Hi Torsten,

You are correct about copying the bonds; they should be *manually **deep

For the atom types, since only a residue of the molecule is copied in my
case, the *begin_atom_idx *and* end_atom_idx *should start from 1, 2 ... in
the new molecule.
For each atom index from the source molecule, I subtract them by an offset,
which is the 'smallest atom index in the residue minus 1'.

This black magic seems to work! I print the residue into mol2 format, and
the atom types are exactly the same as what they are as in a whole complex.
Since mol2 format uses the bonds to determine the SYBYL atom type, if the
atom type maintains, the bonds should also have been maintained.

The trick assumes that the indices of the atoms in the residue are

Below is the code:
- - -
 unsigned int FindSmallestIndex(OBMol &mol,
                                char selected_chain,
                                string selected_resn,
                                unsigned int selected_res_num)
   OBAtom *atom;
   OBResidue *res;
   vector<unsigned int> indices;

   FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {

     res = atom->GetResidue(true);
     string resn = res->GetName();
     unsigned int res_num = res->GetNum();
     char chain = res->GetChain();

     if ((resn == selected_resn)
         && (res_num == selected_res_num)
         && (chain == selected_chain)) {
   assert(indices.size() > 0);
   return *min_element(indices.begin(), indices.end());

 OBMol CopySelected(OBMol &mol,
                    char selected_chain,
                    string selected_resn,
                    unsigned int selected_res_num)

   unsigned int starting_idx = FindSmallestIndex(mol, selected_chain,
selected_resn, selected_res_num) - 1;

   OBMol copied;
   OBAtom * atom;
   OBResidue *res;

   FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
     res = atom->GetResidue(true);

     string resn = res->GetName();
     unsigned int res_num = res->GetNum();
     char chain = res->GetChain();

     if ((resn == selected_resn)
         && (res_num == selected_res_num)
         && (chain == selected_chain)) {


       for (auto bond_itr = atom->BeginBonds(); bond_itr !=
atom->EndBonds(); bond_itr++) {

         unsigned int begin_atom_idx = (*bond_itr)->GetBeginAtomIdx();
         unsigned int end_atom_idx = (*bond_itr)->GetEndAtomIdx();
         unsigned int bo = (*bond_itr)->GetBondOrder();
         unsigned int flag = (*bond_itr)->GetFlags();

         // *black magic here*
         copied.AddBond(begin_atom_idx - starting_idx, end_atom_idx -
starting_idx, bo, flag, -1);

   return copied;

- - -



On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Torsten Sachse <torsten.sac...@uni-jena.de>

> Hi Eric,
> some time ago, I wrote a method to append one molecule to another. You
> might be
> able to adapt that method by creating an empty molecule and adding the
> atoms and
> bonds you want to it. At the beginning, I had the same problems with bonds
> and
> atom types not being correct but it's working now, at least printing out
> the
> internal file format shows perfect agreement.
> I did not manage to copy the bonds directly as you try right now. This is
> probably because the bond directly points to the atoms (i.e., the data
> structure) it connects, but since you're creating new atoms (new instances
> of
> the type OBAtom) you'd be re-creating an already existing bond instead of
> creating a new bond between those newly created atoms which messes up the
> bond-order and the likes since the atoms the bond points to are not part
> of your
> new molecule.
> Here's the source after changing some bits to better fit your use case (not
> tested directly but should work, please excuse typos):
> void OBMol::AppendMolecule(const OBMol &source)
> {
>     OBMol &src = (OBMol &)source;
>     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;
>     vector<OBBond*>::iterator j;
>     OBAtom *atom, *a;
>     OBBond *bond;
>     unsigned int at_count=1;
>     unsigned int begin_atom_idx, end_atom_idx, order, flags;
>     _vatom.reserve(src.NumAtoms());
>     _atomIds.reserve(src.NumAtoms());
>     _vbond.reserve(src.NumBonds());
>     _bondIds.reserve(src.NumBonds());
>     for (atom = src.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = src.NextAtom(i))
>     {
>         AddAtom(*atom,true);
>         a=GetAtom(at_count);
>         a->Duplicate(atom);
>         ++at_count;
>     }
>     for (bond = src.BeginBond(j);bond;bond = src.NextBond(j))
>     {
>         begin_atom_idx=bond->GetBeginAtomIdx();
>         end_atom_idx=bond->GetEndAtomIdx();
>         order=bond->GetBondOrder();
>         flags=bond->GetFlags();
>         AddBond(begin_atom_idx, end_atom_idx, order, flags, -1);
>     }
> }
> Again, you'd be using this by creating an empty molecule and adding all the
> atoms and bond in the residue to your empty molecule by calling the above
> method
> (or some variant of it). The important bit probably is the lower for-loop
> that
> copies the bonds over by using each atom's Idx, the proper bond-order and
> flags.
> You probably have to adjust the each atom's Idx properly since the
> original Idx
> might not be the same as in your new molecule.
> Hope this helps,
> Torsten
> PS: Sorry if it's the wrong name, I was a bit confused by your saying
> "Eric" in
> combination with your email address.
> Dear all,
>> I want to create a new OBMol object for the ligand within a protein-ligand
>> complex.
>> The atoms can be copied successfully, but I have some trouble with the
>> bonds.
>> Since the residue name (ATP for example), residue number and chain id of
>> the ligand are known, I iterate all the atoms of the complex and insert
>> the
>> selected ones into a new OBMol.
>> Codes:
>> - - -
>> void CopySelected(OBMol& new_mol, OBMol select_from, char selected_chain,
>> string selected_resn, unsigned int selected_res_num)
>> {
>>   OBAtom *atom;
>>   OBResidue *res;
>>   FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, select_from) {
>>     res = atom->GetResidue(true);
>>     string resn = res->GetName();
>>     int res_num = res->GetNum();
>>     char chain = res->GetChain();
>>     if ((resn == selected_resn)
>>         && (res_num == selected_res_num)
>>         && (chain == selected_chain)) {
>>       bool is_success = new_mol.InsertAtom((*atom));
>>       for (auto bond_itr = atom->BeginBonds();
>>            bond_itr != atom->EndBonds();
>>            bond_itr++) {
>>         new_mol.AddBond(*(*bond_itr));
>>       }
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> - - -
>> However, when the new molecule is written into sdf or mol2 format, some of
>> the bonds are missing; the atom types are incorrect in mol2 file.
>> Is there any established method to create a new molecule from part of the
>> existing one while maintaining *all *the information? How can I improve my
>> function here?
>>  Thanks!
>> Eric


Department of Physics and Astronomy
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001
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