On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 06:55:47PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2001-05-10 13:29:17 -0400, adam morley wrote:
> >so currently, the mime type of my message is text/plain. i want
> >to change this to text/plain; format=flowed for each outgoing mail
> >message. i didn't see this in the muttrc file or manual. thanks.
> You could update to the latest CVS version. It has some support for
> text/plain; format=flowed built into it. (Mutt now even makes use
> of the features for this format when, e.g., replying to messages.)
really? thats cool.
> However, you'll also need an editor which supports editing messages
> in that format - that is, adds spaces whereever necessary, be it in
not if you never space crlf.
> the end of a line when it wraps, or in the beginning of lines where
that is not required by rfc 2646, it is a should statment. and it is there for
non-flow aware mail readers. we avoid this when not wrapping and using fixed, as it
aint flowed text.
> you have a ">" character or the word "From ".
this is an issue
> I have created a mode for jed which does all this (probably it still
> has a couple of bugs); you can try this, too.
never used jed. too many editors already.
> --
> Thomas Roessler http://log.does-not-exist.org/
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