> Per questo OSI sta lavorando a una Open Source AI Definition: > https://opensource.org/deepdive/drafts/the-open-source-ai-definition-draft-v-0-0-8
Il 22 agosto u.s. è stata pubblicata la versione 0.0.9: https://opensource.org/deepdive/drafts/open-source-ai-definition-draft-v-0-0-9 - Data information: Sufficiently detailed information about the data used to train the system, so that a skilled person can recreate a substantially equivalent system using the same or similar data. [Data information shall be made available with licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition.] (aggiunto) - Code: The source code used to train and run the system [, made available with OSI-approved licenses]. (aggiunto) - Model: The model parameters. (eliminato) - Weights: The model weights and parameters, made available under OSI-approved terms (aggiunto) A.