If he only uses a default route then his outbound routing won’t have anything 
to do with what destinations are closer, etc


> On Oct 21, 2018, at 7:39 AM, Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:
> I guess first thing's first...  you aren't doing anything to force the 
> traffic that way, are you?
> If you've got IPv6 deployed, chances are that no Google will be coming over 
> that Cogent.  :-)
> CAIDA says Cogent is bigger.
> http://as-rank.caida.org/asns/174/as-core
> http://as-rank.caida.org/asns/6939/as-core
> Being an eyeball network, what's going to impact that kind of usage the most 
> is where the next up connections to Netflix, Google, Akamai, Cloudflare, etc. 
> are located. If they're closer via HE than Cogent, that's where your traffic 
> will come from.
> Looking at your network specifically, Netflix isn't on either IX that you're 
> on, so that HE traffic very well could be a majority Netflix.
> What do your netflows say?
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP
> From: "Baldur Norddahl" <baldur.nordd...@gmail.com>
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2018 3:20:12 AM
> Subject: Re: Whats going on at Cogent
> Is he.net smaller than Cogent? Over the past 24 hours we had 6.7 Gbps peak 
> from our HE link and 336 Mbps peak from our Cogent link. This is inbound 
> traffic. We are eyeballs and our outbound is a small fraction of our inbound.
> Regards.
> Baldur
>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 4:17 PM Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>> We have been very happy with HE. It was a no brainer over cogent. They are 
>> smaller (so are we). When there are issues they are real fast to fix them, 
>> you also get the personal touch which you don't get with others.
>>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 10:10 AM, Eric Dugas <edu...@unknowndevice.ca> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I don't really get the Cogent/Google peering issues. I've been hearing this 
>>> for years... How about fixing it already? Telling customer to get other 
>>> transit providers to get to a given network is really bad.
>>> On a side note, HE is still HE but they're trying really hard to be a good 
>>> netcitizen. They've finally pushed filtering for peers: 
>>> http://routing.he.net. I wouldn't get transit from them, but in some 
>>> markets, they're the only affordable IP transit providers.
>>> On Oct 16 2018, at 10:04 am, DaKnOb <daknob....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> When I call and mention it I’m told that it’s HE’s fault (despite the 
>>> lovely cake), but when I also bring Google, then they tell me to get a 
>>> different provider just for this traffic, or meet them at an IX and send my 
>>> traffic from there.
>>> About the staff rotation I’ve seen it too, and I’ve also seen an increase 
>>> in salespeople calling, for example when an AS is registered etc. in 
>>> addition to the normal calls..
>>> On 16 Oct 2018, at 16:54, Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>>> They call me every few months. the last time they emailed me I said I 
>>> wasn't interested because of the HE issue. I have yet to get another 
>>> email.......
>>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:29 AM, Ca By <cb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 5:16 AM David Hubbard 
>>> <dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
>>> Have had the same sales rep for several years now; unfortunately he has no 
>>> ability to fix their IPv6 peering issue so we’re slowly removing circuits, 
>>> but otherwise for a handful of 10gig DIA circuits it’s been stable.
>>> Yep, this.  Whenever Cogent calls, this is what i tell them. Black-holing 
>>> HE and Google ipv6 traffic, which is what they do if i use a default route 
>>> from them, is dead on arrival.  Shows they make bad decisions and dont put 
>>> the customer first, or even create such an illusion. 
>>> From: NANOG <nanog-boun...@nanog.org> on behalf of Ryan Gelobter 
>>> <rya...@atwgpc.net>
>>> Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 6:04 AM
>>> To: NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>
>>> Subject: Whats going on at Cogent
>>> Anyone else seen terrible support and high turnover of sales/account people 
>>> at Cogent the last few months? Is there something going on over there 
>>> internally? I'm sure some people will say Cogent has always been crap but 
>>> in the past their account reps and support were pretty good. It seems to 
>>> have gone downhill the last 12 months really bad.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ryan

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