Hi, I'm having a few problems in creating molecules from scratch in Python (see attached code) My code creates a molecule by creating atoms from coordinates, elements and bonds.The main issue is that I get different atom types than I would get by parsing a simple PDB created with same coordinates and elements (but no bonds).
Is there any other step to do other than BeginModify()/EndModify() to be applied to the molecule to achieve the same results I would get by reading a file?
Thanks! S -- Stefano Forli, PhD Staff Scientist Molecular Graphics Laboratory Dept. of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, MB-112F The Scripps Research Institute 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037-1000, USA. tel: +1 (858)784-2055 fax: +1 (858)784-2860 email: fo...@scripps.edu http://www.scripps.edu/~forli/
obmol = ob.OBMol() obmol.BeginModify() for chain in chainList: cId = chain.getChid() for res in chain obres = obmol.NewResidue() obres.SetName(res.name ) obres.SetNum( res.num ) obres.SetChain(cId) for atom in res.atoms: obatom = obmol.NewAtom() obatom.SetAtomicNum( atom.atomicNum ) obres.AddAtom(obatom) obatom.SetResidue(obres) obres.SetAtomID(obatom, atom.name ) coords = atom.coords vec = ob.vector3() vec.SetX(coords[0]) vec.SetY(coords[1]) vec.SetZ(coords[2]) obatom.SetVector(vec) for i,j in bonds[1]: bondOrder = bondOrderList['%d,%d'%(i,j)] obmol.AddBond(i, j, bondOrder) obmol.SetTitle(title) obmol.EndModify(True)
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