas Cheron
[Open Babel] Build problems on CentOS cluster
Eric Smoll
Re: [Open Babel] Build problems on CentOS cluster
Jeff Janes
[Open Babel] Partial charge on OSX system
Guoyi Li
Re: [Open Babel] Partial charge on OSX system
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] Partial charge on OSX system
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] Partial charge on OSX system
David Hall
[Open Babel] dll-files
Magnus Norrby
Re: [Open Babel] dll-files
Igor Filippov
[Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Re: [Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Matthew Baumgartner
Re: [Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Dmitri Maziuk
Re: [Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Matthew Baumgartner
Re: [Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Craig James
Re: [Open Babel] Multiple files conversion
Dmitri Maziuk
[Open Babel] GAFF in Open Babel
Nicolas Cheron
Re: [Open Babel] GAFF in Open Babel
David van der Spoel
Re: [Open Babel] GAFF in Open Babel
Nicolas Cheron
Re: [Open Babel] GAFF in Open Babel
David van der Spoel
Re: [Open Babel] GAFF in Open Babel
Geoffrey Hutchison
[Open Babel] Can't initialize function 'match_substruct'; The second argument is null when to execute match_substruct() function in mychem.0.9.2
Re: [Open Babel] Can't initialize function 'match_substruct'; The second argument is null when to execute match_substruct() function in mychem.0.9.2
Fredrik Wallner
[Open Babel] Python Bindings
michael tro
Re: [Open Babel] Python Bindings
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] Does a identical molecule has the same fingerprint when generating fingerprint FP2 from two dataset ?
Re: [Open Babel] Does a identical molecule has the same fingerprint when generating fingerprint FP2 from two dataset ?
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Does a identical molecule has the same fingerprint when generating fingerprint FP2 from two dataset ?
Re: [Open Babel] Does a identical molecule has the same fingerprint when generating fingerprint FP2 from two dataset ?
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Does a identical molecule has the same fingerprint when generating fingerprint FP2 from two dataset ?
[Open Babel] generating SMARTS from mol2 files
Per Jr. Greisen
Re: [Open Babel] generating SMARTS from mol2 files
Stefano Forli
[Open Babel] Python SWIG interface - Memory Leak in the OBRotor object
Henrique M. Cezar
[Open Babel] SDF to PDB; CONECT issue
John Degenstein
Re: [Open Babel] SDF to PDB; CONECT issue
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] regarding obfit and babel
Per Jr. Greisen
[Open Babel] openbabel-python-1.8.py27.exe, No Python installation found in the registry
Jean-Marc Nuzillard
Re: [Open Babel] openbabel-python-1.8.py27.exe, No Python installation found in the registry
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] OpenBabel-discuss Digest, Vol 109, Issue 2
Re: [Open Babel] OpenBabel-discuss Digest, Vol 109, Issue 2
[Open Babel] Cannot convert file : babel runs indefinitely
Achira Maloo
[Open Babel] CUDA experience ?
[Open Babel] Necessary steps before minimization
Адель Хафизова
[Open Babel] Not reading CHG from mol file
Ellen Swann
[Open Babel] obabel -L conformer
Eric Smoll
Re: [Open Babel] obabel -L conformer
Pascal Muller
Re: [Open Babel] obabel -L conformer
Maciek Wójcikowski
[Open Babel] Getting atoms which i can feed to SetTorsion
Re: [Open Babel] Getting atoms which i can feed to SetTorsion
[Open Babel] How to deal with more than one large database for similarity search and substructure search
Re: [Open Babel] How to deal with more than one large database for similarity search and substructure search
Pascal Muller
Re: [Open Babel] How to deal with more than one large database for similarity search and substructure search
Re: [Open Babel] How to deal with more than one large database for similarity search and substructure search
Jeff Janes
Re: [Open Babel] How to deal with more than one large database for similarity search and substructure search
[Open Babel] Compiling on Cygwin
Re: [Open Babel] Compiling on Cygwin
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] pybel calcfp() mismatch?
R. K. Belew
Re: [Open Babel] pybel calcfp() mismatch?
Andrew Dalke
Re: [Open Babel] pybel calcfp() mismatch?
Re: [Open Babel] pybel calcfp() mismatch?
Andrew Dalke
Re: [Open Babel] pybel calcfp() mismatch?
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] compile error of C++ program (listed in the openbabel web site) using the openbabel library
Re: [Open Babel] compile error of C++ program (listed in the openbabel web site) using the openbabel library
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Re: [Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Re: [Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Pascal Muller
Re: [Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Re: [Open Babel] Identifying functional groups in a molecule using OpenBabel
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] perl api
Geoffrey Wood
Re: [Open Babel] perl api
Geoffrey Hutchison
Re: [Open Babel] perl api
Geoffrey Wood
Re: [Open Babel] perl api
Noel O'Boyle
[Open Babel] Fwd: perl api
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] perl api
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] perl api
Geoffrey Wood
[Open Babel] Fwd: perl api
Geoffrey Wood
[Open Babel] Fwd: perl api
Geoffrey Wood
[Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file
Hitesh Patel
Re: [Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file
Maciek Wójcikowski
Re: [Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file
Hitesh Patel
Re: [Open Babel] access all properties from mol2 file
Maciek Wójcikowski
[Open Babel] SegFault while adding hydrogens (Python)
Stefano Forli
Re: [Open Babel] SegFault while adding hydrogens (Python)
Dimitri Maziuk
Re: [Open Babel] SegFault while adding hydrogens (Python)
Stefano Forli
Re: [Open Babel] SegFault while adding hydrogens (Python)
Dimitri Maziuk
Re: [Open Babel] SegFault while adding hydrogens (Python)
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] PLIP - An Open Babel related project (Nathan Pimental)
Chris Swain
[Open Babel] Compressed pybel.Outputfile output
Matthew Lardy
Re: [Open Babel] Compressed pybel.Outputfile output
Stefano Forli
Re: [Open Babel] Compressed pybel.Outputfile output
Matthew Lardy
Re: [Open Babel] Compressed pybel.Outputfile output
Maciek Wójcikowski
[Open Babel] PLIP - An Open Babel related project
Sebastian Salentin
Re: [Open Babel] PLIP - An Open Babel related project
Nathan Pimental
[Open Babel] obenergy on variable/list
Gulzar Singh
Re: [Open Babel] pybel question
Noel O'Boyle
Re: [Open Babel] pybel question
Juan Pablo Arcón
[Open Babel] Creating a molecule from scratch (Python)
Stefano Forli
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